A Debt Paid (5 page)

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Authors: Joslyn Black

BOOK: A Debt Paid
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Chapter 7

The ride to her parents was quick
and quiet, both not knowing what to say to
the other. As they pulled up into her
parents’ circular driveway, Anya broke the
silence first.

“Please, don’t bring up or hint about
my father’s debt and what’s going on
between us. My mother would blame
herself, and I don’t want her doing that.”

He reached out to caress her face.
“Don’t worry, love, I’ll be the perfect
fiancé.” He grinned widely.

Calix got out and went to open her
door, but, being the headstrong woman she
was, Anya didn’t wait for him to do so. So
they walked up the slate stone pathway
side by side. The house was gorgeous; it
looked like a Buckingham model home. Its
front was a combination of multi-colored
stone and stucco, and they had a three-car
garage. By the looks of it, the house had to
be at least ten thousand square feet if not
more. Looking at it, Calix knew the Senator
was living way beyond his means. On
average, Senators made maybe two
hundred thousand a year. This house had
to worth well over one million. Calix knew
that the Senator must not only be
barrowing money, but also had to
somehow be siphoning cash from his
campaigns or some other place, or maybe
he just got a lot of kickbacks.

Calix smiled to himself, knowing
what his plans were for the Senator and
knowing that he more than deserved them.
Anya wanted her mother away from her
father. He knew Richards would never
willingly allow her mother to leave, so he
was going to use some very persuasive
tactics. Calix walked with his hand on the
small of Anya’s back, needing to touch her
in some way.

Arriving at the front door, Anya
drew in a deep breath and blew it out
slowly before she knocked. Her mother
was the one who answered the door, and
she smiled brightly when she saw Calix.
She stepped to the side and stretched her
arm out to welcome and invite them in.

“Welcome, Calix, it’s nice to meet
you. I’m Carol. Please, come in. Dinner is
ready, so we can just go straight into the
dining room. And, thank you for the
beautiful flowers you sent to me.”

He smiled brightly at Anya’s mother
just oozing with charm. There was no
doubt in Anya’s mind that he defiantly
knew how to work people. His hand still
rested possessively on her lower back,
refusing to move no matter how she
shifted. His voice was smooth as silk as he

“It was just a small token to say
thank you for inviting me to your lovely
home for dinner.”

When they entered into the dining
room, Richards was already there and
seated. He didn’t even bother to get up and
welcome Calix. He was still pissed at how
they both dismissed him this morning, like
he was some sort of peon or flunky.

Conversation during dinner was
stilted. It was mostly Anya’s mom asking
questions, and Calix answering her.
Richards only harrumphed every now and
again. Anya spoke when she was
addressed, but, other than that, she stuck to
eating her dinner. Her mother had gone all
out tonight: Caesar salads, spinach
artichoke dip with toasted sourdough
bread points, and braised beef roast with
baby red potatoes and butter sautéed
asparagus spears. It was all extremely
delicious. Anya ate vigorously. After all of
her encounters with Calix today, she
needed the sustenance.

When dinner was over, Carol
suggested that they adjourn to the sitting
room to enjoy some after dinner coffee and

As they were all pretending to eat
the cake in silence, Calix decided to give
Anya her ring. He was actually nervous
about whether she would like it or not; a
first for him. Calix set his plate down on the
table next to him. He turned toward Anya,
who was sitting next to him on the settee.

“Now, I know when you agreed to
marry me,” he left out the fact that he
hadn’t actually ask her, and that she had no
other option but to say yes, “I didn’t have a
ring for you; however, I want to correct
that oversight.” He pulled out the ring box
from his pocket and opened it for her. The
beautiful ring that sat in the black velvet
box took Anya’s breath away, and she sat
there frozen, just looking at the dazzling
ring in front of her. Calix lifted the ring
from the box and went to put it on her

“I had to guess on your finger size. If
it doesn’t fit, we’ll have it resized.”

He slid the ring on her finger, and it
was a perfect fit. She held her hand out in
front of her to look at how it sat on her
finger. Her perfectly shaped brows lifted,
and her cool blue eyes sparkled; she was in
awe. She turned to Calix surprisingly

“This is so beautiful.” Her voice was
warm and soft as she spoke.

“I designed it just for you; I wanted
to make sure it had blue gems to match
your eyes that I love so much.” He was
happy that she loved the ring. It was the
most expensive piece of jewelry he had
ever bought for a woman, as it should be.
Between the flawless six carat diamond,
the two blue topaz gems, custom setting in
platinum, and the extra fees for a rush job
he dropped a cool forty-eight grand. But,
Anya was more than worth it; he’d spend
double that if it put that look in her eyes
each time she saw it.

“Let me see, let me see,” Carol
excitedly cried, clapping her hands

Anya stretched her hand out, so her
mother could get a better look at her ring.
Her father slightly leaned forward to see, as
well, and his jaw dropped open when he
saw the size of the diamond and the two
blue topaz gems. He made an estimate in
his head.
With a diamond that big and no
doubt flawless with those two blue gems,
Calix had to have spent at least thirty
thousand dollars.

“Oh, Anya,” Carol crooned “It’s so
beautiful. Calix, you did such a wonderful
job in your design.”

He turned to face Anya again. “I had
a beautiful inspiration.”

Their eyes met, and, for a minute,
they were locked in their own little world.
Anya didn’t want to understand what she
saw in his eyes. She didn’t understand how
a man could have two different
personalities at the same time, a true Dr.
Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Her feelings of
confusion intensified. She was starting to
feel things she didn’t want to feel and
shouldn’t feel, considering how and why
she was marrying him. Calix broke their
gaze first. Anya’s eyes fluttered rapidly as
she came back to the here and now. He
turned his attention back to Anya’s mother.

“We’ve set the wedding date for
next month on the tenth. We know it’s
soon, but my mother leaves for Italy in a
few weeks, so we wanted to have it before
her trip. Though, I’m not all together sure
she’s still going. One of her friends was
supposed to travel with her, but she fell
and broke her ankle. My mother hates
traveling alone.”

Carol inhaled quickly, placing a
delicate hand over her heart. “Oh, how
awful for your mother’s friend. I hope it
was a simple break, and she doesn’t need
pins or anything. I had a friend back in
school that broke her ankle so badly I think
she not only needed pins but also a plate. I
hope your mother doesn’t cancel her trip,
though. Italy is so beautiful, and I’ve always
wanted to go.” She looked off to the side,
staring at nothing, almost like she was
picturing it in her head.

This was the exact ‘in’ Calix was
waiting for. “If you don’t have plans, why
don’t you go as my mother’s companion?
The tickets are already paid for. We would
only need to change the name on the

Calix let his bait dangle there for a
minute. Anya turned to look at him, her
face showed how completely flabbergasted
she was by his out of the blue suggestion;
why would he suggest such a thing their
mothers hadn’t even met. She tried to hide
the look of surprise on her face. Then he
turned and winked at her. What could his
wink mean? She thought for a moment,
then it came to her. His wedding present to
her; he was getting her mom away from
her dad. He must have miss understood
her, though, because she wanted her
mother away from her father permanently
not just for a few weeks.

Carol became excited and hopeful,
and she smiled brightly at his suggestion.
Her eyes shined with excitement, and she
was nodding her head in approval. “Really?
I’d love to.” Carol turned to her left to get
her husband’s view on the matter. By the
look on his face, you could tell he was less
than pleased. He was eyeing Calix
suspiciously; his brows were bunched
together, and his lips were thin and
pressed together tightly. When Carol saw
Tomas’s face, her excitement vanished. She
knew that look, and it basically meant he
was not happy, and his answer was hell no
to whatever was being talked about.

Richards cleared his throat and
smoothed out his face before speaking. “I
don’t know if that’s a good idea, Carol. We
have lots of campaigning ahead, and you
should be here for that; showing that we
have a united family.”

Carol was about to say something,
but Calix cut in before she could get a word
out. “I don’t know, I think it would show
more of a unified family by her going. Anya
and I will have just married, we’ll be on our
honeymoon.” Again Anya was taken aback
by what he said. He must have had this
planned for a while to have all this set up.
“It will show that our two families are truly
joining together.”

Richards sat back in his seat and
attempted to relax his body. He smelled a
plot but didn’t understand which angle
Calix was coming from. After all, you don’t
survive in politics if you can’t ferret out the
scams. Resting his hand on his knee, he
returned his focus onto Carol. “Well, it’s not
for a few weeks. We can discuss it more
later on.”

Carol’s once bright smile was now
brittle. She knew her husband well enough
to know that meant his answer was no, he
just didn’t want to be put on the spot in
front of anyone. She turned her head back
to Calix and smiled weakly.

”Thank you for the invitation, Calix.
I’ll let you know my decision soon.”

Richards casually lifted his wrist to
glance at his Rolex. He put his thoughts of
trying to find out Calix’s angle aside.
Putting on his very well-rehearsed
politician’s smile, he focused on the young
couple in front of him.

“Well, I’m going to head up for bed.
We had a late dinner, and it’s past ten now.
I have an early breakfast meeting
tomorrow, so good night you two. Carol, I’ll
see you upstairs.” He rose from his seat
and, not bothering to shake Calix’s hand
again, headed for the stairs, but not before
he gave Calix a very knowing smirk.

Chapter 8

After saying their goodbyes to
Anya’s mother, they got back into Calix’s
grey Lexus and left. During the drive back
to Anya’s apartment, Calix needed to set
certain things straight. He didn’t want to
bring up this morning’s events, fearful that
her mind may take back full control and
lock him out, and he wanted her once more
before they went to bed. He was almost to
her apartment now, so very calmly, as if it
was no big deal, Calix started to inform her
on how he wanted things to go.

“When we get to your apartment,
just pack a small suitcase for the week. We
can come for the rest this weekend. I know
you had mentioned in your terms this
morning that you would like to work. I’m
fine with that until you’re pregnant. Then I
want you to take it easy and not be working
at such a demanding job. I don’t know if
you have many sick or vacation days, but I
want to take you away for our honeymoon.
I was thinking Fiji. Also we have a lot of
appointments coming up because of the
rush of the wedding: dress fittings, cake
tastings, choosing flower arrangements,
bouquets, etc.”

Anya was awfully quiet while he
was talking, so he glanced at her as he
pulled into her apartment’s parking lot. Her
arms were crossed tightly in front of her
chest, her eyes were pinched shut, and it
looked like she might be biting her tongue
or the inside of her cheek to hold back her
anger. He parked and shut the car off
before speaking.

“Anya—” He didn’t get to finish
what he was going to say. The moment the
car was off, she opened her door jumped
out and slammed it shut. “Shit!” He hit his
steering wheel as he cursed. He fumbled
with his seat belt before he was able to get
out of the car and catch up with her. She
was already at her door, hurrying to unlock
it and get inside, no doubt to slam the door
in his face.

“Anya!” he called after her. “Anya!”
He made it in time to reach out and grab
her arm before she was completely inside.
He pulled her up short.

“Don’t run away from me ever,
understand?” Calix snarled. Not wanting to
take the chance of one of her neighbors
watching even a little scene outside her
apartment, he pushed the door open and
walked inside while holding on to Anya’s
arm. When they were both inside, he all but
slammed the door and locked it. He pushed
her up against the wall, entrapping her
within his arms. She was squeezing her
eyes shut again. He grabbed her by her chin
and forced her face up to him. “Open your
eyes Anya. Now!” he demanded. His voice
was brusque, even though he was trying to
hold back. His instinct was telling him to
dominate, punish, force submission, but
there was a small voice telling him to calm
down and to approach her differently.

Anya opened her eyes and glowered
at him. She was trying to hold her tongue.
He had her and her family by the balls, so
pissing him off wasn’t the brightest idea.
But, Anya had never been a shrinking
violet, and when she opened her mouth,
the floodgate on her mad rant burst.

“You must be fucking crazy if you
think I’m just going to yes sir no sir to you.
You obviously don’t know me half as much
as you claim to. I may have to marry you,
and I may have to act as a human incubator
for your spawn.” Calix glowered when he
heard her refer to their soon to be child as
spawn. “But I refuse to be lorded over. I’m
not my mother! You don’t get to decide
everything in my life. I was quiet earlier;
not wanting to risk rocking the boat before
dinner with my mother, but I’m not putting
up with your shit anymore. I am not
moving in with you until I legally have to.
I’m going to enjoy the few short weeks I
have left of my freedom. I am not quitting
my job. I may only be a paralegal, but I’m a
damn good one, and that’s why my boss
depends so heavily on me. So, if you want
to go to cake tastings, do it your damn self.
I don’t want this farce of a wedding. I don’t
give a fuck about the flowers or food, and, if
I really get to pick my dress, I want it to be
solid black to mourn the loss of my life to a
pathetic bastard who has to blackmail me
into marrying him!” She was breathing
heavily now staring up at him after her
loud, angry tirade.

Calix was at a loss for words. He
didn’t know which he was more of: angry
or turned on. She said some things he
understood and some things that just
pissed him the fuck off. But, this was his
tigress, this was the woman who was fierce
enough to stand by his side and be his wife.
This was one of the things he really loved
about her; she may retreat momentarily,
but she would never just roll over and die
no she would fight until her last breath.
There was so much fervor trapped within
her. He took a step closer to her until his
body was pressed against hers, close
enough to exchange their heated breaths.
That little voice that had been telling him to
calm down was now drowned out by the
thundering voice bellowing for him to
assert himself over her. The hand that was
holding her chin slid down to her throat.
Not to squeeze or hurt her in any way, that
was not what he wanted. Calix just wanted
to show his dominance, and to show Anya
he had control whether she liked it or not.
With his hand firmly around her neck, he
leaned in next to her ear. His voice was cold
in his warning.

“Don’t you ever refer to the children
have as spawn again. I may be the
bastard you say I am, but you will never
disrespect me again in public or in private.
You don’t want a wedding? Fine, I’ll cancel
everything, and we’ll go to the courthouse
tomorrow. I told you, one way or another, I
will get what’s mine. I was trying to be
generous, to give you every woman’s
dream wedding, even if I’m not the groom
you wanted. I told you as my wife you
would want for nothing. Obviously, I
shouldn’t have even tried to be so
generous, because all you seem to do is spit
on it. You don’t want to move in with me?
Fine, then I will be staying here. One way or
another, I will have you every night, and
you will sleep in my arms. I waited years
for you.” Her mouth dropped, and her eyes
widened at that remark. “You were too
young when we first met, but I still wanted
you. So, I waited for you to grow old
enough for me to have you. But, you
refused me, so, yes, I took what I wanted
any way I had to. It wasn’t just your beauty
and body I wanted, no, I loved your spirit,
your tenacity. You are a tigress, fierce and
strong. I saw the fierceness you had in your
eyes, and I knew only you would be the
woman strong enough to be my wife. The
one woman I not only needed but wanted.”

Anya’s breathing was labored; she
couldn’t believe the admission he had just
made. When he moved his head back away
from her ear to look at her, she saw it. He
wasn’t lying, he had truly wanted and
waited years for her. There was no way to
fake the intense emotion she saw glowing
in his eyes when she looked at him. Is this
why he went to the extreme? Why he was
aggressively chasing her down? Could he
actually have real feelings for her and this
wasn’t just some weird and twisted way of
getting what he was denied? Men always
wanted what they couldn’t have and saw it
as a challenge to get it. She’d thought that
was the reason why this was all happening.
Does it make a difference if he truly cared
for her? Should it make a difference? She
didn’t want to know why a part of her was
wondrously enthralled that he would go so
far because he truly cared for and wanted
her that badly. Tapping into those thoughts
may tap into others that she didn’t want to
think about. Though the majority of her
thoughts kept telling her that may have
been his reasoning, it didn’t give him
immunity from the acts he had committed.

Anya’s eyes kept moving, searching
all over his face, looking for some tell, tell
sign that he was making this up and lying.
She saw none, but as he was pressed up
against her, she felt his hardened cock
pressed to her belly. Calix was aroused
again, but what was he aroused from? Was
it her spirit from the ranting she gave him
just now, or was it because he had her by
the throat and was completely in control? If
the first, she would admit to being slightly
turned on herself. If it was the latter, then
her married life with him was going to be
very rocky, because Anya had no intention
of being subservient to her husband as her
mother was.

Calix broke their gaze and looked
down to her lips and then back to her eyes.
Anya could tell he wanted her that very
minute, but he seemed to be restraining
himself. It was like earlier this evening
when he’d kissed her, he wanted her to
allow him, wanted her to willingly

She knew she shouldn’t. The voice in
Anya’s head was screaming for her not to
encourage this type of behavior, but she
turned a deaf ear to that voice and listened
to the wanting of her body. She reached up
to his hand that was at her neck and pulled.
He let her pull his hand down to her hip.
Anya wrapped her arms around his neck
and stretched up on her tippy toes to place
a soft timid kiss on his lips. Calix froze; he
actually froze for a brief moment. Shocked
that after her rant and his reply that she
would kiss him. That she would actually
initiate a kiss. Though Calix had frozen, it
only took him a couple of seconds to snap
out of it and respond to her. He wrapped
his arms around her and lifted her up to
kiss him.

Calix lifted Anya up against the wall
now. Her legs circled around his waist. He
started to rhythmically rub his cock, which
remained trapped in his pants, against her
heated womanly core. She had her hands
entangled in his hair, pulling on it every so
often. His level of arousal was reaching its
peak. Calix needed more; he needed to be
buried inside her. He broke their kiss and
lowered her back onto her legs. For a tiny
moment, Anya was confused, but then she
saw that he had lowered her so he could
take off the leggings she was wearing
under her sweater dress along with her
shoes. He was so excited he just threw her
stuff over his shoulder, not caring where
they landed.

With his chore done, Calix
straightened back up, undid his zipper, and
freed his pulsating cock. He lifted her up
again and pressed her back against the
wall. Anya instinctually wrapped her legs
around him in response. He placed himself
at her glistening wet slit and pushed up
into her. “Yesss, Anya,” he moaned his
voice muffled as he had his face buried in
the crook of her neck. She actually flinched
as he entered her body. She was sore, but
the soreness was soon forgotten as the
pleasure from him steadfastly pushing
himself into her again and again took over.
Calix wasn’t going slowly, but he wasn’t
slamming into her either. She could tell he
was restricting himself, because he knew
she was sore. Anya saw that he had noticed
her flinch as he plunged into her. That was
the reason her fiancé was holding back.

Calix wanted to be more vigorous
and more aggressive. Every so often he
started to move faster, but then he would
remember her soreness and would squeeze
his arms tight around her, or he’d bite
down on her neck or the tops of her
breasts. Then, he would slow down and
ease up.

The strange thought that he was
being sweet and tender passed through
Anya’s mind. Calix was of a selfish nature
and though he wanted more, he was
denying what he wanted so as to not cause
Anya discomfort. At this very moment,
though, she felt no discomfort; she only felt
the tight friction of sensation building up
inside her. He was very different from this
morning when he took what he wanted.
But then she thought of how he must have
taken her terms: he’d told her he had
waited years for her. To have all that
caring, wanting, yearning, and craving pent
up and held at bay for years, only to see the
object of your affection recoil at the very
thought of being touched by you. She saw
his side then; she understood why what
happened this morning happened. But just
because she understood didn’t make what
he did acceptable, even though he’d
apologize after, and he did seem
remorseful when he cleaned her. She knew
a man of his stature and power must not
apologize often, so his doing so was

“Ahhh, Anya.” His mangled groan
brought her thoughts back. Calix still had
his head buried in her neck, breathing hot
and heavy against her skin. She could feel
the tension building in is his body. Calix’s
movements were more rigid and awkward;
he must be close to his release. And, for
some strange reason that she didn’t want
to think too hard about right then, Anya
wanted him to have all his pleasure. She
tightened her hold on his hair and pulled
his face out from her neck, so she could see
him. His breathing was really labored, and
a light sheen of sweat dotted on his
forehead. When their eyes finally met, her
voice was low and husky. “Faster,” she

Calix’s eyes widen slightly in
surprise at hearing her request. He was so
close, and she felt so good. He didn’t want
to hurt her, but he wasn’t going to deny her
request, especially when it was something
he wanted as well. He pushed her harder
against the wall for more support and
lowered his hands from her hips to the
cheeks of her ass and let himself go. He
pounded up into her over and over again.
She started to feel her own quickening
response. She was going to come. They
were going to come together.

Her orgasm hit her hard and fast.
She lowered her face into his shoulder to
try and muffle her wails. Hearing her moan
with pleasure at her climax and knowing
that she had actually initiated this coupling
doubled his arousal, and her tight warm
wet cunt was the best thing he’d ever felt in
his life. As she came, he thrust once, twice,
and on the third thrust he achieved his own

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