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Authors: Joslyn Black

A Debt Paid (4 page)

BOOK: A Debt Paid
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“My mother got your flowers. She
didn’t understand what Monday stood for,
and I didn’t want her finding out, so I told
her the first thing I thought of. I told her it
was a friend thanking her for the invite I
gave them for dinner on Monday. She’s
fussed around all weekend, because I’ve
never brought anyone home. So, please join
me at my parents’ house for dinner, and if
can’t make it, send a note of apology. If she
thought this was fake for a minute or found
out I was doing this for her, it would break
her.” Her face was emotionless with eyes
that were dead as she spoke; the sparkle of
heat and passion he had seen in them was

“I’d be happy to join you all for
dinner,” he said softly.

Anya didn’t bother with a goodbye.
She just turned to leave, and he let her. He
knew she needed to wrap her head around
the new life she had waiting for her.

Chapter 5

Once Anya was fully ensconced in
her car, the floodgates opened, and she
sobbed inconsolably. She’d arrived with a
game plan that she was going to get some
control. Instead, she lost it and her
virginity. She still didn’t know how to feel
about what happened. Whether they were
getting married or not; he had forced
himself on her, which was wrong and
painful. Then somehow it felt so good she
even had an orgasm. Wasn’t it wrong to feel
enjoyment in that situation? Did it make
her sick for enjoying it in the end? Similar
questions continued to assail her.

He’d been right; she hated herself
right now for having enjoyed it. He’d also
used no protection, and she was in the
middle of her cycle. What if she did get
pregnant from this? What were the odds?
She was so mixed up she didn’t know what
to feel. One minute he was hard and cold,
then he was tender. She couldn’t believe he
had washed her, such an intimate thing to
do, but after he was finished he was cold
again. How could she feel hatred towards
him for what he had done and then feel a
small smidge of wanting for the same

Calix said he was not the one
threatening her mother, so he wasn’t a
total monster. He assured his wedding gift
would be to help get her mother away from
her father, but she was so mixed up with
everything else that happened she forgot to
ask how or when. She needed to leave. She
needed to start her car up and go home,
take a long hot shower, and try to absorb
everything that went on this morning. She
was also going to have to take another
vacation day. After all, there was a wedding
planner to meet tomorrow.


Calix watched Anya walk out of his
office. He didn’t mean to take her the way
he had. Well, he did, but that was when he
thought she was experienced. He’d wanted
a taste of her before their wedding. After
waiting so long, he wanted her to see that
she would enjoy being with him. When
Calix found that she was a virgin, he’d
intended to leave her alone till their
wedding night, but when the reality of her
terms and feelings about him hit him, he
snapped and wanted to hurt her for not
wanting him.

When he had come inside her tight,
warm, wet channel, it was the most
pleasurable feeling he’d ever had in his life.
But, when he saw her virgin’s blood on
himself, he realized what he had just done
and hated himself for taking her out of
anger. She deserved to be romanced with
flowers and candles, not bent over a hard,
cold desk. Calix didn’t understand it; he had
never cared about a woman’s feelings
before, but with her, he wanted her to want
him as badly as he wanted her, and the fact
that she didn’t want him at all got under his
skin in a way that made him want to rip it

He decided then and there that he
would make it up to her on their wedding
night. Whether he could wait till their
wedding night to have her again, he wasn’t
completely sure. Calix’s body grew hard
again just thinking of the next time he’d
take her. He tried shifting his thoughts to
other things to lessen his arousal and
began to check things off in his head;
check, date check, wedding planner check,
pre-nup check, rings, rings?
He’d forgotten
to get the rings. Not a problem, though,
he’d leave early to shop and give her the
ring at dinner tonight in front of her
parents. Perfect plan.


As Anya undressed for her shower,
she felt too drained to stand, so she opted
for a bath instead. She felt a slight sting
between her legs for a brief moment as she
eased herself into the water. After the
initial sting, the warm water felt heavenly.
She closed her eyes and tried to empty her
mind. She didn’t want to think over this
morning’s events any more. She just ended
up more confused when she did. Anya
ended up staying in the bath till the water
got cold and her fingers were pruney. Once
she was out of the tub, still feeling
unbelievably tired, she decided that since
she had the day off and dinner was hours
away she would enjoy a little nap.


As he started to straighten up his
desk to prepare to leave, Calix buzzed his

“Yes, Mr. Anastas.”

“Cancel and reschedule all my
appointments for the rest of the day. I need
to go buy my fiancé a ring.” His voice was
rather exuberant, and he liked the sound of
‘his fiancé’, and soon it would be his wife.
Completely his, untouched by any other
man, she was his and his alone.

“Congratulations, Mr. Anastas. Is it
the beautiful woman who was in earlier,
Miss Richards?”

“Yes.” He smiled as he stood up to
pack the pre-nup and other papers he
would drop of at his attorney’s before he
went ring shopping.

Entering the jewelry store, he was
immediately pounced upon by two sales
clerks. These people could smell money,
like a shark could smell blood. The female
salesclerk, wearing a simple black dress
with a delicate string of pearls, addressed
him first.

“Good afternoon, sir. My name is
Monica. Are you looking for something in
particular today?” she asked with a
pleasant smile.

“Yes, I need an engagement ring and
two wedding bands.”

This time it was the gentleman in
the grey suit that spoke. “Congratulations,
sir. My name is Sean. We have a lovely
selection of bridal rings over here.” He
stretched out his arm to guide Calix toward
the jewelry case in the back. “May I ask if
you had a specific style in mind?” Sean
asked with a stamped on smile and bright
eyes that all salesmen wear in order to
encourage a sale.

“Yes, I’d like the ring to have one
large diamond in the middle with smaller
blue diamonds on either side or encircling
it. If you don’t have blue diamonds, then
blue topaz will do. I’d like it to be set in
either platinum or white gold.”

“Well, that is very specific indeed.
I’m sure we can find just what you’re
looking for, or we can have our master
jeweler set your choice of stones in any
setting,” Monica informed him.

“How long would that take? I need
the ring done before five pm. I don’t care if
there is an added rush charge.” Calix
practically saw the dollar signs flash in
their widened eyes.

They sat him in a chair as they
began to pull out setting after setting; they
showed him different cuts and different
sizes. Calix wanted this ring to be special.
He wanted Anya to know that he bought
this with only her in mind and that he put
great thought into it. When all was said and
done, he ended up with a platinum ring in
an antique setting that had lace work on all
the sides. He chose a six carat, flawless,
princess cut diamond with two three carat
blue topaz gems on either side. Her
wedding band was a solid platinum band
that fit perfectly against her engagement
ring. His wedding band was a simple solid
comfort fit platinum band seven
millimeters wide. Calix had one more thing
added to her rings, each were engraved
with the word ‘Mine’ with a heart next to it.
He didn’t know why he added the heart
other than he just felt he needed to put it
there. They handed him three separate ring
boxes. He opened the one with the
engagement ring, and it sparkled
beautifully; it was perfect.


Ringing, ringing what was ringing?
Anya woke from her nap at the sound of
her phone ringing. Still groggy with sleep
she answered the phone with a voice raspy,

“You sound like you were sleeping.”
That voice woke her up quickly.
“How did you get my number?”

Calix lightly chuckled. “You’re my
fiancé. I know everything that concerns to

She rubbed the sleep from her eyes
with her free hand as she cleared her
throat for a more normal voice. “What do
you want, Calix?”

“I’m calling to tell you I’m on my
way to your apartment. I thought it would
be better if we arrived at your parents’
house together.”

“What? Wait, what time is it?”
“About ten past five.”

“Crap!” She had actually slept half
the day away, and she was still only
wearing her bathrobe. “I’m not dressed. I
was napping.”

“Then I suggest you dress quickly.
I’ll be there in less than ten minutes. If
you’re going to be in the bathroom
changing, leave the front door unlocked for

“But—” Was all she got out before
she heard the dial tone signaling he had
hung up. He had a habit of doing that. She
got off her bed and went to the front door
to unlock it. She hated that she was
basically following orders from him, but
she couldn’t afford to rock the boat, not

She went back to her room to pick
out something to wear. She chose a simple
sweater dress that she could wear with
footless tights and her comfortable ballet
slippers. Outfit laid out and ready, she went
back into her bathroom to try and fix the
mess that was her hair. Falling asleep with
wet hair was not a very good idea. Finally,
after getting the knots out of her hair and
quickly flat ironing it, her hair looked
presentable. It was dinner at her parents,
so she could just leave it down.

Having lived alone for years now it
was a normal habit for her to walk around
and get ready wearing nothing but her bra
and underwear. Knowing Calix was on his
way to her apartment befuddled Anya and
she didn’t think to lock the bathroom door
as she rushed to get ready.. She had just
started to apply her make-up and froze
when she heard his voice.

“That is a sight I’m going to enjoy
seeing every day.” His eyes openly ogled
her body from the top of her head to the
round curve of her ass to her sweet pink
painted toenails.

Anya stopped applying her makeup. She watched him in the mirror. He had
taken his suit jacket off along with his tie.
The top couple of buttons on his shirt were
undone, and she barely got a glimpse of the
dark dusting of hair on his chest. As he
walked slowly up behind her, her eyes
stayed locked with his in the mirror. He
stopped directly behind her, wrapped a
strong hand around her belly and pulled
her against him. He was hard again, and
she could feel it pressing against her. Her
body, being the traitor that it was, started
to respond to his touch and the heat of his
body behind her.


When he pulled her close, he saw
her eyes dilate. Her mind may hate him, but
her body, as he’d observed earlier, now
craved him and what he could make her
feel. Calix pushed her hair to the side and
started placing small kisses down her neck.
He wrapped his other hand around her
breasts and felt her hardened peaks hidden
behind the thin lace of her bra. The hand
that rested on her belly slowly lowered
down to the apex of her thighs. Anya
gasped when Calix slid one finger under the
elastic of her lace panties to feel her. She
was warm, and she was getting wet. No
matter how much her mind wanted to, her
body was now unable to deny him. He
began to rub that sweet, pink pearl of hers.
He wanted her wetter. He wanted to watch
her come.

Chapter 6

As Calix continued to stimulate Anya’s little
bundle of nerves, her breathing quickened,
and on instinct her hips began to move
along with his ministrations. He pulled one
cup of her bra down and started to pinch,
pull, and roll her hardened nipple with his
fingers. Her mind tried to resist, though her
body had surrendered. Then he added
more pressure to the movements on her
clit. The clitoris is basically the only female
body part that its sole use is for sexual
pleasure. And Calix knew by working it
correctly you can bring a woman to a quick
orgasm. Anya’s will power broke, and she
released a moan. Her eyes rolled and then
closed as she started to feel that build up,
the same pressure she’d felt this morning.
She started to pant, and her hands gripped
his slacks. She started making more
uncontrolled noises of pleasure

Calix knew she was close. Her body
was tensing, and she had started mewling
in pleasure, so he quickly stuffed two
fingers inside her heat. She sharply inhaled
at his invasion, but he began to stroke the
inside of her walls, hitting Anya’s g-spot
perfectly. She couldn’t stop him, and it felt
so good that she didn’t want to stop him.

He bent down and whispered
hoarsely in her ear, “Let go, love. I know
you want to come. Let me give you this
pleasure.” When he was done whispering,
he went back to placing kisses on her neck
while he played with her nipple and finger
fucked her. All the sensations were too
much, and she lost control. Anya’s orgasm
exploded like some sort of high explosive
bomb. She threw her head back against his
shoulder and screamed with pleasure, “A
AHA AHH Oh god. Ahhhh, Calix!”

Not giving her a reprieve or time to
think, he picked her up and carried her to
her bed. He toed off his shoes, practically
ripped his pants and boxers off and
climbed on top of her. Calix pushed her legs
open wider to make room for himself. He
grabbed her soaked lace panties and ripped
them right down the middle. Now, with no
barrier in his way, he plunged inside her.
“Ahhhhhh,” she cried out again. Calix was
wound so tight from watching her come
that he was too excited to calm down and
go slow. His pace was fast and demanding,
but he was reassured she was enjoying him
because she would lift her hips up to meet
every one of his strokes. Her hands were
clawing into his back, but he felt no pain;
no, it aroused him more knowing she was
going wild for him, because of him. This is
what he had wanted earlier, to have her
want him and enjoy him.

Calix looked down at her face;
Anya’s eyes were closed. No, he wanted her
eyes open, so she could see who was giving
her this pleasure.

“Open your eyes, Anya,” he grunted,
and she opened them immediately. “I want
you to see me, see that it’s me who makes
your body feel like this. I give you this
pleasure. This,” he slammed into her hard
so she knew what part he was talking
about, “is mine, these beautiful breasts are
mine, and
are mine.” He then grabbed
one of her thighs and raised it up over his
arm, so he could drive in deeper. Their eyes
locked as he pushed harder and faster. “I
want you to come for me. Come on my
cock, love.” He saw her eyes dilate slightly
as he spoke; she must like dirty talk, so he
continued, “Your pussy is so fucking tight.
It feels so good, I’m going to fuck you till
you can’t walk.” Then he broke their eye
contact when an animalistic urge to mark
her came over him, so he leaned down and
bit her hard on her neck. That did it; that
little bit of extra sensation pushed her over
the edge, and she came again. “Aaahhhhh,
Calix,” she screeched.

Hearing Anya cry out his name in
pleasure and having her already tight cunt
squeezing around him as she climaxed,
excited him so much he could no longer
hold his own release back. He bit down on
her neck again and growled like some
caged animal as he came, releasing his load
inside her and not letting go of her neck
until his climactic spasms were over and he
was sure that he had completely filled her.

Hovering over her, still intimately
connected, gazing into her eyes Calix
realized that he had yet to kiss her with her
participating in it freely, and he wondered
if she would now. After looking from her
shiny bright eyes to her plump lips and
back, he lowered his head and kissed her
softly. This was not a forced kiss; he would
pull away if she kept her mouth closed. But,
to his surprise she didn’t, instead she
wrapped her arms around his neck and
opened her mouth to him. He didn’t know
whether it was just brain filling with
dopamine and endorphins from her
orgasmic high that had her kissing him
back, and he didn’t care. Calix was just so
elated that Anya was kissing him back. No
longer kissing her softly, he took control of
that kiss and made love to her mouth. Then
Calix remembered what his uncle used to

“Fucking a prostitute or any woman
for that matter is easy and cheap, but if you
want to kiss her the price would most likely
double.” Calix had asked why, and, in turn,
his uncle said, “Because a women can close
her eyes and detach herself from the act of
sex, but kissing, that is more intimate more
personal and has real feelings behind it.”

Calix felt himself grow hard again
while he was still inside her. So never
leaving her mouth—he was enjoying her
kisses too much to stop—he made slow,
passionate love to her, and this time when
they both reached their climax, it was full
of not just pleasure but a strong unknown
emotion. Or maybe they knew the emotion
and didn’t want to acknowledge it.

Calix pulled himself out of her body,
and she winced, no doubt she was really
sore. He had given that particular part of
Anya’s body a lot of attention today, and,
considering she was a virgin this morning,
he should leave her be. But he couldn’t, he
had an insatiable desire for her, a pull to
her that he couldn’t explain or deny. He had
wanted her for so many years before he
took her, and, now that he’d had her, he
didn’t think he could ever be without her.
Calix lay down next to her and pulled her
so that she rested on his chest. No words
were spoken during their embrace; he
didn’t want her to think and bring a wall
between them again, and she didn’t want to
admit that she had enjoyed his lovemaking.

Her phone started ringing again,
and she rose to answer it. It was her
mother calling. “Are you and your friend
still coming for dinner?”

“Yes, Mom. We’re just running a
little behind.”
“A little? It’s just past seven.”

Anya pulled the phone down from
her ear so she could see the time for
herself. She was surprised it was past
seven. She couldn’t believe it; they had
been having sex for the last two hours.

“Sorry, Mom, we lost track of time.
We’ll be there in fifteen minutes, so go
ahead and put the finishing touches on

Anya hung up without even saying
bye. She looked back to her bed, where
Calix lay naked. She didn’t want to admit it,
but he was a beautiful sight. The man was
tall, fit, and tan skinned with thick black
hair, chocolate brown eyes, and he was
very well endowed. She had never seen any
penises in person before; she had only seen
a couple in an adult movie. Being curious as
to why men loved them so much, she had
watched one. It didn’t do anything for her.
It just seemed too fake and cheesy. In her
opinion porn stars should be required to
take acting lessons; then again men weren’t
watching them for the acting. But, going off
the sizes she had seen in the movie, Calix
was bigger than average.

Anya was trying her best to keep
her eyes on his face and not to let them
wander down to his cock while she spoke
to him. “That was my mother. We’re late,
we need to hurry and get there.”

Calix sat up, moved to the edge of
the bed, and planted his feet on the floor.
“Come here,” he ordered, but his voice was
soft and gentle. She walked back to him and
stood in between his legs. “I want you to
move in with me before the wedding.”

Anya’s eyes widened with surprise,
and her brows rose almost to her hairline.

Despite the look on her face, Calix
continued, “I don’t think I’m going to be
able to go one day without being inside you
and having you in my arms. I want you
now. I don’t want to wait four weeks. I’ll
call movers tomorrow. We’ll put everything
you don’t need into storage, or we can
donate it.”

“Don’t I get a say in this?”

“No. What difference is it for you if
you move in now or in four weeks?” Calix
grabbed her arm and pulled her down on
to the bed and leaned over her. He caressed
her breasts, stomach, and thighs, and heard
her inhale sharply. He placed gentle kisses
on her face. “Your body wants me. You
can’t deny that. I will make sweet love to
you each night after I have fucked you
senseless. Your body will always be
satisfied.” His hand started to make its way
down to her already over stimulated clit
and started to rub and pull at it. Her
breaths quickened.

“Calix, please, dinner.” Her voice
was breathy and barely audible.

“Right after you come for me.” He
leaned down further and took a tightly
knotted nipple into his mouth to suckle. He
was trying to prove a point; her body did
want him and that he could and would
more than satisfy her. She didn’t stand a
chance; he had her screaming out her
orgasm in minutes. When her body relaxed,
he pulled his fingers from her and, with her
watching, stuck them in his mouth and
licked them clean. “Mmmmmm,” he
groaned. “You taste delicious. After dinner
tonight, I’m going to have you for dessert.”

Anya couldn’t believe what he’d just
done. She should’ve been sickened or
appalled, but, surprisingly, she wasn’t; it
aroused her, actually. What did that say
about her? The thought made her frown.
This isn’t how it was supposed to be, and
she shouldn’t have enjoyed Calix’s
ministrations or want more. She had to
remember he wasn’t her lover; no, he was
the man who was basically black mailing
her into marriage. She pushed at his chest
to break his grasp on her. “I need to
change.” She picked up her clothing, and,
wanting to put some space between them,
she went into the bathroom to dress. This
time, Anya remembered to lock the door.


Calix knew the minute her brain
took over again. She frowned and started
not looking at him but through him. Then
she pushed him off and left to change.
Running his hands through his hair in
frustration, he didn’t know what to do. He’d
always just taken what he wanted when he
wanted it and never had problems before.
Countless women wanted him so badly
they didn’t care how they got him or how
he behaved with them. Then again, he
didn’t care about the women he’d been
with before. Honestly, he never cared if
people liked him or not. His uncle used to
tell him it’s better to be feared than
respected. He’s always operated on that
creed, but now he was at a loss; he wanted
Anya to want him, to like him…to love him.
He wanted to see her ripe with his child
and for her to be happy it was there. But,
he kept reacting to her on instinct, and he
knew that was going nowhere fast with
her. Calix needed to find a way to deal with
her. He’d never been in this position of
trying to win a woman’s affection before.
He got up and started to get dressed. He
would think about all of this later.


In the bathroom, Anya tried to get a
hold of herself. What was going on? She
didn’t know; her body wanted one thing,
but her mind told her it was wrong to want
it. He’d hurt her, caused her pain purposely
when she angered him. Then this evening,
he made love to her softly and tenderly
almost reverently. She honestly didn’t
know what to do or how to handle this.

She was in this situation because of
her father. She was being forced to marry
Calix. He had forced himself on her the first
time, but every time after that. She hadn’t
initiated it and hadn’t said yes; but she
hadn’t said no either, so it was consensual.
So, was it right to like having sex with him?
You’re not supposed to like or enjoy being
with your blackmailer. She needed to get
that straight; she started to wonder if this
was this some form of Stockholm
syndrome? Was that even possible after a
few short hours? She’d think more on it
later. Needing to get ready, she pasted a big
fake smile on her face and tried find a way
to cover up the big hickey she noticed on
her neck.

BOOK: A Debt Paid
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