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Authors: Joslyn Black

A Debt Paid (6 page)

BOOK: A Debt Paid
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“Oh God, Anya! Ahhhhh!”

They stayed there for a minute or
two, collecting themselves. When the
moment came for him to pull out of her and
put her down, he did so slowly. His cock
glimmered with their combined fluids. He
looked down and saw that his semen was
dripping down her thigh. He didn’t like
seeing his essence wasted. She wouldn’t get
pregnant with it dripping down like that
obviously. But, then he thought,
. He’d filled her womb three times
already today. He was positive one of his
semen would find the egg inside her womb
and connect, starting the wondrous growth
of their child.

Chapter 9


Calix surprised Anya by picking her
up and heading toward her bathroom.
“What are you doing?”
“I’m taking you to the bathroom, so
we can shower before bed.”

Entering into her bathroom, he
stood her up next to her shower. “Turn the
water on,” he instructed as he started to
empty his pockets. Before setting his phone
down on the bathroom counter, he sent a
quick text to his assistant telling her he
needed one of his spare suits from his
office closet for tomorrow. Anya opened
the shower doors just enough to turn on
the shower without having the water
splash out, then she checked the
temperature before she turned back to

Calix crossed the few steps needed
to put him in front of Anya. Her bathroom
wasn’t very big. Her whole apartment was
barely bigger than a studio apartment.

Slowly he began to remove what
was left of her clothing from their tryst a
few minutes ago. When her last article of
clothing was off, he simply stood there and
let his eyes wonder all over her body. He
gently stroked Anya’s cheek with the back
of his hand, causing goose bumps all down
her body. He looked back into her eyes.

“You’re beautiful.” His voice was as
soft as velvet, and his eyes shown with
deep feelings she didn’t want to
acknowledge. “Undress me,” he instructed.

Anya slowly reached out for to undo
the cuffs of his shirt first and then began
unbuttoning it very slowly, one button at a
time. When his shirt was open, she took in
the mouthwatering sight of his hard, flat,
muscled torso and slid her hands up his
warm chest to his broad shoulders to push
his shirt off, letting it fall to the floor. Then
she ran her hands back down this sparse
dusting of hair on his pecks to his smooth
stomach to his waist. His pants were
already unbuttoned from earlier, so she
just grabbed the waistband of his slacks
and pushed them and his boxers down. He
was hard again. Anya knew she shouldn’t
be enjoying the fact that he didn’t seem
able to get enough of her undressing him
and touching his smooth skin, but she was.
When she straightened back up, Calix had a
cocky smirk on his face. He grabbed her
hand, opened the sliding door to her
shower fully, and they both got in.

The hot water felt good pouring
down on them. Calix couldn’t help being
hard again. She was so beautiful, and being
inside her felt too good. His body craved
her. But, he knew he had taken her too
many times today. She was sore, so, no
matter how much his body wanted to, he
had to let her body rest. He was simply
going to bathe her, then take her to bed,
and fall asleep with her in his arms. Anya
was again surprised at how intimate being
washed by Calix was; it almost felt more
intimate than their lovemaking. He had not
only washed her but also massaged her
shoulders and neck. Calix was also so
gentle when he shampooed and
conditioned her hair. He was aroused the
whole time but held back from any type of
sexual touch or contact.

Once out of the shower, Calix even
helped her to dry off and combed her hair.
When Calix finished, Anya left the
bathroom to go and dress for bed. When
she reached her dresser, she sifted through
her drawer for the nightgown she wanted,
but as she pulled it out to wear Calix
gripped her hand to stop her. She looked
up at him quizzically.

“I don’t want you to wear anything; I
want to feel your skin against mine.” He
took the nightgown from her and placed it
back in the drawer.

“I don’t sleep naked.”
“You will with me, every night.”
“I’ll get cold.”

Calix smiled down at her and shook
his head. “No, you won’t. I’ll keep you

After closing the drawer, Calix
directed Anya toward the bed. It was still
messed up and unmade from their
activities this evening before dinner. He
pulled the comforter down more and
climbed in. Anya just watched him for a
moment before she got in. She considered
protesting but then figured it wasn’t worth
the fight, and she was tired, so she just
climbed in next to him. Calix pulled her
close and settled into spooning. He pulled
the comforter back up and covered them.
He wrapped his arm around Anya, cupping
her breast and buried his face in her hair.

“Good night, love,” he breathed then
kissed the top of her head.

Anya tried to settle in and sleep, but
she could feel his hardened length against
her bottom and his hand was cupping her
breast. Her mind was also going a mile a
minute. It had been such a long and lifechanging day. She was really mixed up on
how she felt about Calix. He blackmailed
her into marriage, he forcefully took her
virginity, and he had unconfirmed ties to
the mob. Those were the only cons she
could think of, but they were really big
cons. On the pros, he could be gentle with
her—tender even if he wanted to be—
when he did such intimate things for her.
He cleaned her after his onslaught this
morning, and, after dinner tonight, he was
tender with her while washing her,
massaging her, and brushing her hair.
Those things were more intimate than sex;
it showed that someone cared for the other
person and didn’t just want sexual
gratification from their body. It was more
than obvious that he wanted her again—
the proof was currently pressing into her
back—but he let her be, because he was
conscious of her body being sore. These
actions, or lack thereof, showed he wasn’t
totally selfish and that he cared about her.

Anya was having a big struggle with
her conscience and her view of morality
and right and wrong. She knew that
everything he had done to get her to this
point was wrong, but it seemed like he was
trying to turn things around, to make it the
good relationship he said they could have.
She fiddled with her engagement ring; he’d
put a lot of thought into it. Would he have
done that if there weren’t some real
feelings involved? Then there was his
admission to think about. She couldn't
believe that he’d watched her, wanted her,
and waited years for her. She wasn't
putting herself down in any way. She knew
she was attractive, and she was smart,
responsible, and had a good job. But, men
of his stature and position with his
associations were usually looking for
someone who they could bed fast and then
walk away from even faster. They didn’t
want families, but Calix did.

How was it that, even though this
situation was forced on her, every time
after this morning, she had enjoyed every
one of their amorous exploits? Shamefully,
she even wanted more. Even this morning
after the initial pain and shock wore off,
she’d tried not to feel the pleasure, but her
body had succumbed to him. He’d even said
she would hate herself for enjoying it, and,
at that moment, she had. But she didn’t
anymore. Anya knew that there had to be
some sort of a gray area for this situation,
so that she wouldn’t feel like she was
betraying herself, but she didn't know what
it was. She had told him off, called him a
bastard, ranted hysterically at him, and it
only turned him on. He didn't want some
pretty, little, young trophy wife to hang on
his arm to show off. No, he actually wanted
a partner, a real relationship and marriage,
and he saw in her everything that he
thought he needed and wanted in a wife.
Anya didn’t just want to be a wife, she
wanted to be a partner.

She didn’t know if such a big wrong
could be turned into a right. She’d heard
the saying, ‘The ends justify the means’. Did
that apply here? She was too tired to
continue thinking about it. She was drained
physically and mentally. She heard the soft
steady sound of Calix’s breathing; he must
have fallen asleep. She decided she would
let it be for now and take it one day at a
time. She relaxed her body into his, closed
her eyes, and drifted to sleep.

Anya woke up to Calix kissing her
neck and shoulder. She was lying on her
back, and he was leaning over her. His cock
was hard against her thigh as his hand
skimmed up and down her side. Noticing
that she had woken up, Calix kisses moved
up to her face, first her right cheek, then
left, then forehead, and then stopped to
nibble at her lips.

“Morning, love, please, tell me
you’re not too sore from yesterday. I was
able to restrain myself last night, but I
really need to feel you.” His voice was
urgent, soft almost caressing her the way
his hands were.

She stretched her arms above her
head and her legs out; she felt a tinge of
soreness but nothing to keep her from
enjoying Calix’s ministrations. Nothing
except her conscience. No, she was going to
ignore that for the time being. Her body
was heating up from his touches and kisses,
and, to her great shock, she wanted more of
him, too.

However, Anya wanted to test the
waters; she wanted to see if he would
choose his pleasure over her comfort. “And,
if I’m too sore?” she asked, watching his
face closely for any sign of falsehood.

He frowned, and his hand stopped
caressing her. “I would be disappointed,
but I would leave you alone.” He was
earnest in his answer.

This was her choice; he would stop
if she wanted him to. She reached up and
ran her fingers through his thick hair. This
is it; was she going to accept him? Should
she? Could she put aside how they’d
begun? That feeling she didn’t want to
acknowledge yesterday was a little
stronger today. Did that mean it would
grow stronger still? She didn’t have the
answers, not now at least, but one thing she
did know was that her body wanted the
bliss that only he could give her.

“I’m not that sore.”

There was a coy tone to her voice.
Could it be that she was flirting with him?
Calix smiled.

“So glad to hear it.” He leaned down
and took her mouth. He moved on top of
her and spread her thighs to make room for
his muscled body. Anya said she wasn’t too
sore, but he wanted her nice and wet, so he
could slide in easier. His hand went down
to her breast and pinched her knotted
nipple, causing her to moan in his mouth.
His hand then slid down Anya’s belly to her
warm, wet folds. She was primed, warm
and wet, but he wanted more. Calix moved
his fingers to her hooded pearl and started
rubbing and playing with it, using just the
right amount of pressure. She started to
move with his fingers, and she started to
make the sweetest little whimpers while
they kissed.

He worked her for a few minutes.
He knew she was getting close because her
hands in his hair tightened their grip, and
her moans were getting louder. To push
her over the edge, he sunk two fingers
inside her—she was soaking wet—then he
twisted his fingers, so that he could rub on
the front of her inner walls. She went crazy
with that, pulling her mouth away from his.
Her breaths were shallow and rapid. The
hands that had been in his hair were at his
shoulders, digging in, trying to find some
sort of purchase. Then after a couple of
minutes with his fingers working their
magic, her back arched, her head went
back, and she cried out his name.

“Ahhhh! Ahhhh, Calix!”

He pulled his fingers from her,
wiping them on her inner thigh, positioned
himself, and then impaled her with his rock
hard shaft.

“Fuck!” he growled. She was tight,
even tighter with her cunt having spasms
from her orgasm. He tried to pace himself,
to not attack her like a silverback in heat.
But being inside her felt overwhelming..
Her legs were locked around him now, her
nails embedded in his back, and she was
moaning with every thrust he made. He
placed one arm at the side of her head, and,
with the other, he held her thigh just a little
higher for more space to move deeper into
her. Calix hid his face in the crook of her
neck and her soft hair. He was really trying
to control himself; he wanted her to come
again before he did, so he started thrusting
deeper. She started to moan louder, and
her legs tightened around him, so he
started moving faster. Anya met her
orgasm with a quick cry before she bit
down on his chest and growled out her
pleasure. Calix had always liked love bites,
and having her bite down on him sent him
flying. He almost choked on his own cries
as his climax hit him in waves of intense
pleasure. He didn’t stop slamming into her,
though, not until his entire load spurt deep
inside her. When he was spent, his arms
gave out and all his weight dropped on her.

It took a minute for him to come
back from his daze to the present. He
apologized for squishing her and kissed her
once more before he pulled out. He moved
to her side, drawing her into his arms. She
still panted, trying hard to calm her
breathing. He couldn’t help thinking that
every time they came together it was better
than the time before.

Chapter 10

It was impossible for Calix to keep
his hands of her; lying next to her, he
slowly trailed his fingertips up and down
her spine. They were relaxing peacefully in
each other’s arms. Calix couldn’t help but
think this, this softness, was what his life
had been missing. He’d never had a
relationship where he actually had real
feelings for the woman he was with. Sure,
he knew they fell in love with him often
enough. And when it became obvious that
they were head over heels, it would only be
a matter of time till they wanted more, so
he would cut them loose. He most
definitely never waited for a woman. No,
everything happened on his terms the way
he wanted it to go when he wanted it to

It was different with Anya. When he
first saw her, she’d been so young. She was
stunning, even as a teenager. Legally an
adult, yes, but still just a teen. Mature
beyond her years, she also had more of a
fierceness of spirit than he had ever seen in
a woman. As time went by, he thought he
would forget about her, that it was just an
infatuation with her beauty. Every woman
he had a relationship with after meeting
Anya couldn’t fully satisfy him. He caught
himself picturing her as he had sex with
other women. He had even called out her
name with one of them. It was then that he
knew his infatuation with Anya wasn’t just
a passing fancy and that he would have to
have her.

He didn’t want to break their
peaceful silence, but time was passing, and
he had plans for them today.


“My assistant will be here soon with
a change of clothes for me. I need to go to
the office this morning, but I scheduled the
afternoon off so we could meet with the
wedding planner. Do you really not want to
have a wedding?”

That was the question of the day,
wasn’t it? She wasn’t sure how she felt
about it. However, her mother would
surely want her to have a wedding.
Honestly, she didn’t care about anyone
else. Then she thought of Calix, did he
really want one? She pulled back from him
and raised up on one elbow.

“Do you want a wedding?”

Calix did want a wedding; he was a
bit old fashion in that way. He wanted to
celebrate and show everyone that
the one marrying the beautiful Anya. But,
he didn’t want to seem weak or emotional;
he had already let her know too much
about how much he wanted and needed
her. Anya was his weakness, and she knew
it. What if she used it against him?

His uncle always said
, ‘Never show
emotion, emotion is a weakness, and people
will always exploit any weakness you show.’

“I don’t really care either way as
long as we get married. I know my mother
would want us to have a wedding along
with the rest of my family. No one’s ever
eloped in my family before. I also have a lot
of business contacts. It’s always good to
work business contacts when you can.”

His face was the emotionless mask
that it was yesterday after their incident.
Why did he do that? How could he do that?
It’s like he flipped a switch and shut down.
But, that wasn’t the only thing that
concerned her; it was his so called business
contacts that worried her. She sat up fully,
pulling her sheet to cover herself. They
were about to have a real serious
conversation. There were answers she
needed to know. So, Anya steadied her
voice as best she could.

“Business contacts? What kind of
business contacts?”

Calix sat up fully as well. She was
trying to hint at something, and he was
sure he knew what it was, but he wanted
her to come out and say it.

“What do you mean what kind of
business contacts?”
Anya huffed. She needed to just
come out and say it.

“You know what I’m asking.
Everyone talks about your business
contacts. I need to know are you corrupt
like my father?”

“And, if I was, what would you do?”

She looked him square in the eye,
her face strong and taunt and as
emotionless as she could make it, and her
voice hard and cold. “I would take my
mother and run. It’s one thing to be forced
to marry and have children; it’s another to
be condemned to marry a lowlife bastard
like my father. I told you yesterday, I am
not my mother.”

Her fiancé sat there and stared at
her for a minute, trying to assess her. She
was serious. He thought for a minute on
how much he should tell her. His uncle’s
voice kept ringing in his ears. But, Calix
never wanted to see her look at him this
way again. He wanted them to have a good

He grabbed the sheet clutched
against her breasts and ripped it away
from her. Her eyes narrowed as she
contemplated his intentions. Gently
pushing her down back onto her back, he
climbed on top of her as he spread her legs
to rest between them. Anya’s breathing
sped up. Panic started to rise within her
eyes. Did she think he would take her
forcefully again? He would never do such a
thing again; hatred for himself after he did
that, filled him, but Anya was unaware of
his feelings. He grabbed her hands and
lifted them above her head. She turned her
head to the side and closed her eyes,
preparing for an onslaught that she didn’t
know wouldn’t come.

He leaned down and kissed her
cheek, then whispered in her ear.
“I’m not going to take you, love, not
unless you want me to.”

Nuzzling her neck with his nose, he
kissed it gently. She opened her eyes and
faced him. He looked into her stunned eyes,
leaned down, and placed a soft kiss on her

“If you ran, I would find you. I would
look everywhere and never stop until I did,
but that’s not going to be necessary. I’m not
scum like your father. I’m actually an
honest businessman. My uncle, on the
other hand, is not. He’s family, though, and,
when my father died, he took care of my
mother and me. He was my first investor;
he helped me start up. But, I never worked
for him. People always assumed I did, and I
let them. It was good for business. As my
uncle says, ‘It’s better to be feared than

Boldly she contradicted him. “Your
uncle is wrong,” she said simply.
It was Calix’s turn to be confused.
“How so?”

“If you are feared, you can never be
loved. With fear, emotions are not real;
with respect, people are doing so because
you’ve earned it and deserve it.”

He had never thought of it that way.
He leaned down and kissed her again.
When lifted his head, he smiled.

“Not only beautiful but smart as well
and not afraid to show spirit. I love that.”
She wiggled her hands, and he let go
of them.

“Did you really think I would have
hurt you?” His voice was surprisingly filled
with hurt.

Anya saw that he was trying to hide
the emotion in his voice and eyes.
Obviously, he didn’t like showing his
emotions. And, she was not all together
comfortable with her feelings toward him,
but they had to start somewhere. Calix
wasn’t like her father. He said so, but could
she believe him? It was time to find out.
She reached up and caressed his face.

“So you don’t participate in anything

“No, but I don’t stop my uncle, so
you might consider me guilty by
association, but, like I said, he’s family.”

“Calix, will you always be honest
with me?”

Anya couldn’t meet his eyes with
this next question. “My mother is miserable
in her marriage. My father cheats on her
constantly and tries to hide it from the
public more so than from my mother. He
only cares for himself. Whatever love he
had for my mother is gone. She’s just part
of his act that he needs to win over the
public. I don’t want that. Would you be
faithful to me, and, if you couldn’t, would
you have enough respect not to flaunt it in
front of me?”

He was actually happy about her
question, because if she didn’t care at all
for him, she wouldn’t care about him and
other women. The question showed that
there was some feeling there, whether she
wanted to admit it was another thing. He
didn’t want to show weakness, but, with
Anya, he wanted nothing in between them.
Admitting to himself she was an honest
person, he believed she wouldn’t abuse her
hold over him.

“Anya,” he waited for her to look at
him, “I would never break our vows. You
are the only woman I want and have
wanted for years. After the first time I saw
you, you were the only one my body
wanted. Not that I’m proud to say this, but I
would picture you when I was with other

Her face pinched with dislike at his
last admission. He smiled again at her
obvious dislike for the knowledge.

“I would always be faithful to you.
Will you be faithful to me? You don’t love
me; what if you came to care for someone
else, could you still be faithful to me?”

She considered him carefully. Was
he trying to trick her into admitting that
she did have some feeling for him?

“You would be my husband; I would
always be faithful. As long as you respected
me, I would respect you.”

“I think we’ve talked enough; time
for us to respect each other.”

She smiled at his playfulness,
caressed his cheek again, and then pulled
his head down for a real kiss.

BOOK: A Debt Paid
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