Read A Demon's Wrath Online

Authors: Alexia Praks

Tags: #sexy romance, #paranormal fantasy romance, #paranormal romance series, #sexy warriors, #sword and magic, #multicultural and interracial romance, #royalty and aristocrats, #paranormal romance action adventure, #paranormal romance demon, #historical paranormal romnance

A Demon's Wrath (20 page)

BOOK: A Demon's Wrath
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Brian took his sister’s hand before she
could take off. Still heaving with exertion, he said, “Then… then I
will go with you.” He staggered up and turned his attention to
Gerick. “Don’t you dare touch my sister. I can see it in your
demonic eyes what you’re thinking.”

Gerick understand Brian’s meaning. Any
beings—humans, angels, or demons—would be a fool not to fall for
Lady Cecelia Van Zandt, for she was an enchanting beauty indeed.
But Brian missed the irony of his own accusation. Gerick wasn’t in
the least bit attracted to Cecelia. He was interested in Brian
himself. It was too bad, though, that the young man was dying.

Gerick watched as, hand in hand, brother and
sister made their way across the courtyard to the southern wing of
the castle. He turned his attention to Agnes and said, “Pack Lady
Cecelia’s belongings, maid, and be quick about it. She’s coming
with us.”

Agnes blinked thrice before Gerick frowned
darkly at her to get a move on. In which case, she curtsied
nervously and did his bidding.

Gerick followed behind the siblings, his
footsteps light. It wasn’t long before he noted Brian turned to
give him another good glare. He returned the greeting with a
playful smile that usually sent his intended soaring with
happiness. But not this one. This one looked a little confused at
his approach.

Cecelia’s whole body was shaking the moment
they were standing at the door to the throne room that held these
uninvited guests. She took a deep breath and, before she lost her
nerve, she opened the door and stepped in.

The room was filled with Dardania soldiers
with their swords drawn. To one side was her uncle King Leroi,
Queen Eliza, and of course, Rosanna and Juliet and notable noblemen
and ministers serving the court. On the other side, as she glanced
in that direction, stood Drake the demon king, Adam, and Leon, and
a small number of their warriors.

The instant her eyes met those of Drake’s,
her heart skipped a beat and her stomach flipped uneasily. With her
head held high, she moved slowly into the room, with Brian and
Gerick following closely behind her.

Drake felt his breath snatched away from him
the moment he laid eyes on his little thief Cecelia Van Zandt. He
had known she was a beauty. To see her now in such an elegant gown,
however, she was more than just beautiful. She was enchanting.

Cecelia nervously came to a stop right in
front of the demon king, looking up at him with her head tilted
right back. Though her whole body was shaking from both fear and
anxiousness, she was determined to face the king and right the
wrong she had done. She’d return him his pearl and be done with the
whole sorry business.

Drake gazed down at her from his great
height and snorted. “Here’s my pearl,” he said. His hand came to
the back of her head, his fingers digging deep into her thickly
coiffured hair as he nudged her to him. “You’re coming with me,

The moment he said that, Cecelia caught her
breath at the back of her throat. Brian took a step forward and was
about to say something when Gerick caught him by the arm and pulled
him back, a hand clasped over his mouth.

“Shh! Brian, you don’t want to anger the
demon king, do you?” he said softly into the young man’s ear.
“It’ll be a bloody mess. Bloodier than it already is.”

“I… I can’t, sire,” Cecelia said.

Drake raised a brow at her as he moved his
darkly scowled face closer so they were nose to nose. “You have no
choice in the matter, sweetheart.”

The warmth of his large being and the
sensation of his words so close to her skin made Cecelia feel
lightheaded and dizzy. Drake noticed and gave an arrogant smile
that turned everyone’s eyes to him in pleasant surprise. He was
quite handsome, and that was shocking to everyone except for his

“What of my mother and brother?” she asked.
“I am returning your pearl to you, sire. Is that not what you want?
Why would you want me?”

Drake suddenly became quite impatient. He
simply wanted to take her and his pearl and be away from here. “I
want both you and my pearl. You are linked to it and to me now. You
will make me another pearl, my dear.”

She blinked. “How?”

He roared out with laughter then, loud and
long, causing everyone in the room to look at one another nervously
and in confusion.

When he stopped, he said, “I will show you.”
He moved and claimed her lips with his in a scorching kiss.

Rosanna and Juliet looked as though they
were about to faint. Queen Eliza pulled her face in disgust. King
Leroi crossed himself and looked heavenward in despair.

Brian’s anger flared, and he rushed forward
to stop the sexual attack. Gerick, however, caught him once again,
imprisoning the youth in his strong arms. “Your sister belongs to
the king now. Don’t interrupt them. It’s rude.”

Brian shot Gerick a look and told the demon
with his dark eyes that he’d punch him in the face when he got the

Drake finally stopped the kiss and moved his
head back. “Now then,” he said, “get the pearl, Celia, and let us
be off.”

Cecelia took a step back and nodded. Before
she turned, however, she said, “Please, sire. Allow me to see my
mother one last time.”

Drake impatiently nodded and headed out the
door. Adam and Leon followed suit behind him. Gerick reluctantly
let Brian go and said, “A pity you’re not coming with us.”

Brian replied with a dark scowl, to which
Gerick simply merrily laughed and headed out the door as well.

* * * * *
Chapter XVI


brother and told him to go and see to their mother whilst she
fetched the pearl. Brian nodded without hesitation and headed in
the other direction. Cecelia herself rushed up the stairs and
headed to her own room. Once inside, she noted that some of her
clothing was on the floor and some in a chest, as though she were
packing to leave. Agnes looked up from her position and rushed up
to her.

“My lady,” the elderly woman sobbed. “The
demon said you’re going with them. You can’t, my lady. You simply
can’t. They are beasts. They will kill you.”

“Hush now, Agnes,” Cecelia said, soothing
the woman. “I will be fine. They will not kill me.”

“They are demons. We cannot trust them.”

Cecelia took a deep breath and sighed.
“Agnes, I promise I will be all right. Please help Martha and Milan
look after Mother.” When Agnes was about to protest again, she shut
the woman up by putting a finger to her own lips. “I must get the
pearl and then go to see mother before I leave. You must understand
that if I don’t go with them, there will be war.”

Agnes’s eyes rounded with horror at this
realization. Then mutedly, she nodded her head.

“Now go,” she said.

Again, Agnes mutely nodded and then rushed
out the door. Alone, Cecelia rested herself against the doorframe
and slid down as exhaustion overtook her. She sat there for a few
moments, her eyes closed. So it had finally come to this? To save
the two kingdoms from going to war. To keep the peace.

She sighed and got up again, quickly
searching for the pearl. She found it in her bedside drawer. It was
wrapped in the silk fabric, and she quickly put it into the pouch
dangling on the side of her waist. It was then that Queen Eliza and
Rosanna suddenly appeared at the door.

Cecelia jumped in fright at their

“You know you don’t have to go with those
beastly creatures,” Eliza said softly.

Cecelia moved away from the woman’s cold
touch and said, “If I don’t go, there will be war. Do you want
another war upon our kingdom, my queen? Bloodshed would be endless.
They are demons. I have seen their soldiers. They are ruthless.
They are powerful. You have seen them in battle with your own eyes,
have you not? In a mere half hour, they’ve killed over three
hundred of our men.”

Eliza’s eyes turned cold as she said, “Of
course I do not want another war upon our kingdom. But then again,
you are of royal blood. No matter what, you should never be treated
like a prisoner.”

“What are you doing here, your highness?”
Cecelia asked straight out.

Eliza took out a silk handkerchief from
within her bosom and said, “To save you.”

Cecelia wasn’t prepared for what happened
next. Eliza charged forward and covered the scented cloth over
Cecelia’s face.

Cecelia struggled to free herself, and it
wasn’t long before the smell of poison overtook her, causing her
body to go limp and her mind to become unconscious.

Eliza dropped Cecelia to the floor and then
busied herself searching for the pearl.

“Is she dead?” Rosanna asked, her face paler
than usual.

“Of course not,” Eliza said in annoyance.
“She’s just unconscious. She will be awake in an hour or so.”

Then she found the pouch and chuckled. She
quickly undid the string and took out the pearl. Her eyes darkened
with desire as she stared at the gem.

“It’s beautiful,” Rosanna said.

Eliza clutched the gem against her breast so
as to hide it away from Rosanna’s eye. “Quickly, get the guards. We
must get her away from here before the demon finds out.”

“Of course,” Rosanna said. She was about to
rush out the door when she halted on her spot and stared with wide
eyes at the man who was entering the room.

Tall, big, blond hair, and bright-blue eyes
with aquiline features, Marcus Arthur was the picture of an angelic
prince in dark armor.

The moment Eliza met the prince’s black,
sharp gaze, she bowed and presented him the pearl. Marcus cocked
his head to one side as he eyed the precious jewel, a slight smile
on his lips. He reached out his hand, intending to touch the gem,
but the force diverted him back with blast of energy, almost
throwing him off balance. Aye, the Arthur’s line had been cursed to
never again be able to touch the McNamara’s pearl.

Marcus frowned darkly at the gem for a
moment and then said to his manservant Hamish, “Take it and leave
immediately to Rosevalley.”

Hamish nodded and took the pearl from
Eliza’s hand, who couldn’t seem to part her gaze from the gemstone.
The servant then bowed low and rushed away toward his waiting

Marcus turned his attention to Cecelia. He
casually crouched next to her and stared long and hard, caressing
her cheek with the back of his fingers. Slowly, a smile formed on
his lips, turning his cold face to one that was very handsome. In a
flash of a second, he scooped her into his arms and took her out
the door.

* * * * *



IT WAS HALF AN HOUR later when Rosanna ran
out toward the demons in the courtyard, her breasts bouncing and
her pale skin as white as the moon. She was playing her part well,
she thought with triumph, as she took some deep breaths and came to
her knees before the demon king.

“Sire,” she said to Drake helplessly.
“Please, sire, we have failed you. Lady Cecelia escaped. Please, I
beg you. The queen and king beg you. Have pity on us. Allow me to
replace that imprudent girl. Let us amend our wrong.”

Drake narrowed his eyes dangerously at the
woman before him, a dark scowl on his face. Ignoring Rosanna, he
turned to his comrades and soldiers and barked out orders. “We’re
leaving now.”

His warrior saluted him and roared with
affirmation. Adam and Leon took the lead and headed out of the
courtyard within a second flat. Drake turned to Gerick and said,
“Brian and the Countess Rosevalley, bring them.”

Gerick raised a questioning brow at his
cousin. When he saw the glint within Drake’s gray eyes, his
confusion turned into enlightenment. Thus, he nodded his head with
a hint of a secret smile. “My pleasure,” he said, turned on his
heels, and headed back toward the northern wing of the castle.

Alone, Drake returned his attention to
Rosanna, who was still at his feet. She raised her face up to him
now, hoping he would find her attractive. Well, she was, after all,
one of the most beautiful ladies in all of Dardania. She had no
doubt the demon would find her pleasant enough to replace that
useless Cecelia.

“Where did he take her?” he asked

Rosanna caught the breath at the back of her
throat and blinked. “I beg your pardon, sire?”

Drake bent down, wrapped his large hand
about her small chin roughly, and said, “Where did Marcus Arthur
take Cecelia? Answer me, my lady, before my patience runs out. And
trust me, you don’t want to see me in my… What do you humans call
me when I’m angry?”

Suddenly, tears welled up in Rosanna’s eyes
as fear threatened to suffocate her alive. “Wrath,” she whispered,
her throat dry, her voice shaking. “A demon’s wrath.”

He gave her a dark smile. “Good girl. Now
tell me. Where is Lady Cecelia?”

Rosanna blinked and tears did flow down her
flawless cheeks. She said, “In the woods to the east. She is in a
carriage, leaving the city as we speak.”

“Thank you, my lady,” Drake said. With a
blink of an eye, he was up and headed to his sinfully black beast
Wildfire who had obediently returned to him the moment he stepped
foot on Dardanian land. He climbed onto its back whilst Rosanna
watched, her eyes large with apprehension as Drake pulled the
stallion’s reins. In an instant, the beast flapped its wings and
took off into the air.

Rosanna watched until the demon and his
beast disappeared from sight before she collapsed there on the cold
stone ground, sobbing for her life. He was about to kill her,
wasn’t he? She sobbed with relief that she’d escaped his wrath.

* * * * *
Chapter XVII


WHEN CECELIA CAME TO, SHE saw only the orb
of darkness enveloping her, suffocating her to the brink of death.
She gasped, struggling to breathe, fighting the invisible power
that threatened to consume her whole.

BOOK: A Demon's Wrath
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