Read A Demon's Wrath Online

Authors: Alexia Praks

Tags: #sexy romance, #paranormal fantasy romance, #paranormal romance series, #sexy warriors, #sword and magic, #multicultural and interracial romance, #royalty and aristocrats, #paranormal romance action adventure, #paranormal romance demon, #historical paranormal romnance

A Demon's Wrath (18 page)

BOOK: A Demon's Wrath
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Slowly, as if in a dream, he came to stand
beside the bath. The girl was sleeping, he realized, whilst
bathing. He got down to his knees, his face close to her, his eyes
examining the exotic beauty before him. Playfully, he dipped his
hand into the warm water, causing a ripple. This drew his attention
to her naked body that was barely hiding from his view. He
appreciatively noted her breasts were full and round and the
nipples were pink. Her stomach was flat and legs were long and
slender. It was then he saw the pearl within her hand.

He returned his attention to her face, and
gently, with his hand wet from the water, he stroked her cheek.

“So you are Brian. I was right to suspect
something was amiss with you,” he said.

He watched her fluttering her eyes open. He
marveled at the long, dark lashes and at the brownness of her
irises. She stared long and hard at him, and only a moment later,
Drake knew she recognized him. He noted she was afraid, and why
not? He was a demon king suddenly appeared as if out of the blue in
her room.

Aye, he loved this game. He loved seeing the
fear within her eyes. He also loved her lips, for he simply wanted
to kiss them. He moved closer so their faces were only inches
apart. Then he caressed her cheek with the back of his hand. “So
you’re the little thief who has stolen my pearl.”

He felt her stiffen. She licked her lips,
which drew his undivided attention.

He whispered, “I will come to reclaim my
pearl. I will come to claim you.” Then he really couldn’t help
himself. He claimed her lips and kissed her hard. Her flesh was
warm and soft and very intoxicating. It was driving him mad with
lust. Though she didn’t respond, Drake wasn’t in the least bit put
off. Indeed, he thrust his tongue into her mouth, exploring her
uncharted territory. He felt the power surge within him and found
himself wanting more. He dug his hands into her wet hair,
interlocking her fingers within the thick strands as he licked his
tongue against hers, tasting her sweetness. It was only when she’d
started to struggle that Drake realized he’d lost himself in

He silently cursed.

Suddenly, as if a force pulled him, he found
himself back in his own bedchamber, back in the Demon Kingdom.

He got up from his position and cursed
loudly this time. He couldn’t believe it. He wanted the girl. Aye,
he was hard and ready for her, and he’d only been there with her in
his apparition form.

Who is she?
Drake wanted to know.

A moment later, he came to sit on the chair
by the warmly lit fireplace and closed his eyes. Again, he summoned
his inner power, and soon, he found himself back at the scene where
he’d left off. Instead of seeing the girl in the tub, however, she
was now lying on the large bed, still naked and with only a small
towel to cover herself. He couldn’t help but smile as he came
toward her. There he stood, watching her, his eyes roaming from the
tip of her dark head to her face, lower to her breasts, lower still
to her middle, then her legs.

He sat on the edge of the bed beside her. As
if it were simply natural, he started caressing her cheek. Slowly,
he moved his hand down her jawline and farther to her neck, loving
the feel of her warm and soft flesh. Then his hand was at the tip
of the thin, wet towel. He undid it and peeled away the offensive
material. Her breasts, round and full, joyfully greeted him. Drake
was a young demon, and his lust for a woman, particularly this one,
wasn’t something he took for granted. Aye, he wanted her, and he
would have her.

He caressed her nipple, playing with the bud
between his finger and thumb, molding it until it hardened. He
heard her groan, and he smiled arrogantly.

“Wake up, Sleeping Beauty,” he whispered.
“Your king is here to claim you.”

Cecelia opened her eyes with a start at the
sound of Drake’s voice. Her heart was thumping away within her
chest as she stared at the stormy gray eyes of the demon king above

How did he get into my room?
was the
first thought that came to her mind.
How does he even know where
I am?

Then she told herself it was merely a dream
and nothing more. There. Aye. It was only a dream, for she could
see the halo around him, glowing of white and gold. But how odd it
was for him to feel so real. She felt his warmth above her. She
felt his touches. And more importantly, she felt herself responding
to him.

She licked her lips and said to herself,
“This is a dream. A dream. You’re in my dream and nothing more. So
I shouldn’t be afraid of you, sire. I shouldn’t.”

Drake chuckled. “Are you afraid of me?” he
whispered into her ear.

The warmth of his breath caused Cecelia to
shiver deliciously. She groaned and said softly, “No. I am never
afraid of you, sire. I am just not very comfortable with you. Why
you appear before me in my dream is beyond me. Perhaps I am afraid
even though I thought I’m not. Perhaps I’m afraid you’d come for
me. Take me away from my family. That is what I am afraid off. No
one to look after them. No one to care for them.”

“Oh, and what if I am coming for you?” he
asked, his lips now mere inches from hers.

Cecelia swallowed. “I’d rather think not,
sire. For you do not know who I am and you do not know where I
live. So this is a dream.” She sighed pleasantly. “It is
unbelievable, is it not? That I am dreaming of a demon king?”

Drake wanted to laugh at that. Did she not
know how wrong she was? That he had already found where she lived.
But a matter of who she was, was indeed another story. He needed to
get his confirmation.

“Tell me your name,” he said softly. “Tell
me your name.”

Cecelia blinked, wondering why such a
question was being asked in a dream. “Cecelia Van Zandt, sire. That
is my name.”

Drake looked deep into her eyes and knew she
was Lord Peter Van Zandt’s daughter. It had been perhaps ten years
ago, when Drake himself was but a young demon, and he and his
friends had made a short stop on Rosevalley Island. Cecelia herself
was but a child, brave and daring, wearing breeches, carrying a
sword, and climbing on trees. She’d been a beautiful child. During
that short stop, he’d seen her four times, though each time he’d
never officially met her. He had seen her from the far distance
whilst he’d been with Lord Van Zandt. The father pointed her and
her brother out to him and his comrades during their exploring

“There, my daughter and son,” he’d say with
sparks of love in his brown eyes. “Aren’t they a pair?”

Drake cocked his head to one side now as he
watched his little thief who had stolen his pearl.

“What are you doing to me?” she asked
suddenly. “I feel wonderful. My body is feeling pleasant. Perhaps,
sire, you are making love to me in my dream?”

Drake raised his brows at her.

“Do you want me to make love to you, Celia?”
he asked.

She sighed pleasantly. “It is very nice,
sire. In my dream, yes. I would like you to make love to me. But in
reality, no, because you are the demon king and I do not like you
very much.”

Drake cocked his head to one side, amused.
So she didn’t like him very much, did she? Even during that loving
they had together in the woods?

“And do you consider this a dream,

Cecelia watched him as he was now playing
with her nipple. She shivered deliciously as a groan escaped her
lips. “It feels too real for it to be a dream, sire.”

That being said, she pushed him off her,
which Drake reluctantly obliged. She rushed to the other side of
the bed and clutched the thin material of the towel against her
person as she eyed him, trying to make sense of what was happening.
Surely, this must be a dream, for the demon king could not have
found out where she lived so quickly. Furthermore, he couldn’t be
present here at this time of the night. There was also that white
and gold halo about his person. Surely, this was her dream and he
was in it.

Drake was fascinated as he watched her
shuffling through her thoughts, trying to make sense of it all. He
shifted his gazed from her face to her body that was eagerly
awaiting him to make love to.

In a flash of a moment, he moved and caught
her wrist. He pulled her to him and made her sit on his lap.
Cecelia struggled in his arms and demanded he let her go
immediately. He silenced her with his kiss. His hot mouth and
tongue ravished her as she tried to free herself.

Drake dug his fingers deep into her hair,
holding her there, preventing her from escaping his clutches.

Knowing she very well couldn’t win him,
Cecelia mellowed her fight. Drake took the opportunity and pulled
the towel off her, throwing it away to the floor.

Cecelia gasped at his brute treatment. “My
towel,” she gasped. “You cannot do that in a dream.”

Drake laughed. “Still thinking this is a
dream, eh?” He brought her closer to him and ran his hand down her
front. It was then he felt the scar across the side of her

“I suspect right it was really you that
night,” he said, referring to the young woman he’d made love to in
the woods.

Cecelia raised her head haughtily and said,
“Aye, sire. It was I.”

He laughed harshly. “Ah, I see now. You
meant to steal the pearl that night? I came in on time and caught
you? Oh, how stupid I have been,” he said more to himself than to

“You’re in my dream,” she said, closing her
eyes. “You’ll be gone in a moment.

“I will not be gone, sweetheart. Not yet,”
he said, running his hand across her scar and then lower to the
valley between her legs. There he dipped his finger in and stroked
her folds.

Cecelia gasped and then groaned loudly.
Drake kissed her again, driving his tongue into her mouth while at
the same time his fingers caressed her down there.

Cecelia’s body was shivering and shaking as
he sweetly tortured her with his expert hand. He was thrusting his
finger into her wet secret spot, loving the feel of her tightness
and the silky, soft texture of her nectar. She clung onto him as he
continued the process.

“A dream,” she whispered in between groans
and moans. “Just a dream. Oh God!”

Drake moved his lips down the line of her
throat and then lower to her breasts. There he took a nipple into
his mouth and sweetly sucked and teased it until the bud engorged
to a marble of pinkness. Cecelia whimpered and squirmed in ecstasy
as she clutched onto his head for control. Drake felt her melting
on him, restlessly writhing and moaning and groaning in response to
his touches. He laid her back so she was beneath him, and then he
thrust his hardened shaft into her.

Cecelia gasped at the intrusion while Drake
gritted his teeth.
Holy Mother of God!
But it felt so real.
His body stiffened at the hard pleasure and wondered how could this
be? He’d used his power for the vision before, but none had ever
felt as real. The power only allowed him to see his target and its
surroundings. Not make him feel as though he were actually there in
the flesh.

And indeed, right now, he felt as though he
were actually here in the flesh with his little thief. Though, he
must admit he’d never done anything like this before either, making
love to a young woman in his vision.

“Sire,” Cecelia groaned. “I… Please move
inside. I’m begging you. I can’t take it much longer if you just
stay still.”

Drake eyed her, his face hard. “My pleasure,
princess,” he said, a smile on his lips. Thus, he moved, at first
slowly and then more forceful. His hardened member thrusting back
and forth within her silk tightness, increasing the pleasure that
was coursing through his body by more than a hundred folds. He
gritted his teeth, his muscles tense as he continued the

Cecelia couldn’t believe the pleasurable
sensation running through her being as the demon king drove into
her. She couldn’t believe something like this existed in a dream.
As if by instinct, she raised herself up and wrapped her arms
around the apparition of Drake, drawing him close to her and at the
same time feeling him getting deeper into her womb.

Drake pulsated into her, in and out, in and
out, as she danced below him, singing,
“Sire! Sire!”

He chuckled breathlessly. “Drake. Call me

Celia hid her face against his muscular neck
as she felt she was going to come soon. She couldn’t handle it
anymore. “Sire… Dra… Drake, I can’t take any more.”

He tightened his hold on her and propelled
into her faster and harder as she cried out louder and louder. Then
it happened. Her whole body contorted, her hips buckled against
him, and she came, long and pleasant and in wonder. Drake watched
her as he too came with her. He held his breath as he did so, his
body exploding with an unimaginable pleasure.

Breathless, Cecelia relaxed and closed her
eyes. She rested against him, her face hidden in the crook of his
arm. Drake moved slightly so he could see her face.

His heart skipped a beat as he felt the wind
knocked out of him. Aye, she was a beauty all right. Without
thinking, he gently kissed her on the lips. He stayed there,
watching her, sketching her features within his memory. Then, as if
he fully came to his senses again, his face hardened and his usual
scowl appeared in full force. He moved, laid her down on the bed,
and covered her with the blanket.

He stood watching her, a smile about his
lips. “I will come to claim you, Celia.”

* * * * *
Chapter XV


seven days later, killing at least three hundred of their strong
soldiers guarding the palace and injuring about a hundred more.
What was more embarrassing was there were only thirty demons, and
not one of them were injured during the whole carnage that took
less time than a proper dinner. King Leroi, the coward that he was,
wanted to flee for the safety of his precious life. He’d thought
the threat he’d received from the demon king one week ago regarding
a thief and his missing jewel had been a mere jest. But now he knew
better, for standing before him was a demon that was as fearsome as
his infamous name. Tall, big, dark-headed and with a fierce scowl
on his face, the demon king sent King Lerio’s legs shaking with
fear. His gut was churning with dread as he approached the demon
with all the strength he could muster. Instantly, he felt as though
his dinner wanted to come back out of his stomach.

BOOK: A Demon's Wrath
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