A Diamond in the Dark (13 page)

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Authors: Sassie Lewis

BOOK: A Diamond in the Dark
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“Do you want me to stop?”

“Fuck no.”

She must not have missed the enthusiasm in his answer, because before he could take his next breath she’d swallowed him down whole.
Fuckin’ hell, she’s good at this.

After about a minute Ax couldn’t hold back, and his hips started to rise and fall in time to her sucking and swallowing. Then she did something he never expected, running her fingers past his balls to no man’s land. He was about to tell her ‘no’ when she inserted her wet finger into his asshole. He was a goner, his climax hitting him with the force of a tornado.

“I’m cumming, baby…

She didn’t pull off. She kept swallowing around him. Drinking him down. His breath was sawing in and out of his lungs. His whole body was twitching. The little witch was going to kill him.

Through slitted eyes he could see Tia’s cheeky smile. It reminded him of the Cheshire cat with how it stretched her lips wide. A shiver ran through his body at the thought of what those lips had just done to him. She deserved to wear that smile. His breathing was hard, and his body was covered in sweat.

“You have no gag reflex!” Why he was telling her something she already knew, he had no idea. But hell, he’d never had a woman able to take his whole length before. “Where the hell did you learn that finger thing?”

Why hadn’t he known that by getting his lover to shove a finger up his ass that he’d go off like a rocket? His body was still quaking from the force of his release.

“Internet,” she answered before lying her head on his stomach.

Absently, he used one hand to rub and sooth her jaw muscles, while running the fingers of the other through her damp hair.

When Ax finally got his breathing under control—which took longer than normal, but hey, he’d just had the best blowjob of his life—he pulled Tia up so she was lying on top of him. Kissing her, he could taste himself in her mouth. Another first for him...he normally wouldn’t kiss a woman after she had blown him. He couldn’t believe it; his dick was already starting to rise again. Before he got off track and buried himself home, he pulled her head back. Her eyes were bright, glassy violets.

“Guess what I found?” He held up a butt plug he’d found in her toy box while she was in the shower. The box was one of those combination ones, and what do you know, after a few failed attempts he tried his birthdate and it opened.

When he’d found the plug he didn’t know whether to be disappointed that he wouldn’t be the first thing to enter her dark passage, or to be relieved that she would already be prepared to take him there.

“Ah, I see you found my toy box.” She smiled down at him while rubbing her pussy over his stomach muscles.

“Stop that,” he said, tapping her on the ass. Instead of protesting the small hurt, he felt her whole body shiver, and a warm gush of wetness escaped her cunt.
“You have quite the collection in there, baby! But for tonight, I want to know have you used this?” he asked, holding up the large, black butt plug.

“No…umm…I’ve used the smaller one.”

“Did you like it?”

,” she said, the words running together as they rushed out of her mouth. She was turning a nice shade of pink, squirming all over him in her embarrassment. He stilled her movement, gripping onto her hips.

Axton couldn’t hold back his surprise at her answer. “What do you mean not by itself?”

Tia’s head tilted up toward the ceiling. He heard her mumble something about needing to dust away a spider web.

“Tia.” He growled at her while slapping her ass again. The small moan she made at the action confirmed his earlier suspicion.

She let out a big breath, causing her gorgeous breasts to rise, then she giggled. Still looking at the ceiling, she answered his question, this time at a more reasonable speed. “Well, I don’t like it by itself. It does nothing for me. But if I’m using BOB at the same time...umm, that seems to do the trick.”

She was so cute when she was flustered. Ax was about to cum all over her back just from the image she had presented him. She finally stopped staring at the ceiling and looked down at him.

“Get on your hands and knees,” he said.


“We’re going to use the bigger one tonight and get that sweet ass ready to take me. And baby, when I’ve finally tunneled my way into that tiny rosebud, your greedy cunt is not going to care that it’s empty.” Ax could see the shock in her eyes, but it was quickly replaced by pure lust as she moved off him.

Tia’s pussy was sopping wet. As he moved into position behind her, he could see her feminine juices running down the inside of both thighs. The rounded slopes of her hips were perfectly contoured for his hands.

Dragging his tongue down her spine, tasting the salty tang of her dampened skin, Axton worked his way lower. Moving his hands from her hips, he kneaded her ass cheeks, the supple skin giving under his strong fingers. Licking further down, he ran his tongue over her puckered rosebud. Tia almost jumped off the bed with the first touch.

“Steady, baby. I’ve got you.” Axton licked at her contracting muscles again and again, savoring her flavor. He could feel a new type of tension taking over her body; no longer was it one of hesitation but of pending release.

Tia started rocking back onto his tongue. Encouraged by her movement, he picked up the smooth black plug, running it over her clit to the entrance of her pussy before slowly inserting it, her own cream lubricant enough for the thick, hard plastic. The mewing sound she made at his slow-paced thrusting had his dick weeping to be inside of her. He knew he was teasing her by not letting the phallic object hit her sweet spot, but he didn’t care. Axton needed to be inside her when she came. A loud groan echoed around the room when he pulled the plug from her suckling cunt.

Tia stiffened, and a little yelp left her mouth as he positioned the plug at her dark entrance. “Shh, baby. I want you to push out while I push the plug in.” Axton smoothed his hand down her back only to grip her hip and hold her in place when she tried to pull away as he worked the first inch of the plug past the tight ring of muscles.

“Ax, please, it burns.”

“Breathe through it, baby. It’s almost all the way in.”

He could hear her trying to control her breathing and felt the muscles of her lower back relax. Still holding her in place, he ran his thumb in a smooth, circular motion in a bid to help distract her.

“Good girl,” he said, placing a kiss on her ass cheek. He gave her a minute to adjust, then he started to slide the plug in and out. Not all the way, just an inch or two, adding a twist at every other reentry.

Tia’s breathing had become shallow sounding pants. Ax knew she was sitting on that ledge. She’d told him that it wouldn’t be enough for her. And as he had that thought, she voiced it aloud.

“Ax, it’s not enough. I need more.”

Moving his fingers over her rounded tummy, he searched for her bundle of nerves. He rubbed her clit at the same time he aligned his throbbing shaft with her clenching pussy. Tia’s moans accompanied his own, her slick channel unbelievably tight from the plug in her ass. Steadily, he worked as deep as he could go.

He was having trouble keeping a steady rhythm. With the plug in her ass, her cunt was almost painfully tight. He could feel every tiny ripple of her trembling pussy. Even with her juices running freely down both their legs, Tia was squeezing him so hard he could barely move. The intensity of the feeling brought stars to his eyes, the dazzling lights mixing with the sweat dripping into them.

Pushing her shoulders down to the bed, he started to piston his hips a little faster, building up speed. He could distantly hear the headboard hitting the wall through Tia’s moaning and the combined sounds of their labored breathing. Without warning, she let out a scream that could have shattered glass. Her whole body bowed and quivered under him, drenching him with her juices, and just as he was joining her in euphoria she went lax.

Catching himself on weak, shaking arms, not wanting to crush her, he gave himself a few minutes to regain the feeling in his legs. He felt like a newborn colt. She had drained all the energy from his body through the tip of his cock. Pulling slowly from her warmth, he removed the plug, the soft moan coming from her lips the only indication that she was aware of his actions. Placing a small kiss against the fingermarks he’d left on her creamy hip, Ax headed to the bathroom to clean up.

When he came out of the bathroom he found that Tia hadn’t moved. She was still on her knees, ass in the air, face buried in the pillows. Running a warm washcloth over her thighs, he gently removed the traces of his cum from her pussy before he rolled her to her side. As he settled in beside her, Tia’s eyes finally fluttered open.

“Hey there!” He met her glazed eyes with a smile on his face that was so big his cheeks were hurting.

“Why are you smiling like you know something I don’t?”

“I fucked you unconscious.” He was having one of those moments where he was patting himself on the back for a job well done.

“That you did. You stud you.” Her voice sounded raspy, and the chuckle she tried to follow her statement with scarcely made it past her lips.

Leaning over, he picked up the fresh glass of water he’d gotten from the bathroom and handed it to her, the smile still plastered across his face.

Tia drank the entire glass then handed the empty tumbler back to him and looked down at the sheets. “Why is the bed wet? It feels like you spilled a glass of water under me.”

Ax knew the proud smile he’d been sporting had just turned into a shit-eating grin, but he couldn’t help it. Leaning down, he nibbled at her lips. “You ejaculated.”


“You know...female ejaculation.” It was a first for him. He knew about it, had seen it in movies, but had never made one of his lovers experience it. He smiled wider at her.

When she slapped him on the chest Ax laughed. Her face was turning pink, which deepened to a dark shade of crimson as he ran his fingers up her sticky leg.

The pout on her beautiful mouth told him she wasn’t impressed by his laughter. “I know what it is, Axton. But it’s never happened to me before, so I’m just a little surprised. Now get off me. We need to change the sheets or you’re sleeping in the wet spot.”

Ax rolled away from her naked body and wiggled his bare ass, neatly dodging the pillow she threw at him as he headed toward her bedroom door. The linen closet just down the hall would have what he needed to change her sheets. He hoped all the others were still out; he’d seen Jack driving out as he’d made his way over to the main house earlier.

When he returned Tia wasn’t in the room. He heard the shower running in the bathroom, so he went to work changing the sheets. The sound of running water stopped as Axton finished making the bed. Lying on top of the cool, crisp linen, he waited for Tia to come back into the room.

“Are you going to stay here tonight?” she asked, while climbing onto the bed with him and snuggling into his side.

“Yeah, I’ll set the alarm so I’m up and gone before anyone else gets up. Is that okay with you?”

“Of course.”

Lifting her slightly, Axton placed her on top of his chest. Their hearts beat against one another and her strawberry, honey fragrance filled his senses. Her breathing slowly evened out, the calming sound pulling him to sleep.

Three AM came too quickly, and when he woke her with a sweet kiss, she clung to him. The silent plea in the tension of her body had his heart skipping a beat. The last thing Axton wanted to do at that moment was leave her side.

“I’ll call you later,” he said as he snuck out of her room.

Chapter 9


Ax had hated leaving Tia that morning. He was starting to get tired of all the sneaking around. He wanted the whole world to know that Tia was his. He wanted her in his house, and bed. He just needed to grow a set and tell his brother the truth.

Shaking off his thoughts, he went about tidying his room. He changed the sheets on his bed and picked up his dirty clothes. If he planned on having Tia over tonight, he thought it would be best that she didn’t think him an absolute pig.

They’d had a great week mucking around like teenagers. Well, for him anyway. Tia hadn’t done any of that shit when she was a teenager. Apart from the craving he fell asleep with each night—the need to have her in his home, and bed—the only downer had been a argument he’d had with Jack. His brother just didn’t know when to leave well enough alone.

He’d ducked into the kitchen in the hopes of catching a minute with Tia. No such luck. Jack had walked in just as Ax was about to head upstairs. Trying to come up with a reason he’d been going up there, he’d said he was looking for Ethan.

“You going blind in your old age, Ax? You walked straight past him on your way into the house.”

“Nah. Just not paying attention.”

“I was fixin’ to make coffee. Come have a cup with me.” Jack walked away.

Having nothing better to do, Ax figured why not. A few minutes of distraction were needed.

“So what have you been up to lately?” Jack asked as he sat down at the kitchen table.

“Same shit, different day.” Ax laughed a little at the memories of some of the not-so-shitty things he and Tia had gotten up to.

“Well, whatever, or should I say whoever she is, keep it up. I reckon it’s been some time since I seen ya this happy.”

Coffee going down the wrong pipe hurt like a son-of-a-bitch. Ax pounded himself on the chest to dislodge the scolding liquid.
How the fuck does Jack know?
Nah, he couldn’t. He’d be shittin’ burs if he knew.

“Hah. There is someone. You gonna tell me about her?”

“Not right now, Jack.”

“She that good a lay that ya don’t—”

“Shut the fuck up, Jack,” Ax snapped in defense of Tia being spoken about like that. He knew where that sentence was going. They’d jazzed each other over women before, all in good fun, but Axton’s inner beast rose up to protect Tia before he could stop it.

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