A Diamond in the Dark (16 page)

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Authors: Sassie Lewis

BOOK: A Diamond in the Dark
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He rained kisses over her stomach, up to her breasts, and spent a few minutes laving at the large, beautiful nipples. He couldn’t see what color they were at the moment, but knew that they were a coral pink. As her body began quaking he moved on, kissing his way up to her luscious mouth. Underneath the taste of their shared dinner and wine was a taste that he would never be able to describe. It was Tia, something he knew he was addicted to and would never get anywhere else. He could spend all day kissing her like they were teenagers. Not only did he love her taste, he loved the way she kissed him in return, holding nothing back. It felt like if she could climb into him through his mouth she would.

Cradling her in his arms, he rolled over. Tia was now on top of him. She sat on his stomach. Her knees on either side of him didn’t even touch the ground, but she solved the problem by placing her feet beside his ribcage, giving him an unimpeded view of her open, creaming cunt.

“Take your hair down.” Already he was pulling the bands from the bottom of her braids. She helped by unwinding it. “I have dreamed of you sitting on my cock with all this hair cascading over us.”

She smiled at him, then lowered herself onto his aching cock, working to take every inch of him. It seemed like an eternity of him holding himself back while she slowly worked herself down his throbbing shaft. He ground his teeth together at the blessed rippling of her inner muscles. Once she was fully seated, she let out a moan of satisfaction. Instead of her starting to ride him, as he was desperately needing her to do, she used her hair like a feather. Running it over his nipples, then down to his belly button, causing his stomach muscles to clench and his hips to rise.

He couldn’t take any more of her sublime torture. He held her hips and encouraged her to rock. She found a slow rhythm, rocking back and forth, occasionally twisting to the side. When it wasn’t enough to satisfy her, she placed her hand on his chest and started to rise and fall. Tia’s defined leg muscles, refined from years of horse riding, flexed with her every movement.

She was so beautiful lost in passion, her head thrown back, the moonlight reflecting off her skin. Just as her internal muscles started to spasm around his dick she opened her mouth, screaming out his name, telling him she loved him.

As she slumped onto his chest, he rolled them, and she wrapped her legs around his waist. Holding her face in his hands, he kissed her with all the love he felt, grinding his cock into her still quivering pussy. His orgasm raced up his spine and down to his toes, drawing his balls up tight before shooting from the head of his cock. Not once did his lips leave hers. He felt her go over again with a small sigh, not much more than a breath.

* * * *

Tia didn’t know where Axton ended and she began. The position had him so deep inside her that it was painful. She didn’t want to stop though. The slight pain was quickly turning into unbelievable pleasure as with every motion of her hips the sharp edge of pain would send spasms through her entire body, confusing her senses.

Sweat coated her skin. The warm, evening breeze caused goose flesh to form, but she didn’t know if the small shivers going through her body were from the chill of the breeze or from the sheer bliss she was feeling. She moved her hands behind her, resting them on Axton’s thighs, and increased her speed, raising up slowly only to slam back down.

That fine, confusing line between pleasure and pain increased, her mind still unable to decide which was going to win out. Ax moved one of his hands that had been holding her hip, keeping her steady, to her clit. He slowly started to rub the distended, blood-infused bundle of nerves, adding another sensation to her overly sensitive body.

The climax was right there; she could see it in her mind’s eye, that perfect plateau of ecstasy awaited…something. On her next downward thrust Ax pinched her clit between two fingers, not a gentle pinch but one to stop all her movement. It was all it took. Raising her face to the stars, she screamed.

Like a ragdoll, her body fell forward before she could think about the words she had just yelled to the heavens. Axton rolled them, his chiseled face looming above her. A halo of moonlight surrounded him, painting him as a warrior of old. His hand caressed her face as his thick cock continued to scrape along her hot spot, reigniting her ardor.

The crystal depths of his eyes locked with hers, his kiss made more passionate by the fact he kept them opened. Their breaths danced together as she felt his body go rigid before the warm wash of him filling her sent her into a soft, soul-touching orgasm. The beauty of it forced her eyes to shut but her heart to open and fill with him.

Axton’s body rolled to the side, taking his warmth away, the light night breeze tickling her sweat-coated flesh. Tia felt Ax move, and the sense of being watch had her opening her eyes to look at his again looming face.

Leaning on his elbows, he whispered the words that she had waited a lifetime to hear. “I love you.”

A smile pulled at her lips, and her eyes brimmed with tears.

Leaning closer, Ax wiped the tears away with a kiss. “Don’t cry, baby. This is a good thing.” He rolled them to their side and held her tightly in his arms, his fingers running through her sweat-tangled hair.

“They’re happy tears, Ax. Do you know how long I have loved you?”


“Always. I’ve always loved you. You held me in your arms as my mother died. It was just a little girl loving someone who showed her affection and compassion. Then as I got older, I loved you for protecting me and teaching me new and wonderful things. I think back then it was a crush. You’ve always been so handsome, and I loved any time you would spend with me. Then when I was about fifteen, I saw you skinny-dipping at the lake. After that the crush turned into lust. Want to know a secret?”

He nodded.

“That day, the day I saw you skinny-dipping, you gave me my first orgasm.”

“What?” It wasn’t quite a question, but she could hear the combination of intrigue and outrage in it. The look on his face asked for more information.

“Well, seeing you naked and wet did weird things to my body. At first I thought I’d gotten my period, but when I got back to my room and there was no sign of blood, I couldn’t help thinking that somehow I’d gotten some type of disease. So after a quick look on Google, I discovered it was a sign of being horny. Me, and my undying need for information, looked up a few more things. Once knowledge was obtained, I stripped down to my bra and panties and masturbated for the first time. I tried to think of other things, but it was you naked in the lake that kept popping back into my mind.”

Ax slapped her ass on her final word. “I don’t know whether to be appalled or flattered by that story. Christ, you were fifteen.” If his growing cock was anything to go by, he appeared to be quite pleased by the fact that he had given her her first orgasm.

She settled down on her back, putting her hands behind her head, her breasts pointing to the stars. Out of the corner of her eye she watched Axton roll onto his stomach, whether it was to hide his arousal or not she didn’t know.

“You hurt?” he asked, probably noticing her grimaces of pain as her cervix spasmed.

“Not really, just achy. In a good way, Ax.” She ran her fingers over his cheek, trying to calm the worry she had heard in his voice. “It’ll pass soon. But next time I’m on top don’t let me get so carried away!”

He kissed her softly on the lips, running his hand over her lower stomach as if he now was soothing her. “So when did the lust turn into love?” he asked, continuing their conversation.

“Just before I turned seventeen. I don’t know how it happened, or even what set if off. Everyone at school was dating and talking about love and shit. We were all in the cafeteria, and Shelley was going on about some boy she was seeing and how she thought she might be falling in love with him. When Tim West came over to our table to ask me out, I turned him down. Shelley started going off at me, telling me how handsome he was. She couldn’t understand how I could turn him down. It was then that I had one of those moments where my brain switched off, but my mouth just carried on talking. Right there in the middle of the cafeteria, I simply stated that there was no point in me dating, as there was only one man I could ever love—Axton Jefferson McGraetty. Well, thank Christ there was only Mara and Shelley at the table, or the whole county would have known by the end of the day.”

As she told Ax the story she remembered the looks on Mara and Shelley’s faces. They’d been so shocked that they both looked like those comical cartoon characters’ mouths gapping open then closing only to open again. It had almost been the end of break before either one of them had asked her
what the hell
. It was then she reminded them that Ax wasn’t her uncle. A lot of people tended to forget that fact.

Her smile died on her face as the events of that morning played back through her mind. The problem with having a total recall type of brain was she could remember every minute detail of it. The look on Jimmy’s face had been pure venom.

“Ax, do you think we should tell the family about us? I don’t want them to find out from someone in town.”

“Not yet, baby. I just want a couple more weeks with you without the pressure from the family. I don’t think Jimmy will say anything. You scared the shit out of him. His daddy relies on us for good, reasonably priced breeding stock.”

Leaning up on her elbows, she kissed him in agreement. “You want to know what else, Axton?” She didn’t wait for him to answer, instead she used her hands to pull him back on top of her. “Over the last couple of weeks I’ve grown to love you more.” Tia kissed him again, starting out softly, then building with passion that neither one of them ever seemed able to contain.

Axton was the one to pull away from the kiss. “No more tonight. You’re already tender, so let’s go have a nice, hot bath. The water will help.”

His concern for her wellbeing made her already loved-filled heart overflow with emotions for the man. Naked, they gathered their clothing and glasses, leaving the blanket behind as they headed into the house.

She was cradled between Ax’s legs, in his big claw-foot bath, as he ran a comb through her hair. If he wasn’t such a good rancher, Tia would have recommended he take up hairdressing. He’d just given her the best head massage while he’d washed her hair. His strong fingers worked magic on her skull, making her whole body relax, something that Stevie at the Clip and Whiz had never achieved when Tia went in once a month for a wash and trim.

They hadn’t said anything since coming into the house. Biting her lip, she finally asked him what she had wanted to know for the last twenty minutes. He loved her so it shouldn’t really matter, but she wanted to know anyway.

“So…how long have you loved me?”

“Nearly five years,” he said in an absent-minded way, still running the comb through her hair.

She spun around to face him, splashing water all over the side of the tub and sending the comb flying across the room. She distantly heard it thud against the tiled wall.

“What? I would have been seventeen… Why?” She didn’t know what to say, she just kept seeing the faces of all the women he had dated over the years. If he’d loved her that long, why hadn’t he said anything? Why had he hurt her by sleeping with all those other women?

As she was trying to stand up so she could get away from him, he grabbed onto her hips, pulling her closer to him.

“What has you so upset, Tia? One minute we’re having a nice bath, the next you’re flipping out on me. Yeah, I know it might be a little shocking to know that I’ve been in love with you for years. But it was only recently that I understood that this feeling inside of me… That it’s love and not just this unsavory obsession with someone I thought was unattainable, but shit, you just told me that you masturbated to thoughts of me at a pretty young age.”

Tia heard his words, but they weren’t getting through her hurt psyche, and her body still struggled to get away from him.

“Fucking settle down, woman. You’re going to hurt yourself.”

“You fucked them, Ax. You fucked them while you were in love with me. I saw you fucking that redheaded slut against the house...
on my fucking birthday
!” She was screaming at him now, trying to punch him. He held onto her, not letting her get away. Ax just kept shushing her and telling her everything was okay.

As her fury-fogged brain started to work a bit more rationally, she could hear Axton’s inconsequential cooing. Even knowing her face would be all blotchy from the tears and snot more than likely running out of her nose, she looked up at him. Tia didn’t care, she needed to look into his eyes.

“I’m sorry, baby. They meant nothing to me. I had issues. You’re like my brother’s daughter. Not only that, there is a bit of an age difference between us, but I had no idea that you felt the same way.”

He was talking to her like she was a small child having a tantrum. Although, when she thought about it, what he said made perfect sense. She was acting like a spoiled brat. Kissing him under his chin, she let him know that she was listening.

“I’m sorry. It’s just knowing that you’ve loved me almost as long as I have you, all I could think about there for a minute was how much it had hurt, seeing you with other women, when all I wanted was for you to notice me. So to find out that you had but were still ignoring me… Well, I just flipped out. Sorry.”

“That’s fine, baby. Remember I punched out Jimmy’s teeth when I saw him touching you. At least you didn’t get into fistfights every time I had a date.” He kissed her on her forehead, and she could feel his smile through the kiss.

Tia laughed. “I had wondered at the time why you reacted so badly. You do know Uncle Jack set up that date?”

“You’re gonna have to stop calling him Uncle Jack, because it still wigs me out. And of course I punched the douchebag. He had his hands down your pants touching you when I couldn’t.” He lifted her out of the tub, placing her on the vanity to dry her off, all the while studying her face. “You look so young with no makeup on. Not that you ever wear a lot.”

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