A Dirty Player: A Football BWWM BBW Romance. (3 page)

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Suddenly, another woman ran towards us. Immediately, my mind assigned her a name. Generic Slut #4563. She went up to Evan and grabbed him by his hand. I wanted to hiss at her like a cat, but I held my tongue.


“Sally?” he asked.


“There you are,” she said in her ditzy tone. I know I was being judgmental, but I knew girls like this. Nothing but trouble. “How are you? Ready to kick the Hawks’s asses?”


Evan nodded. “Indeed, baby.”


My eyes rolled as I looked at that skank. I mean, Evan was out of my league. Saving up money to buy a yacht would be easier than trying to get Evan to date me. But to see that skinny white girl all over him, it made the jealous part of me want to erupt.


She continued. “Who’s that, by the way?” She pointed to me. From her squinted eyes, I wondered if she was jealous. Bitch, I’m about as big of a threat to your man as a dust particle is to the sun.


“Someone who is getting out of here,” I said. With that, I took off, leaving the two lovebirds out of this. As I did, my mind started imagining undressing Evan. I shook it out of my mind. Stop it, Alisha! If you think about him some more, you’re going to get madder. You know he’s out of your league, so check your dating profile, answer a few more messages, and forget about him.


While I was checking my profile, I looked at my phone. Yikes! The game would be starting soon. I dashed to the stadium and found my seat. Next to me was Julie.


“’Sup, Lee Lee?” she asked me as she sipped on a large Coke and gorged on some nachos. How did she stay skinny again?


I sat on the chair. “Nothing much,” I said.


Julie bounced up and down with excitement, like a girl seeing her first concert. Me, I yawned and considered leaving. But then, the game started.


You know, I’ve never been too much into mob mentality. Instead, I like to consider myself a woman who thinks for herself. But as everyone cheered the Bobcats on, even I felt some enthusiasm. I mean, I wasn’t jumping out of my seat and screaming like a banshee, but I applauded. That counted, right? Right?


The players came out, each sporting their jerseys. I saw Evan running out, still looking good despite being in his helmet. My eyes locked onto him, and then the game began.


I’m not too much into football. I think you all know this, but it’s worth stressing. I know little about the game. Couldn’t even tell you what a touchdown is.


All I know is that Evan was kicking some ass! He ran across the field, dodging tackles like Indiana Jones avoids traps. He would kick the football, and it’d fly towards the moon. Okay, that may have been hyperbole, but it’s worth stressing. Evan would toss the football like it was nothing, and if someone on the opposing team had that pigskin, he’d tackle them like a steamroller.


As the game progressed, I found myself cheering Evan, along with a chunk of the crowd. Despite Evan’s effort, the Bobcats were still quite tough. The scores would spend a good while being evenly matched, with both teams constantly taking the spot of the lead.


Finally, it was down to the last minute, and the Bobcats needed one more point to win this. Evan had the football, and he charged towards the goalpost. With one last-ditch effort, the Hawks ganged up on him like… hawks. They tried tackling him, and at one point, they got him. But Evan escaped every time, only to run under the goalpost.


The crowd exploded in applause. Even I was shouting. Julie did a little dance as the announcer proclaimed the Bobcats the winner. The Hawks left the arena as soon as possible, and the crowd began dispersing. Julie followed.


I decided to wait a bit until I got up. I never liked being trapped in a large group of people who were scrambling to leave. Wait a bit and leave when the crowd is thin is my philosophy. I knew it was going to be crazy tonight. Our university is passionate about football, and maybe a little too passionate. They’ll start riots despite us winning, for crying out loud.


After the stadium cleared, I got up and started leaving. As I made my way to the entrance, I saw Evan, who was against the wall, his helmet off, his hair and face sweaty. I wanted to take him home and give him a steamy shower, if you catch my drift. Instead, I stuttered as I talked to him.


“H-hey,” I said. “Good job with the game.”


He smiled, his pearly whites blinding me. “Thanks. Damn team was holding me back, and I barely scored a win.” Cocky, just like I imagined him to be. But was it bad that I found that kind of a turn-on? I was weird like that.


As I continued talking to him, my anxiety lowered. Once you get passed all the fame and the stories, Evan seemed like a normal guy. A bit on the cocky side, sure, but in his position, who would blame him?


Evan checked his phone, and then put it away. “Fucking Sally,” he said. “Probably too wasted to come see me. Oh well.”

He sounded apathetic about this Sally character. Maybe there was hope after all.


I looked away as I said it. “Maybe you can come hang with me while you wait for her.”


He gave me a neutral expression. I couldn’t tell if he was just talking to me to pass the time, or genuinely seemed interested in me as friends, at the very least.


“Why not?” he said. “You seem pretty down-to-earth.”


I guess if I had one quality, it was that. I imagined Evan was surrounded by girls who just wanted to bang him, so maybe someone who cared about him was a good change of pace.


We went from talking about football to talking about our lives.

“My mom’s proud as hell that I’m a football champion. My dad still won’t even text me,” he said, scoffing.


“My mamma is the same way. Loves me, is proud of me, and my father’s nowhere to be seen. The big reason she sent me here is because she believed I could find a good man here.”


“Well, I’m not one,” he said. “But yeah, the reason I came here is because of my talent. In high school, I was the star football player. And the reason I joined in the first place was because no one would shut up about it. They always told me, ‘Evan, you’d make a good football player,’ all just because I was tall. To shut them up, I finally decided to become a football player, and what you know, they were right. 


I chuckled at this, hoping I didn’t look to embarrassing. Evan continued. “I can’t say I hate this college. Got a lotta babes, everyone worships you, but I do feel a bit ridiculous knowing I’m buying my way through here because I can toss a ball. Shows where this college’s priorities lie.”


Indeed. They were planning to lay off a few teachers next semester, but you better believe they would expand the stadium.


As we talked some more, I found myself blushing. I knew he was bad news, but if you talk to him like he was a normal human being, he’s actually a nice guy. Evan himself seemed to take a liking to me. I highly doubt I would seduce him. I couldn’t even seduce a one, for crying out loud. But it was nice to know I made a friend with the star football player.


Finally, Evan said, “It was nice talking to you. Here’s my number, if you want it.”


He gave me his number, and as I was entering it into my phone, Sally comes walking in, her hands on her hips.


“You again,” she said with a condescending tone. I rolled my eyes. I’m not stealing your guy. Don’t worry about it.


“Let’s go, hon,” she said, smiling and prancing as she grabbed Evan by the hand. “I bought some lingerie for the celebration.”


With that, Evan and Sally disappeared. As Evan went away, I sighed. At least I wasn’t too screwed over like I was with my dating app. Some guy just told me he wouldn’t date me if I was the last woman on earth. Savage.



I woke up the next day, my entire body aching. No matter how much training you do, your body will scream out in agony the next day as you recover from your football game. To make matters worse, Sally had my arm in a vice grip cuddle, and I didn’t want to disturb her too much.


Her makeup was running all over her face, messy from our night in bed. She looked like a mess, but so did I.


As I removed her arm from mine with the delicacy of solving a puzzle, I got out of bed. My mind started thinking of someone, and I didn’t know why.


I thought about Her.


She was the type of girl who I would make fun of in high school. I admit, she has a cute face, and her breasts look quite nice, but she’s a bigger woman. I tend to judge those who are bigger, mostly because my society tells us. All my bros, most of them gone, would tell me that only a desperate loser would go associate with a big woman, even if they’re just friends. But as I talked to her last night, she made me feel… actual feelings. She didn’t treat me like I was a star, but instead tried talking to me normally.


It felt nice. Too bad she wasn’t my type. I’ve had chicks of all races in my bed. White, black, Asian, Mexican, Native America, Middle Eastern, and a combination of all of the above. But I wasn’t about to try a bigger girl. Everyone tended to mock you even if you were the least bit curious.


Besides, I had her to deal with.


I looked at Sally, who was sleeping like a baby. She was pretty, sure, but she was quite vapid. Just another former church girl who went wild once daddy let her loose. Haven’t heard that one before. Being from a small town, whorish preacher’s daughters were a trope as old as time itself. It made me want to roll my eyes. She was good for a lay, but not much else, and she was kind of annoying me. But I felt bad letting her go, and that wasn’t something I usually cared for. Why? Because she seemed fragile. If I dropped her, I felt like she’d go crazy.


That’s something I didn’t want.




Julie was gone as I woke up. Figures that she’d be out already. As for me, my ears were still ringing from the football game last night, if that proves anything.


Also, he was on my mind. Evan. The star football player who’s not that bad of a dude if you get to know him. By all means, I shouldn’t have cared about Evan. He was an all right guy, sure, but he was the type of person who played women. The kind of man my mamma warned me about, and for a good reason. I’m no prude, but I think a man should take his relationships one at a time. But some men have different plans, thinking they can play a bunch at the same time.


Oh well. For now, we could be friends. I texted him, saying what was up. I was just waiting for the moment where I got punked. I expected him to give me someone else’s number just for laughs. Although I didn’t know him too much, you could never trust anyone these days.


But, to my surprise, he texted back.


“Not much, u?”


We texted each other for a bit, and for the next couple of texts, it was your generic shooting the shit kind of deal. He talked about how tired he was after winning the game, and I complained about school and my roommate being too noisy. He did not mention anything about that girl, which I found to be a bit strange.


Finally, just when I thought the conversation was about to wane, he texted me something that made my eyes widen.


“Have nothing until the next game. Wanna chill sometime?”


What? He wanted to hang with me? I almost felt like he was pulling my leg, but screw it, I was taking the bait. “Sure,” I texted. “When, though? I’m free whenever, but IDK your busy schedule.”


“I’m good for tomorrow at any time.”


Seriously? He wanted to hang with me that soon? I expected a few weeks or some ridiculous planning that he was never going to fulfill. Not tomorrow. My heart started pounding. As I was in the throes of texting him, Julie entered the room.


“You’re blushing,” she said.


I turned around, hiding the phone behind my back like she was my parent. “Am not,” I said.


She hopped on the bed. “I can tell when a woman is lovestruck. You don’t have to tell me, but whoever it is, you go, girl.”

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