A Dirty Player: A Football BWWM BBW Romance. (6 page)

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“Maybe you’re growing up and realizing what you really want,” I said. “You want a woman who cares about you. And to be honest, I do. I wouldn’t care if you were some computer nerd everyone picked on. I see a good man on the inside, and that’s lost to many people nowadays.”


I walked over to him and gave him a hug. He accepted, smiling. We soon ended up making steamy love, and as we were in the middle, we heard the sound of Julie behind the door, rattling her keys as she tried to find which one unlocked it. Both of us put our clothes back on and watched as she entered. As she did, her eyes practically fell from her sockets.


She ran up to Evan, who backed away. “Evan? Why are you in here?”

I smiled, bowed, and said, “Julie, meet my boyfriend.”


She blurted out laughing. I expected as much. She always gave me that you go, girl attitude when I was talking to someone, but once she realized the man was a perfect ten, she doubted me and tried putting me down. I would have been offended, but that was Julie for ya.


“No really,” Evan said, giving me a kiss on the cheek. “She’s mine.”


Julie rubbed her eyes, and I had to laugh as she did. Once she realized I was catching on to her, she grinned and said, “Good job!” And with that, she sat down and watched TV.


“I’m not feeling anything for her,” Evan whispered to me as she watched some football. I grinned.


We soon left the dorm, and then I yawned. Even though we only had sex halfway, it still lulled me to sleep quite well.


“Anyway,” I said, “I’m going to hit the bed.” I looked at my phone. Today was Friday. That meant…


As Evan looked at his own phone, he sighed. “I need to change my number. So many fake friends and sluts texting this. Anyway, yeah, we should go on a date tomorrow. I’m tired, and I need to figure out how to break it to my friends. Not only have you turned me away from all those fake girls, but I don’t even feel like partying anymore, to be honest. We’ll date tomorrow, and then I need to spend the rest of the weekend training for the final game.”


We kissed, said goodbye, and as he left, I felt like a powerful woman. I turned this player into a gentleman, and I didn’t even try. As I fiddled with my phone, I deleted the dating app. Wouldn’t need this garbage thing anymore. And that’s when my screen lit up. There was a text from someone. It was an unknown number, and I looked at it right away.


“U ruined my life. Watch out, because if I ever get u alone, u will pay for what u did. And that’s no threat. It’s a promise.”


Chills fell down my spine as I deleted this text. Even though the number was anonymous, I knew exactly who sent it. That bitch. How did she get my number? I guessed she grabbed Evan’s phone while he was asleep or something. I shuddered. Should I tell Evan? Should I talk to security? Or should I not take this seriously? Ironically enough, when someone declares their threat as a promise, it usually means they’re bluffing.


I decided to sleep on it. I returned to my dorm, but not before using all the door locks I could.

Chapter Three

Julie was gone as soon as I woke up, and reached towards the bedside to grab my phone. My heart pounded, thinking I’d get more death threats. I expected a few “I’m outside your window” texts, even though I was on the fourth floor of the dormitory. Instead, I got a few “Good morning” texts from Evan.


I smiled, forgetting about the texts I got for just a little bit. For now, I wouldn’t bother telling him about this until we met in person. Instead, we texted each other asking where we wanted to date at.


“Preferably someplace away from the college. Once you’re in town, you’re pretty much a nobody.”


I gave the generic answer of anything goes. I rarely ventured out, so I had no clue what this town had to offer. He said that was fine. And with that, we were on our first date.


I waited in the parking lot for him to pull up. In just ten minutes, he stopped by me while in his shiny black convertible. Even though it was an older model, it had a shine of a car that came out recently. Timeless, and I loved it. I sat in the passenger’s seat. While I wasn’t too dressed for the situation, Evan was practically wearing a suit.


“Hey, baby,” he said. I kissed him on the cheek. “Hey yourself,” I replied, giving him a smile. With that, we took off. The car battled through the outgoing campus traffic, but once we were out of that cramped space, it was smooth sailing from there.


“So how have you been?” he asked me. “Is there something wrong?”


The temptation to say I was fine dawned on me, but I realized that honesty was how this relationship was going to work. “Something is,” I said.




I explained to him about the text I got. Immediately, his expression went from confident to concerned. “Ugh. Why can’t she leave us alone?”


I shrugged. “Beats me. Do you think she’d keep her promises, or is she one of those girls who’s all bark?”


“I really don’t know,” he said. “Even though she acted like my fiancée or something, I don’t know much about her. I don’t know her deepest fears, darkest secrets, or any of that shit. Now that I think about it, that’s just plain sad.”


“So what should I do?” I asked. “Call security?”


He shook his head. “Security won’t do shit. They’ll talk to her, she’ll act all innocent, and then they’ll back away. Then, she’ll have even more of  a reason to hate you.”


Campus security was infamous for how bad they were, but I never really cared, as I didn’t get into anybody’s business. But now that my life was under a threat, I was seriously regretting not packing my own Taser.


For now, I tried thinking happy thoughts. “Where do you want to go?” I asked.


“I dunno. Go to the mall, get some food, maybe see a movie.”


I smiled. “I figured a stud like you would be more original. Not that I mind.”


He shrugged. “Not really. To be honest, I’ve never been on a date. You know my situation with most girls. If they offer me a date, I stay away.”


With that, we decided to head to the town’s shopping mall. It was a fairly decent place that was quite packed, seeing how this was a Saturday. We had some funny stuff happen to us while in the mall, too. I would drag him into the bra store, and he’d be blushing as I looked at lingerie and panties that I could never afford.


I’d also take him to nerdier places such as the game store and the bookstore. He’d always look around, wondering if anyone he knows would see him in there. It was like a child watching porn, and not wanting his parents to find out. It was so adorable. After that, he decided to get his revenge by taking me to the sports store.


He looked through footballs and helmets while I looked at all the different pieces of equipment. I could tell you how to beat a game of D&D, but I couldn’t tell you the first thing about the stuff I saw in there. He also dragged me into the bro-dude clothes store, the kind where they sell you a shirt for $50. None of us bought anything, but we had a blast. Even in stores we didn’t like, we had some way to keep us entertained.


After we were all malled out, we stopped at the food court. “I’m feeling some pizza. How about you?” he asked.


My stomach growled in approval. It had been so damn long since I had food. I barely ate anything for breakfast! He ordered us a whole pizza, and we sat beside each other at the court, munching on pepperoni slices, sipping some Coke, and holding hands. Usually, I wasn’t a fan of mall food, but with him, it was the best meal in the world.


Afterwards, we headed to the movies. Being in the afternoon, the theater was mostly empty.


“I can’t believe you chose this movie on a whim,” I said to him.


“That’s what my friends always did. Whenever there wasn’t anything in the theater we were too interested in, we chose a movie at random and watched it. Kind of like Russian Roulette. We’ve watched some bad movies because of that, but we’ve seen our fair share of good ones, too.”


The movie he chose appeared to be some generic buddy comedy about a farmer and a city boy working together after they got stranded. It turned out to be quite funny! Even though it wasn’t a masterpiece, I chuckled as I curled up to Evan. Maybe he was making this movie watchable. Who knows?


After the date, we returned to his dorm. Both of us were holding hands, and I was jumping around like a little schoolgirl. If this had been around anyone else, I would have felt embarrassed, but because it was beside the one I loved, I was smiling and blushing the entire time.


Now that I thought about it, this was the first time I was in his dorm. They put me in the slums compared to where he lived. This was practically a penthouse apartment overlooking the New York skyline. I walked around, stars in my eyes as I examined everything. Then, I turned around to look at him, tears in my eyes.


“This is amazing!” I said. “I can’t believe I’ve been so blessed as to get a guy like you.”


He smiled as well. For a second, I thought I saw a gleam in his eye, almost as if he was tearing up too. However, that gleam soon disappeared. I guess he was trying to keep up his macho appearance no matter what.


We held each other tightly, kissed, and then made love, and this time without any interruption. Some say that the sex gets old after a while, but I say that it just gets better. The pleasure that man gave me was even better, now that we were more accustomed to each other’s bodies. I came so many times that I lost track, and he finished on my stomach once again. We curled up together, and then I fell asleep, with him holding onto me like a teddy bear.


When I woke up, the two of us were apart, and as I looked at the clock, I saw that it was midnight. My bladder felt full, and I tiptoed out of bed and went to his restroom. After I did my business, I came out, lied back down, and then I heard a Creeeak!


Mamma always told me that if you wake up in the middle of the night, it’s a bad omen. In this case, she wasn’t wrong. The exit to his dorm was in the bedroom, and I watched as the door slowly opened, light spilling from the eternally bright highways. I lied still as I saw someone tiptoe into the room and close the door, turning the place dark again. Even though their face was only visible for a few seconds, I knew who it was.


Now, they were in the room with me. Everything froze as I looked in Evan’s direction. He was still sound asleep. My first instinct was to reach for the lamp. Click! The room lit up. The idea of Sally standing in the room with us was terrifying, but instead, I saw something even scarier: there was no one there.


I shook Evan awake and explained the situation. Underneath his grogginess, he said, “You were just dreaming. She doesn’t have a key. I keep my spares inside that little box over there.”


As if that would soothe me. It would be easy for her to take a spare. I stepped out of the bed, and as I did, all hell broke loose. A hand reached from under the bed and grabbed me. How did she get down there? I screamed and Evan jumped out of the bed, the two of us naked. With one hand, Sally had a grip on my leg, and with the other, she was brandishing something sharp.


Thank fuck that it was a skinny woman trying to grab a big woman’s leg. I freed myself from her grip just as she swung the blade at me. She emerged out of the bed like a monster from a bad horror movie, a twisted look on her face.


“You’re disgusting!” she declared as she charged at me, her blade raised.


Evan jumped out of the bed and grabbed her by the waist. She dropped the knife, but then elbowed Evan in the front, causing him to let go. She then resumed her charge at me.


“You took my man, you disgusting hog!” she shouted. Although she no longer had the knife, she instead was brandishing long fingernails, which gleamed in the light of the lamp.


When a crazy bitch is running towards you, you have to take action. Mamma always taught me that you should try your best to be peaceful, but should someone try to attack you, feel free to knock them the fuck out. I swung my fist as hard as I could, clocking her in the face. She flew back, landing on the bedside, her eyes turning white.


“Is that you, God?” she muttered, and then she passed out.


We both started panting as we looked at her unconscious body. “Okay. I’m never dating a woman like that again!” Evan declared. He went towards her, reached into her pockets, and pulled out a key.


“Of course. She stole my keys,” he uttered, reaching towards his phone. As he made the call to security, I slipped some clothes on, panting. I knew Evan would have some leftover baggage I’d have to deal with sooner or later, but I didn’t think it would be this bad. At least I didn’t have to worry about her anymore.


Then, Sally drifted back to consciousness, grabbing her head. Evan tried subduing her, and as he tried, she darted towards the exit. I ran after her, but she was already running across the hallways.


“Hell no!” I shouted. There was no way she was getting away that easily. I didn’t want to sleep with one eye open, after all! I ran after her at a surprising speed. She entered the stairwell, and I followed after her. My chest flared up, my breath became short, and I almost fell numerous times, but I kept running. Soon, Sally left the dorm, and I followed.


As I stepped outside, I saw no one near me. This dorm was near a lot of bushes and trees, so I kept my guard up.


The cool, pre-autumn air sent even more chills down my spine, and my heartbeat was audible a mile away. Evan ran out to join me. “Where did she go? Did she get away?”


Did she? “I doubt it,” I said. “She knows there’s no turning back now. She’ll get captured if she doesn’t finish the job right away.”


“Right. Well, I have security coming. We just need to be patient and keep our guard up.”


I scouted the area, my eyes settling on places where Sally could hide. On one hand, I wanted to stay put until security arrived. On the other, they always took their sweet time, and she could strike at any moment.


Evan took a few steps forward, standing in front of the bushes. There was rustling in one of the shrubs, but before Evan could investigate, a squirrel jumped out. Evan then passed by a few of the trees. An owl hooted, but other than that, the tree seemed lifeless. He walked towards a few benches that were in a circle. In the center was a fountain. Evan sat down, and I followed. Then, something happened that made me scream.


From the fountain, Sally emerged, another knife in her hand. She grabbed Evan by the back and put the knife to his neck.


“What are you doing?” I shouted. From here, Sally looked less like a naughty schoolgirl and more like Swamp Thing.


“You made me do this!” she shouted, pressing the knife to Evan’s neck. Evan gritted his teeth and tried throwing Sally off, but she had a strong grip for her size.


“Just calm down!” I told her. She shook her head.


“Calm down? I lost my purity to this man. Soon, everyone will know. My dad will shun me, and I’ll have nothing. My life is ruined thanks to you being a homewrecker!”


I guess this is what happened when a woman who is sheltered all her life goes into the outside world.

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