A Dom and His Not So Submissive Sub (15 page)

BOOK: A Dom and His Not So Submissive Sub
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Vanessa closed her eyes in a moan. “Freyr, hurry.” He licked dry lips in anticipation. He sank halfway into her welcoming depths. But halfway was not nearly enough for him, no, he had to sink in further into her. He needed to be balls deep, and even deeper if he could manage. He held her hips steady as he pumped into her, dragging against her walls. In and out he thrust. He took it slow making sure his eyes remained riveted on the succulent pink flesh wrapped around him. His eyes took in the sight of her dark body swallowing his much paler flesh. He couldn’t help his grin. Never, many centuries ago would he have thought he’d be in this position, with this beautiful dark woman. He touched the tip of his thumb, damp with her wetness against her clit. She jumped at the jolt of pleasure taking hold of her. He whispered words in his native tongue to her. Telling her how lovely she was, letting her know how perfect he found her. He praised the way her body seemed made for him. He told her how he planned to never let her go because she was his.


The words he spoke had him falling ever closer to losing control. He remembered that one morning he took her on the kitchen table of her apartment, when he’d introduced her to the joys of anal sex. Soon, he hoped to introduce her to even more, to help them both learn how to take their pleasure to the next level. His eyes widened slightly. He had an idea that would give her even greater pleasure. Freyr used their commingled fluids as temporary lubricant. Carefully he rolled them until he was beneath her. He repositioned them till he was able to place his back against the dark wood of the headboard.

Vanessa took a sharp intake of breath when he pressed the tip of his finger against the tight ring of muscles in her sphincter. He thrust sharply, distracting her attention enough for him to slide that single digit in to the first knuckle. She shuddered. “God, yes,” she shouted. He stopped moving his hips, concentrating instead on moving his finger. She relaxed further, enough for him to add a second finger, and then a third. It was tight. Oh was it so tight around his cock and fingers.

Freyr tossed his head back. It felt so good, the way she massaged him with both her holes. His fingers moved in concert with his cock, filling her both ways over and over again. A growl worked its way from his throat. His body wanted more. It wanted to come. His balls pulled up tightly in their sack. He felt that tingle of warning in his lower spine. It was coming. She tightened around him again and he lost it. He came with a hoarse shout. Vanessa followed him immediately after.

Even as he came down from his high, he mentally made plans to start purchasing certain toys. It was official, Vanessa’s body was meant to be played with. It would mean redoubling his efforts to keep her by his side for all eternity, but it would be worth it. He would make it worth it by ensuring that her pleasure would always be met. He would stop at nothing to make her his submissive. She was perfect for it.



They stayed panting, trying desperately to catch their breath. Vanessa knew she
didn’t want to ever move. She was exhausted from her activities and sore enough not to care about the wet spot he left her in. But her mother was bound to call if she didn’t get her butt into gear and the last thing she wanted was to have to explain to her mother why she was still in bed at such a late time.

She rolled over carefully, compensating for the extra weight. She made her way to her feet to begin making her way toward the bathroom. For once, Freyr was slower to come back to Earth. She took her shower, shaved her legs, washed her hair and blow dried it. By the time she slid into her clothing, Freyr had just moved. She didn’t want to have to do it, but she had no choice.  She slid into the most comfortable maternity pants she had, pulled on the loosest shirt available, and prayed for the best.

He worked quickly, ushering them both into her more modest vehicle at exactly twelve forty. Freyr hadn’t exactly been thrilled at driving Vanessa’s car. It didn’t have as much power as his own, nor was it custom made. But once Vanessa explained the difference between living in downtown Chicago in a very upscale building with a private garage and living in a more middle – lower class area where one parked on the street and risked possible damage, or theft, to a vehicle, he gave in.

“So we are leaving your custom babies here where they’re safe. It’s bad enough you’ll be the only white man in an all-black residential area.”

She thought he probably wasn’t going to take her warnings serious considering he was an immortal and a warrior first. His words, not hers. It still did not change the fact that his skin tone was extremely pale. Everyone she knew would think of him only in terms of his skin. His status as other, would be the least of her concerns.

They battled traffic on the streets since the Dan Ryan was crowed. Vanessa didn’t mind as it gave her plenty of time try to figure a way out of this. The twins refused to stay undercover, as her stomach already seemed grossly swollen, but she was hoping to come up with a way to get her family to not notice the new addition to her body. Maybe she should have really worked harder on getting Freyr to agree to work some sort of spell on her family members.

It didn’t have to be forever really. Just until she gave birth and they were forced to accept her babies. It was actually a pretty funny thought. Just imagining it had her smiling and feeling a bit calmer about going home. She remained so until Freyr pulled into a parking spot right in front of the house. It seemed almost suspicious, the way the spot remained very open, considering the other vehicles around the neighborhood.

Freyr held her hand, allowing her to draw her strength from him. She felt like a little kid again. She was going to be in so much trouble if she couldn’t find a way to get one over on her mother. She just knew she was going to be in for it.

“Come on Vanessa. It should be fine.” That was easy for him to say. This wasn’t his mother he had to worry about. He wasn’t hiding a pregnancy because he felt like a coward unable to get a handle of the situation. The front door opened just as she stepped onto the curb. Vanessa looked up, frozen in her spot. Her mother figured it out.

There was her mother, staring directly at the belly Vanessa thought she’d been able to successfully hide. “Hi momma,” she said sheepishly.

              Mrs. Harris turned to Freyr. “You the father?” Disapproval lined her face. Freyr drew his shoulders back as he faced Vanessa’s mother. If he had been a mortal back during the Viking era he’d have been in big trouble. The way Vanessa’s mother stared, let him know she would be more than happy to call blood-vengeance on him.

He was very thankful for the modern era. Oh, he knew and well understood he would have to woo her parents for a while to come should he want to be on their good side before the marriage could take place, but he would not have to fight a male member of her family over her lost honor. It made his work a hel of a lot easier. Charm was something he had in droves, or so he had been told. He wouldn’t have survived the Great War otherwise. Building a friendship with his future in-laws should be very easy.



Vanessa stepped slightly behind Freyr, almost willing him to take her mother’s anger, thoug
h it was really all her fault. She was the one responsible for not telling the truth. But Vanessa should have known that her mother would not blame Freyr alone for this mess. “The look” came out in full force. “You’d better come inside from the chilly air,” her mother said.

Freyr guided Vanessa up the stairs leading to the small ranch style home. Sounds of laughter filled the living room as merry revelers conversed.               It was just like all the other years she’d come home for the holidays. Family filled the small living room, sitting on white plastic covered couches. Those hideous metallic copper blinds she’d begged her mother to remove were still in place and blinding her because of the light bouncing off of them.

On the walls were photos of her and her siblings as children growing up. But none of it was very comforting in this type of situation. Vanessa felt her face heat when many of her family members turned in her direction. She had no idea if the women in her family had a baby detecting radar or what, but every single woman in the room looked down at her stomach.

“Uh, Vanessa?  Who is that and why is he here?” her uncle Clarence asked, pointing rudely at Freyr.

Vanessa grimaced. Knowing her uncle, he’d think Freyr was a bill collector or something else so silly. She took a deep breath. “Everyone,” she called, putting on the largest, fakest smile she could muster, “This is my boyfriend, Freyr.” For Freyr, she pointed around the room, introducing every one of her relatives. Freyr smiled, allowing his infamous dimples freedom. The result had the women in her family staring. Vanessa was certainly glad he had that trick available to him. She hated to think what would have happened if he’d been a regular man coming into her mother’s home.

She shuddered. It didn’t bear thinking about.

Even with the bit of relief she felt at Freyr’s ability to garner attention, she was grateful when her mother motioned for them to follow her into the kitchen for a good talk. She grabbed Freyr’s hand and tugged him forward. The whole time dreading the questions she knew was on her mother’s mind. Behind her on the stove, Freyr caught a lot of interesting scents. On the table in the corner nook Freyr saw more food. He remembered Vanessa talking about some of the items and wondered what exactly was what.

“So now you’re dating a white man and carrying his baby?”  Her mother paused just long enough for Vanessa to get the sense she was supposed to respond. She meekly nodded her head. “Well, how far along are you anyway? Because right now I can tell you’ve been pregnant for a while. So I know you’d better answer me truthfully.”

Vanessa started stomping her feet like a little child. “Momma, I didn’t know how to tell you. It’s not like you make it all so easy to talk to you.”

Her mother gave her “The look.” Vanessa turned a panicked look on Freyr. If she tried to speak one more time she thought she just might incriminate herself further. Freyr turned all of his considerable charm available onto the mother. With a calmness Vanessa was surprised he had, he said. “She is five months pregnant and we are blessed with twins.”

A bright smile fought its way onto Mrs. Harris’s lips. For a brief moment it looked as if the smile would win, but in the end, it was a deepening frown that took center stage. Mrs. Harris turned dark eyes upon Freyr. “Do you intend to marry my daughter?” They both ignored Vanessa’s insistence she was her own woman.

Freyr nodded. “I wanted to meet her family first. Then she will come to Sweden to meet the rest of my family.”

Mrs. Harris closed her eyes for a moment. When she opened them her whole demeanor changed. Vanessa was surprised when he was pulled into a tight embrace. She released him quickly to smooth her hands over her daughter’s current baby bump. “You’d better go downstairs and talk to your father.”

Vanessa grimaced. She had forgotten about that.




“Who let the white man in my house,” her father said, not doing more than glancing away from the football game on the television. Her brothers paused from their favorite past time besides watching sports, eating.

“Yeah, Vanessa, you know we don’t let honkies in the house,” William, her younger and most annoying brother said. “Have you suddenly turned white on us?”

Freyr frowned slightly. Vanessa knew she was damn well insulted by her brother’s words and was ready to bring the wrath of the pregnant woman on his ass. “Shut up you jerk. You’re just jealous no one wants to be with you.”

Freyr grasped her gently under her elbow when she would have barreled down on her brother to give him the beating of his life. She allowed the motion, but only because she was sure he wouldn’t learn anything anyway. After all, you could not change stupid.

“Wait a minute, you trying to tell me you’re dating the white guy?” William said. His stupid face full of confusion. Their father only heard the words dating and white. His head shot over to where she stood next some big blonde guy.

Mr. Harris reached for the lever that lifted him into a seated position in his recliner, for once forgetting all about the game. “Dating?”

Vanessa lifted her chin. She felt fine as long as she stood with Freyr. Her father wouldn’t hurt her, but he had a very healthy set of lungs. “And having twins,” she said. The looks of total disbelief on the faces of the men in her immediate family were so comical that she felt better about having blurted out the information. She turned, pulling Freyr behind her as she headed back up the stairs. She was starving now that the crisis was averted.

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