A Dominant Fallen (A Dominant Series Book 2) (7 page)

BOOK: A Dominant Fallen (A Dominant Series Book 2)
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“Come now, angel. You need to eat.”

“Not until you talk to me,” I insist with a slight scowl, and he sighs, placing the fork on the plate. “You’re asking me to trust you after you only just lied to me. Really, Damian?”

“I’m not lying. It does have to do with work, but it’s not something I wish to discuss at the moment. Please, Gabrielle, you need to eat something.”

“Fine, but I’m not giving up.”

“I know,” he says softly, casting a weary smile.

He picks up the fork and proceeds to feed me until I’m stuffed and satiated.

“Are you finished?” he asks once the last morsel has disappeared from the plate.

“Yes,” I groan, holding my rounded tummy, and he smiles to himself, satisfied.

“Good…Now it’s off to bed for you. You need to get some sleep.”

“But,” I mutter, too full and, quite frankly, too tired to argue. He chuckles, lifting me up once again, and takes me back upstairs. As he carries me down the hall, I slur out, “Our bed.”

“Yes, angel, I’m taking you to our bed.” He nuzzles his cheek on top of my head and it’s the last thing I remember. I’m out like a light.

Chapter Six


All Dressed Up


wake up the next morning to the sound of hard rain hitting the large glass wall behind the bed, feeling refreshed and ready for the day ahead. I haven’t slept so well since the night before Olivia’s party, and now that I’m back in Hunt’s bed, our bed, I was finally able to catch up on some much needed sleep.

I roll over and find Hunt sitting up against the headboard with his laptop resting on his boxer-brief adorned thighs, typing away at something. I watch him, studying every slight movement he makes, smiling to myself. I love the view.

Suddenly, my father’s kind blue eyes flash through my head, which is finally clear after a real night of rest and nutrition, and it hits me…he’s gone. He’s really gone, and he’s never coming back. I’ll never hear his gentle yet strong voice. I’ll never be able to call and confide in him. I’ll never smell his familiar cologne when I hug him tight. I will never see him again, and the realization hits me like a ton of bricks, right onto my heart.

I feel the lava hot tears rise in my throat, making it hard to breathe, up to my eyes where they form stinging pools of pain. My lip trembles, and my heart actually aches. That’s when Hunt notices me.

“Angel, what’s wrong? What’s the matter?”

That’s it, hearing his worried voice is more than I can handle and the tears break free in an explosion of choked breaths and gurgled cries.

“Dad,” I sputter out.

Hunt doesn’t hesitate, tossing his laptop aside and snatching me up into his lap. He cradles me in his arms, rocking me to and fro as I let out every bit of sorrow and betrayal that has built up inside me for the past few months.

I cling desperately to him, nuzzling my red, tear-soaked face into his neck, wetting it. He holds me tighter as I bellow and tremble, unable to control my wailing cries. Hunt combs his fingers through my knotted, sleep-mussed hair, attempting to calm me.

“I know, baby. I know it hurts. Let it out. Just let it all go,” he whispers into my ear and kisses it lightly. “Shhh…shhh. You’re going to be okay, I promise.”

“I…I’m s-sorry,” I cry out.

Hunt grasps my hair and hauls me back to stare into those crazy-gorgeous emerald eyes.

“Why on earth would you be apologizing to me?” he asks with a befuddled expression.

“For…for this…For la-last night and now,” I sputter, sniffling and choking on my tears.

“I still don’t understand what it is you’re apologizing for. You have done nothing wrong,” he assures me.

“This isn’t…how I thought it wo-would go.” I can hear my voice becoming calmer, steadier. I feel my pulse slowing, and I’m able to take full, deep breaths.

“Oh,” he says, seemingly understanding what I’m referring to, as realization washes over his eyes and face. “Angel, you have no need to apologize for such ridiculous things. As I said before, I don’t need to fuck you to feel close to you. I’ve enjoyed my time with you.”

He opens the bedside table drawer and grabs a handkerchief out, wiping my eyes and then my nose. He stares at me for a moment, studying my face carefully, and then says in an awestruck tone, “You’re exquisite. I will always want you, Gabrielle. But, these are the moments I feel closest to you.”

He pulls my wet lips to his and kisses my pain away, kisses me until my head spins and my heart flutters a rapid beat, until I can think of only him, only us.

Suddenly, there’s a knock on the bedroom door, and Banks announces his presence, “Sir?”

Hunt shifts his face away from mine, appearing frustrated, but his voice is composed as he answers him, “Yes, Banks. What is it?”

“Sir, we have new developments on the…situation,” Liam responds with a strong, concerned voice.

“Yes, ah, I’ll meet you in my study in a moment,” Hunt says to Banks, but his torn eyes are planted on my blotchy face.

“Yes, sir, very good.”

“I’m sorry, but I have to take care of this.”

“Of course,” I reply, trying not to seem disappointed. “Does this have to do with last night?”

“Yes,” he replies simply.

“And you still won’t tell me what it’s about.”

“No…Why don’t you take a shower…or I can prepare you a bath. Then, once I’ve finished with Banks, I will make us breakfast.”

“I don’t want a damn bath or shower or food, I want you. All I need is you.”

“I know, angel, and believe me, if this wasn’t terribly important, I wouldn’t be leaving your side, but it is.”

“Fine,” I say with a much lighter, more understanding tone. “I will let you take care of business while I take that bath you mentioned, then
will make us breakfast…I need a distraction.”

“Ok, that sounds great,” he utters, shifting me off his lap onto the bed. “I promise I won’t be long.”

He rises and jumps out of bed, heading toward the all-white bathroom. I hear the tub turn on and the water filling up its empty depths.

I’m sitting in our king-sized bed, decked out in dark blue satin sheets and a cream comforter with a modern, tufted, wingback headboard. I remember it being black, but it’s now a cream color, matching the bedspread. The enormous scarlet rug it once sat on, covering a large portion of the dark wood floor, has been replaced with a blue one, same as the sheets. The furniture is modern, black-stained wood pieces, and the walls are still gray adorned with black and white photos of me.

Hunt comes walking out of the bathroom and into the closet, emerging a few moments later fully-dressed in a white open-collared shirt, sleeves rolled up to the elbow, with dark jeans and bare feet.

He’s lip-licking yummy.

“Your bath should be ready, and I shouldn’t be more than thirty minutes, maybe an hour depending on how well this goes. Will you be okay?” he asks, putting on his Cartier watch and clasping it shut.

“Yes, I’ll be fine,” I assure.

“Are you positive?”

“Yes, Hunt, go take care of the situation,” I wave my hand toward the door, “I will be downstairs in the kitchen when you finish.”

“Ok.” He smiles at me, though it doesn’t reach his eyes, and walks over to me, rewarding me with a chaste kiss on the lips. Then, he’s gone.


took a nice, long soak, sporadically crying when my father popped into my head. When I couldn’t sit still any longer, I jump out of the bath and head downstairs, dressed in jeans and a black, form-fitting V-neckline tee with my hair tossed up in a sloppy bun atop my head.

I walk through the kitchen door and punch the music setting on the touchscreen near the entrance, selecting Fitz and the Tantrums’, ‘The Walker’. It’s upbeat, perfect for a morning pick-me-up. I whip up some scrambled eggs, hash brown potatoes, and chopped bananas and strawberries all while grooving to the cheery tune, singing along off key.

Abruptly, I’m a part of a duet as a familiar female voice joins in. I spin around to find Maya standing at the door, a sad smile on her refined face.

“Maya,” I whisper and run to my sister, snatching her up into my arms.

“Hi, Ellie,” she shakily whispers into my ear, hugging me tight, then she hauls me away, holding me at arms-length, giving me a good scanning. “Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way…Where the hell have you been? Why the hell did you leave me behind…? Jeez, Ellie, you look…thin.” She brings me back in for another hug.

Wow, her mood swings are worse than mine.

“I’m sorry, sweetie. I wasn’t in a good place…What are you doing here anyway?”

“Well, I’m here for your well-being. From the sound of things, you still aren’t in a very good place…Hunt called me. He’s worried about you.”

“Is he now?” I ask, pulling away to study her. I notice that she doesn’t look too good either, worn down even.

“Yeah, he said you aren’t processing things well. He thinks you should talk to someone and I was the only one who could possibly understand what you’re going through…That maybe we needed each other.”

“Do you need me, Maya?”

Her eyes widen. “Are you joking? Please, tell me you are…Of course, I need you, Ellie! We lost our dad and found another and I don’t know what I’m supposed to do with all this new information. I haven’t spoken to Mom or anyone since the funeral.”

“Oh, Maya,” I utter, grabbing her into my arms and shutting my eyes tight. “I’m so sorry. I haven’t been there for you when you needed me most. I’m an awful sister.”

“No, you’re an amazing sister, you just couldn’t handle things, and I get it. I’m here for you, Ellie. Just like you’ve always been there for me. We’re here for each other now.” She squeezes me tighter, swaying us back and forth.

“Yes, we are,” I reply, opening my eyes and finding Hunt at the door, leaning on the frame with his arms crossed. He’s watching us, with joy and sorrow mixing in his eyes. I just watch him for a moment, attempting to figure out what’s going on in that head of his, that complex puzzle that I want to solve desperately.

Maya breaks from me, turning to look at Damian.

“Hey,” she greets him, walking over and giving him a big hug, whispering in his ear. I can’t quite hear what she says.

They separate and Hunt smells the air like a wolf sniffing out his prey’s scent wafting in the breeze.

“Smells amazing,” he states, sauntering over to me. “I’m famished.”

He cups my face with his hands, gently pulling it up for a soft kiss, but I want so much more, and now it will have to wait. He turns back to Maya, holding me at his side, and says, “You’ll join us for breakfast, won’t you? Please, feel free to stay as long as you like. I know you two have a lot to talk about.”

Okay, it’s really going to have to wait.

But, I couldn’t be happier that Maya is here, and I look forward to really talking with her. Though, I dread having to tell her about Chase, knowing how much she cares about him.

“Thank you,” she replies with a huge, genuine smile.

“Alright,” I interrupt, “Breakfast is ready. How about we eat in the dining room?”

“I think that would be fine,” Hunt says. “Why don’t you two go and take a seat at the table, and I will serve you.”

He taps me on the butt as Maya and I head out to the dining room, taking a seat across from one another at the table, reserving the chair at the head for Hunt.


reakfast was delicious. Once we’ve finished, Hunt excuses himself and heads into the kitchen to clean up, leaving us girls a chance to talk. We settle in on the couch in the living room where Hunt started a fire for us and served us hot chocolate, perfect for the gloomy, wet weather outside. We sit and drink our cocoa, gazing out at the view as the rain comes down in sheets, making it nearly impossible to see the outlines of buildings.

“It’s nasty out there,” Maya finally comments, taking a sip of cocoa with both hands wrapped about the warm mug.

“Yeah,” I respond with a nod of the head. “So, I want to start off by saying, I’m sorry for running out on you. I shouldn’t have done it. The news and dad’s passing were only a part of the reason that I left.”

Oh god, how am I going to tell her that Chase kissed me? I need to get it out. I need to get it out of the way, so we can move on to more pressing matters.


“I know that Chase kissed you,” she blurts out, staring down at her cup. “He told me after you left.”

“Oh, Maya, I’m so sorry…I…”

“It’s alright. It’s nothing I didn’t already know. He loves you, and I will always be second best in his eyes.” I can hear the pain in her voice and it nearly kills me.

“No, sweetie, you should see how he looks at you.” I sigh. “He’s just confused about how he feels, but I know he does care about you. He’s just felt a certain way for me for so long, he doesn’t realize that it’s become a different kind of love. Trust me.”

“You really think so?” she asks, glimpsing up at me with her big blue doll eyes.

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