A Forbidden Love (The Forbidden Series) (6 page)

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inside so I can make it up to you.”

took my hand in his and led me to his bedroom. I had no clue what he was up to,
but he had my full attention. Once inside, he pushed me onto the bed then
seductively whispered in my ear, “Just relax.”

slid my shorts and panties directly onto the floor, gently kissing my lips,
then making his way in between my thighs. I could feel his warm tongue inside
of me, spreading my lips apart and gently sucking and licking on my clitoris,
until my legs shook uncontrollably. He placed a firm grip on my legs, clamping
them down so I couldn’t resist the pleasure. My entire body heated, tingling to
the touch, and then a very loud moan escaped my lips. He clasped his jaw
tightly against me, as an insane amount of fluid soaked his face. That was the
first time I had ever squirted from oral sex and it felt amazing. He wiped his
mouth, and smiled at me.

laid there motionless, unable to find the strength to move my body. Suddenly
there was a knock at the door; Al quickly covered me with a thin black sheet on
his bed.

in. I swear
Jake always shows up at the wrong time!”

can I borrow two hundred dollars?

do you need the money for this time Jake?”

have to get new needles, transfer paper, and ink man.”

you better pay me back by Friday!” he yelled.

Allan pulled out a thick black
leather wallet and handed his brother two crisp hundred dollar bills.

will,” Jake said, as he gave me the evil eye for being naked under Allan’s

Chapter 3
Mr. Shaw



and I were on our lunch break when I first caught sight of him. I couldn’t look
away as he walked back and forth across the metal beams, carrying wooden 2x4’s
over his shoulder. He worked at the construction site across the street from my
job and his team was assembling a brand new two-story house.

at about six-foot one with sun kissed skin, thick muscular arms, and a
beautiful smile. His facial hair was thin and neatly trimmed, starting from
each side of his jaw line and connected around his lips and chin. His legs were
solid, but not too muscular for his tall slender frame, and his ass looked
tight and toned.

construction gear was not his forte, he wore a plain reflective vest with no
shirt underneath, dark blue jeans that hung slightly off his waist, exposing
the top of his Hanes boxer briefs, and a hard hat with red and light brown
accents on both sides. He always had a red bandana in his right back pocket and
a large brown leather tool belt that rested comfortably around his waist, full
of hammers and other small tools.

weeks of eye stalking from the distance, I decided that today was the day I’d
finally talk to him. I had been rehearsing for weeks trying to think of clever
things to say, but nothing seemed good enough.

this is it. Today is the day I’m going to put myself out there and see what
happens!” I whispered in her ear.

are you going to say?”

don’t know I’ll just wing it.”

we crossed the street, my stomach started to flutter. I could feel the nerves
settling in as we inched closer and closer to the construction site. I took my
visor off, stuffed it into my right pocket, and pulled out my Coach wristlet.

nervous Kayla,” I whispered in her ear.

remember to be you,” she said.

stood by a tall, black metal fence, talking on his cell phone. As we approached
the gate, Kayla spotted Chance walking towards her with his tin lunch box in
hand. Chance was a guy she’d met a few weeks prior at the same site. From what
she described he seemed like a sweet guy, and she was head over heels for him
already. I think the exotic Spanish accent she raved about is what she liked
the most about him. She left my side to be with Chance, so I had to improvise.

dropped my Coach wristlet on the ground in front of the gate and kept walking.
There was nothing inside of it, but I figured it would get his attention.

Miss! You dropped something!” he shouted at me with a southern accent.

quickly sprinted around the fence ignoring his yell, but he ran up behind me
and tapped me on the shoulder.

you dropped this back there.”

I’m always dropping this stupid thing.”

need to be more careful.  It is from Coach you know? Any lady would be
happy to take it off your hands,” he said, with a slight grin on his face,
flashing the deepest dimples in his cheeks.

Allan Shaw, by the way,” he said while extending his hand towards mine.

‘Allan Shaw by the way,’ I’m Alecia Moore.”

to meet you Alecia: Is there a way to keep in contact with you? Just in case
you drop that wristlet again, I mean.”

you can give me your number and maybe I’ll contact you.”

pulled a ripped receipt out of his pocket with a small pencil and quickly wrote
his number down on it.

sure you don’t drop this, it’s more valuable than your Coach wallet,” he


quickly turned around, walking away without speaking another word to him. I
looked at my watch and realized my 30 minute break was over, and Kayla came
running after me.

late,” I told her.

know but wasn’t it worth it?” she said with a huge smile on her face. Her
cheeks were flushed with a warm glow and her pale skin suddenly showed signs of

course it was.”

what did you do?”

dropped my wristlet near him while he was on the phone, and kept walking like I
didn’t even ‘realize’ I dropped it. He ran after me, gave it back, we joked for
a few minutes, then he gave me his number and that’s basically it in a

so are you going to call him tonight?”

I’m going to make him sweat for a while.”

good-luck. He is really cute. Oh and Chance said he’s single.”

for long, if I have anything to do with it.”

my mid-shift was over, I looked back across the street at the large wooden
skeleton that was in the shape of a house. They hadn’t been working on it long,
but the first floors structure was completely finished. It seemed like it was
going to be pretty big because, there was a spot for a double front door, two
large bay windows, and two stone steps that rested right in front of the empty
door frame.

walked around the back of the sub shop and across the parking lot. My car was
parked next to the closing manager Cindy’s-all black BMW 5 Series coupe and her
sunroof was still open.

told Kayla I would make Allan sweat, but I was getting very antsy and wanted to
call him right away. I decided to go home and shower first, and then maybe I’d
shoot him a message.

get home and immediately run into the bathroom. While turning the water on, I
remembered I hadn’t had sex in over a year. He was the first guy I’ve actually
talked to in a long time. Most of the guys I’ve been with weren’t really
‘boyfriend material’ but I could feel there’s something different about Allan.

imagination ran wild, as I stepped inside the piping hot shower. I envisioned
his big, strong hands, all over my body. Pulling my hair, slapping my ass, and
making me his, in the roughest way possible. I bet he could do more things to
me then I could ever dream of.

my shower, I slipped on a silk night gown and gave him a call.

his voice was even sexier than I remembered.

this Allan?”

who’s this?”

that may have found your number
on the ground.”

too bad because the beautiful lady I gave it to was told to keep it safe,” he
quickly responded.

felt a warm sensation in my cheeks. He thinks I’m beautiful? I giggled like a
little school girl, talking to her crush on the phone for the first time.

guess you’ll just have to get to know me now instead, since she lost her


how did you know it was me?”


your night going?”

boring, I could really use some company tonight.”

to hear that. Can’t you invite a friend over?”

my friend,
come over?”

bet you would like that wouldn’t you?”

would, especially if you show up in that tight red and black uniform from earlier.”

would you like me to make you a sandwich?”

like you to do a lot more then make me a sandwich.”

that so?”
This guy was such a pig, but I couldn’t force myself to hang up
with him.

you want to come see me tonight?”

we just met, and besides I don’t even know where you live.”

you should come by Ice, I promise I won’t bite, unless you want me too.”


your new nick-name. I never have to ask a girl more than once to come over so
to me you’re cold as ice.”

I’m not most girls.”

good, but all girls break eventually.”

Al I have to go, I have class tomorrow.”

you could stop by afterwards.”

doubt it, night.”


morning my alarm was set for 6:30 because, I always took forever to decide on
my wardrobe for the day. Although my school was close by I needed the extra
time to plan accordingly. I heard a few subtle tap’s against my window pane,
and peeled my curtains back to reveal the pouring rain outside. While
ransacking my closet for something to wear, my phone rang and Sub Stop showed
up on my caller I.D.


Alecia, its Cindy, the store will be closed tonight for renovations. The new
tile flooring finally came in, and only the key holders need to be present. So
you have the night off.”

thanks, I’ll see you tomorrow Cindy.”

continued searching for something nice to wear since I didn’t have to work
tonight. I stumbled across my favorite three-quarter length turquoise shirt,
black denim jeans, and my black rubber rain boots in the closet. I brushed my
thick curly hair into a low ponytail, put my black fitted Red Sox cap on, and
grabbed my huge zebra print umbrella.

were the shortest class day of the week because our teacher had a prior Graphic
Design commitment outside of school. We only had to attend class from 8:30 A.M
until 1:00 P.M.

entered my classroom five minutes early, to discover my
Mr. Peterson had called in sick today. He left a note in our virtual class
mailbox with instructions. “Class, you can choose to stay or go home, there are
no new assignments for today.”

plugged in my Western Digital drive, retrieved my previous project files and
left. Luckily I only lived 20 minutes away from the school, but since it was
still pouring out, I stayed in the lobby until the rain died down a bit. I
didn’t really feel like going back home so I decided to see what Allan was up

does the invitation to come over still stand?”

course, but I thought you were busy today?”

teacher’s out sick and my job is finally getting its floor renovations done. So
since my plans are cancelled, I figured we could hang out. Did you have to work

when the weather is shitty, I don’t have to work.”

well, message me your address and I’ll see you soon.”

rain subsided long enough for me to open the door, raise my umbrella above my
head, and run to the free parking garage across the street from the lobby. The
wind blew very strong as I crossed the street causing my umbrella to fly
directly out of my hands. The back of my outfit was soaked while trying to
retrieve it from the ground.

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