A Forbidden Rumspringa (Gay Amish Romance Book 1) (16 page)

BOOK: A Forbidden Rumspringa (Gay Amish Romance Book 1)
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“I imagine I’ll wish we had cushions on our chairs tonight. But don’t look like that. It was what I wanted. You’re what I want.”

Eyes still on Isaac’s hole, David asked, “Can you feel it inside you?” He lifted his fingers, sticky with his own seed where it dripped from Isaac’s ass.

“Yes, I can feel it. Can still feel you.”

“I want you to come inside me next time.” David raised his head, his eyes bright as he climbed onto the table.

They shifted and shimmied until they were both laid flat out, and David rolled on top of Isaac and kissed him with a quiet desperation. “I want you to fuck me, and then we’ll both be so deep inside each other, no one will ever be able to tear us apart.”

“Yes, my David.” Isaac whispered.

Yes, yes, yes.

“Did you hurt yourself, Isaac?”

He glanced up from his porridge to find Mother watching him closely. “No, I’m fine.”

“You winced when you sat down,” Katie added.

Now with all the eyes of his family on him, Isaac tried to act normal and laugh it off. His foot jiggled. “It’s nothing. I just fell on my rear end. But it was my fault. I dropped some nails and slipped on them, which was stupid.”

He was close to rambling, so he scooped up another spoonful of porridge. Cinnamon and brown sugar filled his mouth, and he chewed slowly. His explanation seemed to satisfy everyone, and Nathan chattered about school.

The tenderness was a potent reminder of what he and David had shared the day before. It was as though he could still feel David deep within him, and his body hummed at the thought. He couldn’t wait until they could sneak off to do it again. To do

They’d kissed and touched, entwined on the worktable until their cocks were hard once more. David had rolled over onto his stomach for him, offering himself up so prettily, holding his cheeks open so Isaac could get inside. He thought he would release just at the sight, let alone the sweet heat as he inched inside and covered David’s body with his own.

It had felt like nothing else Isaac had experienced. It was similar to the wet suction of David’s mouth, but the knowledge that he was inside the core of David’s body had made it even more special. The feel of David’s hole grasping around him had sent shivers from Isaac’s balls to the top of his head.

When he imagined now how they must have looked—sprawled out on the table, locked together and naked, sweating and grunting like animals—Isaac had to shift uncomfortably on the wooden bench. A voice inside reminded him how gravely he’d sinned, but Isaac couldn’t seem to care. If he was going to hell, it would be worth it.


He blinked. “Hmm?” All eyes were on him again. “Sorry, my mind’s somewhere else today.”

“We were just wondering how you’re getting on with Mary. You see her every day now.” Father’s tone was deceptively mild.

“Mary? Uh, fine. She’s a very nice girl.” Isaac felt his cheeks burn.

“Ohhh, he likes her,” Joseph teased.

If you only knew.
“I like her fine. That’s all.”

“You should drive her home from the singing on Sunday night.” Mother smiled. “I’m sure you’d both like that.”

Isaac shrugged. “Maybe.”

Mother sighed. “Honestly, I don’t know what you’re waiting for! Some other boy will snatch her up if you’re not careful. Don’t make her wait too long. We all know she has her heart set on you.”

Isaac put down his spoon, the porridge suddenly tasting like paste. “I don’t think that’s true.”

Everyone—even Father—scoffed amiably.

Pushing around his porridge with his spoon as Mother blessedly changed the subject to Martha Yoder’s new recipe for apple-berry pie, Isaac tried not to think of Mary and her hopeful smile. Before long he’d have to drive some girl home from church to at least keep up appearances. He didn’t want to lead Mary on, though. Not when he was sinning with her brother, and never wanted to stop.

But I
have to stop.

Isaac reached into his pocket and clutched his knife. He carried it with him every day from habit, but hadn’t whittled anything in weeks. It was as though his waking hours were so consumed with David that he had no room for anything else. Even when David was teaching him about carpentry, half the time Isaac stared at his mouth and hands, barely concentrating on what David was saying.

He didn’t know what was wrong with him. Even sitting at the breakfast table with his family, he was consumed with need. What would he do when he and David ended it?

He thought of Aaron out in the unclean world. Over and over they had learned that a plain life was the only way to heaven. The preachers never said it outright, but it was the foundation of the Ordnung and the church’s teachings. The world was a web of temptation that would trap them, leading them from God’s path and drowning them in sin. Yet when he imagined being with David, Isaac’s mind flew high and free, so close to heaven he could feel its splendor on his skin.

He grabbed his cup of water and choked it down. Isaac knew that to stay in Zebulon with his family he’d have to join the church. Get married. Have children. David was already joining the church. He’d be a member by the end of January at the latest. They hardly had any time at all. It wouldn’t be enough. It would never be enough.

“Isaac?” Mother pressed the back of her hand to his head. “You look positively feverish.”

With a scrape, he shoved back his side of the bench and sprang up from the kitchen table. “Don’t worry. I’m fine. I need to get going. See you tonight!”

As promised, the weather had turned suddenly cool again, and frost covered the pasture like a fine web. The sun was barely up, but Isaac sped down the road in the buggy, hoping he wouldn’t meet any other traffic. He needed to talk to David. They needed to talk about what would happen. How long could they keep going with their secret coupling before they were caught? If only it didn’t have to be secret.

His mind spun back to yesterday’s lunch. They’d cleaned themselves thoroughly when they were finally sated, and went to the house to eat the lunch Mrs. Lantz had left. Sitting at the kitchen table, they’d eaten in easy silence, smiling at each other and talking of nothing important.

Isaac could almost imagine it was their house, and that they’d have lunch like that every day with no one to see if they happened to steal a kiss between bites or rub their knees together under the table. He knew it was a future they could never have. How would they reconcile what they’d shared with living proper plain lives?

But when he arrived at the Lantz’s and hurried to the barn, David smiled that secret smile, his eyes alight. All of Isaac’s questions withered away. He didn’t want to talk about it now—there would be plenty of time for that later.

With a glance behind, he kissed David. Yes, it could wait.



“Why do I have to be
Nava Hocca
?” Mervin grumbled. “It’s going to be so

Isaac unharnessed Silver and gave her a pat. “You know it’s an honor to be one of the witnesses.”

Mervin straightened his black hat, squinting up at the early morning sun peeking through the clouds. “Yes, but we have to be with them
all day
. I told Ruth I’d make a much better table waiter for her wedding. That way I’d only have to stay for an hour of the ceremony before I got to set up for lunch.”

Isaac waved to some of the Lapps as they drove up in their buggy. His family had already dispersed, Father talking intently with some other men, the boys off in clumps with their friends, and Katie and Mother with the women inside. “I bet your mother and sisters have been cleaning all week.”

“Try since the minute Ruth and Atlee were published, and the deacon announced their engagement last Sunday. My aunts too. Not just cleaning, but cooking enough to feed Zebulon three times over, I reckon. Mother’s determined to make sure no one’s whispering about the food, at least.”

Isaac frowned. “There does seem to be a lot of whispering. Your sister and Atlee haven’t even been going steady that long, have they?”

“Haven’t you heard? You must be the only one who hasn’t.” Mervin leaned in and raised his pale reddish eyebrows. “The thing is, they can’t wait.”

“Why not?”

With a tilt of his head, Mervin gave Isaac a meaningful look. “Why do you think?”

“Oh! You mean they…Ruth’s…” Isaac wasn’t sure why he was so surprised, considering the things he’d been doing. At least he and David couldn’t get pregnant. “What did Bishop Yoder say?”

“Well, you can imagine. But they asked for forgiveness, and they’re doing their penance. The bishop said he might have them shunned for a month, but I guess he decided it was better to get them married sooner rather than later.” Mervin shrugged. “There’s nothing else to be done now. I think Mother’s put all her shock and disappointment into cleaning. We could eat off the floor in the barn, never mind the house. She’s barely slept in days.”

Isaac nodded to the makeshift tent built on the side of the house covering the long tables, themselves draped with white cloths to protect the place settings. “It looks nice.” He grinned. “And her fried chicken is the best in Zebulon.”

“Hi, Isaac!” Mary called.

Isaac turned and gave her a wave, his gaze automatically going to David behind her. He watched David help his mother down from the buggy while his other sisters piled out. When Mary followed his gaze, Isaac wheeled back around.

” Mervin grinned. “Are you going to ask her to the table tonight for the feast and singing?”

“Uh…I dunno.”

Mervin huffed. “Isaac, what are you waiting for?”

“Nothing! I just hadn’t thought about it. Things have been so busy.”

“David’s really working you hard, huh?”

Isaac ducked his head and swiped at invisible lint on his broadcloth pants, trying to block out the fragments of memory that took over his mind. “I guess.”

He was on
all fours on the floor in the workshop at Jun
e’s, a cushion under his knees and
electric light bright all around.
So exposed. A thrill shot
up his spine.
“Are you sure she won’t come out here again?”

“The house is dark.
She’s asleep.” David spread Isaac’s
open, pressing his cock to
Isaac’s hole. “Do you want to stop?”

Moaning helplessly, he shook his head. “Don’t stop.
I want

David leaned over him, pushing inside,
exhales hot
on Isaac’s neck. “Tell me what you want.”

“I want you to fuck me fore
ver.” Bold
English words.

Thrusting in deep, David gasped.
“Yes, my Isaac.

Mervin laughed. “I swear, Isaac, it’s like you don’t want to get a girlfriend at all.”

Isaac’s laugh was too loud. “Of course I do. Are you asking Sadie?”

“You bet!” His face brightened. “Weddings don’t count as dates, so we get an extra one.”

“Mervin!” His mother called sharply. “It’s almost eight. Time to go to John’s.”

He sighed. “Guess I’ll see you later.” He turned toward his older brother’s house, which stood some few hundred yards away.

There was so much cooking and work for the women to prepare the two large meals of the day that it would be too much to also hold the ceremony in Mervin’s parents’ house. Fortunately John and his wife lived close at hand.

“Think it’s too late to volunteer as a table waiter?” Isaac called as Mervin left.

Mervin laughed. “Sorry, no getting out of the service early for you either.” He loped away.

Isaac’s gaze immediately returned to where David unhitched Nessie, the horse that pulled his family’s buggy. Their eyes met, and David nodded, a smile playing on his lips. Isaac nodded back, trying not to smile and failing miserably. Only a few hours to go if they were lucky. He turned, and his heart skipped a beat.

BOOK: A Forbidden Rumspringa (Gay Amish Romance Book 1)
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