A Forbidden Rumspringa (Gay Amish Romance Book 1) (3 page)

BOOK: A Forbidden Rumspringa (Gay Amish Romance Book 1)
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His light yellow-brown eyes had long lashes, and as he peered closer he could see faint freckles brushed across the bridge of his nose and over the tops of his cheeks. He was tanned from the summer sun, and he looked sturdy and strong. Handsome even.

ot as handsome as David Lantz.

Shame flushed him, and he almost tripped over his own feet as he put a respectable distance between himself and the English car. He wasn’t sure where the thought had come from. It was wrong to have any pride in his own appearance, and to even notice David’s was just…

The word English kids used to call him when he went to town in Red Hills popped into his head. Yes, it was
to think of David that way. In two days he’d start work with him, and here he was having crazy notions.

Isaac gave his head a shake. What was wrong with him? It was such nonsense to be alternately admiring and frightened. David Lantz was joining the church. He was an honorable and good man. Hard working and decent. What was there to fear?

“Isaac!” Mother’s voice rang out.

He hurried over to help carry the three quilts Michelle had picked. With the shadow of winter looming around the corner, it was a good thing to make any extra money they could from tourists now. Isaac wished they could sell the quilts in Warren, but the Ordnung forbade it, even though people were allowed to go to market in many other Amish communities. In Zebulon, Bishop Yoder was determined to keep them away from the unclean world.

Plus it was twenty miles there and back, which would take hours and was a hard journey for Roy, the Saddlebred who pulled the family buggy. Warren wasn’t even a big town at all, but Isaac longed to return there. It had been more than three years now since he’d been away from the farms of Zebulon for even a day.

Darren pulled money from his wallet and peeled off the bills, giving them to Isaac. Then he extended his hand again. “It was a real pleasure to meet you, Isaac.”

Isaac shook his hand. “Hope we’ll see you again sometime.”

“I hope so. One more question: why don’t Amish men have mustaches?”

Isaac was very aware of Mother hovering some feet behind, but he saw no reason not to answer. “Too militaristic. It goes back a long way—to Germany.”

Michelle hooked her hand through her husband’s arm. “Isn’t that interesting? I’m so glad we stopped. Hey, can I take a picture?” She reached into her purse.

Isaac raised his hand. “No. I’m sorry, we’re not allowed to pose for photographs.” At Darren’s inquisitive expression he added, “They’re graven images. It’s against the rules. But again, it depends on the settlement. Some Amish will pose.” But Father had always told them to say no, and even though he was in the fields, Mother was hovering.

Michelle smiled. “I’m sorry. I didn’t realize. So your name’s Byler, right? We’ll be sure to mention your gorgeous quilts on Trip Advisor.”

Isaac had no idea what she meant, but smiled and nodded, waving as they left. It had been a dry summer, and even now into late September the heat lingered. A cloud of dust rose in Darren and Michelle’s wake, and when it settled, the SUV was gone. Isaac listened to its faint rumble until there were only the cicadas singing, and Ephraim shouting for him to get back to the barn.

Heaving a sigh, Isaac flipped onto his other side, poking Nathan harder than he should with his elbow. Of course Nathan was so thin and gangly these days as he sprouted up that Isaac thought it probably hurt his elbow more than it affected Nathan. His brown hair sticking up, Nathan snorted and muttered, swiping a hand over his pimply face.

Of course he started snoring again within a minute. How Ephraim and Joseph could be fast asleep in their bed with Nathan making so much noise, Isaac had no idea. Nathan had slept quietly for years, but the last few months had been a different tale. It was as if one of the freight trains that rumbled by east of Zebulon had detoured through their bedroom.

Dawn was still hours away. He wished he could light the lamp and finish whittling the horse he was making Joseph for his eighth birthday, but he wanted it to be a surprise. The glow could wake his brothers—even if they were apparently deaf to Nathan’s snoring.

Isaac closed his eyes and told himself sternly to ignore the noise. He needed to find peace in the spirit of brotherhood and cast aside his anger. Surely sleep would follow. He breathed deeply and counted out the seconds of his exhale. Beside him, Nathan snorted and rolled over.

For a moment there was only blissful silence.

Followed by a familiar roar that grew to a fevered pitch before receding again. Over and over, until Isaac jerked back the quilt and fled. After closing the door gently behind him, he tip-toed downstairs. He might as well visit the outhouse since he was awake.

Although the days had been hot, Isaac shivered as he ventured behind the house, the ground surprisingly cold beneath his bare feet. With only a crescent moon lighting his way, he paused, debating whether to return for the lantern. But it wasn’t as though he hadn’t traveled this route a thousand and one times. He hurried into the trees.

Inside the outhouse he gathered up his nightshirt, wincing at the chill of the wooden seat. He shuddered to think of how frigid it would be before long. At least the seat was smooth and polished with so much use. At Noah Miller’s new farm, Isaac thought he would get splinters in his rear end. With all the work the community put into raising the Miller’s barn, some care could have been spared for the rest of the buildings.

Once he finished his business, Isaac wandered into the trees, in no rush to return to Nathan’s cacophony. To make it worse, tomorrow was Sunday—and it was a church day. He knew it was awfully sinful, but Isaac couldn’t help but look forward to the Sundays when they didn’t have church. He’d heard that Christians in the English world had church every Sunday, so he should be grateful he only had to withstand the services every other week.

Yet the idea of sitting on a hard bench crammed into the Hooley’s house while Bishop Yoder and the preachers droned on inspired little gratitude in him. He wasn’t sure when it would be his family’s turn to host church services at their house again, but he hoped it wasn’t for some time.

And of course Sunday night after church was set aside for the singings, and Isaac could already imagine Mary Lantz’s eager gaze and sweet smile. She was a nice girl, and would make a fine wife. Yet Isaac felt only a puzzling sense of emptiness when he tried to imagine a future with David Lantz’s sister.

At the thought of David, heat arced through him. In the shadows of the leafy trees, at least no one would see him go red right to the tips of his ears. Beginning Monday he would see David Lantz every day. He would spend hours with him—and with those light blue eyes that shone with something Isaac couldn’t identify. Something that made him feel guilty just to see it.

Yet Isaac could think of no time over the years when David Lantz had broken the Ordnung. He’d barely known David in Red Hills, and after the terrible thing that drove them to create Zebulon, to Isaac’s knowledge David had lived as he should. If he hadn’t, the whispers would have certainly reached Isaac’s ears. Keeping a secret in Zebulon wasn’t easy.

Although it had been odd to them all that David had waited to join the church. Perhaps one of the girls had finally caught his eye at the singings. Isaac swallowed thickly, his throat suddenly dry. Isaac had expected David to court Katie Miller or Rebecca Yoder or Sarah Raber long ago. Yet he’d hardly dated any of them. Surely that would change in the weeks to come.

Isaac leaned back against the trunk of an Ironwood. The bark was rough through his nightshirt, but he didn’t mind. Since it was a Saturday he’d had a bath that evening, and he slipped his hand under his collar to rub at his pleasantly tight skin.

The memory of the frolic at the Kauffmans’ farm unfolded in his mind. Barn raisings were Isaac’s favorite kind of frolic, when the community came together to help with a task. He wasn’t keen on slaughtering hogs at the Rabers’ or harvesting corn at the Ottos’, but barn raisings were fun. At the Kauffmans’ that spring day he’d found himself up near the roof of the barn’s frame, hammering nails next to David Lantz.

It was cool and cloudy, but sweat prickled down Isaac’s spine. He straddled a thick joist near David, each of them working silently on the frame, although Isaac gnawed his lip to keep from rambling nonsense. Why he was nervous he h
ad no idea. It was probably
the distance to the ground below.

He glanced up beneath the brim of his straw hat. A few feet away on the other side of a post, David’s head was bowed as he
his hat
thick dark hair and
the brim obscuring his f
as he bent to his work.

Isaac’s gaze roamed. The black material of David’s pants stretched over his
thighs, and his forearms were muscular where he’d rolled up the sleeves of his gray
shirt. Dark hair sprinkled his
arms, and Isaac was gripped with the bizarre urge to sweep his hand over David’s bare skin. His breath stuttered.

In an instant David’s head was up, his
blue eyes fixed on Isaac.
He was clean shaven since he wasn’
t following church
yet, and his lips were full
, and

“I was just—” Isaac waved his arm,
tearing his gaze away from David’s mouth. H
is stomach dropped as he veered dangerously off bal
ance, still holding the hammer and nails
He yelped, but t
hen David had him, clutching Isaac’s shoulder with one hand
and his knee with the other.
Nerves jumping,
Isaac tried to smile. The calluses on David’s fingers pre
ssed against the base of his

Isaac managed to croak
out a word. “Thanks.”

David didn’t let go. “Keep the nails in your pocket and pull out one at a time. That way you can drop it if you need to and it’s not likely to hit anyone down below.”

“Right. Good idea.” He n
odded vigorously. David
and Isaac felt as though his shoulder and knee were ablaze even though it didn’t hurt
at all
. “How did you do that so fast?” He nodded to David’s hammer
neatly hoo
ked onto the waist of his pants,
where it had been in his hand only moments ago.

David’s lips lifted into a
and a dimple appeared in his cheek. “Practic
e. Sure you’re okay?” He rubbed
Isaac’s knee.

ticky desire
through Isaac, and he prayed he wouldn’t
humiliate himself by tenting his pants.
Lord, w
hat was wro
ng with him? He breathed deeply, tearing
his ga
ze away from those pale eyes as he
shifted back on the joist and out of David’s grasp. “I’m fine!” He laughed like a braying donkey
. After a few long breaths, he glanced
back up.

David still watched him, but now there was something new in his gaze—a strange and wonderful shine that made Isaac feel unbearably hot all over. He couldn’t look away, and the moment stretched out, silence between them
and the sounds of work and men all around fading into the damp spring air.

Isaac licked his dry lips, and David jerked his head down
again, his face hidden and
his chest rising and falling rapidly. He plucked his hammer from his pants, and didn’t say another word as he went back to work.

Isaac realized he was clenching the nails in his left hand so tightly they’d almost cut into his palm. His fingers trembled as he tucked all but one into his pocket.

Isaac shifted uncomfortably against the tree, and his palm stole down to rub against his hardening cock just once through his nightshirt before he tore it away. This was why he tried to avoid David Lantz. There was sin threatening to bloom in Isaac’s soul, and he had to tamp it down. Had to extinguish that spark before it caught and blazed out of control.

In the distance, a train whistle pierced the stillness. Although he could barely see anything beyond the trees, Isaac closed his eyes and imagined the endless line of cars barreling along the track, carrying unknown cargo to places far from Zebulon. Perhaps the train would tunnel through mountains and arrive at the ocean’s edge, passing towns and even cities on its journey.

As he imagined being atop that carefree train, his body hummed as if he were, as though he could feel the power of the locomotive shuddering through him. Images of the thundering metal and distant lands merged with David Lantz’s blue eyes and single dimple. Isaac couldn’t fight the desperate, terrifying excitement building in him. He hiked his nightshirt to his waist.

BOOK: A Forbidden Rumspringa (Gay Amish Romance Book 1)
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