Read A Fox Between the Bear's Sheets Online

Authors: Jenika Snow

Tags: #Romance

A Fox Between the Bear's Sheets (14 page)

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all the confirmation she needed. This was what she wanted, and Ford was the only male that could

give it to her. His growl went right through her, and she bit her lip. The metallic flavor of blood filled

her mouth, but before the pain could register he pulled his mouth away from her and positioned the tip

of his cock at her pussy. She stopped breathing as she felt the bulbous head start to stretch her wide.

Talia remembered having sex with him vividly. Ford was so thick and long that the discomfort took

over, but it didn’t mask the intense pleasure. He took hold of her waist and started easing himself

inside of her. His scorching hot flesh filled her, made her burn from the inside out, and had her aching

for so much more. The fact nothing separated them, that this was just her and him coming together,

had her arousal heightening. This was what it meant to be consumed.

Chapter Ten

Ford lifted his upper body up slightly and looked down at where his body connected with

Talia’s. The sun came through the partially closed blinds, washing their bodies in dark and light

stripes. Despite the shadows that caressed her lusciously curved body, Ford could see perfectly as his

cock parted the folds of her pussy. She was stretched wide around his girth, taking him in completely

and letting off the most drugging and gorgeous scent imaginable. Never in all his years had he been

with a female that made him feel like this, made him want to lose control and protect her with his last

breath, yet cherish her like a precious gem.

“That’s it, sweetness. You’re taking my cock like you were made for me, like you know you

are mine.” And that was exactly what she was …
. There was no other for him, and by her body

language and her confirmation that she knew what was happening to them was something overly

special, she knew he was the only one for her as well. There was no more darkness, no more pain that

had a hold of his body. Talia had released him from his misery, and he no longer felt that clawing

agony of his self-hatred taking him under. And all he had to do was surrender himself to her, just like

she was surrendering herself to him.

“Ford,” she said on a whisper, and he tunneled another inch into her wet, hot body. “There isn’t

a part of me that you’re not touching.” And that was exactly how he wanted it. She was made for him,

and he was made for her, and there wasn’t anything or anyone that would stand in the way of that.

He pushed the last few inches inside of her, and they both groaned out in unison. He was balls

deep in his female, and the bear in him broke free, finally able to claim what was his. In a move his

human side could hardly keep up with, his bear tried to take over, but Ford kept it under control. He

couldn’t take her in his animal form, not when his human side wanted her too damn bad. Roaring out,

he started pumping in and out of her, giving her everything he was and taking everything she had. She

moaned and begged for more, and he was all too happy to give it to her. There wasn’t anything on the

planet that would stop him from fulfilling every single one of her needs, and right now his mate

needed to be fucked just as much as he needed to fuck her. Slamming his hips forward and retreating

back just as powerfully, Ford took her like there was no tomorrow. The fact he could feel every part of

her, that there was no barrier separating him from his mate, had him roaring out again. Over and over

again he thrust his cock into her pussy, and he felt her become wetter, felt her swell around him, and

knew she was close to coming for a third time. He wanted her cunt convulsing around his cock,

milking him until there wasn’t any cum left inside of him.

Sweat beaded along his brow, and as he looked down at the gorgeous slope of her spine he saw

the droplets of perspiration line the slender bone. Dipping his head low he ran his tongue from the

small of her back all the way up to her neck. His canines were out in full force, and his claws pricked

her flesh. He smelt her blood from the tiny wounds he inflicted, and that had him going insane for

more. There was no pain coming from her, just her need for more. The arch of her neck called to him,

and he opened his mouth and let his teeth move along her very tender, peach colored flesh. She had

tiny, kissable freckles along her shoulder blades, and he paid attention to each one with his mouth.

When he got to the side of her neck her pulse jumped right below his tongue. Ford never stopped

thrusting into her, and when he felt his balls draw up and his orgasm rush to the surface, he let his

canines sink into her neck. A guttural groan left him as he came deep inside of her, and even though

she was on birth control, he couldn’t help but want her to become pregnant with his young. The primal

need to watch her grow big with his child had his hips pressing harder into her as if he had no control

of his own body. It was a ludicrous notion to want that with a female he had just met, but this was not

an ordinary relationship. This was his mate, and they were now connected in every sense of the word.

Her fox brushed along the surface, and he could see her creamy flesh ripple from the animal’s

effect. She came again, and the feeling of her inner muscles clenching his dick had another gush of

cum spilling from him. When she’d wrung him dry and he could no longer hold himself up, Ford fell

to the side and breathed out roughly. Talia was on her belly beside him, her respirations just as frantic

as his. Rolling over so he was close enough to run his tongue along her arm, Ford lavished affection to

any part of her he could reach. The salty flavor that coated her body was a testament to the ferocity of

their lovemaking. He wanted to lick her until she smelled like him not only on the inside but the

outside as well.

“I don’t think I’ll be able to move for a very long time.”

A chuckle left him, and he wrapped his arm around her. The fact she snuggled right into him

had his heart racing. How surreal was it that there was this tiny female that meant more to him than

anything else in the world, even after such a short amount of time? Whoever said finding a mate

would leave a person’s head reeling so they wouldn’t know right from left was pretty damn spot-on.

They’d also forgotten to mention that it had him in a constant state of arousal. Even after just fucking

her until neither could move his dick was still hard. Although he just wanted to hold her and forget

about the world right outside her motel door, he wanted to clear the air about Mina. Ford had sensed

Talia’s jealousy, hurt, and discomfort when she realized Mina’s arousal was right there. It had been

thick enough that even a human could have picked up on it.

“I want to talk about the relationship I
with Mina.” Ford made sure to emphasize on the

past tense part of that statement, but he felt her tense regardless. She rolled onto her side and then sat

up. He frowned when she reached for the comforter to cover her body, but he gave her the modesty she

so desperately wanted. “I haven’t spoken to Mina in ten years. We used to date. In fact I thought she

was the woman I would marry.” Talia didn’t move, didn’t even blink as she listened to him. She

showed no outward emotions, but they were tangible and slammed right into him. The sooner he got

this out, explained that she was his world, the sooner they could start their lives together. “She called

me a week or so ago, told me she was coming to Sweet Water to get married, and that was that.” He

ran his hand over the back of his neck. “It wasn’t until I saw her in the café and she talked to me that I

realized the connection between you and her.” He looked away, and tried to figure out how he was

going to tell her. Hell, he’d just come out and say it. “She cheated on me ten years ago, and that was

why we broke up. I felt a change in her, saw it even, but I was too blind to admit it.” They stared at

each other, and he couldn’t form his next words as he waited for her to say something. “It took me ten

years and you coming into my life for me to get rid of this darkness that was a living entity inside of

me. I am just telling you all of this because I want nothing between us, and nothing ever will be.”

Talia was quiet for a very long time, but then she asked him the question he had been waiting

for. “Do you still love her?” The raw pain in her voice cut him deep, and all he wanted to do was take

it away.

Shaking his head and clearing his throat because suddenly it had closed up, Ford wished she

wasn’t so unsure. “No. I haven’t loved Mina since she told me she loved another man. That was over

ten years ago, baby.” He didn’t dare reach for her in fear that she would reject him. Ford stared into

her eyes, watched the emotions behind the tranquil blue depths, and finally decided to reach out and

take her hand. “It took me a very long time to come to grips with everything, but I didn’t understand

what living was until you walked into my life, spilled coffee and all.” Her smile was small, but it was

there nonetheless. “Your personality throws me for a loop, and all I can picture is seeing us together

years down the road. It’s okay if what I say scares you, because fuck, it scares the shit out of me, but

at least tell me you feel the same crazy-ass need I do.”

Her cheeks turned a pretty shade of pink. She cleared her throat, and he let go of her hand,

waiting for her response.

It took her a minute to reply. “It’s crazy and doesn’t make any sense.” She dropped her gaze to

her hands, which were bunched in her lap, and when she lifted her eyes back to his he held his breath.

“I can’t think of leaving Sweet Water because that would mean leaving you, and that does funny,

painful things to my chest. I trust my fox, and ever since meeting you it has told me to go to you. I

have acted out of character, but I have come to realize that maybe I was just waiting for you to act like

myself. I like being spontaneous with you, love that you don’t make me feel like I have to hide within

myself, and couldn’t live with the fact of never seeing you again.”

He couldn’t help the smile that grew wide across his face. Everything she just said made him

so damn happy he knew his euphoria was probably choking her. “You are my mate, Talia. It’s fast,

intense, and doesn’t make any sense, but hell, it feels so damn right. There isn’t anything on this

planet that could tell me this isn’t what was supposed to happen.”

With that he didn’t wait for her to say anything, just took hold of her face between both of his

hands and kissed her until they were both panting. Resting his forehead against hers, he stared into her

eyes. “All I can promise is that I am who I am. I have a tendency to start fights, to get drunk, and may

even say some things that might piss you off. Despite all of those flaws, I can also promise I will

never let anyone hurt you, that I will treat you with the respect you deserve, and that I will always be

the male that will protect you.” He kissed her again, and again, and on the third time he pulled away.

His lips were tender, but he would have kissed her until his lips were numb. “Do you understand what

I am saying, Talia?”


“You’re mine, and the human and bear in me won’t let you go.”

Chapter Eleven

Talia left the motel room the following day after spending the entire evening wrapped in

Ford’s embrace. He left early that morning, telling her he would be at the construction site the

majority of the day, but they were to meet up at one of the small bar and grills located right on the

edge of town. She had to meet with Luke and tell him what she sensed from Mina. What her brother

did with that information was up to him, but at least she wouldn’t feel as if she hadn’t just sat back

when it was clear the woman still had feelings for another male.

Twenty minutes later and she was pulling into the long driveway that led up to the massive

estate that was owned by Mina’s parents. The yard was being manicured to perfection, pristine white

tents were being set up, and equipment was being assembled for the wedding that would be held the

following day. Every time she thought about her brother marrying Mina a knot formed in her belly,

and her fox snarled in distaste. Talia could chalk it up to just not liking the woman, but knew it was so

much more than that. How her brother put up with the constant bitching, demands, and overall snotty

attitude was beyond her, but it was clear love did strange things to people. Talia just hoped Luke

didn’t take offense when she told him the attraction she’d felt from Mina when Ford had come into the

room. Just thinking about Mina and Ford together had a sour taste filling her mouth, and although it

was so long ago and way before Talia was even in the picture, she couldn’t help but think about it

She parked the car off to the side and made her way into the house. The foyer was an

BOOK: A Fox Between the Bear's Sheets
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