A Good Dude (38 page)

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Authors: Keith Thomas Walker

BOOK: A Good Dude
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“Well, let’s go!”

Candace held Leila while Tino hauled her bulky crib to the front room. Leila didn’t stir at all during the move. Candace set up the baby monitor and then grabbed a fistful of Tino’s sweater and led him to the bedroom. Once there, she pulled the sweater over his head and tossed it to the floor.

“This is gonna be awesome,” he said.

“You have no idea,” Candace said.

They kissed in the darkness, but there was no hesitation now. All of their animalistic urges had reached the surface, and there was going to be an explosion. One way or another, something had to give.

Candace darted her tongue between his lips. Tino caught a hold of it and sucked it. She put her hand under his T-shirt and rubbed her palms on his flat stomach. Tino had nice definition there. His abs weren’t rippling, but he was solid for someone who didn’t work out. She fondled his chest and squeezed his nipples.

Tino looked skyward and groaned. Candace took that opportunity to kiss his neck. She sucked his Adam’s apple, and he grabbed her ass again. For real this time. He caressed it like he wanted to
do something
with it.

She jerked his T-shirt up towards his head. “Take this off,” she whispered.

He did, and this was the first time Candace saw him topless. Tino’s body was smooth and creamy. Candace wanted to eat him alive. She ducked her head and sucked his nipple. And she’d been aching to grab his crotch for many, many weeks, so she did it now. She palmed the bulge and squeezed it, and was right away appreciative of the size.

ooh, oh
, God.
Aw, man
,” Tino moaned.

Candace didn’t think anything of it until she saw his leg shaking. She stopped and looked up at him. Tino stared down at her with a queer expression. His penis throbbed beneath her hand.

“What’s going on?” she asked.

His chest rose and fell quickly. His breaths were ragged. “Nuh-

“Tino, you didn’t do what I think you did, did you?”

“Do you think I had an
?” he asked. “ ’Cause I’m pretty sure I
do that, if that’s what you think.”

Candace shook her head and chuckled. “All right, baby. Go clean yourself up. When you come back, I want you naked.”

“You’re not mad?” he asked.

“No,” she said. “It’ll be all right.”

* * *


When Tino returned from the bathroom, Candace lay on top of her sheets completely nude. The sight of her nakedness put Tino in a state of perpetual excitement. Candace stared at his throbbing member from across the room and a rivulet loosened between her legs.

“Tino, you got it going on,” she said.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean you’re going to make a lot of women happy with that thing.”

“I only want to make you happy.”

“Good answer.”

Candace sat up and scooted to the edge of the bed.

Tino watched in awe. “Oh, my God,” he said. “You’re awesome. Seriously. Your body, you’re like a model. I can’t . . . . I can’t believe this is happening.”

“Come here,” Candace instructed him.

Tino stepped to her obediently. He stood between her legs, and with his erection in her face, it was hard not to devour it. But Candace couldn’t give him all she had. Not tonight, at least. She tore open a condom with her teeth.

“Do you want to do it, or you want me to?” she asked.

“I-I don’t know.”

“It’s not gonna go off again if I touch it, is it?” Candace looked up at him and smiled, but Tino didn’t answer.

She caressed him gingerly at first, and then stroked sensually. He looked stable enough, so she grabbed it like a microphone. He pulsated in her hand.

oh, God
. Oh,


, oh, oh.”


“No, no, I think I’m all right.”

Candace slipped the rubber on quickly. “I think that was close,” she said.

“Yeah. I think so.”

“Are you still nervous?”

He stared down at her like he was hypnotized. “You’re beautiful.”

Candace scooted back on the bed. His eyes followed her breasts, then her stomach. They settled between her legs.

“You ready?” she asked.

“Hell, yes,” he said and crawled on top of her like a Neanderthal.

“Wait,” she said, pushing against his chest.

“What’s wrong?”

“You want me to teach you right, don’t you?” He nodded.

“I want you to
touch me
, Tino. Kiss me.
Suck me

“Can I touch your breasts?”

“Touch me anywhere,” she said. “Kiss me, wherever you want.”

Tino may have been a virgin, but titty sucking came as natural to him as a baby fresh out the womb. He squeezed and licked until Candace’s nipples were hard and rigid. Then he traced his tongue down her stomach. He licked her belly button and sucked there, too. Every whip of his tongue brought her closer to an eruption. Tino kissed around her panty line and started to go further south, but Candace grabbed his hair and pulled him back up.

“It’s okay,” she said.

“You don’t want me to?”

Candace shook her head. “It’s okay. We can do that next time.”

She peaked within seconds of penetration, but Tino didn’t notice because his eyes were in the back of his head as well. He had to clean up again, but Candace didn’t mind that at all.

Tino didn’t have the skills of a seasoned pipe-layer, but he made up for it with gentleness, delicacy, and compassion. Candace didn’t think she’d ever been handled quite like that.

Everything felt so good.

And Tino was an apt pupil. Making love to him was like making love to a horny robot. Whatever she told him to do, he did. She directed his touches, his kisses, and even the speed and strength of his strokes.

But after his third orgasm, Tino began to find his own groove. He put on yet another condom and rocked her like they’d been married for years.

By the end of the night, Candace wished she could have him, forever.

Chapter 21



Leila woke up at 6:46 a.m. Candace squinted at the alarm and then rolled the other way to look at Tino. He was wrapped snugly in the blankets with only the top of his head exposed. He looked like a camper in a sleeping bag.

Candace smiled and slipped quietly out of the bed. She was halfway to the living room when she realized she was still butt naked. That never mattered before, but Tino might wake up. Candace didn’t think a
full moon
should be his first sight on Jesus’ birthday.

Or maybe it should.


Candace ducked into the bathroom and snatched a robe from the towel rack. She put it on and lifted Leila from her crib when she got to the living room. The baby stopped crying immediately. Candace changed her diaper while a bottle warmed in the microwave. She felt guilty, but it wasn’t for kicking Leila out of the bedroom last night.

No, Candace knew she was wrong for different reasons. And it didn’t take a lot of soul-searching to figure out what it was.

Oh, what a tangled web we weave.

She fed Leila her bottle, and thought about the sacrifice Tino made for her last night. Rather than feel proud of their progress, Candace found herself more and more depressed.

* * *


After the baby’s breakfast, Candace showered and went to the kitchen to make a meal for her man. The smell of bacon and eggs woke Tino at 8:30 a.m. He walked into the living room with a sheet wrapped around his waist. His hair was messed, and he looked a little drunk, but Tino always looked good to Candace.

He went to Leila and put a comforting hand on the back of her head. He smiled at Candace without speaking.

She grinned back at him and said, “Good morning,
mi amor

‘Mi amor’
? I like that,” Tino said. He stepped behind her and wrapped an arm around her waist. He kissed the side of her neck and sniffed the back of her head. “I love the way you smell.”

Candace shuddered. No one could get her hot with one kiss like Tino could.

She turned and wrapped her arms around his naked torso. “Do you know what today is?”

Why, ‘tis Christmas day, sir
!” Tino said with a British accent, mimicking the kid from
A Christmas Carol
. Candace laughed. “Tino, you’re a trip.”

“Check this out,” he said. “I’ve always wanted to ask this, but now I have a reason to . . . . Do you know where my pants are?”

Candace laughed again. “They’re in the bedroom, sir. I folded them. But your underwear needs to be washed.” She had a sly grin. “You’re going to have to go commando till you get home.”

“What happened to my underwear?” he asked. “You don’t remember?”

“I do, I was hoping you didn’t.”

“Oh,” Candace said. “Well, I guess I don’t remember what happened to them then.”

“Good,” he said and pecked her on the lips. “So we’ll never mention that again.”

Candace tried, but she couldn’t keep a straight face. She snickered, and then giggled. “I’m sorry, Tino. I can’t do it. I don’t think I can go without talking about that.”

“All right,” he said. He was smiling, too. “Let’s get it out of the way. I had an
last night.”

“A sexy accident,” Candace said.

“Was it sexy?”

“Mmm, oh yeah,” she purred and traced a finger down his chest.

“Has anyone ever had that type of, accident with you before?”

Candace shook her head. “No. Never.”

Tino grinned. “So, I guess I’m somewhat of an innovator. A pioneer, if you will.”

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