What Daddy Doesn't Know

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Authors: Kelsey Charisma

Tags: #daddy daughter sex kelsey charisma fuck adult erotica

BOOK: What Daddy Doesn't Know
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What He Doesn’t Know



Kelsey Charisma






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What He Doesn’t Know

Copyright © 2013 by Kelsey Charisma



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This book is for sale to ADULT
AUDIENCES ONLY. It contains substantial sexually explicit scenes
and graphic language which may be considered offensive by some
Please note that if a warning is
on the cover, then the following material is pseudo-incest between
either a former or present stepfather and stepdaughter or
stepbrother and stepsister.
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All sexually active characters in this work
are 18 years of age or older.



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Heath was oblivious to
the world when he was watching television, and he didn’t even
notice when his shorts slid down his leg and gave Lauralyn a peep
show. After testing the waters, Lauralyn was convinced she could do
much more than look.

Book Formerly Known As: What Daddy Doesn’t





Other Titles by Kelsey


























Heath loved his late wife, Jill, and
Lauralyn always knew that. And ever since her death he’d been in a
rut. To numb his grief he gained weight, and he was a big guy to
begin with. He also took on a new habit that only made him even
more depressed. Lauralyn could see his guilt that got worse daily
when he couldn’t stop filling the void with brief satisfaction by
locking himself in his office all morning to immerse in lengthy
pornographic videos.

He never talked about what he was going
through, but instead headed straight to the living room couch,
stared at the television looking complacent, and then when he got
an itch he’d tinker in the garage making one-of-a-kind watches that
sold for a small fortune because the metals he used were of
historical wartime significance.

Because she grew up as an orphan, she never
had the sense of belonging until she met them. She felt the bitter
sting of being second in their lives—until recently. Once she had
him to herself, everything seemed right and perfect.

Not that Heath treated her differently with
Jill’s absence. He always showed his love, and made her feel
irreplaceable, valuable, and worth keeping. She never worried he
would abandon her, and even though he was emotionally distant and
quiet these days, he still proved daily she was important to

Heath loved her unconditionally, and she was
smart enough to treasure that above all things. Knowing the value
of unwavering love, she didn’t judge him. In fact, she even went as
far as sneaking into his office when he was out in the garage and
looked at what he searched online, determined to accept everything
about him, and even approve.

At first Lauralyn was surprised by the
content. He subscribed to several websites, all about fathers and
their of-age-stepdaughters. When Lauralyn first discovered his
darkest fantasies were all about pseudo incest, her mind instantly
turned to a daydream of Heath and her. She had a soft spot for his
big stature, sexy rich voice, and round belly.

She watched a few daddy/daughter videos, and
every once in awhile wondered if Heath ever thought of her as he
touched himself from under his desk—after all she was eighteen and
adopted—so why not. She hoped he pictured her sleeping with him,
and thought it was likely because she noticed him getting hard at
odd times when looking at her.

The other night when she was folding her
laundry in front of him, and he glimpsed her panties, she noticed
his shorts twitch and throb. He’d abruptly shift in his chair at
the dinner table if she bent over in front of the oven, and press
on his jeans as if he was painfully stiff. If she licked her lips,
her fingers, or even sighed when she was full, he’d quietly groan.
Or if she wore a revealing top, little pj’s, or short shorts, he
seemed to be hard for hours.

Heath was always a very sexual man though.
He and Jill thought she couldn’t hear them, but the nightly groans
were rather loud if she was in the hall. It could be that sex in
general turned Heath on and not Lauralyn’s youthful body, because
he couldn’t even watch educational programs with topless tribal
women without putting a pillow over his lap. Putting coins into
slots, women rocking in chairs, or even cleaning commercials with
women mopping the floor turned him on. Lauralyn truly believed that
men thought about sex every five seconds, because she swore Heath
did. But the poor guy knew he had a problem, and for his sake she
pretended not to notice all his squirming.

That morning when Heath came out of his
office after a loud orgasm that turned her on, she didn’t bat an
eye. Lauralyn kept her eyes on the school art project, and
continued to sketch a geisha with a number four pencil.

She was in his way, blocking his path to the
couch. He stopped, rubbed her back, and considered her drawing that
was taped to her easel. “You’re so talented. Seriously, baby, one
of these days I think you should sell your art online as I do.”

“Thanks, dad.” She beamed at him, because he
genuinely was a fan. He bought one of her paintings at a school
fundraiser when she was fourteen, giving her school the highest
contribution, and since then she loved his admiration of her
artwork. Maybe she even liked art in general because of his

To show her appreciation, she hugged him as
he continued to admire her geisha. She couldn’t put her arms all
the way around him, but she always loved that about him. He had a
big belly, but the rest of him, his legs, arms, and ass was tone.
His strapping physique made her feel beautiful, especially when he
so easily put his strong arms around her and her little frame,
nearly making her disappear in his embrace. Sometimes he’d give her
the added confidence boost when he complimented her, telling her
that her petite, slender body felt small in his arms. These days
she’d feel giddy about it, because she knew from seeing his porn
collection he liked the big guy, little stepdaughter stuff. After
hours of logging onto his porn sites, she too grew more and more
appealed to the unlikely pair. Lauralyn liked to believe he focused
on that combination because it made him feel like he had a chance
with her, but that was probably wishful thinking.

“Are you going to keep drawing?” He asked,
as he let go of her, and turned his attention onto her. As he
brushed her hair off her shoulder, she looked at his stubble on his
chin. He recently started growing a goatee, and she liked it. There
was a lot about him that captured her interest. His deep voice,
tall figure, and even the traditional scent of Old Spice was her
new favorite fragrance.

“Yeah, I have to finish this by

“Will it bother you if I watch TV?”

“Nope,” she said, smiling.

Heath got comfortable on the couch in his
usual position, stretching down the length of the couch with his
head on a pillow and remote in hand. She grinned at him, though he
didn’t notice, because once he started watching television, he
wasn’t fazed by anything. The phone could blast its annoying ring
and he wouldn’t hear it. She’d have to ask him a question countless
times before she’d get his attention.

Because he didn’t notice her gaze on him,
she giggled, because at the moment he looked like an adult-sized
teddy bear on the couch. His shirt crept up, and she could see his
belly. Ironically, he wore a loose Bears Jersey, with the A
exchanged with a grizzly head, and matching baggy performance
shorts. His wide body took up the entire couch, but as always he
left a few inches down by his feet if she wanted to watch his shows
with him.

However, she had homework, and for the next
hour she enjoyed focusing on making elaborate, but miniature
flowers on her geisha’s kimono. When her eyes began to blur from
staring at her small pencil strokes, she decided to take a


She joined him, and Heath barely moved, only
bending one leg, leaning it up against the back of the couch.
Because there was plenty of room, she took a seat by his feet.
She’d just sat down when she looked over at him, and nearly choked
when she saw Heath wasn’t wearing anything under his shorts. She
could see right up his pant leg, which slid to his hip, and she
couldn’t believe it, but his dick was hanging to the side—giving
her a full view.

Lauralyn bit her bottom lip, tore her gaze
from his penis hanging out of his shorts to glimpse her dad’s face.
He didn’t notice her eyes on his sex. He was still watching
television. Because he hadn’t noticed, she gaped freely at his
dick. She’d never seen one in real life. The videos she’d seen
about sex made erections look small. The camera certainly didn’t
gain ten pounds when it came to men’s size on adult films. The
video’s made gauging very hard to tell. But in person, Heath was
pretty thick while four inches flaccid.

She sat there, ogling at his penis wondering
how she could make it grow without him being aware. She wanted to
see exactly how big her daddy was. Luckily, she didn’t have to rack
her brain long, because the trusty television came through for

The game he was watching had a lengthy
halftime show with the Dirty Stepper Dolls, which consisted of
fifty gorgeous college girls suggestively dancing in short skirts
and barely there tops. As soon as they began to swing their hips,
Heath’s cock began to stiffen and raise skyward. Lauralyn watched,
mesmerized by his hard-on lengthening and swelling in thickness.
She thought watching sex was a turn on, but seeing her dad’s
erection was far more arousing—it made her ache with craving. She
wondered what it would be like to sleep with him, but now seeing
his meat stiff and thick only feet away, she could practically see
herself sitting on the girth and bouncing on his lap until she
screamed liked all the stepdaughters in the videos.

As he grew, there was a tightening between
her legs that began to cramp that she knew he could massage out. It
was unfortunate he never made any hints of wanting her to sleep
with him, because she’d do it. Seeing his cock as big and round as
the rest of him convinced her she needed him.

Right when she didn’t think his dick could
entice her anymore, the Dirty Stepper Dolls dropped down to the
ground and began to crawl toward the camera while rhythmically
arching their back to the music, and showing Heath their cleavage.
His dick throbbed, and Lauralyn let out an airy breath as her core
pulsed with each flex. She wanted his cock moving inside her,
throbbing as it was. Suddenly, she was desperate to sit on Heath’s
penis and move around. She could imitate all those stepdaughters
she saw in the porn videos, and was positive she could make herself
feel good with his length.

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