A Guardians Passion (16 page)

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Authors: Mya Lairis

BOOK: A Guardians Passion
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Emily’s grin was faker than a vamp with a suntan. “So. Hung up your weapons in favor of motherhood, eh?”

Two seconds away from telling the smaller brunette that it was none of her business, Freya laughed. Cruelty to Emily was no better than kicking an omega. In fact, it would be worse, considering all the girl had been through and was apparently still suffering from. “Hell no. Just a little maternity leave is all. I’m already chomping at the bit for a good bounty.”

Emily shrank back, a blank look upon her face. She looked as if she thought Freya might be anxious to get at her.

Freya closed her mouth and sucked on one her distended fangs until it shrank. Maybe she actually was a little eager.

Emily dipped her head to Freya, then Benna. “Well, I’ll see you both around later. I want to get a nap in before the festivities tonight.”

“See you at the ball. At nine,” Benna called after Emily even as the brunette turned.

Freya snickered as she watched Emily walk away. She hadn’t given a thought about attending the formal event. “A bunch of bowling balls in evening gowns. Sounds like a ton of fun.”

Benna pouted, obviously wounded at Freya’s sarcasm. “Music and photography too, mind you.”

“No drinks, though.”

“Light cocktails, yes. Bourbon and gin, no.” Benna threw her hands up. “Geez, Freya. I know your life is hectic, but it isn’t that bad. You should have known your males were going to shadow you. Hell, with Fenris and Rayne, I should have placed money on it happening, but you weren’t the only one. We had to kick one alpha out of his mate’s suite last night too. You really need to relax, but a drink would do nothing to help.”

Freya flexed her fingers at her side. She would eventually have tougher than Benna to deal with. “Whatever. So what’s the deal with Helena? You think she’s got something to say about it?”

“No,” she huffed. “Your males left. They’re not here now, and that’s all that concerns her. Why?”

“I have a meeting with her at six for…tea. Fucking tea,” Freya balked.

Her mouth wide, Benna seemed befuddled. Perhaps the little Sohon didn’t have a clue for once in her life. “I don’t know why. Just don’t growl at my aunt, Freya,” she pleaded. “She’s cool. Really.”

“If she doesn’t growl at me, doesn’t get up in my shit, then I won’t get up in hers.” It was as close to an assurance as Freya could give.

* * * *

Ezra directed her to the master suite, the lair of the Sohon matriarch. They were only a few minutes late. Standing before the ornate double doors, Freya decided that Helena could wait just a little while. She caught Ezra by the wrist as he attempted to leave her.

“Where are you off to? You don’t look like you’re working,” she inquired, switching her hold from his wrist to the belt loop of his jeans. He was wearing slightly more clothing than usual, she noted: a short-sleeve, skintight black shirt and shoes. She hadn’t seen him in either before he arrived at the door of her room to escort her, and she had her suspicions.

Ezra gasped even as he thrust his hips forward. “I’m not. I’m sort of off duty until tonight.”

“Really? Off duty?” She found the idea hard to believe, especially with the flush blossoming over his dark complexion. She certainly hadn’t seen any other omegas who were dressed even semidecent. If anything, Ezra looked off-limits…to others. She liked that thought a good deal more.

“I requested the time,” he admitted, “but I will be working the ball tonight if you will be there.”

Damn, but she would rather be toying with Ezra than chitchatting with a highbrow silver wolf. That he had placed a contingency upon his activities made him as good as hers. The musk of arousal wafting from him was an even better indicator. Freya pushed a stray set of locks away from his neck before leaning in to sample the skin at the hollow of his throat.

He shuddered sweetly, and Freya knew then that if she even suggested stealing him away, he would seriously consider it. Before she withdrew, she replaced the cords of hair. “You know, you’ll have to work on your strength and stamina if you want to continue with me and mine, don’t you?”

Eyes half-hooded, he moaned. “Couldn’t I just lie around and keep playing last night over in my head, imagine that we could have done more?”

It was Freya’s turn to shudder as she released her hold on Ezra’s clothing. It was either that or strip him down on the spot. Somehow she didn’t think that Helena would remain in her room with Ezra’s whines. “You could, or you could go find Fenris and Rayne and tell them I’m fine. You could make sure that they don’t get worried.”

Ezra blanched, looking almost apologetic. “I have to report in to them now, so they won’t get worried,” he admitted.

So they have a spy now
. Freya tried to control her blood pressure. One night was all it had taken, and Freya could sense that her mates had already placed their own claim on Ezra.

She would have to undo that.

Freya didn’t know how but decided she would think on it while attempting to keep a straight face with Helena. “Go tell the boys that I’m fine then,” she said, sending him on his way before grasping the doors and swinging them wide.

Freya had to walk through an anteroom full of heady tropical flowers before reaching the actual door to Helena’s suite. While the bright arrangements were beautiful, the strong scents emanating from the flora were nauseating. Bun certainly didn’t like it as he fidgeted within her stomach, and she didn’t blame him, scrunching up her nose. She moved quickly into Helena’s room and closed the door behind her before she even got a chance to survey her surroundings.

The room was pretty much the size of the one she shared with Melissa, only there was one bed instead of two. The bed was no larger than those in Freya’s room, but it was obvious that Helena’s room was just as much for business as for leisure. A broad oak desk was topped with computer equipment, a fax machine, and a multiline phone. Freya noticed that not one vase of flowers was inside the bedroom. Helena also had a small dining table at which the Sohon alpha sat, patiently awaiting her, posture as straight as a board and eyes cool and sharp as steel.

Helena’s silver mane was loose upon her shoulders, and she wore no makeup, giving her a much less imposing appearance. The light-blue floor-length sundress she wore over her thin frame also implied ease. To a human, Helena could have appeared as a regal grandmother. Smiling slightly before a steaming pot and tea arrangement, Helena was an attractive woman with impeccable bone structure and only the hint of crow’s-feet about her eyes. She seemed harmless, yet Freya knew that the being sitting before her was much more, grand, great-grand, or no. She assumed that Helena was nearing her three-hundredth year, but with silvers, one could rarely tell.

“Good evening, Ms. Daniels.” Helena gestured to the chair directly across from her. “Come. Sit.”

Freya walked over and took the seat across from Helena’s. She kept her gaze directly locked with Helena’s as she settled upon the roomy cushion. They might not be financial equals, but Freya would be damned if she would show any sign of weakness, even if Helena’s stare reminded her of the intensity of her own mother’s. “Mrs. Sohon.”

“You can relax those shoulders, Freya. I have no intention of threatening you.”

Freya scoffed. She had no intention of attacking—well, at least not as long as she wasn’t provoked. Still, she exhaled after a while and sat back in the chair, soothing a hand over her belly to calm Bun.

“What? Did you think I might have something to say about your Luna and your witch appearing on the grounds and frightening my guards?”

Not another one
. Thinking back to Emily, Freya couldn’t believe that Helena was bringing it up. “Lunas can’t be controlled. They’re mad bastards. You believe that shit too?”

Helena’s eyes narrowed, and she cocked her head. “I’m a Sohon. And Fenris
a Luna. Rayne can calm him, heal the madness within him somewhat, but the fire is always there. Smoldering,” she said drily. “I suspect you influence his serenity as well. He is unique, but you already know…that shit.”

Freya was stunned, more so by the cursing than by being called out on her attempted ruse. She eyed the ceramic teapot emitting steam, several small glass trays containing a variety of tea bags, and assorted edible treats on the table, before wondering aloud, “So is that what this is about?”

“Oh, no,” Helena exclaimed. “I didn’t call you here for that. If I called every female in for a meeting who had a worrisome mate, I’d be stuck in Florida for several weeks rather than one. And despite my tan, Miami is not a place I care to spend my time.”

“Too much sun, eh?”

“No. Not enough forests. One needs room to run that is not framed by swamps or water, a place where the supernatural species are a little less terrifying. How about you? Terrifying isn’t in your vocabulary or your family’s, so I suspect you like it?”

Freya didn’t know whether Helena was trying to be insulting or give praise. Whereas other wolves might have given away some indication, Helena was calm to the core. “It’s okay. It is good for bounties.”
Big and often complex ones that require a shitload of firepower.

“Right. Which would bring me to the subject of this meeting,” Helena stated before turning her attention to the tray in the middle of the table and the small glass tray of tea selections. “What sort of tea would you like? I prefer green, but I have Darjeeling black, white herbal, Earl Grey, orange blossom, and mint.”

“I don’t drink tea.”

Helena shrugged but used the kettle to fill two cups with the scalding water rather than one. She pinched a tea bag from the tray and dropped it in one cup before waving a finger over the other tea bags. “You should try some. I’m going to suggest the orange blossom.” She selected a pouch from the tray that held several of the packaged, citrusy leaves and deposited it in the other cup. “It’s fragrant and solid. Calming.”

Before Freya could decline, the steamy drink and a saucer were thrust her way. She took the offered drink and inhaled the aroma. It didn’t smell bad at least. “It’s the color of bourbon.”

“Yes.” Helena took up a tiny spoon and used it to scoop sugar cubes from a bowl. She placed one in her cup before offering one to Freya.

What the hell? If the old cur wanted to poison me, I would have been dead ten times over already
. Freya accepted the sugar and a spoon. She stirred the liquid before daring a taste. Water. Good water. Flavored water. Not bad at all, she finally decided.

Helena took a sip of her own drink before offering Freya her choice of the biscuits, sautéed pork skewers, and bite-size pastries decorating saucers on the table.

Freya filled an empty plate and started in on the pork, flavored with mint and rosemary. There were apricot tarts and asparagus stalks wrapped in bacon, one of which Freya was chewing upon when Helena finally dropped the hostess mode.

“I know your mother, Geraldine,” Helena said, “and I know that she would have never come to an event such as this.”

know my mother.” Freya snickered, nearly choking on her stalk. She tried to imagine Geraldine and Helena in the same room, but that was a lesson in hilarity. The battle-ax had a low tolerance for bullshit and would certainly not be interested in having fancy water.

“Yes. A proud and fierce warrior she is, as is your mother-in-law. I was not surprised when I heard that you had joined with Gaea’s progeny, considering how much havoc Ger and Gaea could and did cause. Brilliant warriors both; however, both are a tad feral. No harm meant.”

The Sohon was trying to make a point, only Freya didn’t know what it was. On guard, she set her plate down and took another sip of tea. She searched Helena’s features for mockery. Again she didn’t see any. “None taken. Feral ain’t bad. But then neither is uppity.”

Helena dipped her chin in agreement as if she was impressed with Freya’s counter. “You think we are uppity? Yet you and yours agreed to a business partnership with us?”

So this is gonna be a business meeting
. Freya sat up in her chair, making no secret of her attentiveness. It beat the hell out of toying around with personal issues and family ties. “The partnership is practical. It’s beneficial for us both. We give you froufrou shit, and you try to influence brutes.”

“And we succeed sometimes,” Helena agreed. “So indeed our arrangement is mutually beneficial. We uppity types need your feral strength and bravery, and in turn, I believe that you see the value of what we are attempting to do, what we have done by uniting the packs, offering aid and education. Yes?”

Although she hated to admit it, Freya couldn’t deny that the retreat had proved useful. “Yeah.”

Helena seemed pleased, her smile disappearing into a raised teacup. She took a long sip before setting the cup back down. “Freya, this is premature, I know, but I see great possibilities from our partnership with you in the future. I would like to hope that you feel the same.”

Unsure of whether Helena was asking a question or making a statement, Freya wondered aloud, “Why? You seeking to recruit the wild things into hosting a function or something?” Then another angle popped into her mind, one that she didn’t like at all. She glared hard at Helena. “You’re not here about buying the lodge or some shit like that? Because that property belongs to Fenris and his pack.”

Helena barely suppressed a scowl. “No. I am seeking matriarchs.”

Freya knew what the term meant. A matriarch was the head of the household, maybe the pack too, but certainly of the family. She had always considered her own mother to be the ruling body of the Daniels Pack. Gaea was the matriarch of Fenris’s family. Even if Freya was an alpha, Gaea held slightly more seniority and sway. It was a term of reverence, and Freya certainly didn’t think that a matriarch could be elected or even needed to be recruited.

“I’m not a matriarch.”

“But you will be, and the pack you are starting with Fenris will be a strong one.”

Freya didn’t doubt Helena’s words, just the motive behind them. “So, are you guys starting some sort of a mafia of bitches or something?”

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