A Guardians Passion (19 page)

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Authors: Mya Lairis

BOOK: A Guardians Passion
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Fenris growled but conceded gruffly. “You’re crazed. What are you going to do when the babe arrives?”

“Bun will have his share,” Rayne gasped as he thought of the cub soon to arrive from Freya. “He’ll have his, and I’ll take the rest.” He laid his head back upon Fenris’s shoulder and fantasized about dark areolas, Freya’s fat nipples between his lips. His cock twitched hard, already leaking profusely. He reached down and gripped his balls, tugging them with the command for restraint.

Fenris was shaking with his own frayed control, his labored breaths searing Rayne’s neck. Stopping all movement, Fenris gave them both time to calm down…again. It was the third break that they had taken. “Really? You too? Our cub will not be named after bread!”

“It’s a nickname, Fen. Nothing more.” Rayne panted, wondering how long they both could maintain the tug-of-war with completion. Fenris’s cock was twitching wildly inside him.

“I would prefer the name Fenrir. That should be his name.”

“It is a very good name,” Rayne agreed, trying to stop the movement of his hips. Gripping forearms that had doubled from their normal size, Rayne could tell when he was pushing his alpha to the limit. It was never good to tease a Luna. “Fenrir is apt. Strong as he will undoubtedly be.”

“So certain. More of your magic, Rayne?”

Rayne was certain that something otherworldly had happened and was occurring still, but he said nothing. He was barely holding on, shaking violently with the strain. “Y-you…you give me more credit than I deserve. My abilities do have limitations, you know?”

“Unlikely. You and Freya have already made me the happiest were on earth. You both are limitless.”

“Mmm. Flattery is good. Almost a distraction.”

“Just like that chocolate omega Freya wants to ply us with.”

Rayne cursed inwardly. He had barely convinced his lips to stop mimicking suckling motions, and Fenris had to go and remind him of the omega—Ezra’s vise-tight ass choking the life out of his prick. “He’s okay, but I am counting the minutes until my alpha returns.”

Fenris snarled, a reverberating growl signaling the last threads of patience unraveling. Fenris shifted, giving a series of swift, snapping thrusts. “As am I, Rayne. Her warmth belongs between us.”

Breathless, sweating with exertion, Rayne couldn’t have agreed more. “Her tits belong to me.”

“Her pussy is mine, and her breasts when I want them.”

Thoughts of taking a backseat to Freya’s succulent milk riled Rayne intensely. Overstimulated, his mind running rampant with the bulk of his fantasies, he rose up. The bulbous head of Fenris’s cock remained within his body, but Rayne was intent. He twisted around and met Fenris’s gaze. He did not back down. “Think what you will, wolf!”

Dark eyes rimmed in cobalt blue widened. Features that might have resembled a human’s minutes before had changed to resemble a great wolf with tusks. Fenris’s neck was nearly double in size, and he looked like a beast of nightmares. “Oh, so you’ve dominated an omega, and you want to get all feisty now?” Fenris gripped Rayne by the waist and thrust up hard.

The cry that Rayne would have given was stuck in his throat as the intense shock short-circuited his rebellious streak. He saw only white flashes in front of his eyes before Fenris pulled his cock out completely.

Rayne found himself tossed to the bed and flipped over upon his belly.

Fenris grabbed Rayne by the ass and swiftly hitched him up on his knees. “It seems to me like someone needs to be reminded of their fucking place.”

“Fen,” Rayne pleaded as he felt Fenris reenter him, iron and fire searing straight through him. Fenris gave him no mercy. His alpha, his beast, wrung every ounce of fight out of him, decimated every aspect of hunger from him.

It was all that Rayne could have asked for and everything that he needed. Fucked hard, Rayne couldn’t ignore the jolts of pleasure from his cock, up his stomach, staggering his heart and stilling the breath in his throat.

Rayne fought for as long as he could, but after a time, he couldn’t stop the chaos that finally broke free, had him shooting jet after jet of cum. Whimpering as Fenris continued to ride him, refused to let him enjoy the intense shocks of orgasm, Rayne couldn’t have challenged a flea as Fenris gave one final deep shove. Flooded with hot seed, so much that Rayne swore he could taste it, Rayne had no strength.

When Fenris released him, he fell immediately to the mattress. Useless. Rayne barely even felt the bed move as Fenris collapsed beside him. He felt the big wolf’s arm around him, a palm reassuring and firm upon his back.

“Lesson learned?”

“Yes, alpha. For now.”

Fenris rewarded him with a slap on the ass. “Good. Because I could give you another.”

Still twitching, floating in oversensitive bliss, Rayne could only mutter nonsense, which Fenris initially accepted before placing a kiss upon Rayne’s shoulder.

Sleep did not come easily, but paralysis and euphoria made up for it in spades. Long after Fenris began to snore, Rayne was still floating. His nostrils were full of the heavy scents of male musk and sex filling the room. He could even hear the sounds of someone’s bachelor party in the room just above theirs and three to the left.

Miami wasn’t a bad place. He enjoyed the warmth, but the crowds, the number of humans was something he could do without. Wondering what Freya was doing, he thought of how good she had looked that night on the beach—in a dress no less. If he had to be honest, she had every right to be pissed. Both he and Fenris had been more than overbearing.

Still, Freya couldn’t know how important she was to them, to their trinity. Rayne might have had doubts about her enthusiasm for motherhood, but he’d be damned if pregnancy didn’t suit her.

He recalled how she had been so suspicious when she first discovered that she was pregnant. She had accused him of intentionally healing her, but Rayne had told the truth. With so many opportunities to have his hands upon her, to have his seed within her, healing had been a risk even he had been unaware of, he told her.

Luckily, she hadn’t beaten him to a pulp.

What he had done was his best to ensure that his sperm was inactive. It was only suitable that Fenris as the alpha would have first claim to her womb. He only wanted his warrior…her attention, her love, and…her milk.

The notion stirred him as he set his gaze on the bedside stand. There were two of the original six jugs of soy milk remaining. Although somewhat recovered from Fenris’s assault, Rayne was still too exhausted to do anything but pull himself to the edge of the mattress. He threw his legs over the side and sat up. He grabbed a jug of milk and twisted the cap off, eagerly anticipating the sweetness.

He had drunk down nearly half of the contents when a sudden, unnatural chill hit him. He felt fear, roiling throughout him and turning the milk sour within his stomach. Rayne shook with dread. Something was wrong. While he had concentrated his powers on healing, Rayne had always known that his powers extended to more. Several times in his life, he had been struck with sudden, sickening feelings, and all of them had meant danger.

The clenching in his stomach, the bile in his throat had meaning.

Falling back upon the bed, he reached over and gripped Fenris’s shoulder. He shook it.

“Fen,” he called out, jostling the big wolf. “Fen, wake up! Something…something’s wrong. Something is really wrong!”

The snoring stopped immediately, but it took several seconds for Fenris to open his eyes. “What? What is it?”

“I…I don’t know,” Rayne replied truthfully. He didn’t have the power of sight, or if he did, he hadn’t the first clue how to use it. He couldn’t put a diagnosis to the foreboding he felt, but there was only one person he cared about enough to warrant the intensity of his terror. “I… We should check on Freya.”

Fenris yawned, threw his arm over his eyes. “She’ll be furious if we intrude again. The omega will alert us if anything is wrong. Don’t worry. Our warrior can handle herself.”

Rayne recalled Ezra’s promise. While there were a few sketchy things about the omega’s past, Ezra’s vow had seemed sincere. The omega had confessed to falling for Freya in Vegas, of following her career from afar as well as her mating. His interest in Rayne had been unexpected and new, but it was certainly not without use. “Y-yeah. Yeah,” he repeated, trying to convince himself that he was overreacting. Perhaps he had drunk too much milk or simply encountered a bad batch. Rayne attempted to steady his racing pulse, yet the touch of Fenris’s paw caused him to jump.

Fenris sat upright, his face dark with worry. “You’re shaking.”

“I don’t feel well,” Rayne started before a familiar scent caused them both to look to the door.

Fenris was up and on his feet in an instant. Oblivious to his nudity, he rushed to the door, swinging it wide just as Ezra came into his view. The omega looked like hell, his skin charred, his pants in shreds, splashes of blood upon him. Fenris grabbed Ezra by the throat and dragged him inside. He slammed the door so hard one of the hinges broke.

Rayne saw the feeling in his gut mirrored by the look upon Ezra’s face. The omega was practically livid with fear.

“What has happened, cur?” Fenris demanded, getting up into Ezra’s drawn, ashen face. His voice was crackling with rage. “Speak quickly.”

Ezra looked between Rayne and Fenris with tears at the corners of his eyes. The apologies written with his eyes were as visible as his pupils. “They…they’ve taken her. They’ve taken them all.”

Rayne felt faint, as if a hole had opened up beneath him and he was falling. Ezra’s words filled him with the worst sort of dread and not just due to Ezra’s announcement.

“Who took my mate?” Fenris asked slowly, voice as steady as certain, cold death.

Rayne knew that Freya wasn’t the only one in danger. Fenris was a Luna, and Rayne could hear his alpha’s pulse quickening, could feel the heat wafting off Fenris’s form like a fire stoked.

Hundreds would die if the fire within Fenris wasn’t quenched and their mate was not returned, and Rayne wasn’t sure if even he would be able to hamper it.

* * * *

Rayne managed to get his pulse somewhat regulated during the drive over to the complex. Just getting out of the door of the hotel had proved difficult. Fenris wanted to change, to run to their destination the instant Ezra finished his tale. Neither Rayne nor Ezra could fault the alpha for wanting to get to the scene as quickly as possible; however, Miami, even at night, was certainly no place that would offer enough cover for wolves to run free, much less the monstrosity that Fenris could evoke. With Fenris frothing mad and Ezra a shaken wreck, Rayne had to be the voice of reason.

He had to plead for his alpha to get dressed. He had to assure Fenris that their rented SUV would get them to the Sohon compound quickly and safe enough. To ensure that they did just that, Rayne had taken the wheel. The entire drive over, Rayne was terrified that Fen would either leap out of the truck or transform right in the passenger seat. As it was, the sight of flashing red and blue lights blocking off the street that led up to the Sohon compound, coming from numerous emergency, fire, and police vehicles, even jostled him. Rayne had no choice but to stop.

Fenris did jump out then.

Hurriedly, Rayne pulled over to the side and parked. He and Ezra filed out of the truck, running to catch up with Fenris.

Rayne was dumbstruck, wondering how humans could have been allowed anywhere near the scene. There were supposed to be safeguards in place, arranged between with the Sohons and the federal government. As they moved amid the chaos of support staff, it soon occurred to him that no one knew what was going on. Most importantly, none seemed to be in the ruined skeleton of the resort, still smoldering as it was.

Ezra took the lead at Fenris’s insistence, guiding them past the firemen, who were focused on the front of the mansion with their hoses. Ezra immediately led them to the western section of the facility, where the pool wing had been. The fires had barely touched that area. The hole in the side wall showed not only the exposed pool but the rubble and burned lawn furniture inside.

Rayne could easily detect Freya’s scent, flavored with panic and aggression. She had been fighting for the safety of herself and her cub…and she had failed. Amid the destruction, Rayne’s heart ached that his alpha even had to deal with such a situation. Worse, he hated that he and Fenris had not been there to protect her.

What the scene did to Fenris was nothing sort of paralysis.

“Hold on, sirs. This area is off-limits,” a police officer warned as he came running up to them.

Fenris gazed down at the significantly shorter human as if he were no more than a curious oddity. He said nothing, grim as an impending storm full of cold threat.

Rayne immediately noted the danger although the human seemed to barely grasp it. He rushed up to stand between the two. “Our… My wife was here. His too. We need to get on the scent—I mean scene.”

“I understand, sir, but the area is extremely dangerous.” With his arms outstretched, the policeman shook his head. “There are dangerous fumes, debris all over the place. We aren’t even allowed in the complex. The structure simply is not safe. You can speak to the officer in front. He’ll want your names and information. We’ll be informing all of the relatives with our findings as soon as it is safe and as soon as we know anything. I can assure you.”

“My mate was inside.” Fenris repeated Rayne’s explanation, devoid of emotion.

Fenris was doing his best to contain himself, but his control was faltering. Rayne could tell. He placed a hand on his alpha’s chest and shook his head at Fenris. The last thing they needed was to traumatize a human or several. “Fen, let me handle this.” He turned back to the officer, but the human was already speaking.

“Look, guys. I’m really sorry, but you cannot—”

“Easy, Porter.”

Rayne turned, Fenris growled, and Ezra took a step back at the scent of an unfamiliar wolf approaching. Stately and tall, with black hair, the were had dusky golden skin and looked to be of Latino descent. He was wearing a black suit and tie with reflective sunglasses that seemed perfect for him even in the dark of night. He pulled a wallet with a badge from his breast pocket. “It’s okay. I’ve got them. It’s all right.”

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