A Heart Full of Lies (4 page)

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Authors: Nique Luarks

BOOK: A Heart Full of Lies
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              Erin looked from to Skyy to Deidra then back to Skyy. “Oh, the stud.” She put on a fake smile. “Hey nice to finally meet you.”

              Deidra studied Erin slowly. “Nice to finally meet you too, Skyy’s told me a lot about you, I feel like I already know you.” She extended her hand for a handshake.

              Erin shook her hand. “I hope it was all good. Well I’ll be back Skyy. I’m going to see what I can see.” She put her jacket on, grabbed her purse, and headed towards the door.

              Skyy waved Erin off as she walked away then turned to Deidra smiling, “I’m glad you made it. I was about to be pissed.”

              Deidra took a seat and gestured to Skyy to sit on her lap. Skyy looked around the room, “I’m not sitting on your lap in front of all these people, you’re tripping.”

              Deidra fixed her shirt and pulled her phone out as it began ringing, “Hello. Yea, I’m coming out now.” She pressed end and looked up at Skyy. “I’m ‘bout to be out.”

              Skyy played with her manicured nails. “Oh, so now you mad?”

              Deidra stood up. “Naw, I gotta go though, walk me out. Or are you ashamed to walk next to me?”

              Skyy grabbed Deidra’s arm playfully and pulled her towards the door. “Stop acting like that, you know it ain’t even like that.”

              Deidra licked her lips. “Naw, you need to stop playing.”

              Erin walked up to them. “Y’all leaving already?”
              Skyy shook her head no. “Why are you smacking on that gum like that?”
              Erin blew a bubble and popped it. “I can’t do stinky breath and you know that.”

              Skyy laughed. “Quit all that damn smoking, you weed head. I’m walking her out to the car.”

              Deidra agreed. “Yea, walk with her so she ain’t out here alone.”


              Erin followed close behind Skyy as they made their way to a black 2016 Chevrolet Camaro, chromed out. Erin stopped and watched as Skyy and Deidra went to the passenger side and hugged. The driver’s side window came down and a husky voice spoke. “Wassup wit you.”

              Erin looked around. “Who me?”

              The car door opened and a figure stepped out. Erin watched as a six foot God approached her. His light brown eyes intrigued her when he stopped and stood in front of her. He flashed a pearly white smile at her with the perfect set of dimples that sent chills up her spine. His neatly shaved and lined goatee brought out his facial features even more. He was no doubt the sexiest man she’d ever laid eyes on.

              He gave her the once over. “Yea you, who else?”

              Erin blushed. “Wassup.”

              He stared down at her taking in her gorgeous face and long pretty hair. He wasn’t sure if it was a weave but it was laid. She was tiny compared to him, but he could tell by looking at her she could pack a punch. She had a tough look to her but at the same time her presence was calming. The tattoos on her hazel brown neck were showing, enticing him, and when the wind blew he could smell her perfume. Just from first glance she was definitely fly. 

              Erin felt her body tense up watching him look over her. “What?”

              He smiled again. “You’re beautiful.”

              Erin stared back at him refusing to be intimidated. “Thank you, and you are?”

              He turned his fitted cap backwards. “I’m Tone.”

              Erin flirted. “Nice to meet you Tone, that’s not your real name is it?”

              Tone laughed. “No, my name is Santonio and you are?”

              Erin ran her hands through her hair and rolled her eyes. “Not interested.” Tone chuckled as she called out for Skyy. “Skyy c’mon, you’re taking all day and shit, it’s getting chilly out here.”

              Tone turned his hat back around and rubbed his neatly lined goatee looking at Erin. He had to have her. “Well it was nice meeting you “not interested”.” he said sarcastically.

              Erin ignored him and released a sigh of relief when Skyy made her way back over. “Bitch quit cock blocking.”

              “Girl please, let’s go, this shit is dead.” Erin took one last glance at Tone before turning and walking away.

              Skyy walked next to her and nudged her with her elbow. “Bitch he was all on you. What you doin?”

              Erin shook her head. “I’m not in the mood for that.”

              Tone sparked up the blunt he had pre-rolled as he came up on a red light. He took a puff and passed it to Deidra who was sitting in the passenger seat. It was now going on four in the morning, but he wasn’t tired. Money never slept in his eyes, so if he had to stay up for twenty four hours he would. He knew Deidra wanted to get home so he was dropping her off.

              She handed him back the blunt. Taking it, he put it to his lips and turned the music down. “Ayo Deidra.”

              “Wassup?” she mumbled tired.

              He took another puff. “Who was that chick with Skyy?”

              Deidra grinned knowingly. “That’s Erin, one of her best friends.”

              Tone smiled. “Erin huh?”

              Deidra replied. “Yea, she got a funky ass attitude though, I could tell just being around her for five minutes.”

              Tone whipped around the narrow roundabout. “Get her number for me.”

              Deidra laughed. “Nigga how?”

              “Ask Skyy to give it to me.”

              Deidra laughed again. “Yea, ok.” She laid her head back on the headrest.

              Tone grabbed his phone unlocking it. “Give me Skyy’s number then.”

              “Nigga what!? It’s four in the morning, if anybody gone call my bitch it’s gone be me.”

              Tone laughed but was still persistent. “You can use my phone.”

              Deidra snatched the phone from him cursing. “Don’t be playing like that.” She pressed the phone screen a few times and put it to her ear. Seconds later she was talking on the phone.

              Tone pulled up in front of Deidra’s townhouse and put the car in park. He waited briefly as Deidra finished up her call and hung up. “Ok she just texted the number to you.”

                            Tone took his phone and went to his messages. “I got it.”



              Erin splashed the cold water from the faucet on her face and looked into the mirror. Grabbing her face towel, she walked into her room and sat down on the edge of her bed turning the television on. She sighed changing the channel to the news to check out the weather. She glanced at the clock on her night stand that read 6:26a.m., and began her morning ritual.

              Working at the Jackson County Correction Facility as a correctional officer was starting to wear her out. The long hours were enough to keep her busy though, so she never complained. She was watching the news blowing her coffee when her cell phone rang. Erin grabbed it, looked at the number, frowned, and sat it back down. When it began ringing again she sucked her teeth and answered.

              “Good morning.” a familiar husky voice boomed through the speaker.

              Erin sat confused. “Tone?”

              “Yea, is this Erin?”

              Erin stood up and started pacing her bedroom floor. “How’d you get my number?” She sighed in disbelief. “I’ma whoop Skyy’s ass man.” She heard Tone fumbling with his phone. “Hello?”

              “Yea, I’m here. Your homegirl hooked me up with your number.”

              Erin made her way to the bathroom mirror, and put her phone on speaker phone. “Yea I kind of figured that. What’s up? It’s six in the morning.” She pulled her hair into a high ponytail.

              Tone pulled up to the McDonalds drive through speaker. “Yea I know, I’m surprised you up.”

              She put her small diamond studded earrings in. “Can I help you with something?” She listened as he made his order.

              He paused. “You want something?”

              Erin took her phone back off speaker. “Tone, you do know you calling me at six in the morning offering McDonalds breakfast is weird and cheap, right?”

              Tone laughed. “You’re too pretty to have an attitude that ugly. Who broke your heart?”

              Erin looked at the phone baffled at his remark.

              He continued, “I saw a beautiful woman, and felt an instant attraction between us. I don’t see anything weird with the fact that I can’t get you off my mind, and making sure you ate this morning. How much do you usually spend on breakfast?” She heard the tone in his voice become serious.

              Erin felt calmness come over her. “Well I-“

              Tone cut her off. “You hungry? What you doing up so early?”

“I’m usually always up around this time, and I have to be at work by 7:30.” She went back into the bedroom and began putting on the uniform that was laid out across her bed.

              Tone could hear her fumbling with the phone as she put it on speaker again. “You work where?”

              “Jackson County Correctional Fa-“

              He cut her off again. “Aw shit you the police.” he laughed. “Damn baby it’s like that?”

              Erin buttoned up her shirt. “Oh hush, you sound like my brothers.” Tone was obviously eating causing her to giggle. “You smacking like you ain’t never had a sausage biscuit.”

              Tone chuckled. “You funny. I’m like you though, I rarely eat breakfast. This shit fire.”

              Erin sat on the edge of the bed putting on her socks and shoes. “I bet… I haven’t had breakfast in so long. I’ma have to make me one, one morning.”

              He took a gulp of his orange juice. “You cooking for me too?”

              Erin grabbed her purse and turned the television and her light off, and headed downstairs and out the door. “You cook for me first.” she said sarcastically.

              “Coo. You can come to my place tonight when you get off work.”

              “Tonight? I can’t. I know when I get off I’ma be tired, maybe some other time.”

              Tone pulled into his driveway. “Aight, if you change your mind, you got my number.” he said with disappointment evident in his voice.

              Erin clicked her seatbelt and started her car. “Right, I’ll let you know.”

              He smiled. “Have a good day Erin, I’ll talk to you later.”

              “Thank you Santonio, you too.” She hung up the phone letting their conversation sink in. “I’ma whoop Skyy’s ass.”

              Jeanette peeped into her son KJ’s room, glad that he was still sound asleep. She’d had a busy day and so had he. Between work, KJ’s doctor’s appointment, and his parent teacher conference she was worn out, and she could tell by his loud snoring he was too. The only thing keeping her from her own bed was the phone call she’d been waiting on all day. Kory was supposed to call to check in and he hadn’t.

              Jeanette sat down at her kitchen table and put her face in her hands. She was so drained from everything and everybody. Mentally she was breaking down and emotionally she was ready to give up. She needed a drink. Her eyes shot to her stash under the kitchen cabinet. She spoke calmly to herself. “Not tonight Jeanette chill.”

              She found herself drinking a whole lot more than usual. It started around the time she’d met up with Erin, Skyy, and Sasha. Erin had completely stepped out of character and disrespected her and her relationship with Kory. Jeanette couldn’t even front, it hurt that Erin compared her to being weak, because she was far from it. She felt like if anybody understood it would be Erin, considering all the shit she’d went through with TreVell. With so much going on she just needed somebody in her corner that wasn’t constantly passing judgment.

              Liquor seemed to be the only thing that eased her mind. Being intoxicated was her escape from the harsh reality of her life. Kory was getting out of jail next week, and she still didn’t know where their relationship stood. She was relieved he was getting out though, because for the last six months she’d been sending him money and it was breaking her pockets. She didn’t mind helping him, but she already had a hard enough time paying bills, paying someone to watch KJ overnight, plus making sure her and KJ had their basic necessities.

              Jeanette was glad Kory was coming back, and they were going to work out their problems regardless of what people thought. After all, he was her son’s father and she felt deep down, her soul mate. Through all the bullshit, she wanted to keep her family together for her son. Erin would have a mouthful to say, but Erin couldn’t relate, because she didn’t have a family to protect.

              Lately she’d kept her distance from her friends, with the exception of Skyy, to make Kory’s transition back home easier for her. She was ready for her family again, and if they couldn’t support her on that then oh well. She would soon learn who was truly a friend and who wasn’t.

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