A Heart Full of Lies (16 page)

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Authors: Nique Luarks

BOOK: A Heart Full of Lies
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              He grinned. “Long time, no see.”

              Skyy rolled her eyes, and yelled over the music, “What can I get you to drink?” She couldn’t help but notice how fine he was. Even on Thanksgiving she’d stole a glance or two at him here and there.

              Derick tapped the bar. “Let me get a Blue Mothafucka.”

              Skyy began whipping up the drink as Derick spoke. “So you and Deidra huh? How long have you known she was my daughter Skyy?”

              Skyy poured the drink into a cup and slid it to him. “I didn’t know Derick. You think I would’ve came to your fuckin’ house had I known I was in a relationship with your daughter?” Skyy was pissed.

              Derick took a sip. “Did you tell her?” When she shook her head no, he frowned. “When are you going to tell her? We can’t keep this from her.” he continued sipping.

              Skyy wanted to punch him in his throat, but instead gave him a hard stare. “I’ll tell her when the time is right. How was I supposed to know her daddy was the deadbeat daddy to my child? You do know Deidra isn’t your only child right? Oh you must’ve forgot, you got a three year old daughter!” she yelled in his face.

              Derick raised his hands. “You’re the one who cut me and off and disappeared.”

              “You were married!” Old feelings resurfaced causing her to tear up. “You led me on Derick. Saying we would be a family, the whole time your old ass was “happily” married. And just because I changed my number and moved, didn’t mean shit, you know where I work.”

              “Where is she?” he asked.

              Skyy frowned. “Who?”

              “Skylar? How has she been? I want to be a part of her life.”

              Skyy laughed disgusted, “Are you fucking serious? NO!”

              Derick finished off his drink. “Look, we can do this the easy way or the hard way Skyy. Deidra needs to know about us and I want to be in Skylar’s life. She deserves all the same things Deidra got, and I’m trying to step up to the plate and make it better.”

              Skyy couldn’t believe this was happening. “Get the fuck out of here! You’re a fucking joke.” Tears filled her eyes. “You just keep ruining my life.”

              Tanya stood beside her. “You ok? You need me to get one of the bouncers girl?”

              Skyy shook her head no, “Naw, he ‘bouta go.” She watched as he pulled a pen out his pocket and wrote his number down.

              “Skyy call me. I’ll let you tell Deidra, but I’m not going to wait forever.”

              Jeanette shuffled through the papers on her desk, as Amina complained. The least of her worries were Amina’s problems. All day Jeanette had been trying to avoid Dr. Hendrix even though she knew it would be almost impossible. He’d called to ask her out and they’d yet to set an official date. She was relieved, but at the same time disappointed.

              Amina tapped her. “Hello? Did you hear what I said?”

              Jeanette faced her. “What you say?”

              Amina frowned. “Really? I said Tone been acting real funny lately. He won’t even have sex with me. How am I supposed to get pregnant if he won’t even fuck me?”

              Jeanette grabbed a folder and stood up. “You still trying?” she said shaking her head.

              Amina sucked her teeth, “He won’t do it, and all he let me do is suck his dick. Is he still messing with Erin? Cause every time I bring it up, he just laughs it off.”

              Jeanette shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t know. I haven’t even been talking to Skyy.” She called the patient’s name and waited for them to come to the window. “Amina let it go.”

              Once the patient came to the window Jeanette asked them to come through the door so she could walk them back to the Dr. Jeanette opened the door and let the patient into the room.

              She looked through the folder. “Ok, Ms. Williams, you’re here because, you said you missed a period. Are they usually on time every month?”

              She nodded her head yes. Jeanette sat a closed small container on the counter. “Ok, well can you wipe three times front to back, and then urinate in this container. Bring it back in here, sit it on the counter and your nurse will be in here to assist you. Any questions?”

              Again she shook her head no. Jeanette opened the door. “Ok, well if you need anything I’m right in the front.” She walked out, closing the door behind her.

              Dr. Hendrix called her name. “Ms. Marshall.” he approached her. “I’ve been meaning to reach out to you.”

              Jeanette smiled and waved him off. “Its ok, I understand.” They stood there just quietly. Jeanette acted like she was going through the folder in her hand. “OK, well let me go handle this, see you later.”

              “Can we go out Friday?”

              Jeanette shook her head no. “I don’t think that’s a good idea. I have to go finish up some paperwork though. But thank you for the offer.” Jeanette walked away. What was she thinking even considering going out with him? Kory would kill them both and she wasn’t for the drama. There was no way.


              Sasha finished putting on her makeup as Erin came storming in the room. She hadn’t talked to Shawn in over a week and she intended on it staying that way. Today she was going to quit her job and clean out her desk. Being around Michael was too much for here right now especially after the kiss they shared.

              Erin sat down on the bed taking off her work shirt, “Hey girly, how you feeling? Where are you going?”

              Sasha laughed at her. “I’m fine and I’m going up to the job “mama”.” she joked. She was grateful for Erin. She’d opened up her home to her and gave her a shoulder to cry on.

              Erin smiled. “I’m just checking.” She stood up. “I’m going to sleep, that twelve hours got my body shutting down.”

              “Ok, we should do dinner at Cheddar’s tonight. I want to get out the house.” Sasha said putting her earrings on.

              Erin gave an ok look. “Cool, talk to you later.”

              Sasha walked through the glass double doors of the office and looked around. No one was in sight, so she went straight to her old desk to clean it off. Taking her pictures, candles, and other miscellaneous things and putting them inside of a box, she heard a door slam. Michael nearly walked past her not paying attention, but stopped when he felt her presence.

              “Sasha, I’m glad your back.” He leaned on her desk. “Why are you taking everything?”

              Sasha didn’t look at him. “Because working here wouldn’t be what’s best for neither of us. It’s unprofessional, and I have a lot going on in my life right now.”

              Michael sighed. “It was just an innocent kiss, and you’re acting like we had sex.” When she didn’t reply he continued. “Look you don’t have to leave.”

              Sasha picked up the box and looked at him. “I
have to leave. I’m sorry but I have to go.” she sighed and tried to walk past him.

              Michael stopped her and took the box out her arms. “What if I don’t want you to go?” He sat the box back down on the table and pulled her close. “What if … I want you stay?” He kissed her neck. “Stay.”

              Sasha wanted to pull away but it felt so good. He traced his tongue along her neck, damn why did it have to feel so good? She brought her lips to his and they shared a long kiss. Michael sat her on the desk and pulled her jeans off. He kissed her as he pulled his pants down.

              “What if…somebody comes in and see’s us?” she said in between kisses.

              Michael ignored her pulling her panties to the side. He slid in her and she closed his eyes. Michael pulled her closer to the edge of desk, kissing on her neck.

              Sasha grabbed his butt so he could go deeper. “Yesss.” she moaned.

              Michael sped up as she laid back. “Sasha, uhhh.”

              Michael didn’t have the biggest dick, but she could work with it. She started grinding slow, as she rubbed fingers across her clit. Sasha lifted her legs on the desk as Michael dug in her, she was about to cum when Michael stopped and pulled out. He jacked off as he came on her legs and stomach. “Aaah, yeeeaa.” Michael twitched a little before he pulled his pants up.

              Sasha laid there in disbelief. That was all? That was what she was fiending for? She closed her eyes. What a waste of time.



Chapter Thirteen: Say it aint so

              Skyy pushed the snow off her windshield and hopped back in her car. She rubbed her hands in front of the vent and looked back at Skylar who was fast asleep. She smiled, but it quickly faded when she thought about Derick and Deidra. She was on her way to Erin’s to catch up with Erin and Sasha. And boy did she have a lot to say.

              When she pulled up to Erin’s house and when she got in comfortably she went straight to the kitchen. She knew Erin would have a bottle in the cabinet. Once she found the Patron, she grabbed three cups and headed back to the living room. She noticed Erin had redone her living room in all white, almost making her afraid to sit down or touch anything. Sitting down, she handed the glasses to them.

              “Long time no see hoes.” Skyy poured her a drink.

              Erin laughed. “Girl you’re the one that done up and disappeared. Where you been?”

              Skyy took a sip of her drink and sighed. “I don’t know about yall. But my life is crazy right now.”

              Sasha leaned back, “Yours too? Don’t even get me started.”

              Erin pouted. “Well mine is ok, I guess, I don’t know.” She didn’t want to rub it in their face. Things with her and Santonio for the most part had been ok. She poured herself a drink. “So Skyy…since you’ve called an urgent meeting, what’s going on?”

              Skyy shook her head. “I don’t even know where to start. Let’s see, Deidra met my family and they loved her.”

              Sasha sat up. “Really? See and you were worried.”

              “I’m worried because I met her family too … and her daddy is Derick.” She paused, waiting for their reaction.

              Erin’s mouth dropped. “What!? You mean Derick as in your baby daddy Derick? As in the deadbeat married muthafucka? That Derick?” Erin was in disbelief.

              Sasha poured her a drink. “What did he say? Was Skylar with you? What happened?”

              Skyy felt tears forming in her eyes. “We acted like we didn’t know each other. Thank God Skylar wasn’t with us.” she wiped her eyes.

              Sasha stood up to comfort her. “Don’t cry Skyy.” She felt bad for her.

              Erin ran her hands through her ponytail. “So what you gone do? Did you tell Deidra?”

              Skyy shook her head no quickly. “Hell no. What I’ma say?”

              “Hey Deidra, Skylar is your little sister.” Erin said sardonically, downing her drink. This was indeed crazy.

              Sasha gave Erin a look, then hugged Skyy. “Stop crying. You didn’t even know, it’s not like you did it on purpose.”

              Skyy sighed. “Deidra is not going to stay with me y’all. I know it. This is a lot to take in. I can only imagine how she gone take it. But I have to tell her before Derick does. He’s talking ‘bout he wants to be in Skylar’s life all of a sudden.”

              Erin leaned over and rubbed her arm. “Fuck him; it’s not your fault Deidra’s daddy is a bitch nigga.” Erin was pissed. “He’s only saying that because he knows his ass done got caught.”

              Skyy sucked her teeth. “He ruined my life before and now he’s trying to do it again. I’ma just have to tell Deidra, I just hope she don’t hate me.” Skyy was terrified of losing Deidra, but she had to tell her the truth, but how?

              Sasha rubbed her back. “He ain’t ruined shit, Skylar is a blessing and if Deidra really loves you then I’m sure y’all can find a way to work it out.”

              Erin agreed. “Right, shit happens, that’s life. That’s why they say only the strong can survive. And I don’t hang with no weak bitches, so I know you good.”

              Skyy wiped her face. “Thank y’all. I just been having that built up on my chest.” She finished off her drink. “What’s up with y’all though?” She grabbed a Kleenex and wiped her nose. “Sasha, where you been?”

              Sasha sat back down on the sectional with Erin. “I’ve been staying with Erin.”

              Skyy frowned. “What? Why?” She looked from Erin to Sasha. “What happened with you and Shawn?”

              “He’s still fucking his baby mama.”

              Skyy gave a bugged eyed look. “His baby mama!? WHAT! When did he have a fuckin’ baby!?” She was livid.

              Sasha rubbed her neck. “Girl I found out he cheated on me.” Sasha told Skyy about the whole incident and how she had been trying to keep it a secret. She broke down crying when she explained how she popped up on Thanksgiving and there Shawn was playing family man.  They laughed as she told Skyy about how she bleached almost all his clothes and shoes. Sasha left out the part where she fucked Michael. It wasn’t much of a story to tell anyways.

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