A Heart Full of Lies (14 page)

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Authors: Nique Luarks

BOOK: A Heart Full of Lies
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Chapter Eleven: Intuition

Skyy fixed her shirt as she, Deidra and Skylar made their way inside her mother’s house.  It was time and she was ready. When she opened the door she was instantly greeted by her Aunt Halle.

              “Niece! Just who I’ve been looking for.” She picked up Skylar. “Hey auntie’s baby.” Aunt Halle looked from Skyy to Deidra. “Who’s this?” She extended her hand for a handshake.

              “This is my friend Deidra.”

              Aunt Halle gave Deidra the once over as she shook her hand. “Nice to meet you, they already started eating. Y’all go ahead and fix a plate. Your mom is in the kitchen.”

              Skyy headed to the kitchen introducing everybody to Deidra as she made her way through the house. When she got in the kitchen her mom was standing in front of the stove talking to one of her little cousins. She took a deep breath and made her way over to her.

              “Hey mama.” she hugged her. “Happy Thanksgiving.”

              Her mother turned around. “Hey Skyy, where’s Skylar?”

              “In the living room with Aunt Halle.” She grabbed Deidra’s arm. “Mama this is Deidra.”

              Her mother smiled at Deidra. “We’ve met before. The night of the thunderstorm, you don’t remember me? How are you?”

              Deidra smiled at her. “Yes, I remember you Ms. Stephanie.”

              Skyy pulled Deidra closer. “No mama. Deidra is more than just my friend.” She watched her mother’s face. “Mama, Deidra is my girlfriend. We’re in a relationship.” she paused.

              Her mother squinted her eyes. “Your girlfriend? As in …”

              “Mama, me and Deidra are a couple. I’m a lesbian.” Skyy held her breath. To her surprise her mother grabbed her and hugged her. Skyy looked at Deidra shrugging her shoulders.

              Ms. Stephanie sighed. “Skyy, I’ve known since the night of the thunderstorm. Your secret lover who you would not let me meet? I was starting to think you couldn’t come to me and talk. You know mama loves you.” She gave Deidra a hug too. “Welcome to the family.”

              Sasha felt like shit. Since she kissed Michael, she felt guilty as ever. Here she was jumping down Shawn’s throat and she was the one tonguing her boss down. Instead of meeting up with Erin she went home and stayed there. She had enough time to figure out her next move, knowing she had to let the job go. The kiss she shared with Michael was like no other, and because of that she knew Erin was right when she said it would turn out ugly.

              So now here she was on Thanksgiving, alone. She was too embarrassed to tell her girls, and felt way too guilty to even be around Shawn and his family. She simply told Shawn she wasn’t feeling well and was going to stay home to get some rest. The longer she sat there she knew she had to gain control over the situation and get it together. She picked up her phone to call Shawn.

              “Hello?” she answered.

              “Hey baby, how’s the family?” She stood up heading to the closet.

              “They’re great. Everybody has been asking about you. How are you feeling? You get some sleep?”

              Sasha pulled a pair of jeans off of a hanger. “Yea, I feel a whole lot better.”

              “Good, well I’ll be home after I leave here. Mom and Pop about to start this slide show.” he laughed.

              Sasha laughed. “They do it every year.”

              Shawn agreed. “Yea, they do. I wish you were here. I hate spending holidays without you.”

              Sasha smiled. “Aww baby, I hate spending holidays without you too.”

              “Ok, well let me go, I’ll see you in a couple hours. I love you.”

              “Ok, I love you too.” Sasha hung up the phone cheesing. Maybe she and Shawn could work through their problems. Every relationship had their ups and downs. She wasn’t ready to call it quits, Shawn wasn’t perfect, but he was a good man. He would never intentionally hurt her. He’d made a mistake, and she did too. She was willing to give it her all.

              Sasha threw on a t-shirt, jeans, and her Adidas. She was ready to put everything in the past and move forward. There was no way she was going to let an infatuation ruin everything they’d built. She was even ready to accept Shawn’s little girl, and treat her as her own, if that would better their relationship. Sasha locked the front door and made her way to Shawn’s parent’s house.


              Sasha pulled up in front of the crowded house and parked. She couldn’t wait to see the look on Shawn’s face when he saw her. They’d spent every holiday together since they’d met and this one was not going to be any different. She made her way up the walkway when Shawn’s older sister came out the house with her son.

              The look on his sister’s face confused Sasha. “Sash what are you doing here? Shawn said you were sick and were staying at home.” She looked back at the house.

              Sasha walked up the porch stairs. “Hi Kiera. Girl I feel much better, I just needed some sleep. Happy Thanksgiving.”  She snuck a kiss on little man’s cheek.

              Kiera pulled her phone out texting, and then looked back at the house again. “Did Shawn know you were coming?”

              “Girl no, I’m about to surprise his ass now.” Sasha opened the screen door. Shawn came rushing towards her in full speed.

              “Baby I thought you were sick.” He rubbed her arm and kissed her.

              Sasha smiled. “I feel so much better now, and I couldn’t be without you on Thanksgiving. Where’s everybody at?” She tried to pass him. When he stopped her, she frowned. “What’s wrong?”

              Shawn shook his head. “Baby, let me take you home.” A female walked up to them and stood next to Shawn holding a baby.

              “Baby, your mom is funny.” She smiled at Sasha as she bounced the baby up and down.

              Sasha looked from Shawn to her. “Shawn who the fuck is this?” Then it hit her. Sasha became infuriated. “NO THE FUCK YOU DIDN’T!” She smacked Shawn damn near knocking his head off his shoulders. “You bitch ass nigga!” She began punching and clawing at his face. “You brought this bitch to your mama’s house!?”

              Kiera called for help. “Daddy! Get up here!” She put her son down trying to calm Sasha down. “Sash, it’s not even worth it.”

              Shawn grabbed her by her wrist. “Not here Sasha, don’t disrespect my parents.” Shawn tried to hold her still.

              Milan disappeared as Shawn’s father came running to them. “Sasha!” He pulled Shawn away from her and gently pulled her outside. “Sasha, I’m so sorry you don-“

              Sasha cut him off crying hysterically. “You’re not sorry!” She snatched away from him as tears poured out her eyes. “I can’t believe this shit!”

              Shawn’s mother came out the house. “Sasha! Not here! Not today! This is my house, so at least respect me enough to take that ghetto mess somewhere else.” She turned her nose up and went back in the house.

              Sasha shook her head in disbelief. “Fuck y’all!” She rushed back to her car with his father on her heels.

              “Sasha I’m truly sorry you found out this way. My son is-“

              “A lying, cheating, dog ass nigga! That’s what your son is!” she yelled in his face, almost immediately regretting disrespecting him.

              Kiera and Shawn came out of the house. “Don’t talk to my daddy like that Sasha!” Kiera screamed at her. “Your issue is with Shawn, not my daddy.”

              Sasha rolled her eyes. “Fuck you Kiera!” His father rapidly grabbed Kiera and forced her back into the house.

              “No, fuck you! I’m glad my brother is finally done with your broke, ungrateful ass!”

              Sasha cried as she made her way back to her car. Her blurred vision caused her to stumble a bit.

              “Sasha, baby let me explain.” Shawn pleaded.

              She ignored him hopping into her car and speeding off.


              Erin finished cleaning up the last of the mess from dinner. She was happy she’d spent her first Thanksgiving with Tone. Her mother loved him and her family liked him. Tone was so open with her family, telling them how much he adored Erin, and how he respected her. Turning the lights off Erin made her way to her room.

              Tone was laid out across the bed watching television when she entered the room. She jumped on the bed with him, kissing his face and neck.

              Tone pulled her close. “What’s up love?” He kissed her nose.

              “Thank you for helping me clean up.” she said sarcastically.

              Tone laughed. “You’re welcome.”

              Erin punched him playfully then sat up. She turned the television off, and looked down at him. “We need to talk.”

              Tone rubbed his goatee. “What’s up?”

              “Tone, I know we don’t live together, but since you here all the time-“

              He cut her off. “What you want me to cash out on some bills?” He was perplexed because Erin refused to take any money from him.

              Erin shook her head. “No. I don’t need your help. I want to know what you do for a living.” She gave him a hard look. “You’re always on the go, and lately you just been so busy. I’m not stupid, but I
to hear it from you, I
to hear it from you.”

              Tone sat up too. “I’ma hustler.” he simply stated.

              “A hustler? Ok so-“

              “So, that’s all you need to know. What I do don’t concern you, because you will never cross paths with it. The less you know, the better, and that’s for the both of us.”

              “How is that better when you won’t even talk to me about what’s going on in your life? I’m not a weak bitch Santonio; I just prefer to know what I’m dealing with. Shit, WHO I’m dealing with.”

              Tone gave her a blank look. “It’s better because you’re safer that way. As long as I’m spending time with you, and we enjoying each other company, all that other shit shouldn’t even matter. Take my word. I would never let anything happen to you, no matter what I do. But I’m not the type of nigga to just tell all my business. The things that I tell you are beneficial to this relationship.”

              Erin rolled her eyes. “Whatever. I just want to know more about the man that I’m sleeping with, that’s all.” she pouted.

              Tone rubbed her back. “Look love, you see me every day. You see the cars I drive, where I live, and you’ve seen the house my mom’s stay in. You know I’m not pressed for shit, and you know since you my love, you ain’t either. Point blank period, I’ma hustler. It don’t matter how I get it, I get it, and as long as I got it, you do too. It doesn’t matter if I’m slanging rock, or working at McDonalds. You know everything about me you need to know.”

              Erin sighed. “I guess.”

              Tone laughed at her. “You a trip man.” He got out the bed grabbing his overnight bag. He sat on the edge of the bed and opened it. Pulling out two books, he tossed them on the bed. He sighed then looked back at Erin.

              She reached for them skimming through them, “What are these. I know you read, but this is boring.” She continued flipping through the pages.

              Tone laughed. “Part of the reason I’m always busy is because, school takes up a lot of a niggas time.” He looked down at the floor then back at Erin.

              “School? As in college?”


              Erin smiled and crawled over to him. “Whaaat, my baby is a nerd, let me find out.” She kissed his neck.

              Tone laughed again. “Naw, I’m not a nerd. I’ve been in the streets my whole life Erin. It’s the same shit every day; I’m burnt out on it. I want a family, my own family. I want my wife and my mom’s to be proud of me as a man and what I’m doing with my life. A true man is not only a provider, he’s a leader and he leads by example Erin. One day, I’ma have a son, and he gone look to daddy to teach him how to be a man. I never had that, so I’m taking the necessary steps to make sure mines do.”

              Erin kissed his shoulders. “You are so perfect, I could see myself loving you.”

              “Aw, yea?” he licked his lips.

              “Yea, and I’m proud of you.”

              Tone sat her on his lap and kissed her face. “That’s all that matters.”


              Jeanette sorted through the laundry on her bed. Here it was, Thanksgiving night and Kory was nowhere to be found. The day had come and gone and not one phone call or text. She was tired of crying over him, and people questioning her sanity. She was mentally, emotionally, and physically tired.

              Jeanette thought about everything Erin said. About her being weak and having no common sense. She didn’t want to be labeled as that, and she wasn’t sure she could ever forgive Erin for saying that. She respected Erin, and all this time she thought the feeling was mutual, but she was wrong. Jeanette wiped the tears from eyes, and took another sip of her Bombay.

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