A Heart Full of Lies (17 page)

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Authors: Nique Luarks

BOOK: A Heart Full of Lies
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              Skyy couldn’t do much but just shake her head. “Wow.”

              Sasha downed her drink. “Yep, so that’s my life. You aren’t the only one hurting sister.”

              They talked for a little while longer, about everything that had been said. Skyy brought up the fight with Amina and they all died laughing when she described the look on Amina’s face when Tone pulled Erin off her. She expressed how regardless of what Deidra had said Amina still had an ass whopping coming.

              They were all tipsy talking when Tone unlocked the door and walked in. They all got quiet as he shut the door with a mean mug on his face. He didn’t even acknowledge them on his way up the stairs. Erin gave Skyy and Sasha a confused look and followed him.

              She shut her bedroom door. “What’s wrong with you? You can’t speak?”

              Tone started taking off his clothes. “My fault.”

              Erin frowned. “Your fault? Really?” She made her way over to the bed. “What’s the matter? Did I do something?”

              Tone rubbed his face. “Naw love you good. It’s just some business shit that’s fucked up.” His eyes were red. Erin had never seen him look so mean, he was almost unapproachable.

              Erin kissed his face. “You want to talk about it?” She rubbed his back. “Santonio you know we can talk about anything. Even if you don’t want to go in depth about it, I’m here.” When he didn’t reply she stood up. “I cooked dinner and put you a plate up, I can warm it up for you. Are you hungry?”

              Tone smiled a little. “That’s why I’ma marry you.” He pulled her towards him.

              She sat on his lap and laughed. “Why? Because I cook you dinner?”

              He rubbed her butt. “Naw, because you care about a nigga. I appreciate it.” He played with her hair. “And because you cook me dinner.” he joked.

              Erin pushed him playfully as she stood up, “If you need me I’ll be downstairs with my girls.” Erin watched as he made his way to the bathroom.

              “Aight, we probably gone stay at my crib this weekend. I got some shit to take care of and I need you close.” He entered the bathroom and closed the door.

              She picked up the pile of clothes he had thrown on the floor and noticed blood stains on his shirt. Erin looked at the bathroom door and back down at the blood. Tone wasn’t bleeding.

              Jeanette watched as Kory texted on his phone. He’d been on it almost all night with this stupid grin plastered on his face. She wasn’t in the mood to argue at first, but those couple shots of Bombay were kicking in, and she was ready for a fight. If Kory didn’t want to give her respect then she was going to take it.

              She’d lost the only real friends she’d ever had behind him. Yet he didn’t seem to care nor appreciate it. Erin’s words always ran through her mind. Was she weak? Everyone said the same thing about her relationship. Maybe it was the truth, maybe it wasn’t. But some changes needed to be made, and tonight was the night.

              “Kory, who are you texting? Who’s got you cheesing all hard like that?” she slurred as she reached for his phone.

              Kory hurriedly moved his phone. “Chill, get yo’ drunk ass on.”

              Jeanette tried grabbing his phone again. “What bitch you texting in, in
fuckin’ bed?” She crawled across the bed reaching for his phone.

              This time he pushed her hard, damn near causing her to tumble off the bed. He stood up. “Bitch is you stupid? I said get yo’ drunk ass on, before I fuck you up.”

              Jeanette lunged towards him, kicking and punching. “FUCK YOU! I’M TIRED OF THIS BULLSHIT! YOU CAN LEAVE!” she screamed as she clawed at his face and clothes.

              Kory punched her in her mouth with all his might, knocking her into the television. He wiped his lip and saw blood. “You stupid bitch!” He commenced to punching her in the face and kicking her in her sides. “I will fucking kill you.” he spat at her.

Jeanette cried. “Get out or I’m calling the police.” She was tired of being mistreated. She was tired of being the weak one. Kory had to go, and he needed to leave now, while she felt the courage to let him go.

              Kory kicked her again, and then left slamming the door behind him. Jeanette balled up and cried to herself. This wasn’t over.             

              Erin watched Tone as he slept. She was drunk, feeling herself wanting to wake him up, but not wanting to disturb him. She had never seen Tone so mad or irritable. She hadn’t said anything about the blood on his clothes because she knew he wouldn’t say much. Just that it was business, but Erin was no fool. She was raised by her big brother and had seen some horrific things in her own life. So Tone thinking she wasn’t strong enough to handle his life was a joke to her.

              Erin figured she’d might as well go to sleep, but Tone’s phone went off. She looked at him but he didn’t budge. Erin bit the inside of her cheek as it started going off again. She lifted the covers off her body slowly, so she wouldn’t wake him. As she made her way over to the dresser on his side of the bed, she tripped over one of Tone’s Nike’s but quickly regained her balance.

              Erin laughed quietly at how clumsy she was before picking his phone up. She tiptoed out the room leaving the door open. When she was sure Tone wouldn’t be able to hear her she sprinted across the hall to Sasha’s room and shut the door. The loud thud made Sasha jump out her sleep.

              Sasha quickly turned on the light. “Bitch what are you doing?” She gave Erin a crazy look.

              Erin held her mouth trying not to laugh out loud. The liquor was definitely making her giddy. “Why you look all crazy, bitch put a bonnet on.” Erin laughed quietly at Sasha’s wild hair.

              Sasha laughed and flipped her off. “Shut up, everybody ain’t got good hair. What are you doing?”

              Erin sat on the bed. “I got Tone’s phone.” she whispered.

              Sasha rolled her eyes. “Go put it back.” she whispered back.

              Erin jerked her head back. “No, I want to know who the fuck is blowing his phone up at three in the morning.”

              Sasha shook her head and left the room. Five minutes later she came back with Skyy. Erin laughed again. Skyy looked tired and drunk as hell. She was glad she’d made Skyy and Skylar stay because the streets were slick and dangerous. Skyy plopped down onto the bed next to Erin.

              “Bitch, go put the phone back.”

              Erin mugged Sasha. “Snitch.” She started trying to figure Tone’s lock code out. “I just want to see who it is. I’m not going to go through the whole thing, I’ma just see who it is texting him right now.” she tried to convince them.

              Sasha whispered. “And what if it’s something you don’t want to see? What you gone do?”

              Erin sighed, “I’m going to smack him out of his sleep.” And she was serious. Usually she wouldn’t even trip off Tone’s phone because she knew what he did. But with him being gone a lot, the late night texts, and on top of her being drunk, she needed to see what was in his phone.

              Skyy shook her head. “Don’t. Last time I went through Deidra’s phone I could’ve killed her.”

              That only made Erin want to see even more. She ignored both Sasha and Skyy while she tried to figure out his code. When she couldn’t get it, she gave up. “Ok, maybe y’all right.” She stood up feeling defeated about to leave when his phone went off again, this time ringing. She looked down to see Amina’s name pop up on the screen.

              Skyy saw the look on her face. “What? Who is it?”

              Erin’s body started overheating. “It’s Amina. This nigga still fuckin’ with this girl?” Erin couldn’t believe it.

              “Has he changed his number? Maybe she’s just being a stalker type.” Sasha said, knowing the beast was about to come out of Erin.

              Erin ignored her. “His ass is still messing with a bitch I done had a fuckin’ fist fight with, really? I’ma about to-“ Erin headed towards the door.

              Skyy and Sasha jumped in front of her. “E, don’t do anything irrational. Think about it, you got the upper hand right now.”

              Skyy agreed. “Sasha’s got a point, play it cool and give your man the benefit of the doubt.”

              Erin wasn’t trying to hear it. There was no way she was going through the same thing twice. She couldn’t do it again. Her heart couldn’t handle it. “So I’m just supposed to act like I didn’t see this shit?” She was now starting to doubt everything Tone had ever told her.

              “No, but think about it like this. He hasn’t changed his number, she’s a thirsty bitch, and you and Tone are in a good place. Give him some credit Erin.” Sasha was trying her best to save Tone.

              Erin sighed, and thought about it. “Ok, I won’t smack him, but can I at least ask him about it?”

              Skyy shook her head no. “Just let it go, until you know it’s something worth tripping over.”

              Erin frowned as she walked past them and out the door. There was no way Tone was getting away with this. Tonight she would let it go though. As she crept back in the room she heard Tone mumbling in his sleep. She glared at him as she put his phone back on the dresser. “Lying ass.” 


              Sasha sat Indian style on her bed, when Skyy stuck her head in the door. “Sash, come let me out.”

              Sasha hopped off the bed and followed her down the stairs. “You sure you should be driving in this weather. Maybe y’all should wait.”

              Skyy picked Skylar up. “No, I got some shit to take care of, and I need to talk to Deidra.” She wasn’t sure how she was going to tell Deidra, but she knew she had to.

              Sasha opened the door and jumped back when she saw Jeanette standing in the door way with two black eyes and a busted lip. “Nette!” She pulled Jeanette in the house as she cried. “What happened to you?”

              Skyy shut the door and sat Skylar down. “Did Kory do this?”

              Jeanette hung her head. “Yea, I’m finished with him y’all, I can’t do this anymore.” She started crying again.

              Skyy rolled her eyes. “Yea, for how long?” She wanted to believe Jeanette was done, but she knew better. Kory had beat her ass worse than this and she still stayed with him. Skyy wasn’t convinced.

              Jeanette stood in front of Skyy. “I’m done with him for good.” She was offended that Skyy was trying to discredit her.

              Sasha stepped between them. “Skyy, now is not the time.”

              “Sasha, look at her face!!” Skyy pointed angrily at Jeanette. “Look at her! She keep letting him do this, I can’t feel sorry for her.”

              Tone came down the stairs, seen them arguing and turned right back around. Jeanette wiped her face. “Skyy shut up, I didn’t even come here for you, I came to talk to Erin.”

              Just as she said that Erin came down the stairs. When she seen Jeanette she sighed and shook her head. “What’s going on? Santonio said y’all down here about to fight. Why?” She wasn’t in the mood for Jeanette and her sob stories.

              Jeanette spoke. “Erin I need to talk to you, Kory hit me again and I-“

              Erin cut her off. “Wait so when you need me, now you want to talk? I’m sorry that he hit you Jeanette, but you can’t just cut me off one day then when it’s convenient for you, you back talking to me.” It hurt Erin’s heart to see Jeanette’s faced bruised and swollen. But it was Jeanette who stopped talking to her; it was Jeanette who’d abandoned them.

              Jeanette shook her head in disbelief, “And I call you my sisters.”

              Skyy sucked her teeth. “Yea right you didn’t give a fuck about no sisterhood when Amina tried to jump Erin and you took that bitch’s side.” Skyy got in Jeanette’s face. “Where was the sisterhood then? Now he beating yo’ ass again you want to call on us, call that hoe Amina.”

              Jeanette swung and hit Skyy nearly knocking her into Erin. Skyy regained her balance and jumped on Jeanette. Erin and Sasha rushed to them trying to break them apart, but Skyy was like a vicious dog and wouldn’t let go. Poor Jeanette didn’t stand a chance against Skyy’s hands.

              Erin tugged on Skyy, “SKYY! STOP!” She was trying her hardest to pull her away. Skyy ignored her and the next thing she knew they were all four crashing into her glass end table.

              Glass flew everywhere, but Jeanette and Skyy were still going at it. Erin jumped up pissed. “STOP IT!” With all her might she snatched Skyy and pushed her not really caring where she went. They were fucking up her shit.

              Sasha held on to Jeanette as she screamed. “Let me go! I’ma kill that bitch!”

              Erin glared at her, daring her. They’d completely disrespected her home. Her eyes watered from irritation. Erin worked hard for her things, no handouts, and no help. Jeanette and Skyy knew that, and they still didn’t give a fuck enough to take the drama outside.

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