Caleb's Blessing

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Authors: Jordan Silver

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Caleb’s Blessing


Jordan Silver


Alison Jordan

All Rights Reserved

Chapter 1


I knew when I saw my brother’s patrol truck coming down my driveway in the middle of the day that some shit was up.

As soon as he got out and grinned at me, I was sure it was a biggie, and I had a pretty good idea what it was. It had been a while since we’d done this, but I can’t say I was surprised.

"Dammit Drake, you're a pain in the ass you know that?"

"Come on big brother you know I wouldn't ask if it wasn't important."

"What is it this time? You do know I'm trying to run a ranch here and not a halfway house for the descendants of Oliver Twist right."

"Oh come on, it hasn't been that bad, and everyone I've sent your way have worked out, haven't they? The ranch is flourishing and you have reliable help that would bend over backwards to please the great Caleb Dunbar."

"Shut up and tell me what kind of stray you're sending my way this time."

I pulled off my work gloves and wiped the sweat from my brow. It was early yet, but the sun was a bitch already this morning.

I had the scent of horse, cattle and hay on me already and the day had just started. Nothing I liked better though, it gives a man a great sense of accomplishment when he can get so much done before the day’s really begun.

"First off, it's a she this time."

That brought me up short. "A what?"

"It's a female, she's running from her ex I guess you could say.”


"I know; that's why I thought here would be perfect. I know how you and the guys feel about this shit. He was sent away for attempted murder after he beat her near to death. He was supposed to be away for a long time, but because of some bureaucratic bullshit, he's been released early for good behavior.

She got the call two days ago I was contacted by my guy on her behalf not long after. As you can imagine, this is a very volatile situation, so we need to move quickly."

"Where is she?"

"Out in the truck." The sap smirked at me.

"Pretty sure of yourself there aren't you sheriff?"

"I know my big brother that's all."

"Let's go get your little waif."

I followed him out to his patrol truck. As sheriff of our little town, he spent most of his time patrolling the ranches and farms in the area. His biggest worry was the high school kids getting drunk and disorderly after a Friday night game.

Crime here was damn near nonexistent, as was to be expected in a small town I guess. What most people didn't know though, was that my little brother was also part of an underground network that helped relocate people who found themselves at the wrong end of an unsavory character's ire; kind of like witness protection.

For the past few years he's been sending men out to the ranch for work, men of all ages, from all parts of the country. Some of them had never seen a horse or cattle before in their lives, but my foreman usually had them whipped into shape in no time flat.

This is the first time he's brought me a girl though. This ranch wasn't any place for a female. It was in the middle of nowhere, a good hour and a half from town to be exact, with no one else around for miles, except for me and the hands.

It could get rather lonely out here with nothing more to do than ride the range or watch the animals. And females need a hell of a lot more than that to make them happy. That’s why I have yet to find a wife, not that I’m in any hurry, women are they own special blend of trouble.  As a man who was trying to make this place work, there really was no time at present to put into a relationship.

My men usually headed into town to look for female companionship. There were no women here, not even to keep house. The men took turns cooking down at the bunkhouse and I pretty much kept my place clean, only utilizing the services of a cleaning agency once every two weeks because I hate clutter and mess.

"Shit Drake she's a kid." I could barely see her head as she sat in my brother's truck.

"Nah she's twenty two, just a little tiny that's all."

"Some dude took his fists to her?"

"That's not all he did, the last time he went after her he shot her."

I felt my heart seize, though I couldn't see her face, the slightness of her stature made it seem almost sacrilegious that someone would do such a thing. My brother ought to know how this would affect me. It’s no secret that I’ve used my fists to settle the score more than once where an abused woman was concerned. But I trust that he knows what he’s doing. As long as the son of a bitching ex stayed away, he’d live.

"Is she skittish Drake?" I held back my approach to the truck, not wanting to scare the probably traumatized woman any more than she already was.

"Not really, she's okay, just a little spooked you know."

"Okay lead on then."

When we reached the truck Drake spoke to her softly, like I do to one of the heifers when she’s about to drop, or when she’s acting fractious while waiting to be covered by the bull. Most females tend to react better to a soft touch when faced with these types of situations, no matter the species.

She had her head hanging low, her wild abundance of hair covering her up so that I couldn’t get a view of her face. From what little I could see, she really was a little bitty thing with barely any meat on the arms that were exposed by the summer top she wore.

I felt that seizing in my heart again. Poor little mite, she must be scared out of her mind, all alone in a strange place with no friends or family, and on the run. I didn’t know who she was and already I felt sorry for her.

I got closer when it looked like Drake was through talking to her, ready to offer my hospitality and try to put her mind at ease.

When she lifted her head and looked at me, I took the punch to the gut and barely kept myself from stumbling over my own two feet. Fucking gorgeous. How could someone...I let the thought drift away since there were no real answers to that one.

"Amanda this is my brother Caleb, Caleb Amanda Stone."

"Nice to meet you Ms. Stone." I tried holding her amazing eyes with mine, but she ducked her head and that wild mane fell forward blocking her from view.

"Amanda please, or, or just Mandy, that's what most people call me."

Holy shit! Her voice sounded like illicit sex in a smoke filled room.

Something actually slid down my back and into my gut. It wasn’t an unpleasant feeling, but I knew it spelt trouble.

I haven’t felt that feeling since the first time I got into the ring with a bull. And you need to chill the fuck out Dunbar, don't even go there.

Chapter 2


"Well Amanda, you want to come on in let me show you around?" I was surprised that my voice actually worked, because there was something beating in my chest that seemed like it would cut off my air supply any second.

Drake opened the door and helped her down and I really saw how vulnerable she was. She barely reached my chest in the ratty canvas sneakers she wore, and her body was whisper thin.

Her scent was about to knock me on my ass though; in fact everything about her was getting to me. She was the perfect height, the perfect size, the perfect everything.

One look at her and I had visions of picking her up and holding her ass in my hands while I...well fuck Caleb, seriously?

She’s hurt, she’s scared and she’s coming to you for help and all you can think about is having her under you?

But dammit I’m just a man, one who had gone from getting pussy on the regular while I was on the circuit, to going cold turkey here at home. Not that I didn’t have options, just none that I was interested in.

She smells like fucking strawberries and sunshine. The sun glinted off of her dark blonde hair and highlighted the many shades of gold and red hidden there.

Her complexion was healthy and clear without a speck of makeup, and she looked so young, and so fucking hurt.

She was also pushing all the right buttons for me. In short, just looking at her made me want to snatch her up and cover her.

She would so get lost under me, my bulk, her tiny little ass...shit what is up with me anyway? It’s like I took one look at her and all my senses went straight to my dick.

She looked around as if she were expecting to be jumped any second and that shit fucked with my head.

It was unbelievable to me that someone had hurt her, even attempted to put out such a bright light; the guy had to be a fucking heel.

Now she was my responsibility, mine to protect; heaven help the asshole who tries to get to her now.

“Do you want to look around out here first?” I figured if I showed her how well protected the place was, and how long it would take someone to get to the house, that it might go a long way to easing some of her fears.

“Sure, if you think that’s best.” Skittish, definitely skittish! That’s fine, I’ll just tell the boys to walk soft.

She didn’t ask any questions when I showed her around outside the house. I didn’t take her out any farther today, because it wasn’t necessary, but sometime in the near future I’d take care of that.


I showed her around inside the ranch house next. It was kind of a monstrosity for an unmarried bachelor, but when I built the place five years ago I'd built it with the future in mind.

She seemed captivated by my game room, that's where I kept my many trophies from my days on the rodeo circuit, and the game heads from my hunts. I hope to fuck she wasn't intimidated.

"So um, Mr. Drake didn't tell me what I'd be doing...." I could listen to her voice all day, I won’t get shit done, but it’d be worth it.

Damn, I wonder how long she’ll be here. Chances are if it was more than a fortnight this little filly was gonna find herself mounted.

Fuck Caleb! I got my mind out of the gutter and back on what she was saying.

"Well..." Shit, she's such a tiny thing, how could I ask her to clean this whole three-story monster on her own?

No, maybe I'll have her prepare my meals or something, just something to keep her busy. Heaven knows I love to cook, but some days it was a trial after spending all day on the range.

"Well, can you cook?"

"I love to cook." She gave me her first real smile and all I could do is stare. She is so fucked.

"Alright then, that's what you can do, and maybe the laundry?" I said it as more of a hopeful question than an order. What the hell do I know about hiring a woman around the house?

Men, I can handle, men are rough and tumble, there wasn't much I couldn't ask of them, but a female, a tiny one such as her to boot, I'm way out of my depth.

"I can do that." She nodded, seeming happy enough with the idea.

"Good then, I have a cleaning service that comes in once every two weeks on a Thursday, I don't use most of the house anyway so there isn't much to do just mainly the first-floor."

I showed her around the kitchen, dining, living and family rooms and last I showed her to the room she would be using.

It was down the hall from mine, an all-white wicker room with blues and greens in the color scheme.

My sister-in-law Diane had taken care of the decorating, her and my little sister Carly. I'd given them carte blanche since I have no real interest in such things. As long as I have my flat screen, my pool table and my bar I was set.

I figured when I got around to finding a wife she’d fix up the place to her liking, but for now since I had to live in it, I wanted it to at least look presentable. After years living in bunkhouses and dicey motels while on the circuit, I wanted the comfort of a nice house to come home to in the evenings.

After Drake left I helped her get settled in, she only had one duffle bag, which was kind of a shock.

Carly would barely make it one night with a bag that size. It made me wonder what kind of life this young girl had led. Then again, maybe she’d had to run and leave all her worldly goods behind when word of the asshole’s release came through.

“I’ll be back in a little bit. You’re gonna be ok here by yourself?” I saw the true answer before she composed herself.

“I’ll be fine thank you.” That slight tremble in her hand said different. I hope she was going to be okay here during the day by herself.

The boys and I are usually a ways away in the fields, or fixing fences along the border. If she was going to be afraid to stay by herself then I’ll have to figure something out.

“I wont be far, just down to the bunkhouses I pointed out to you earlier. Here take this I have an extra somewhere around here.

I gave her my communication device, the one that all of us had to keep in contact when we were spread out all over the place for one reason or another.

Her shoulders slumped in relief when I showed her how to use it and reassured her how quickly I could get to her if she needed me.

When she finally got it and looked up at me with the light of achievement in her eye, I felt that pressure in my chest shift.

Sure as fuck my little brother had walked my destiny to my door. I didn’t even whimper at the loss of my fucking sanity, cause sure as shit, a woman with her baggage is going to bring a lot of sleepless fucking nights.

I barely resisted running my fingers down her cheek before turning away. Funny, I always thought that when my time came I’d put up a fuss, fight that harness tooth and nail. I gave in without a fucking sound.

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