Caleb's Blessing (8 page)

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Authors: Jordan Silver

BOOK: Caleb's Blessing
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“Morning Ms. Amanda, how’re you this morning mi amor?”

“She isn’t your anything jackass.” The rest of them were already tromping towards my table like they’d been invited.

“I invited them last night after dinner, I hope you don’t mind.”

“I hope they get the colic.” I grumbled it under my breath but turned a reassuring smile her way. As soon as her back was turned I let them see my displeasure though. Which didn’t do me a whole lot of good since they were already salivating over the hot biscuits she was taking out of the oven.

It would be the first time in forever since we had some that wasn’t stone hard and full of weevils.

Jonah was the only one who knew how to make them and he wasn’t much for getting rid of the critters before using the flour, not to mention he couldn’t cook worth shit.

“Fucking hyenas.” They fell on the food as fast as she put it on the table. “Tomorrow we’ll take the food out to the old hog trough and let you at it.”

“Here Caleb have some more coffee.” From her sweet secret smile I knew she was trying to soothe my ruffled feathers. Of course everybody needed refills after that, jealous asses.

“So we’re patching up the barn today right?” I was setting up our ploy for today just in case she got suspicious at all of us being so close to home today.

“Yes sir and I still have that one tractor to look at. We got the tack and stuff to take care of too so it’s going to be a long one.” Mikey was shoveling in eggs as fast as his mouth could hold them.

We discussed the upcoming day’s work never once letting on the real reason for it.

I waited patiently for them to finish up and head out, but of course they knew that and dragged ass. “I’ll meet you guys in a minute.” I had to glare their asses to shame behind her back until they got up and left.

Walking up behind her I wrapped my arms around her and nuzzled her cheek. “I won’t be too far baby. Make sure your communicator is on okay.”

“Okay, don’t worry about me I have plenty to do around here.”

“Well see that you don’t do too much. I don’t want you overworking yourself.” I turned her head slightly so that I could reach her mouth.

“Ummm, never get enough of that.” I patted her butt before grabbing my hat and leaving.


I might as well have stayed in the house all day as many times as I ran back and forth. The guys took turns looking in on her as well whether I wanted them to or not.

She surprised us by bringing out thick roast beef sandwiches on hot homemade sourdough bread, and pitchers of lemonade for lunch.

“Oh let me take that Ms. Amanda.” The fuck? I was about to offer to help her so I could steal a few kisses under cover of the house and away from nosy ass prying eyes.

“Simon, swear to fuck I’m gonna knock your ass out.” I muscled him out of the way and went to help her, while the rest of them snickered. I never realized how fucking annoying they were until now.

“Have a seat here Ms. Amanda, rest your feet a sec.” Mikey dragged over a bale of hay and threw an old blanket over it.

“Thank you Michael.” I rolled my eyes at the two of them because the jackass was preening like that wasn’t his damn name.

I watched and listened as she interacted with my boys. She was even more at ease than the day before, for which I was grateful. And if I didn’t know any better I would’ve sworn the lot of them, were gentlemen, born and raised. Especially the Scrantons with their murdering asses.



For the next week I watched her every move when we were in each other’s presence. During the day she was learning how to fit into ranch life and was becoming a natural at dealing with the rigors that came with that.

She had even tried talking me into cancelling the cleaning service, but since I didn’t want her overdoing it I didn’t give in.

At night I dragged her off to my bed after we spent the evening after dinner either watching a movie or playing cards.

We were talking more and more and she was opening up, though she had yet to mention the asshole. And now instead of that discomfort of the first few nights, we usually fell into bed with ease and woke up in the morning wrapped around each other.

Our kisses were also getting pretty heated and last night I’d barely pulled back in time. Too much more of that and it won’t be long before she’s under me.

I’d just left her to go train a new horse that had been dropped off by its owner yesterday, and she was still flushed from my attentions. Maybe I’d pick her some wild flowers today; she seemed to like them better than the store bought ones anyway.

Nate had brought her some wild berries to make jam and today she was putting some up for preserves. That way I knew she would be too busy to get into too much trouble.

I saw my sister in law’s beamer flying down the driveway just as I was headed for the stables, and cursed under my breath.

Shit, I’d all but forgotten the outside world. Except for a call from Drake in the middle of the week, checking up on Amanda’s welfare, I hadn’t set foot off the ranch, physically or mentally.

I looked back at the house where I’d just left her waxing the kitchen floor, to Diane who was climbing out of her cherry red sports car.

It’s not that I don’t like my brother’s wife. It’s just that she can be a little like Cecily at times. I’d just started getting Amanda to come out of her shell I didn’t want anyone messing that shit up.

“Hey Diane, I didn’t know you were coming out today.” I tried to cut her off before she got to the house.

“Hi big brother.” She did that fake kiss shit and took my arm. I gritted my teeth because I knew there was no way out of this, unless I was rude, which I had no problem being, when it was called for.

“So, I hear you have a new houseguest, where is she?”

“She’s not quite ready for company, maybe next week. I’m sure my brother told you...”

“Oh my husband didn’t tell me a thing. I ran into Cecily at the Branford’s place last week and she told me. Now come along and introduce us. From the way Cecily talked, I thought for sure you’d be introducing this new girl to the family soon.”

Shit, I should’ve known she’d start trouble. I pulled her back nonetheless before she could go any farther.

“Don’t say anything to upset her.” I felt the need to stand between her and everything and everyone else, even family it seemed.

“Oh come on, I’m not that bad surely.” The jury was still out on that. I think she was just better at what she did than the other one, but I was pretty sure that she wasn’t the saint my brother thought she was.

I saw the look of suspicion that crossed Amanda’s face when we walked in. Of course Diane still had ahold of my arm, which I rectified right away.

Walking away from her, I went over to Amanda’s side and took her hand. “Amanda this is my sister in law Diane, Drake’s wife.” I leaned in to whisper in her ear. “She doesn’t know anything.”

That seemed to ease her and her hand relaxed in mine. I tried to hang around to protect her, from what I wasn’t sure, but Diane was soon shooing me out of the way.

“Do you want me to stay?” I turned to Amanda before leaving. I said it soft enough not to carry, so as not to embarrass her. She shook her head and smiled at me but I still wasn’t sure.

“Run along big brother I’m not going to bite her.” I ignored her and kept my attention on Amanda.

“I’m right outside if you need me.” I turned back to Diane, “you, don’t push it.” She laughed me off which is what she usually does when I have to scold her, but this time I was serious as a fucking heart attack.

I didn’t miss the look she passed over my girl in her faded clothing and I hated myself for not taking care of that before now; that’s easily rectified though.

I was feeling better when I walked out the door. In the last week I’d ordered her flowers, which she mooned over until they wilted. The next best thing as far as I can tell when it comes to women, is shopping, they were supposed to love it. I’m hoping mine won’t be any different.

Chapter 16




I fretted like a mother hen the whole time the two of them were in there alone together. When the backdoor finally opened and they came out I was just stabling Chauncey after putting him through his paces.

I tried to read her face but I couldn’t tell for sure which way things had gone, but then they waved each other goodbye and Diane called out a ‘see you later’ and left.

“Hey babe, how’d you like to go into town?” Well at least her eyes lit up as I jogged the rest of the way over to her.

“Sounds like fun; lunch is almost ready I was about to get the guys.” She gets a kick out of ringing the old fashion bell and they got a kick out of running when she called.

“Go ahead I have to go wash-up.” She was in some kind of trance there for a minute and I realized she was looking at my bare chest beneath the unbuttoned shirt.

I pretended that I hadn’t noticed as I ever so gently eased the folds back a little to rest my hands on my hips. She swallowed hard and sighed. Oh yeah, we’re getting there alright.

We split up and went about our individual business. By the time I had cleaned up and changed, the boys were coming in to eat.

“Woo-hoo, well look at you. What’s the occasion boss? I haven’t seen you this gussied up in...well never.” I tried to kick Mikey out of his chair but he was prepared and evaded my foot.

Amanda left the kitchen to go get changed herself and the girls at my kitchen table started badgering me. I wanted to wait for the last minute to tell them because I knew what would happen, so I evaded all their questions.

By the time she came back in another faded top and jeans that had seen better days, we were all but done.

“We’ll see you fools later. Come on sugar.” I tried hustling her out of the kitchen but I should’ve known that wouldn’t work.

“What’s your hurry boss?” Adrian sidled up to my other side chewing on a blade of grass like he hadn’t just eaten a full meal.

“Go ahead on to the truck and wait for me hon.” I turned to all of them who were now lined up behind me like the pied piper. “Don’t you fucks got nothing better to do?”

“We’re done for now, so where’re you off to?”

“If you must know, I’m taking her into town to shop, she needs some new gear.”

“We’ll come with.”

“I’m perfectly capable of looking after my woman.” Now my back was up.

“All the same we need supplies.” I just rolled my eyes at Simon and kept on walking towards the truck. I opened the passenger side door and leaned in.

“You all set little princess?” this was the first time she was leaving the safety of the ranch and though I knew she was perfectly safe, I hadn’t stopped to think whether or not she was scared of the idea.

“Yeah.” She looked young and fresh and full of excitement. I guess they were right about women and shopping. After a quick kiss I went around to my side and watched in the rearview as the others got into two trucks and lined up behind me.

I jerked around when the back passenger door slammed. “It had to be you get the fuck out Mikey.”

“Caleb.” In the last week I’ve noticed that she only uses that voice when she’s about to scold me, only she’s too slick for that. It always comes off like anything but.


“Leave that baby alone.” Baby my ass. Somehow she’s got it in her head that this overgrown lout is some kid or something. Granted he’s young yet, but anything over six feet ain’t no damn baby.

“Well shit, you’re not gonna leave me stuck with him are you?” I glowered at the little upstart who sat forward and put his face right between us.

“Sit back jackass.” When he pretended not to hear, I pulled out hard and had him falling back.

“Hey.” I ignored him and sped down the driveway. Reaching over the console I took her hand in mine and ignored the ass that started making sucking noises in the backseat.

As was to be expected, it was a little more crowded than usual in town this time of day, but nothing to worry about.

It was only after I parked behind the dry goods store and the others joined us that I realized what my boys were up to.

They surrounded us as I took her hand and walked down Main Street. We got more than a few stares but I kept her distracted until we reached the only decent boutique in town.

She was a little shy at first but a few nudges soon had her warming up to the idea, though she was still reluctant to choose. “Here Ms. Amanda this would look mighty nice on you.” Mikey held up some skimpy froth of material that had my pressure rising.

I snatched it out of his hand as she reached for it and threatened his ass until he went and joined the others who were chatting up the salesclerk.

“Now let’s see.” I went through the racks myself choosing jeans and tops fit to wear on the ranch, and riding. I chose a couple of hats as well and by the time I came up for air I had about half the damn store put aside.

“Let’s get some underthings shall we? And then maybe we can go have some pie. Millie makes a mean chocolate pie. Not as good as yours will be I’m sure.”

She was beet red the whole time I was choosing her underwear and frilly bras. Everything looked so pretty I wanted to get it all, so I basically did.

“How do you know what size to choose?” That was said tongue in cheek with a heavy dose of sarcasm.

“I checked.” I wasn’t the least bit ashamed or put off by her sarcasm. I liked shopping for her. And the line of jackasses on the back wall shaking their heads at me didn’t faze me one bit.

Each of us had a couple bags, except for her of course, as we headed back to the trucks to off load.

“Okay pie then boots.” We headed to Millie’s diner where the late lunch crowd and early bird diners were settling down to a good meal.

“Let’s get a booth boys. Take the one in the back, that’s the only one big enough to hold all of us.” We usually sat at the counter when we came here but there was a lady present.

“Well if it isn’t the hottest group of man flesh in the county.” Millie came from the kitchen and beat feet for us.

All eyes turned to Jonah who was already blushing like a girl. Ms. Millie’s been sweet on the old cavvy since we settled down, but he’s running scared.

“Ms. Millie, I’d like you to meet Amanda. Amanda this is Millie Cotter. She used to be the best cook in these parts.”

“Oh what’s this? Somebody took my title?”

“I’m afraid so, my girl can cook like a dream.” I patted my stomach to make my point. Millie chuckled and sized Amanda up from head to toe.

“You can’t tell by the looks of ‘er. Why she’s a lil bitty thing, ain’t nothing to ‘er.” She said it with a warm motherly smile so Amanda knew she was teasing.

“You sit yourself down here lil missy and let me fatten you up with some of my chocolate pie.”

“Hey, what about the rest of us?” Mikey patted his gut and grinned like the rascal he is.

“I know well enough what it is you lot like.” She sniffed and put her nose in the air as she walked away.

“Jonah you old fraud.”

“What Ms. Amanda?” She leaned over and whispered something in his ear that had him going redder, before I pulled her back and down on the seat next to me.

“You’re over here.”

“Boy I’m old enough to be her grandpa.” I knew they wouldn’t miss my show of ownership.

“Uh-huh, fuck if I care.” I squeezed her side to let her know she was fine. My possessiveness didn’t seem to give her any bad moments, which was a good thing because I don’t think I could help that shit.

She batted her lashes at me trying to be cute, but the little byplay had a strange affect on me. I leaned over the rest of the way, and without a care for our audience, kissed her.

I should’ve known better but as they say hindsight is twenty-twenty. As was the norm whenever our lips met, it was instant magic.

It was so good that I ignored the groans and grumbles at the table. “Really Caleb, have you no decency? What would your mother say about you carrying on with the help in such a fashion?” The voice came out of nowhere and of course was loud enough to wake the dead.

You could hear a pin drop, and worst, Amanda froze in my arms. I left her lips to whisper in her ear. “I know you want to get up and run away, but she’s just another bully like he was. We’re through letting them win right?”

She face planted into my chest and I could feel her little body shaking. “But Caleb, all these people...”

“Did I ever tell you that my great- great however many greats grandfather settled this town way back when?

Did you know that most of these people sitting in here works for my family in one-way or another? And did you know that my family is well loved in these parts, and further, did you know that as the eldest son, when my dad hangs it up and decides he wants to put his feet up on his porch rail that I will be the one they’re working for?” I had to talk fast to try to put her at ease.

“So you’re going to ignore me for this, this person that you don’t even know. Wait until my daddy...”

The sound of chairs scraping against the wooden floor was loud in the room as the guys started getting to their feet. They know I avoid confrontations at all cause because the shits never end well.

I gestured with my hand for them to take their seats again, before addressing her.

“Of course I’m ignoring you, what’s going on inside my head is way more interesting than anything you have to say.”

I kept Amanda’s head on my chest as I ran my hand up and down her back and started up a conversation with the boys. Everyone still had their eyes and ears peeled to the goings on at our table, and I knew that I had to handle this right.

As much as I would love to smack her one, that’s not the gentlemanly thing to do, and especially not in front of my girl. But there is more than one-way to skin a cat, as grandma was always fond of saying.

“Give me a second baby.” I kissed her forehead before easing her away a little so I could reach my phone.

“Dad, no dad it’s not a social call, yes tell mama we’ll be out this Sunday, yes dad I, not a social call. I want you to cancel the Crane contract, and anything else we have doing with them ends today. Yes I’ll tell you when I see you.”

I hung up and hugged my girl as Millie came back with our pie. The loud screech that came from my left was the only sound to be heard before running feet; sounded like heels to me.

The buzz picked back up and I’m sure it wouldn’t be long before the whole town was talking. Did I mention that I had that conversation loud enough that the people at the closest tables could hear?

“You okay baby?” She nodded her head shyly as she sat up to take her spoon to eat her pie. The boys were falling all over themselves to please her and soon she was smiling again.

I fed her pie from my fork and stole as many kisses as I could in between. “Hey Caleb, how’re things on the ranch? Haven’t seen you in town this time of day in many moons.”

Virgil Seals the local judge and one of my grandparent’s closest friends came over to the table. I knew what he was after since his eyes were glued to her face, so I made the introductions. After he’d reminded the boys of their last smash-up and shamed them into promising to behave themselves the next time they went carousing, he went back to his table.

That seemed to open the way for every Tom, Dick and Harry to come ogle my girl. At least that business was long forgotten as I watched the people I’d known all my life go out of their way to make her feel welcome.

Cecily didn’t know it, but she’d dug her own fucking grave. I was far from done with her, but since I knew how her mind worked, I was going to start here in the town that she likes to lord it over.

By end of day today, everyone would have heard that the Dunbars had severed ties with the Cranes. Since they all knew which side their bread was buttered on, I had no doubt where the chips would fall.

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