Wrapped in Silk

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Authors: MJ Fields

BOOK: Wrapped in Silk
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Wrapped in Silk

By MJ Fiel

Published by

MJ Fields

Copyright 2013 MJ Fields

This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are a product of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be constructed as real. Any resemblance to person, living or dead, actual events, locale or organization is entirely coincidental.

This book is intended for adult readers only.

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Other Titles by MJ Fields

The Love Series

Blue Love

New Love

Sad Love

True Love

Look for
Wrapped in Armor
book two in the MJ Fields trilogy Wrapped

coming in April 2013

A Young adult series is also in the works and will be available

In the Summer of 2013!!!


[email protected]




I want to thank Stephanie for being my forever
friend, second set of eyes, her tireless work, and for the constant encouragement.

A special thanks to
Adreian for working on the music with me, I cant wait to share it with our readers.

To Chris V, thank you for your work getting this website started and finished, soon.

To Karen thank you again for your friendship, encouragement,  and support.

To my family who gives me enough love and support to continue working towards my dream. Mary, Suzanne,
Sheila, Taylor, Faye, Emily, Erica, Tiffany you are all AMAZING

To Ally, my heart…I Love you more!

Table Of Contents

apter 1

pter 2

pter 3

apter 4

apter 5

pter 6

pter 7

apter 8

ter 9

r 10

ter 11

ter 12

ter 13

er 14

apter 15

pter 16

er 17


Goodnight London I love you,” Emma kissed her daughter’s milky white cheek and pushed her brown hair out of her eyes as she tucked her into bed.

Her perfect little girl,
who she would move mountains for and the past seven years she had done that exactly. London hadn’t come easy, Emma spent two years taking fertility drugs in hopes that someday she would have children.

, her soon to be ex-husband could have cared less but was adamant that they would not be adopting. Emma wanted more children and he refused. When she miscarried with her first pregnancy all he could do was give her a cold hug, the kind you give an ex or an old acquaintance, one you really didn’t like all that much.

Before they married they had discussed children and after marria
ge he said he did not want them. Troy enjoyed his friends and her driving him from party to party or picking him up from golf or whatever activity he had decided to do that always involved drinking.

knew Troy for four years, all through college. He changed as soon as they said I do. His partying didn’t change but his need for all things but family did. The final straw was when she found out he had cheated and when she confronted him he didn’t deny it. He told her it was her fault that she wasn’t there for him like she was before they had a child.

Emma had
checked through cell phone bills and credit card statements and found information that looked suspicious. She took his phone while he slept and made calls, two were women she did not know. Emma called the numbers and when they answered and she didn’t say anything they would say his name with a knowing smile in their voice.

he next morning she confronted him about it, he looked at her and did not deny it, “So leave if that’s what you want to do,” and she stood unfeeling.

Emma remembered the evening three wee
ks after that conversation. London was in bed and she had enough. He would come home and eat the meal she had made and sit with their daughter on the couch never saying more than thank you when she gave him his food on a plate as he sat and drank.

“I don’t like you dr
inking in front of her ever day,” Emma said finally confronting him.

“I don’t care
,” he replied coldly rolling his eyes at her.

“No kidding
,” Emma quietly replied.

“I have to drink to be around you, I can’t stand you, I haven’
t liked you in a very long time,” he yelled.

“Well that makes two of us,
” she said and laughed.

“Then fucking lea
ve,” he screamed.

“You l
eave,” she demanded.

“Oh if you did that would
mean you’d have to get off your ass,” Troy spewed at her.

Emma had gained weight over the years, but he had never mentioned it before. It stung.

“You know I agree with your indirect cut, our daughter certainly deserves better than a miserable drunk father and a fat mother. So get out,” she yelled.

left that day and was gone for two weeks. Emma filed papers for custody and he wasn’t happy.

“Thanks for the papers”
Troy said as she answered the phone.

“I told you they w
ere coming, I wanted us to work it out together and you wouldn’t. What did you expect?” Emma asked. She had tried to sound strong but the nervous quake in her voice gave her away.

wanted to come home and she said no. Emma had found a place for her and London to move into, she couldn’t afford the house. Emma had stayed home and watched kids before and after school and a few over the summer while he worked at the bank twelve hours a day. He didn’t want her to work but she hated being scrutinized over every dollar she spent. She had always worked until London came and she didn’t want to miss a moment, this way she didn’t have to.

They went to court and he agreed to overnight Friday to Saturday and one night a week taking her to dinner. Emma felt it best that he not see her just every other weekend and this way she would only be away one night and not two in a row.

Emma moved into a place just inside the village, it was half a house. She continued watching children and submitted resume after resume. She needed a job with benefits and no one seemed to want to hire someone who had been out of the work force for seven years. Emma was going to be substitute teaching during the school year to make extra money.


London was used to taking end of the summer mini vacations and Emma scraped enough money up to get away for three nights. They decided on going to New York City, it would be busy and she knew they would have fun.

Emma walked into the bathroom and wanted to scream. She sat on the ground and cried into a hotel towel. This was not what she expected after eleven years of marriage and knowing that he would be coming down for the long weekend to take London to the shore for three nights drove her almost over the edge. Four days without her daughter was going to feel like a lifetime.

packed her bags and got things ready. She had gotten London a cell phone so that she could keep in touch, but really because she wanted London to be able to call if Troy drank. Per their separation agreement neither was allowed to when they had her. This was easy for Emma; she had not been able to enjoy an adult beverage since she could remember. But for Troy it may be harder.

“Hey Lo
ndon,” Troy said as he walked into the suite, “Nice place Emma, I see my child support isn’t going to waste.”

Emma didn’t respond, “Give me a hug
,” she said to her daughter, “Back seat and make sure you have your seat belt on. I love you more,” she whispered in her ear.

“No I love you more,” London
said and smiled.

“Not possible
,” Emma said and they both laughed, “Call me when you get there, have fun. Sunscreen, remember sunscreen.”

“I think I can handle it
,” Troy snapped as they walked out.


Emma lay in the bed and sobbed. When she couldn’t cry anymore she decided to take a run in Central Park. Since her separation she had lost thirty pounds and was back to her weight before she had London. She loved running, walking, biking, or anything that kicked those endorphins in to overdrive. She needed it right now. She tucked her phone in her bra and threw a hat and glasses on and headed out the door. She had three hours before check out.

jogged around the park and looked at all the people. There was so many. Coming from a small town it was nice to blend in. She wasn’t stopped here by people she knew asking her how she was doing; even those who had never had a conversation with her about her personal life before thought it appropriate to ask now. It was unbelievable the audacity of some people. She knew many just felt sorry for her but that didn’t make it any more comfortable.

Her phone rang and she slowed down and answered. “Hey sweet girl is everything alright?” she asked.

“Yep, we will be there in thirty minutes, I just wanted to say hi,” London said.

“Well hi to you
,” she said laughing.

They hung up and she started running harder, she didn’t want to cry
. She was always so stunned when she talked to London on the phone, London sounded so much younger. Emma would be checking out of her hotel at eleven and going to stay with her college roommate, they had not seen each other in years. Lila worked as a publicity agency and was single and loved her very social lifestyle. They had always had such a great time together up until Troy came into Emma’s life.


Brody Hines opened the door to his hotel room and grabbed the newspaper. The front page of the paper had the news of his separation plastered on it, still even after several months. He picked up the paper and looked at his soon to be ex-wife with another man and tore it in half and threw it out. He was blindsided, he never would have thought after three years of marriage she would have done this to him. He didn’t even know she was unhappy. Ariel was a model and traveled a lot. Brody was a musician who had moved from Liverpool to New York seven years ago. They both enjoyed the lifestyle that their professions afforded them.

hated his personal life being more important to his fans than his art. His song Blue Love had been at the top of the charts for five weeks and it brought a lot of unwanted attention. Brody was six foot three and one hundred and ninety seven pounds. He had thick brown hair and light blue eyes. It wasn’t easy hiding from the media who pounced whenever they saw him. It was even harder to not tell them to fuck off whenever they got in his face.

new publicist tried to impress upon him that it would hurt his career. Brody was trying to listen and consider her recommendation, and it wasn’t easy. He was thankful that he and Ariel didn’t have children, which he had wanted and she had wanted to wait. It was awful having the whole world watch as your life was falling apart, just waiting for you to break so that they could pounce. He grabbed a hat and glasses and walked out of his room and took the service elevator and went out the back where none of those annoying photographers would be. He needed to get out of there. He hadn’t felt like himself for weeks now and he knew it was because he was held up in that room. He was going to run and hoped that his face now full of fuzz and the dark glasses and baseball cap would disguise him.

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