Caleb's Blessing (15 page)

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Authors: Jordan Silver

BOOK: Caleb's Blessing
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Chapter 23


We had our first argument that Monday morning at the doctor’s office. We’d been lucky enough to get an appointment that same day and I was only too happy to get things rolling.

The trouble didn’t start until we were seated in the doctor’s office after hearing the wonderful news that I’d already spent all day yesterday celebrating, by staying buried inside her all day.

It had got so bad that the guys took turns coming to the bottom of the stairs and calling up to harass my ass.

Then Jonah had threatened to throw water on both of us because Brutus was acting up again and they needed me to go calm his ass down.

Now as I was basking in the glow of pending fatherhood she sent me into a panic.

“Natural what? Oh hell no baby.” I’ve seen enough calves and foals come into the world to know that that shit was out.

“Caleb, it’s not that bad, lot’s of people do it these days.”

“I’m afraid she’s right Caleb...”

“You stay out of it doc; as for you, no.” I got up to leave I was so flustered. “Are we done here doc?”

“Yes, Tess will give you a little packet with all the particulars and you two need to look it over together. Now Amanda if you’re serious about the natural childbirth I know a place where there’re a few excellent midwives...”

“Doc, not gonna happen, you give her that list we’re gonna have words.” I tried hustling her out of there.

“Caleb, leave the doctor alone. I’ll call you later sometime this week Dr. Crenshaw, thanks for all your help.” She actually rolled her eyes at the doctor but this one I didn’t like.

That looked like one of those ‘he’s being an asshole jerk’ looks I’ve seen females passing behind their man’s back.

“Amanda, baby, I’m sorry. There’s nothing in this world I wouldn’t give you, except this, you’re not doing that shit, no way no how.”

“Caleb Dunbar I’ll thank you not to tell me what I can and cannot do with my body.”

“It’s not yours anymore, that shit belongs to me and I say no way you’re putting yourself or me through that shit.”

“And I say it’s my choice.”

“Think so do you? Hey where’re you going?” She was flouncing off across the street with me hot on her ass.

“I feel like having some of Millie’s pie, because the last time your...whatever the hell she is spoiled it. Or am I not allowed pie either?”

“Whoa-whoa-whoa, you wanna bring it down a notch? First of all this is not the time or the place to discuss this shit, and second, that’s not some shit you just spring on a man without discussing it first.”

“I don’t see what the big deal is, women have been doing it for centuries.”

“Yeah but you don’t have to. Come on baby, wouldn’t you much rather have a nice team of doctors there to make sure that you’re perfectly safe?”

“You’re right, now’s not the time or the place, buy me a slice of pie handsome?”

She smiled and my heart was a puddle at her feet. I was just about to reach for her when a voice stopped me from behind.

“Caleb, Amanda, fancy meeting you here.” Shit, it was Diane. There was no hiding the fact that we’d just left the docs, and we’d been so busy arguing that she hadn’t had time to put the pamphlets and stuff away.

Of course Diane’s eyes fell right on them, but I have to say I was more concerned about that flash of whatever it was I saw in her eyes, than I was about her spilling the beans before we were ready.

“Are you?” she pointed at the stuff in Amanda’s hand, but the smile she wore didn’t quite reach her eyes.

“False alarm. Whew dodged that bullet. Not that I wouldn’t love to have your babies some day, just not right now. How about you Diane, should we be celebrating? Looks like you’re off to the doc’s as well.”

I couldn’t even look at her because I’d give us away, but all I could think is ‘who’s this girl?’

I don’t think I’ve ever heard her string that many words together at once, and I’m sure I’ve never seen her vamp it up, what an actress.

I wondered if Diane had sense enough to wonder what we’d need all that information for if it were just a false alarm, but then again knowing her, she’d only hear what she wanted to.

She’d been holding off on motherhood for the past five years, but there’s no way she’d let Amanda beat her in that race.

“I’m not going to the docs, I was just...” She started to explain her presence but I wanted to be gone.

“It was great seeing you Diane we’ll catch up later. I’ve got a shit load of work waiting for me back at the ranch but I can’t come into town without having a piece of Millie’s pie.”

She looked at her watch and gave us another suspicious look, but I was already pulling Amanda away.

“Where’d you find the airhead babe?”

“Oh I use to have to drag her out a lot in my old life. She comes in handy when dealing with insufferable females who thinks the world revolves around them.”

“I’m not sure it worked this time, Diane’s no fool.”

“I’m sorry to tell you, but your sister in law is a damn fool.”

“Why’d you say that?”

“She’s blind to everything around her, her only interest is in herself, yet she wants to reign supreme over everyone and everything in her orbit. She’s the Marie Antoinette of Texas.”

“Didn’t that one lose her head?” I opened the door to the diner and led her in.

“To some there are worse things than death.” She looked over her shoulder when she said that.

“Hey there you two, I never got a chance to say bye last Saturday after the party, it was a real nice shindig you kids put on.”

“Hey Millie, my girl had a hankering for a piece of your pie.”

“Well now ain’t that the way of it?” The two of them hugged like long lost friends before we were ushered to a table in the window.

It was early yet but there were a few breakfast stragglers hanging around the place.

A few came up to our table to shoot the breeze or more like ogle my woman, but it was okay, she was going to have to get used to it, as the new Mrs. Dunbar.

That’s the thing about small towns, everyone was very much aware of the order of things, and those who were in the know, would understand what her place would be with my ring on her finger.

I put Diane out of my mind and hoped for the best, and by the time we were headed back to the ranch, my mind was full of my kid again.

I realized I might have to share our news with the guys sooner than I thought because I wanted her looked after when I had to be away from the house. I figured at least another day or two, instead of the weeks I’d been hoping for.

“Took you two long enough, you ready Ms. Amanda?” Mikey came waltzing over to the truck before I could get the damn key out of the ignition.

If I didn’t know that he was over his little infatuation weeks ago, I would stay planting my foot in his ass.

“Ready for what?”

“Oh Caleb I forgot, Mikey’s taking me to the peach trees, I wanna get some to can and he said now is the best time.”

I glared at the little sneak but he was already busy helping her down from the truck. Fucking kid is always trying to steal my girl, and she’s so innocent she thinks he’s just a boy.

“You watch yourself Mikey and make sure nothing happens to her or it’s gonna be your ass.”

“What’s gonna happen boss? We’re not gonna be off the land, come along Ms. Amanda before grandpa has a conniption.”

Grandpa my ass! Oh well, at least I might get some shit done around here for a change. It seems lately that I couldn’t stand to have her out of my sight for longer than two minutes and that did not a full day of work make, which my boys were only too happy to tell me.

I put the morning out of my mind completely as I got busy around the place. I was happier now than I had been since retiring, in fact this was the happiest I’d ever been.

Never too far from my mind as I worked, was the fact that she was carrying my child.

A part of me, a living, breathing being that I had helped create, was growing inside the woman I love. There can be no greater feeling in the world.


As it was, I forgot all about Diane and our little run-in in the next couple of days as life went on as usual.

I’d decided to tell the guys and mom and dad today though, right after I was through making love to her again.

She was already sweaty, and out of breath from round one. But the way she laid there with the sheet draped between her thighs, with one knee bent, all I could see was me mounting her again.

Pulling the sheet aside I ran my nose along the crease of her thigh, before nuzzling her still warm and wet pussy.

I didn’t put my mouth on her then because I’d emptied a fuck-load of my seed inside her less than twenty minutes ago and not even I am that kinky.

Instead I licked and sucked my way along her hip to her navel and up, until I nibbled on her nipple before sucking it into my mouth.

“Ummm...” She sighed and ran her fingers through my hair, pulling me in closer. I used my hips to spread her thighs and settled between them.

When she spread her legs even wider for me, I used my hand to guide my cock into her, just as the sun was rising beyond the horizon.

With my face buried in her neck I made slow sweet love to her, nothing at all like the wild pounding of an hour ago.

This time I was gentle, careful. I put all the emotion I held inside for her into my every touch, my every whisper. “I can’t get enough.”

I don’t think I ever would get enough of her. She was like a fever in my blood, and I thank heaven everyday that she was sent to me.

I found her mouth with mine and being as careful as I could, slid the whole length of my cock into her until she bucked beneath me.

“Slow baby.” I held onto her hip with my hand to slow her frantic pace. She’s more sensitive with my child inside her it seems, hungrier than usual too.

“Can you feel me inside you?” She nodded her head as she seemed lost in the moment, her only care for the pleasure that wracked her body as we moved together, faster and harder until we were both crying out into each other’s mouths.

By the time I hauled my ass downstairs she was humming and breakfast was almost ready. She’d sapped all my strength because I was dragging ass while she seemed ready to move mountains.

“Good morning baby.” I wrapped my arms around her from behind and kissed the latest mark I’d left on her neck.

I felt her body’s slight tremble and another piece of my heart fell into her hands.

“I’m crazy in love with you did you know that?” That happy grin on her face when I turned her in my arms was my sunshine for the day.

It sometimes scares me how much I love her, and so soon. What was going to happen as our lives grew together? I’m sure that the love I feel for her now, isn’t even the half of it.

I had a bad moment when I thought of anything going wrong. It had been a while since she’d mentioned her past, but I knew we had to settle it somehow, at least I had to.

I didn’t let on that my mind had gone there as I pecked her lips before releasing her and heading for the coffee pot.

“What do you and those fools have planned for today?” She’d gotten into the habit of following us around and getting into shit because she claims she was bored in the house after she’d dusted or whatever it was she was doing in here.

Apparently she’d canned everything within a five-mile radius, or so she’d said when I told her to stay inside.

“It’s a surprise.”

“Hmm, don’t leave this ranch or you and whoever it is will be the ones surprised.” Yesterday that damn Mikey had taken her joyriding of all things.

I felt bad yelling at them, I was sure she hadn’t had those kind of days before she came to me, but she was carrying my child, I didn’t want anything happening to her.

The look of sheer joy on her face when they’d first returned was the only thing that had kept me from flattening Mikey’s ass. He’d got off with a warning, but somehow I don’t think it did much good.

Chapter 24


I was headed back to the house a little before lunchtime. Since my woman had decided to spoil the fucks around here and feed them everyday, I thought I’d get there early for some fooling around time.

I was barely inside when I heard her outside somewhere, her tinkling laughter making my heart smile. I was headed back for the door when I heard an engine outside. “Dammit.” Interrupted before I even begun.

I wasn’t expecting Diane to walk through the door but I hid my surprise. Seeing her reminded me that I had to spill the beans soon.

“Hey Diane what brings you here?” She looked nervous as hell, which was not like her.

“Where’s Amanda?”

“Outside with the guys why?” I had a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach.

“What’s going on, what do you want with Amanda?”

“I think I messed up.” She wouldn’t look me in the eye and my fuck me radar went off.

“Messed up how?” I could already feel my blood heating beneath my skin. I knew whatever came out of her mouth next was not going to be good.

“I didn’t mean for anything like this to happen you understand, I was just talking out loud and then all of a sudden things just got out of hand.”

“What in the fuck are you talking about, what the fuck did you do?” It was taking all I had in me not to wrap my hand around her neck and choke the words out of her.

“Oh dear. Cecily contacted her husband.” She said the words in a rush and looked anywhere but at me.

“She did what?” I think I stopped thinking for at least thirty seconds as I processed the implications of what she’d said.

Diane wrung her hands and stepped back from my anger. “When did she do this, how long ago?” I was already planning my next move in my head. I just had to get out of here without killing her ass and being sent up. I won’t be any help to my woman then.

“Yesterday it was only yesterday, but I think, I think he’s coming here. She said something about him not being able to get away for a few days but he’s definitely on his way. That’s why I had to come, believe me I didn’t expect things to go this far.”

“You...” I turned and ran outside to find her. I’ll deal with the rest of them later. Right now I just needed to reassure myself that she was fine.

My heart felt sick, not so much with fear as with the worry of what this was going to do to her, how it was going to set her back.

She was in the middle of the corral with Jonah, who was teaching her how to rope steer on an untried calf.

The guys were all sitting along the rails encouraging her, but they broke off when they saw me coming at a dead run. Mikey was the first to hop down and move towards me but was soon followed by the others.

“What is it boss?”

I kept my eyes trained on her as she turned from what she was doing and looked at me. I hated like fuck to see the smile leave her eyes.

“We’ve got a problem boys but we’ll talk in a minute.” I walked away from them towards her. “Come ‘ere baby.” I held my arms out to her and she ran into them. “Oh my sweet girl.” I squeezed her tight as I felt all the love well up inside me.

“I’m going to tell you something but before I do I want you to remember where you are and what you are to me. Hold onto me.” She wrapped her arms tighter around me.


“Shh, I’ve got you, can you feel that? You feel how strong my heart’s beating for you and our baby? That means I won’t let anything in this world harm you. Lance knows where you are.”

She almost fell out of my arms as her knees went weak. “Remember who loves you, you’re not alone baby, there’s absolutely nothing for you to fear.”

I was surprised that I could string two words together so calmly, while all the while there was a dark rage growing inside me.

“You good? Tell me that you have enough in you to trust me to have this. Show me that you know I’m the better man.”

I whispered those words in her ear as the others started drawing near, no doubt alerted farther by her reaction.

She struggled but in the end she pulled it together enough to hang onto her man.

I lifted my head from hers and looked over at my boys who were already looking ready for battle.

I wanted to send her inside to lock the doors and draw the shades, as I’m sure that’s what she most wanted right now, but I couldn’t give it to her.

“The asshole knows where she is.” No sense in beating around the bush. I held her closer as she tried to settle herself.

I knew it was hard for her, fighting that fear that has been a part of her for so long, and it was then that I made another decision in my head.

“How the fuck?” Alex stepped in closer.

“Cecily.” I got pretty much the reaction I’d expected.

“I told you we should’ve trained that horse to throw her ass and break her fucking neck.”

“Well it’s too late for that now Simon and I don’t have time to deal with her right now.” I started to move towards the house with her under my arm.

If I was going to do what I was thinking I’d better get a move on. Who knows how much that idiot had told him and if he really was going to wait. Somehow I don’t see him waiting.

“We’d better get the place prepared for visitors then.” I stopped and turned at Simon’s words.

“No, I’m going to him.”

“Not alone you’re not.”

“My woman my situation, I’ve got it.”

“The fuck you do boss, you’re not going alone.”

“Simon, why is it that your ass stays quiet three hundred and sixty-four days of the year, but on that one fucker that you do talk you’re in my ass?”

“Sucks to be you. Come on boys we’ve got some shit to do before we head out.”

“Who’s gonna watch the place while you’re all babysitting me?”

“I’ve got you covered.” Drake walked into the circle and joined the madness. I hadn’t even heard him drive up, that just goes to show how fucked I was.

“I just heard, you can be sure I’ll deal with my wife.”

“Better you than me, get her the fuck off my land.” I saw her hovering in the background next to her car.


“Drake you’re my brother, I love you, but she’s dead to me. Keep her the fuck away from me and my girl.”

“You don’t understand bro.”

“What’s there to understand? You married an insecure narcissistic bitch who just put my woman’s life in danger.”

“Is Amanda pregnant?”

“What the fuck does that have to do with anything?” He hung his head and looked back over his shoulder at her before turning back to me.

I had another problem on my hands because the boys had heard every word and were now looking at me like I’d hurt their feelings by holding out on sharing that news with them.

“I wanted to keep the news to ourselves for a few days don’t look at me like that. Not even mom knows.” That relaxed them again and I had the funny thought that they were worse than old women with their shit.

“So how did miss drama queen find out?” Mikey pointed over his shoulder at Diane and this time I didn’t bother chastising his disrespect of my brother’s wife as I’d done so often in the past.

“She caught us coming out of the doc’s when we went into town. I thought we’d put her off but obviously we didn’t. I still don’t see what that has to do with anything.

“She wanted to be the first, you know how she is bro.”

“Your fucking headache not mine, just make sure for the next fifty years to keep her the fuck away from me and tell her to grow the fuck up.”

I hated like fuck to walk away from him with this between us, but I really didn’t care about anyone but Amanda right now.

“I’ll be ready to go in an hour.” I called out to the boys as we all headed off in different directions. Drake’s shoulders were slumped as he walked back to where his wife was standing.

I felt bad for the harsh words between us, but this was one time I wasn’t about to let him talk me out of my mad where Diane was concerned.

It was one thing for her to pull her shit on me over the years, but I don’t know where the fuck she got the idea it was okay to pull that shit on my future wife.

I had to hurry to get us both ready to leave. Now that the decision had been made I saw the sense in doing things this way. I didn’t want him anywhere near our home, where our children will live.

Plus I needed to beard him in his own den, where the same people who had no doubt stood by and watched his abuse, would now see that she was loved and protected.

“Caleb I don’t want you to go; what if something happens to you? I’d never be able to live with myself.”

“Nothing’s going to happen to me baby. Get some stuff together we’ll only be gone one day, two at the most.” I saw the denial in her eyes but didn’t give her a chance to voice them.

“You’re coming with me baby. I want you to face this asshole once and for all so that you can see what a cowardly piece of shit he is, and not live in fear of him any longer.”

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