A Highlander's Obsession (Highlander's Beloved) (32 page)

BOOK: A Highlander's Obsession (Highlander's Beloved)
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Please let her be here. Please!

She shook her head. “We’ve looked everywhere, in every room, every closet. The men are still checking outside.”

Paisley’s legs wobbled and Creighton’s arm slid around her waist. “When was the last time anyone saw her?”

“She was flirting with some of the men and excused herself to use the lavy. No one saw her afterward.”

“And ye checked the restrooms—women’s
men’s?” His arms enveloped Paisley, turning her, easing her against his chest, into the power and warmth of his strength.

She relaxed in his arms for an instant and inhaled.

He lowered his chin and whispered, “Take what strength ye need from me,

She nodded and absorbed his essence.

Bryce and Ronan rushed in the back entrance. “We found something.” Bryce held a plaid pelican slipper in his hand. “It was at the far end of the parking lot.”

Creighton’s attention pivoted toward Kendric, while his arms remained around Paisley. “Are there security cameras out there? Can you get the tapes to review?”

“I’ll have to call school security.” Kendric tugged the cell from his pocket.

“Take me to where ye found this.” Creighton leaned and whispered in Paisley’s ear. “I’m going to shift and see if I can smell anything. Maybe I can detect her scent.”

She nodded, unable to speak.

“I promise I’ll do all I can to find her. I ken how much she means to ye. She’s special to me too. If we shift and go in pursuit, me brothers and I, go out the back door in about ten minutes and gather our clothes. Mum will drive ye back to the lodge. I dinna ken the school will allow ye to stay here all night.”

She pulled out of his embrace and nodded. “Thank you.” If anyone could bring Gram back to her, it was Creighton. She was sure of it.

Hamish Sinclair, butler at Iverson Hall, walked away from the bystanders to join them. “Might I have a word with ye, Laird Creighton?”

“Only if it pertains to Effie. Everything else can wait.”

“I canna help but recall the conditions of Angus’s will.”

Creighton crossed his arms and glared at Hamish. “Spit it out, man.”

The butler glanced at Paisley and winced. “Effie had twenty-eight days. If she didna survive Angus by twenty-eight days, everything reverts to Malcolm.”

Creighton ran his hands through his dark hair and exhaled an audible sigh. “I’d forgotten about the will’s stipulation. That would tie in to what Kendric unearthed in his investigation of Malcolm.”

“You had him investigated too?”

He reached to cup her cheek. “Aye. He insisted your grandmother had plans to sell the estate to American oil companies. Your grandmother claimed she had no such arrangements. One of them was lying, so I had Kendric check them both out to discover which one was being dishonest.”

She squared her shoulders and reared back. “And?”

I owe yer grandmother an apology. Everything she said checked out. Malcolm, on the other hand, has been living the high life, dealing with some unsavory characters, and owes them a lot of money. Gambling seems his downfall. Or greed, which is the impetus behind the gaming sport.” He turned to Kendric. “I want Malcolm picked up and questioned. If we don’t find Effie in two hours, I want his home and any other property he owns searched. Do whatever ye have to do, legally, to facilitate the investigation.”

“Of course.”

Creighton wrapped his hand around the back of Paisley’s neck and brought her to him for a quick kiss. He pressed his forehead against hers. “I promise ye, I’ll move heaven and earth to find her.” He glanced at Hamish. “I’ll need ye tonight.”

“As ye wish.”

Just how much power did her fiancé wield? He issued orders and everyone seemed to drop everything to do his bidding.

His large hand cupped her cheek and she leaned into his palm. “Mum, take care of her.”

“I will, son. Be careful, all of you.”

“Always.” Creighton winked at his mother and kissed Paisley again. He, Ronan, Bryce, and Hamish ran for the back door.

* * *

As soon as they exited the building, the men undressed and placed their clothes in a pile for Paisley to recover later. All four shifted. Bryce led the way to where he and Ronan had discovered Effie’s slipper. Creighton had his nose to the ground. Next to a set of wide tire tracks was the distinct odor of baby powder, blood, and something else—fear. He tossed back his massive head and roared. This was their first clue and he wasna about to discard it. If someone took Effie, the caves would be the perfect place to hide her. He ran into the night, followed by the other three bears.

Wide tire tracks led to the beach road. Before reaching the stone cliffs, Creighton led the way downhill on a well-traveled path to the shoreline. God help whoever was behind the abduction of his beloved’s grandmother. Could it really be Malcolm? Creighton had known the man most of his life. He couldna recall his ever being dishonest. A whiner, aye. In fact, Malcolm
seemed jealous of everyone and anything good they had in their lives. Even so, Creighton had never imagined the man would harm anyone.

The first cave they checked was empty. Since Creighton couldna detect Effie’s scent, she hadna been there. She was so thin, a man could easily carry her if she were bound or unconscious. Why the bloody hell had she been abducted? The woman didna have an enemy in the world—except for Malcolm. Every thought seemed to return and snag on Malcolm.

Following the curve of the cliffs along the bay, they approached the second cave. Creighton and his brothers had played pirates in this cavern; it was a place that that titillated a boy’s curiosity, full of twisting tunnels leading to various chambers. A sound alerted Creighton. The rasp of a cigarette lighter and a deeply inhaled breath.
Someone’s in the cave

I heard it too. A smoker
. Ronan stood beside Creighton.

All four hid in the darkened shadows of the rock face, waiting, watching.
A shaft of light shone briefly from the fog covering the bay. Again and again, a muted amber beam signaled. The smoker stepped from the cave’s entry and waved a lantern flashlight back and forth over his head.

Man, wish we’d had a couple of those when we were playing pirates here

I’ll buy ye one for Christmas, baby brother. What I want to know is what the fukin’ hell is going on? I’m betting Effie’s in that cave. Why are they sneaking in a boat? Why not just drive her off in a car?

Laird Creighton, maybe they plan to dump her body in the bay

Christ. Don’t say that. Effie canna be dead. Paisley would never get over her death. Just like I’ve never gotten over Da’s
. The faint chugging of an outboard motor grew closer.
What is happening on me own land?
The owl’s message surfaced in his mind.
Destruction has come to Mathe Bay

The motor silenced and oars sliced through the choppy waters, slowly bringing the small craft out of the rolling fog to the shoreline. The smoker jogged across the narrow, sandy beach to meet the inflatable boat. Two men dressed in black crawled out and dragged the vessel from the water onto the sand. Then they reached in over the sides and removed two large cases from the interior.

Bet you ten jars of honey this is a drug delivery
. Ronan bumped Creighton’s side.

Maybe Effie overheard a conversation at the school about drugs. Or witnessed a bloody
sale. Well, are ye guys ready to play beastie bears? Let’s scare the bloody hell out of them. Try to capture as many as ye can. Bryce, Hamish, I want ye to disable the rubber boat and guard the entrance in case anyone tries to run out. Ronan and I will go inside to chase them out

Bryce tossed his head.
Aye, and we’ll bloody well smell them before we see them. They’ll have shite their drawers after ye scare the wrath of God into the bastards

Creighton and Ronan padded toward the cave’s entrance. Hamish and Bryce ambled for the shoreline and clawed several holes in the rubber craft before Creighton and Ronan stepped inside the narrow entryway. Voices echoed off the stone walls, alerting them as soon as they were inside the cool, dank cave. The entry branched off into two tunnels that eventually converged into a large room.
Take the right one. I’ll go left. Wait fer my roar before ye charge in
. Ronan nodded and stalked right. Creighton went left and followed the conversation ahead of him.

“Look, I have no problems shooting the
broad and the crippled guy, but it’ll cost ye double for these drugs.”


Bloody Malcolm. What kind of illegal activity is he mixed up in? Is he behind the infiltration of drugs in me clan?

Ronan’s bear’s thoughts reached him.
Leave the bampot to me, Creigh. I never much cared for the simpering shite

Creighton stopped just before the tunnel opened into the chamber and peered around the corner. Two lanterns created shadows on the walls. His gaze swept the area and a huge wave of relief washed through him. Effie lay on her side on the stone floor, staring wide-eyed at the men. Her hands and feet were bound.

To Creighton’s surprise, Duncan was here too. Evidently, Malcolm was behind Duncan’s disappearance from Earnan’s animal hospital. He was now in human form, naked with both his legs and arms in casts. His mouth was taped shut. Why had he been abducted? To keep him quiet about what he knew?

Both men from the boat held menacing-looking revolvers. Malcolm and his smoking assistant nervously shuffled from foot to foot, their demeanor one of respectful fear.

“Okay. Okay. I’ll pay double fer the drugs, but I’ll have to get the extra to ye later. I only have the originally agreed on price with me now.”

The stockier of the two armed men sauntered in front of Malcolm, sneered, and trailed the barrel of his handgun down Malcolm’s cheek. “We’ll go to yer place once the deed is done and ye’ve helped us toss the bodies overboard. I’ll expect payment tonight.”

Malcolm’s face reddened. “I … I dinna have the funds at me house. I’ll have to wait until the bank opens Monday.”

The stocky guy glanced at his partner. “Looks like we’ll be spending the rest of the weekend at Malcolm’s place.” He snorted. “A bit of a holiday. Bet he’s got comfortable beds.”

“What if he tries to skip out on us?” The taller guy’s eyes darted around as if he were half strung out.

“He’ll be tied up and locked in a room or a closet. He’s not going anywhere until we get our money.” The criminal, who seemed in charge, moved next to Duncan, held the gun to his head, and fired. Blood and brain matter splattered. Malcolm retched onto the floor, and the smoker groaned and turned his head away from the gruesome sight. Effie’s screams filled the chamber. The gunman whirled in her direction and pointed his weapon. “Shut up, bitch.”

Creighton bolted from his hiding place toward the man, who froze in shock; with a roar, Creighton tossed him aside. Ronan charged in and attacked the taller gunman. Malcolm and his accomplice raced for the tunnels. Creighton hurried to Effie and ran his nose against her cheek.

She leaned into him and shuddered. “Sweetheart, I’d recognize your aura anywhere.”

Creigh, he’s going for his gun!
Ronan dove for the weapon.

Creighton reared on his hind legs to protect Effie. Three gunshots echoed through the cave. White-hot pain sliced through his chest and stomach. The acrid tang of charred fur stung his nostrils. Darkness descended and his legs crumbled.

Chapter Twenty-Three

Paisley paced the length of Creighton’s office, willing the cramps in her abdomen, from nerves, to unknot so she could stand completely straight. As soon as she, Fiona, and Cook had returned to the lodge, she’d showered and changed into a sweater and jeans. She glanced at her coat and purse draped over one of the chairs. If word reached her they’d found Gram, she wanted to be ready to bolt out the door without hesitation.
What could have happened to her? Everyone suspects she’s been kidnapped, but why? By whom?

The sound of footsteps came from the hallway. Fiona entered carrying a tray with hot chocolate and warm brownies. “I’ve brought chocolate—your gram’s favorite. She requested my hot chocolate every night, and I thought it might bring good luck to have a cup.”

“I don’t think I can eat anything, but your special drink sounds great. I remember how Gram fell in love with it our first night here. That seems like eons ago.” Another nervous cramp hit and Paisley slumped into Creighton’s office chair, its size dwarfing her. “Oh my, I never realized how big this is. Creighton fills it so well.”

Fiona set the tray on the desk and poured two cups of the dark, sweet liquid. “After he broke the second chair, he ordered this one special. He’s a large man with huge appetites … and a big heart.” She handed Paisley a steaming cup and a brownie on a saucer. “Cook made the brownies especially for ye. Right now, she’s making bread and sweet rolls, kneading her way through guilt. Poor soul feels if she’d kept a closer eye on yer grandmother, this wouldn’t have happened.”

“She’s not the only one feeling guilty.” Paisley, unable to resist the rich chocolaty treat, bit into a brownie. “If I hadn’t been so angry with Creighton, he wouldn’t have carried me out of the dance. I could have checked on Gram too.”

“I could tell by my son’s grim face, he was upset about something. Not just pissed, mind ye, but scared. I thought maybe someone there had told ye something that upset ye.”

Was Fiona referring to Blaire? How much did this woman know of her son’s affairs? Paisley sipped her hot chocolate and licked the remnants off her upper lip. “I’d given him the engagement ring back.”

“Aye. I’d noticed it was gone from yer finger. It’s a rather ostentatious ring. One that
draws the eye, both when it’s worn and when it’s missing.” She jerked her chin toward Paisley’s hand. “I see ye wear it now. What had ye angry enough to return it?” Fiona watched Paisley over the rim of her cup as she drank.

She lifted a shoulder and reached for another brownie. “I felt excluded from all the wedding preparations. Creighton chose the date, when to announce our betrothal, and whom to invite to the wedding.” She licked a crumb from her thumb. “All I have to do is show up and break the curse.”

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