A House Divided (11 page)

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Authors: Kimberla Lawson Roby

Tags: #African American, #General, #Christian, #Contemporary Women, #Fiction

BOOK: A House Divided
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urtis and Curtina sat at the island, her reading a book and him watching a political segment on MSNBC. He’d just heard the garage door opening, so he knew Charlotte was home. She’d left him a message earlier in the day, but he hadn’t bothered calling her back. A part of him had wanted to, mostly to see where she’d spent the night and when she was coming home, but he had been too angry to dial her number. Then, about an hour ago, she’d called him again, but he’d hit Ignore as soon as her name had displayed. He loved his wife, there was no mistaking that, but sometimes he despised some of the things she did. Her actions were irrational, and there were days when he wanted to shake her and tell her to grow up. It was one thing when spoiled little children didn’t get what they wanted and threw tantrums, but it was something different when you were talking about a woman in her thirties. It was uncalled for and annoying, and Curtis wished she would check herself. What he wanted was for her to realize that in the real world, people rarely got everything they demanded, but they still did what they needed to do to get along with others. They pushed forward and recognized that there was no such thing as a perfect life. Having a good life was possible, even a very blessed one, but flawlessness simply wasn’t attainable.

Charlotte walked inside the kitchen, and Curtina jumped down from her chair and ran over to her.


Charlotte squeezed her tightly. “Hi, sweetie. How was school today?”

“Good, but I missed you. Where were you? And why didn’t you call me?”

“Mommy had a really rough day yesterday, and she needed some time away. I’m fine now, though.”

“Were you sad about something?”


“Were you upset about little MJ?”

Charlotte looked over at Curtis, but he shook his head and looked back to the television. He could tell she didn’t know how to answer Curtina, who had obviously picked up on her rants about the baby over the last three weeks.

“No, honey,” she lied. I just needed some time to myself. Sometimes mommies need that.”

“Well, I missed you, and I wish you would take me with you next time. Maybe we can have a mommy-and-daughter sleepover.”

Charlotte laughed quietly. “That’s a good idea. We’ll have to see about planning something like that. But more importantly, what kind of homework do you have for this evening?”

“A lot. Our teacher has been giving us a bunch of work to do, and that doesn’t leave a lot of time for me to watch my shows.”

Curtis still didn’t have a whole lot to say to Charlotte, but he couldn’t stop himself from laughing at Curtina.

“What’s so funny, Daddy?”


“What did I do?”

“Nothing,” he said, “but I think you’d better go up to your room and get started.” He didn’t have the heart to tell her that thirty minutes of preschool homework was hardly “a bunch of work.”

“Okaaaayy,” she groaned. “But can I watch TV when I finish?”

“If you get done with everything before eight o’clock.”

“Brianna gets to stay up until nine, so why can’t I?” Brianna was one of Curtina’s schoolmates.

“Because your bedtime is at eight,” he said.

“I know, but why?”

“We’ve already been over this, little girl,” Curtis said. “And the longer you stay down here asking questions you already know the answer to, the less time you’ll have to watch your programs.”

Curtina left the kitchen and went upstairs in a hurry.

Charlotte walked around the island, pulled out the chair next to him, and sat down. “Can I talk to you?”

Curtis didn’t look at her but said, “What about?”

“Yesterday. I’m really sorry for the way I acted. I was completely out of line, and I was wrong for driving over to Chicago and not telling you until after the fact.”

Curtis flipped the channel on the television.

“Baby, I know you’re angry, but I promise this won’t happen again. I’m even going to call Racquel first thing in the morning to see if I can go talk to her and Vanessa.”

Now Curtis turned his head toward her. “So when did you decide that?”

“Today. I’m going to make peace with them and then do what you’re always telling everyone else to do: let go and let God. And Curtis, what I mostly want you to know is how much I love you.”

It was all he could do not to grab her into his arms, but he couldn’t let her off that easy, so he turned toward the TV again.

Charlotte touched the bottom of his chin with her hand and turned his face back toward her. “Baby, I’m serious. No matter what I say or do, it never changes the way I feel about you. I love you with all my heart, and I feel awful about ruining our dinner plans. Especially on Valentine’s Day. But I promise to make it up to you tonight,” she said, caressing his cheek.

“How?” he said, smiling slightly.

“I think you know.”

“Maybe, but why don’t you explain it to me?”

“Why don’t you just wait and see?”

“Actually, I’m still mad at you, so I think I’ll pass.”

“Come on, baby. Please forgive me. Pretty please,” she begged in a playful tone.

Curtis looked at her again. “You really get under my skin sometimes, and I’ll be honest. You had me so worked up last night that if I were a cursing man, I would have rattled off every word I could think of. I was just that outraged.”

“I know, but I really needed that time to think and reflect, and it was worth it.”

“I hope that’s true.”

“I’m serious. I spent the entire night at my favorite hotel all by myself.”

“And there was no drinking?” Curtis hadn’t wanted to think about that, but he also hadn’t been able to stop worrying about the possibility.

“Of course not,” she said. “I learned my lesson from that last year.”

Curtis didn’t know if he believed her or not, but he took her word for it for the sake of his sanity. As it was, he had other issues to concern himself with.

“Can I have a kiss?” she asked.

“You’re only being this way because you know you were wrong.”

“Okay, fine,” she said, getting up.

But Curtis grabbed her arm and pulled her back to him. “I love you, too,” he said, and kissed her.

Charlotte was a handful, to say the least, but there was no denying how much he loved her, and he didn’t like arguing with her. He never liked when they weren’t speaking and things weren’t good between them.

They kissed for a while, until Charlotte said, “Can’t you get someone else to cover Bible study tonight?”

“I was thinking the same thing,” he said, still holding on to her. “I’m sure Minister Simmons will be glad to do it.”

“Ha! I’m sure he will be, too. He never says no to you about anything. He’ll be thrilled to death.”

“You’re funny. Let me call him now.”

Curtis lifted his phone from the island, dialed, and waited.

“Hey, Pastor,” Minister Simmons said.

“How’s it going? I hate calling at the last minute, but I need a favor.”

“What’s that?”

“Can you teach Bible study tonight?”

“Of course,” he said. Curtis wanted to laugh, because Charlotte had been right about how excited he’d be. Minister Simmons sounded as though someone had offered him a million dollars.

“I really appreciate this,” Curtis said.

“I already studied ahead, anyway, so it’s no problem at all.”

“Really? I’m impressed.”

“You mentioned the topic last week, and you know what the Bible says: ‘Therefore be ye also ready,’ and that’s what I try to do with everything.”

“That’s great to hear.”

“Also, Pastor, since I have you on the phone, I wanted to ask if you’ve thought more about my suggestion. About my starting a separate Bible study class for teens.”

“I have, but I think our challenge will be getting them to attend. Many of their parents attend Bible study on Wednesdays, so I’m not sure they’ll want to bring their children out on a separate evening.”

“Well, what if we offered it on the same night? I could just teach it in the main seminar room.”

“That’s a possibility. Why don’t we discuss it more at the next staff meeting?”

“Sounds good. I just want to help however I can. I know I’ve said this many times, but Deliverance Outreach is my life, and you can always call on me.”

“I believe that, and I’m grateful for it.”

“I’m serious. Even if you wanna take a long vacation, I’ll be glad to speak on Sundays for as many weeks as you want.”

Curtis was a little shocked by his last comment. “That’s good to know, and thanks again for leading the study session.”

“I’m glad to do it. You have a good night, Pastor.”

“You, too.”

Curtis ended the call but wondered whether Charlotte was somewhat right about Minister Simmons and how determined he was. The whole time he’d been working there, Curtis had decided he was simply a young man with honest and innocent aspirations. Curtis had been highly motivated when he’d started out as a young minister, too, so he understood the desire to grow and move ahead quickly. Nonetheless, right now, Minister Simmons gave him pause. Or maybe it wasn’t Minister Simmons at all—maybe it was Curtis’s newfound paranoia in regard to who was out to get him. Because he’d learned a long time ago that even the most unsuspecting and seemingly loyal person would stab you in the back if you weren’t careful. There was just no telling, and now Curtis couldn’t help wondering about Minister Simmons and a slew of other folks he could think of. He didn’t want to, but given the calls and the letter he’d received, he had to.

harlotte turned her car off, gathered her thoughts, mentally practiced the way she would smile, along with the words she would say, and took a deep breath. Then, she stepped out onto the pavement. A couple of hours ago, she’d called Racquel, asking if it was okay to come talk to her and her mom. Racquel had seemed shocked, of course, but the more Charlotte had promised her that it would make things better between them, the more open to it she seemed. Then, when Charlotte had asked her to check with Vanessa, interestingly enough, she’d agreed. Charlotte wasn’t sure if Vanessa had said yes because she was tired of all the battling or if it was because Charlotte had asked Racquel to tell Vanessa how sorry she was and that everything was all her fault. If Charlotte had to guess, she knew it was the latter, because Vanessa believed Charlotte was to blame, anyway, and she was likely happy that Charlotte was finally admitting it. If only she knew, though, that there was a good reason Charlotte was backing down and preparing to apologize in such a genius fashion.

Charlotte walked up the brick-patterned driveway, looking across the property and then at the brick-and-stucco structure. It was a nice enough house, but Charlotte wanted something better for MJ. Neil earned a good living as a surgeon, and overall he and Vanessa did well by most people’s standards, but six figures were a lot less than seven, and it showed. Curtis had worked hard to get where he was, not just with the ministry—since he took only a minimal salary from the church—but also with his speaking and writing accomplishments. His talent and charisma had earned him a lot of money, and Charlotte wanted MJ to benefit from it. She wanted her grandson to have all that he was entitled to.

She walked up to the cement porch and rang the doorbell. She heard footsteps, and the door opened. Racquel smiled.

“Hi, Mrs. Black.”

“How are you, Racquel?” Charlotte said, hugging her.

“Come in.”

Racquel closed the door, walked down a long wooden hallway, and went into the family room. Charlotte followed her and thought about the baby shower that had taken place there. What a time that had been.

“Can I get you something to drink?” Racquel asked.

“No, thanks.”

“Mom’s on a conference call right now, so would you like to look in on little MJ? I just put him down about twenty minutes ago, but you can still take a peek if you want.”

Charlotte was thrilled about seeing him, but she didn’t want to seem too eager. She had to appear to be a changed woman. It was also the reason she pushed Vanessa’s conference call out of her mind, because it was just another reminder of why MJ truly did belong with her and Curtis. Vanessa was simply too busy for her grandson. “I would love to, but only if you’re okay with it.”

“Follow me,” she said, and they walked back down the hallway and went up the stairs.

As they entered the nursery, Charlotte scanned the yellow-and-lime wallpaper. This was a result of Racquel’s big bright idea of not wanting to know the sex of the baby—meaning it was the reason she hadn’t been able to choose any pattern with too much blue or pink. Charlotte hadn’t been able to choose those colors, either, but now, Charlotte would have the nursery in their home completely redone so that it portrayed the perfect atmosphere for a boy. Worse, this nursery was way too small for little MJ. He deserved something much bigger and classier, and soon he would have it.

Charlotte moved closer to the bassinet. Her precious little grandbaby slept peacefully, and she couldn’t imagine a more beautiful sight. She wanted to pick him up and cuddle him so badly, she could hardly contain herself. But she kept her cool and acted as though little MJ was no big deal; that he wasn’t any more special than any other child she knew.

After a few minutes, they went back down to the family room. Vanessa was already sitting on one of the plush red chairs, and Charlotte smiled. Actually, Charlotte’s smile felt so convincing she was sure Vanessa believed it was genuine, too. Charlotte was proud to be such a talented actor.

Charlotte took a seat across from her on the sofa. “Thank you for agreeing to see me. Both of you.”

Racquel sat in the chair adjacent to her mother, but neither of them commented.

“Wow,” Charlotte said, taking a deep breath. “This is a little embarrassing, but I guess the first thing I want to say is that I’m sorry. I was wrong on so many levels, and when I left the restaurant yesterday, I did a lot of thinking. I thought about how unhappy both of you seem with me, and how Matthew and Curtis also blame me for what’s been happening. And that’s when I remembered something my grandmother used to say: ‘When you can’t seem to get along with anyone, it’s time to ask, “Lord, is it me?” ’ So, that’s exactly what I did. I went all the way back to the first day I met you, Racquel, and also when I finally met you, too, Vanessa, and I had to admit that I could have been a lot nicer to you both.”

Racquel’s face softened, but Vanessa sat with a blank stare. The wicked witch of Mitchell was going to be a lot harder to break, but Charlotte wasn’t leaving there until she’d succeeded.

“I even asked myself why I felt the way I did, and it finally dawned on me, Vanessa, that I was jealous of you.”

Now Vanessa raised her eyebrows and seemed more interested.

“It’s true. All I could see was that the baby was going to be living with you and that you’d have a much closer relationship with him. I told myself that eventually he would love only you and Neil, and he would never want to be around Curtis and me. I know that sounds crazy, but I’m just being honest.”

“But you know that would never happen, Mrs. Black,” Racquel said. “Matt is little MJ’s father, and you and Pastor Black are his grandparents. You’re his blood relatives, and he’ll always love you.”

“I realize that now, but I let my fears get the best of me. And then, Racquel, even before you got pregnant, I was worried that you were trying to trap Matt. But now I know that you truly love him, and that you don’t care about our money.”

“I do love him.”

“I know, sweetie,” Charlotte said, and the tone of her voice proved again how great her acting abilities were. “That’s why I also want to officially congratulate you on your engagement. I’m sorry for not acknowledging it before now. I never even asked to see your ring.”

Charlotte had noticed the ring that evening they’d stopped by the Andersons’ so Matthew could see them before heading to the airport. She’d seen it each time Racquel had brought the baby over, too, but she hadn’t said anything. She couldn’t wait to compliment her new piece of jewelry now, though.

Racquel walked over and held out her hand.

“It’s absolutely beautiful,” Charlotte said.

“Thank you,” she beamed. “I’m so glad you like it.”

It wasn’t the largest ring she’d seen, but it was still pretty costly for an eighteen-year-old. Matthew didn’t know it, but his credit card statement had arrived yesterday, and Charlotte had opened it this morning. He’d spent a little over three thousand dollars for it, and there was no question that she and Curtis would be the ones paying for it. Actually, since Curtis never liked having any revolving debt on their credit histories, she knew the whole thing would be paid in a matter of days. That was fine, though, because when the engagement was broken off, at least Racquel wouldn’t walk away empty-handed. At least she’d have a ring to pawn if she wanted to.

Charlotte looked at Vanessa, who still seemed leery of her sincerity, so Charlotte pulled out the big guns. “There’s something else I wanted to mention. Not that I’m using this as an excuse, but I’m not sure the two of you know that I lost a little girl. She fell to her death, and ever since then I’ve been extremely protective of Matthew, and I found myself starting to feel the same way about little MJ. I realize neither of you knows the pain of losing a child, but it’s devastating. It changed me forever, but I still had no business treating either of you so badly, just because of my own insecurities and issues.”

Vanessa’s face softened with sympathy. “No, I had no idea. Did you know, Racquel?”

“Yes. Matt mentioned it to me, but he doesn’t talk about it much.”

“I’m very sorry,” Vanessa said. “And as a matter of fact, I
know how you feel. I didn’t lose a little girl, but before Racquel was born we had a son who died at birth. That’s why when Racquel went into early labor I knew she could lose MJ, and I blamed you. All I could think about was my own son and that because of you, Neil and I might lose another child we loved.”

Bingo. Charlotte hadn’t counted on her and Vanessa relating to any of the same things, but she was glad she’d brought up the loss of Marissa. She hated using her daughter’s death and memory to get what she wanted, but right now little MJ’s needs were more important.

They chitchatted a while longer, but then MJ screamed out crying.

“Uh-oh, there he goes,” Racquel said. “I’ll be right back.”

When she left, Charlotte hesitated but then said, “So he still cries a lot, doesn’t he?”

“Yeah, but the doctor says he’s fine. Mostly he does it because Racquel holds him all the time, and he’s gotten used to it. He’s spoiled rotten already, and he loves to eat. He drinks one bottle after another but never seems to get enough,” she said, laughing.

Charlotte laughed with her for the sake of keeping her award-winning performance intact, but deep down she couldn’t wait to leave there. She’d won Vanessa and Racquel over as much as she needed to, and it was time to move on to the next phase of things. Her conversation with Curtis last night and her visit with Racquel and Vanessa today had worked smoothly and according to plan, so now all she had to do was make another phone call to the person who was going to be a lifesaver. She’d called this kind individual yesterday afternoon during her drive home from Chicago, explaining the kind of help she needed. But now she wished she’d made the call two weeks ago when Matthew had returned to Harvard. If she had, she would already have everything she wanted. As the saying went, though, “better late than never,” so all would be fine before she knew it.

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