A Kategan Alphas Christmas Special: Featuring Vane and Sarina (The Kategan Alphas Book 7) (3 page)

Read A Kategan Alphas Christmas Special: Featuring Vane and Sarina (The Kategan Alphas Book 7) Online

Authors: T. A. Grey

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic Erotica

BOOK: A Kategan Alphas Christmas Special: Featuring Vane and Sarina (The Kategan Alphas Book 7)
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was I talking about?” He sounded distracted.

finally did turn a glare on him, only to find him completely devouring her
breasts with his ravenous gaze. From there his heated gaze drifted down to her
stomach, then further to her legs before making rounds all over again.

said you wanted to talk,” Sarina prompted him. Had her voice grown husky?

grunt. “Right.” He cleared his throat.

finger touched her outer thigh. Sarina hissed at him. “No touching!”

frowned in disappointment. “What were we talking about?”

gazed to the heavens for patience. “We were going to discuss the fact that I
want a baby and you don’t.” Her voice cracked at the end, betraying her

…” he began gently.

Sarina stopped him before he could start. “Don’t you even try to sweet talk me
up. The only words out of your mouth had better be an explanation.”

it better be a good one.

grew contemplative.

held her breath while her heart beat furiously fast. Her lips quivered and it
was all she could do not to cry. But she didn’t want him to know how badly this
affected her. She needed to stay strong and keep her emotions in check.

after you had Vince…” Vane began after a long while.

nodded. Of course she did. He might as well have asked if she remembered the
day they were mated…or the first time they made love. She remembered everything
from the pregnancy, to the birth, to the chaotic aftermath when their child was
stolen from them. Tears filled her eyes but she rapidly splashed her face with
water to hide the evidence.

was the most perfect thing I’d ever seen. First you entered my life, then you
brought him into mine and it was as if…everything had finally settled into
line. Like it was meant to. You’ve made me a happy lykaen, Sarina.”

nodded but turned her head to the tub wall so he couldn’t see the emotion on
her face. It was too raw.
Too painful.

when those…demented sons of bitches stole our son from our own land, I’d never
felt more helpless in my whole life. I couldn’t find him. I couldn’t save him.”
Beneath the water his hand found hers and clasped it. This time, she clung
back. “I had no control over anything. I had to wait to find out if he was dead
or alive. Sarina, I…” he shook his head slowly side to side. “I don’t think I
could do that again.”

they’re all dead,” Sarina tried to explain, tears flowing freely down her
cheeks. “Everything is fine now. No one will hurt us again.” Even she wasn’t
sure if she believed it or not.

how long? Something inevitably goes wrong,
And if I can’t protect you and our children…then I don’t know what to do.” He
shook his head, sorrow heavy in his eyes.

we have help. We have friends and family who love us.”

squeezed her hand tighter as he peered into her eyes. “And what if they can’t
help us next time? Sure, Brayden found Vince for us. Without that old vampire’s
help…who knows what might’ve happened to our boy.
another child?
A girl?” His hand tightened so hard, her skin pinched.
“What if nobody can help next time? What if I—” he fumbled for a moment,
before his jaw hardened, “What if I can’t help, Sarina?”

heart was breaking. “Oh,
, your
family is behind you. You won’t be alone.” Leaning forward she embraced her
mate and cried. He held her tightly, uncaring that she was soaking his sweater.
“We can’t live our lives in fear of the unknown,” she whispered in his ear.

arms tightened around her so strongly, the air pinched in her lungs. And she
happily stayed there for some time, finding comfort in the man she loved.

love you, Sarina. I’ve never loved anyone like I love you.”

nodded through big tears. “I know, because I love you too.”

out her embrace, Vane cupped her cheek and stared deeply into her eyes. His
warm gaze dipped over her face, studying her. “Finish your bath. Relax and
enjoy some time for yourself. You’ve worked hard today.”

was already standing, already pulling out of her arms. She didn’t want him to

heart flopped at the loss of heat. Of all the times for him to give her space,
now was when she didn’t want him to go. She wanted to spend the rest of the
night in his arms and simply showing her mate how much she loved him.

the way, you did a great job today. Christmas is only special because you’re
here with me.”

with those parting words, Vane exited and closed the door quietly behind him.

sunk into the water and let the flood of emotion flow through her.

Chapter Four


finished pulling on her red nightgown—a silk number that drove Vane wild,
which is exactly why she chose to wear it after their conversation. Tonight
she’d show her mate how much she loved and appreciated him—no matter how
it ended, she’d be happy.

first, she had to find him.

thought he’d be on the bed, possibly naked and waiting for her, but no such
luck. Then she figured, Vince might have woken up, but Vane wasn’t in his room
either. Stepping lightly on her toes, Sarina kissed Vince’s cheek and tucked
the covers in tightly around him before creeping downstairs.

fresh pine-smelling Christmas tree was still lit up near the hearth where a
dying fire was beginning to dim. The twinkle of red, green, and blue lights
brought a smile to her face. Underneath the tree rested three stockings, one
for each of them. All the presents had been opened but merry cheer still hung
in the air.

where was her mate?

headed to the kitchen. Grabbing a midnight snack, maybe? The idea certainly
wasn’t unheard of in Vane’s case. However, even there she found the room empty.
That’s when she heard the split and crack of wood. It was a sound she’d grown
accustomed to since living with Vane.

she had put her slippers on, Sarina tiptoed to the backdoor and peered out into
the vast wintry scenery. And there, she found her mate. Bundled in a winter
cap, a heavy coat and snow boots, he wielded the hefty axe up and over his head
before splitting the final log. Squatting down, he bundled the logs into his
arms and stood, headed straight for her. Sarina opened the door for him and
stepped aside as Vane kicked off his snow-covered boots. He blustered and
shivered, shaking his head and sending snowy dust across the floor.

are you doing down here?” Vane asked. “It’s too cold to be near the door and
you know it.”

was looking for you.” She pushed the door closed and happily headed back to the
living room to warm up at the fireplace.

needed more firewood. Should’ve done it earlier. Got caught up in hanging out
with the boys.”


into the flickering orange firelight, Sarina listened as boots were discarded,
a heavy coat was removed, and finally Vane’s footsteps came closer.

dress…” She heard a groan in his voice that made her mouth twitch.

know. Merry Christmas.”


braced the logs against the hearth and began setting more atop the dying fire.

you remember to put the tarp back over the wood outside to keep it dry?” Sarina

sent her a droll stare. “Yes, dear, I did.”

her mouth twitched. “Good.” Her toes were cold. Idly she rubbed the cold digits
against her calf, but that too wasn’t particularly warm.

was considering heading back upstairs, when she spied the heavy winter blanket resting
atop the couch. Her eyes lit up. Perfection! She grabbed the cover and spread
it down in front of the hearth as Vane finished prepping the fire.

Ahh, that was better
she thought. Smiling, she cozied up into the blanket for warmth.

looked over at her, grinned,
did a double-take
with his gaze remaining on her breasts. “Babe, you know how I love your

thought you loved everything about me.”

mostly,” he agreed, grinning mischievously.

swung her leg out and kicked his shin making him burst out laughing.

now! You know I’m crazy about you. But were you aware that your nipples were on
full alert?”

alert?” Sarina looked down then let loose in a fit of laughter. Indeed, her
nipples were on
full alert.

you should come warm them up with those big hands of yours,” she suggested
mildly, as if she didn’t care one way or the other.

eyebrow arched darkly and his expression turned positively wicked. Standing
before the hearth, Vane pulled the snow globe sweater up and off his broad,
muscular chest. Sarina watched while a gentle smile tugged at her lips.

pecs were made from handwork and grit. His shoulders were packed, cut, and lean
and his biceps were rounded with strength. A light spattering of black hair ran
down the center of his chest—something she loved to pet when they were in
bed together. That wispy trail disappeared in the band of his worn-in jeans.
Cocking his legs open, Vane basked in her attention as he flicked open the
button of his jeans. Slowly, ever so slowly, he pulled down the zipper. Sarina
bit her lip in anticipation. Her legs squirmed back and forth as her excitement

she’d liked to speed things up a bit, her mate could be quite the tease after
all, she slowly began to tug the bottom of her negligee up her thighs.

Vane’s gaze raptly moved to watch her
performance. Eager and hot, his fixed stare was all for her. Knowing he liked
to look at her, to watch her, Sarina gently and with all the time in the world,
spread her legs open for him. Vane fisted his jeans—all but forgetting
what he’d been doing.

that she had him nice and distracted, she finished pulling the gown up to her
hips. She wore nothing underneath. Absolutely nothing. And Vane just realized
this. Growling, his musky mating scent, thick like vanilla, began to permeate
the air. His erection strained against his jeans, trying to shove past his
waistband as if to get her.

, pink, and wet for him,
Sarina showed him everything as her knees slowly bent back to create a cradle
for him.

awfully cold,” she said.

his throat, his chest flushing a deep shade of red, Vane shoved his jeans down
his thighs with exaggerated movements. “Oh yeah? I got a fix for that.” His
voice had dropped an octave, a sound that made her shiver.

what would that be?”

wiped his mouth and dropped down to crawl towards her. “You’re about to find

could see it in his eyes already—he was going to slowly torture her until
she was begging for release—and even then he wasn’t going to give it to
her until she was good and ready. But that’s the last thing she wanted right
now. Not with how anxious she felt. She wanted hard and hot and fast. So, when
Vane neared, Sarina wrapped an arm around her mate’s neck and they became
locked in a wet kiss.
A ravenous sharing of heat and tongue.
Moaning, Sarina braced herself and locked her legs around her mate’s waist
before taking him by surprise and rolling him beneath her.

His eyes flew open.

above him, her legs spread wide to make room for his thick waist, Sarina
breathed deeply as she slowly began to lift the dress up and over her head. It
didn’t take long for her mate’s raspy, warm hands to run up her stomach to catch
her aching breasts, a move which made her shiver. Her breath caught and she
began and writhing in a sensual rhythm above his groin, preparing for the act
to come.

can smell your heat,” Vane growled huskily. Plucking at her turgid nipples, his
other hand dipped to stroke her thigh.
His grasp growing
firmer, more ardent.

mouth fell open as she bent low over her mate and met his mouth in a starving
kiss. Her tongue glided along his to suckle and sweep. Moans emanated from her

first gentle stroke between the
of her thighs
made her coo. The feather-light touches soothed her into a delirium of
pleasure. Sarina’s hips wriggled madly for her mate’s touch. Her core throbbed
with need, the need to be filled by her mate’s cock, the need to be pumped full
with his seed and held in his secure arms. Her bud ached, swollen with nerve
endings craving a gentle rubbing. Yet he remained ever vigilant not to give her
what she needed, but to continue to tease her with what could be.

tore her mouth away from his and trailed rapid-fire, open-mouthed kisses down
her mate’s chest. She licked his nipples and ran her hands up and down his
flank. His hipbones teased her until she grabbed them too and placed a kiss to

Vane groaned, throwing his head back as his hips arched against her.

cock strained straight and hard for her, like an arrow
awaiting a soft sheathe
to pierce. And hers was ready for him, supple as
goose down. The crown of his cock was flushed darkly with color, his shaft
standing upright like an iron pole. Sarina grasped him in her hand and rubbed
her cheek against his long, long length. Hands surged into her hair to hold on
for dear life as his hips already pumped against her for more.

he wanted to tease, then she’d show him how it’s done. And then she’d get what
she wanted.

dripped from the tip of his velvety-soft cock. Gently she pumped him in her
fist, working his manhood with loving strokes. She loved having him at her
mercy. His big strong body writhed for her. It made her feel as powerful as a
goddess, strong as any warrior. He was putty for her, all because of her hands
and touch.

lick here and there and she wetted the spongy tip of his shaft and suckled the
pre-come from him. Familiar fingertips massaged her scalp as she made a vise
with her jaw and slid him into the tight ring of her lips, coating him wetly
with her tongue. Husky groans filled her ears and fueled her to carry on.
Pumping the base of his cock with her fist, she used power from her mouth to
encase him. She tasted his musky essence, so pure and sexy, it delighted her
senses. The vibrations from her moans shivered over him and she heard his
breath catch.

sac was pulled tight and firm, hot to the touch as her free hand palmed him.

,” he warned huskily. “If you
don’t let up now you’re going to get a mouth full.”

wickedly Sarina pulled back so she could speak. “A mouth full of what,

gave her a dark look.

both knew exactly what it’d be a mouth full of.

naughty thought only made her hand twitch faster, working him into a frenzy as
she molded his tight sac in her other hand. She’d done this numerous times in
the past. Sometimes she’d catch his pent-up release in her mouth and drink in
the delightful taste, other times she’d stroke him to fruition and watch white-hot
come splatter across his chest…or onto hers.

that wasn’t for tonight. Spending his seed uselessly was the last thing she

groans became erratic and increasing in frequency as her mouth once again
swallowed him. Sliding up and down she brought him into a rhythm meant for only
one thing—climaxing. His cock pulsed in her hand. His crown throbbed for
several beats and that’s when she knew he was close. So close that if she
didn’t stop, she would in fact get a spray of her mate’s seed down the back of
her loving throat.

when she retreated and climbed up and over her lover’s supine form. Dazed and
aroused, her mate could only lie there in an impassioned daze as she mounted
him, grabbing his cock and centering him to her wet core. She prodded her damp
folds with his shaft, coating him with her own creamy essences.

was trying to take this slow,” Vane muttered in a husky voice.

is precisely why I took charge, my love.”

laughter followed, as she sunk down on his length. Her mouth opened and eyes
slid closed as his manhood spread her tight muscles and filled her to depths
that only he could. Flesh to flesh she rocked her pelvis against him and braced
her hands on his chest as soft gasps escaped her throat.

Vane,” she moaned, throwing her head back.

cock stroked sensitive nerve endings inside her making her inner walls pulsate
and tremble around his thick girth.

strong hands found her hips and stroke her thighs, cupped her breasts, and
eventually settled back on her hips to help her rock against him. Her toes
curled. He felt delightful inside her. It wouldn’t take long for her to
implode, that much she knew. She was already too swollen, too pent-up for him.

didn’t really know if this lovemaking session meant he’d finish inside her or
not, but at this point, she didn’t care. She just wanted to be with her mate
and show him how much she loved him, through thick and thin,
and ever.

herself on one hand her fingertips found her smooth, shaved center as she rode
him. Her movements became urgent at the first touch to her ultra-sensitive bud.
She keened a high-pitched sound and rasped Vane’s name out loud.

it nice and slow, baby. Wanna see you come apart on me.”

tried to listen to him. To ride him slowly in measured movements while gently
circling her tender bud—but she couldn’t. She just couldn’t.

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