A King's Revenge: Warlords Series Book 2 (9 page)

BOOK: A King's Revenge: Warlords Series Book 2
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Chapter 16


Tarik used his iron
willed control to keep from pacing. Years of being on display in front of others
stood him in good stead. So far over half the number of guests he’d invited had
arrived. Many cast blatant stares his way as if they could read the reason
behind today’s announcement on his face.

Guests streamed in the
double doors with curious probing eyes and smiles that hinted at their pleasure
in being invited to hear a formal royal announcement first hand. The last such
occasion had been for the death of his wife.

Tarik clenched his
hands into fists at his side and focused on the next couple entering the
ballroom. He’d chosen to wait at the top of the grand stairs by the entrance to
greet each guest personally. He wanted the chance to look directly into their
eyes while he pondered the possibility of someone close to him as a traitor.

If such was the case
then the offenders had to work under the directive from one of his enemies.
There were those in his country who disagreed with his order of doing things
and how he passed judgment. Could one of them be the mastermind behind Maliya’s

The next couple paused
in front of him and Tarik loosened his hands to fold them behind his back.

“Your Majesty, a
pleasure.” Gretel offered Tarik her curtsey, the blue of her gown pooling
around her feet as she performed the respectful gesture.

“Sire.” Her husband,
Olan, bowed. His blue eyes practically danced. He faced Tarik with a wide grin.
“What trickery are you up to boy?”

Tarik’s mouth curved
in a genuine smile of pleasure. Gretel had been his personal care taker as a
baby and Olan his tutor. He included them in every function he hosted at the
castle. Both had the trust of his parents for their responsibility was a great
one. They’d been entrusted to mold a young Tarik into the future King.

“A celebration, Olan.
No more, no less.”

Gretel clasped her
husband’s hand in hers. Silver touched the edges of her blonde waves hinting at
her age. Delicate lines flirted at the edge of her full mouth. Such small signs
of her advancing years saddened him.

Brown eyes capable of
cowing him in the nursery narrowed. “Don’t think to fool us, Tarik. You’re up
to something.”

He would no more make
them use his title than he’d correct them on their personal demeanor when
interacting with him. It was hard to be stern with the couple who’d once
changed his soiled clothing.

Tarik leaned forward
and brushed a light kiss across her temple. “Trust me,” he whispered.

“Hey, none of that,
young man,” Olan scolded, causing his wife to chuckle and blush.

He tipped his head to
them and they proceeded down the four steps onto the main floor of the
ballroom. Hensel and Baylor stood at attention at his back. Hensel laughed.
“Olan will get you if you continue to flirt with his wife.”

Tarik didn’t get to
respond. The side door he’d used to assume his spot at the top of the stairs
opened. Mati came through first. Kord next. He and the dark haired bastard eyed
each other with leashed anger. Tarik had yet to forgive the man for taking
Maliya away.

His Queen, who stepped
through the door followed by four armed guards, looked like a vision of loveliness.
His dual hearts beat faster.

Shorter than he was
used to, her red hair had been smoothed back from her forehead leaving her
sculpted cheekbones, bright eyes and full lips in clear view. The Queen’s
crown, a delicate fixture of gold, sat on her head amidst the red waves in a
subtle reminder of her station.

She’d selected a gown
in the Sabarn colors of gold and black. Three out of the five dresses he’d had
sent to her room were deliberately in his colors. Tarik wanted to make a
statement when he presented Maliya. She was his. She was back.

And she was scared to
death. Tarik reached for Maliya’s hand and pulled her to his side. Her fingers
were chilled. He stroked a hand over her bare arm and leaned down. “Don’t be

Her lips curved as she
whispered while staring at the mass of people, “Easy for you to say, you know

“So do you.” Probably
not the best retort but it pulled her wide gaze in his direction and away from
the staring faces.

Her lips twitched.
Tarik held his breath and waited. Another twitch then her laughter spilled out.
“I probably do but unfortunately as we both know, I don’t remember them.”

Tarik tightened his
fingers on hers and pulled her close to his side. Her body stiffened initially
before relaxing her weight against him. He never thought he’d laugh about their
situation and yet he couldn’t wipe the grin from his face.

Someone cleared their
throat behind them and Tarik turned with her. King Jovan’s eyes twinkled as he
greeted Tarik. “It’s fates way to have us come together again so soon, Tarik.”

He clasped Jovan’s
hand warmly. “Thank you for coming when you had little time back home after the

Jovan waved his thanks
away, his gaze straying to Maliya with a puzzled frown. “My wife was eager to
come to Desani. It’s been some time since she had the pleasure of your

Jovan’s wife was a
rather plain woman. She wore her brown hair back in a smooth simple knot.
Matching brown eyes met Tarik’s evenly. For what she lacked in looks, Raelle
made up for in personality. She was a sweet woman who loved her husband and two
sons fiercely.

“Greetings, Raelle.”
He leaned forward and kissed her offered cheek.

“How are you, Tarik?”

“Goddess above,” Jovan

There was no use
pretending with his friend. While others might speculate, Jovan recognized her
immediately. “I’m hoping you will keep this to yourself until my announcement,

Maliya shifted at his
side and tugged on his hand. Tarik refused to let go. He enjoyed the warmth of
her touch after years without it.

Jovan and Raelle
stared and another guest arrived behind them. Tarik would have the same issue
with them as well.

“We’ll talk more of it
later, my friends.” It was the best he could give them.

Jovan recovered first
and led his reluctant wife down the stairs.

Maliya leaned into
him. “They know me.”

Tarik took the chance
to brush a kiss across her temple. “They were good friends despite the distance
of their home Pakar from Desani.”

“This is not what I
expected when Mikayla insisted we show but ever am I grateful for the sight
before me,” the deep voice claimed.

Maliya inhaled sharply
at the words and both of them faced the group who entered. Vaan had his arms
wrapped around his mate’s waist, her back to his chest. His bare chest.

Tarik’s lip curled
upward. The Overlord didn’t put on airs for anyone and he had not expected him

“Maliya, allow me to
introduce you to the Overlord of Kaban, Vaan Galip and his mate Mikayla.
Mikayla is Su-Su to her Raasa stronghold.”

Vaan offered Maliya a
formal nod.

Tarik continued with a
smirk. “The men behind him are his…guards. Warlords who have been by his side
for years.”

Vaan flashed dark eyes
in his direction.

Fortunately the
Warlords in question chuckled. “I think I like him more each time our paths

Tarik recognized Warlord
Ramar. He turned to the Overlord. “Did you bring your girls this trip, Vaan?”

Maliya would have
loved to see the babies.

Mikayla shook her
head. “We left them with their protectors Kavan and Balal. They teethe and are
having a tough time of it.”

Mikayla turned her
attention to Maliya. “I’m sure there is more to your appearance but may I say
it’s wonderful to have you back.”



Lea instantly warmed
to the Raasa woman. Her green eyes reflected nothing but open friendliness and
her lack of fear for the huge warrior behind her spoke volumes. “I’m sorry I
don’t recall you. Were we friends?”

Mikayla laughed. “No,
but we ran into each other once when you snuck away from your guards.” She
hiked a thumb over her shoulder. “My mate doesn’t like for me to do that.”

Her husband grunted
and leaned down to kiss the top of her dark head.

Lea sensed a story
there and wanted to hear more but now wasn’t the time. “Maybe we’ll have a
chance to talk later.”

“I’d love it.”

The Overlord escorted
his mate down into the ballroom, the four powerful men staying in step with
them the whole way. Lea eyed the sheathed swords on their backs.

“Are we expecting

Tarik chuckled. “No
more than what was discussed. The Kabanian warriors are very protective of
Mikayla. Vaan takes every care with her safety.”

Lea’s heart melted
more for the soft hearted Overlord. That he had no shame in demonstrating his
love and care for the woman in his life was more powerful than the sword she
bet he wielded with precision.

Baylor stepped around
them and closed the doors as planned. Tarik wanted no interruptions when he announced
Maliya’s return. Most of the guests were here now.

Mati approached Tarik
calmly. “Shall I signal the musicians, Sire?”


Tarik wanted all eyes
on them. Their position looking down on everyone else placed them in a
calculated strategic focal point.

Light music played in
the background from the five men who made up the royal quintet. Despite the
vids she’d managed to watch on Desani, Lea was amazed that there were musicians
who only played for the Sabarn family.

Mati made a motion
with his hand and the well trained men finished the last note with a flourish.
The silence gave way to a growing buzz, its implication obvious. Almost in
sync, one hundred stares turned in their direction.

A tremor racked Lea’s
body. Tarik shifted his hold from around her arm to her waist where he gave a
reassuring squeeze. His touch warmed her middle.

Lea bolstered her
nerves. Kord and Tarik had discussed the plan they devised in detail. Once it
was made known that the Queen had been resurrected Lea planned to be seen out
and about Desani over the next days and weeks to come. When the attempts on her
life resumed which Kord fully believed would happen, they would begin the
intricate process of tracking the traitor.

Murmurs in the room
escalated to shock gasps as people started to recognize her. Without landing on
any particular person, she let her gaze search the curious faces turned in
their direction.

Tarik lifted a palm
for silence, his rich voice booming out. “I know many of you are excited to
hear of news regarding the recent alliance with Kaban and Raasa.”

More chatter and

“But first I want to
let all of my closest know first hand that I have more joyous news to convey.”

Lea’s cheeks burned despite
her attempts to remain unaffected. A few of the stares had turned to glares
from richly dressed women without escorts.

Tarik nudged her chin
up. Her breath caught at the love shining in his eyes. “It is my pleasure to
inform you of the miracle of Queen Maliya’s survival.”

Voices rose to a
crescendo. Footsteps shuffled as the four guards assigned to her moved closer
behind her and Tarik.

“I know many of you
have questions and let me assure you,” he finally turned to face the crowd,
releasing Lea from the heat of his intense stare. “I will find the answers.”

Servers emerged from
the back rooms to hand out wine filled glasses. She and Tarik received one from
a young boy in uniform. The bright smile on his face glowed with awe when he
passed Lea hers. When she returned the smile he turned beet red and hurried

“For now, I ask you to
lift your glasses and wish me blessings from the Goddess for my fortune,” Tarik

“Blessings!” Shouted a
middle aged couple, who grinned as they hugged each other tightly.

Lea checked Tarik’s
expression. He glanced down and offered a wink. “My care givers from my youth.”

That explained their
enthusiasm. They were clearly happy for him.

“Blessings.” Tarik
lifted his glass and took a deep swallow. The smooth hollows of his throat
moved with the simple action.

Dimly she heard cries
of “Blessings!” as the crowd picked up the cheer and applauded.

Her gaze drifted lower
to his tanned neck bared by the deep vee of his clothing. Once more his dress
as the sovereign of Desani displayed a lavishness that his simple pants and
shirt in the bar lacked. The all black sleeveless robe reached his booted feet.
Parted down the middle the garment provided glimpses of the startling white
tunic beneath. In gold thread the Sabarn crest had been stitched over the chest
area. Fitted black pants hugged his powerful thighs. She couldn’t deny the
appeal of seeing his handsome physique in the elegant clothing.

“Maliya.” Tarik cupped
her elbow, his look one of concern.

Heat burned her cheeks
when she realized he’d had to work to get her attention. Her grip tightened on
the glass as she tipped the stem ware up for a sip to relax her.

“No.” Kord’s order
snapped out stopping Lea as the glass touched her lips.

Tarik frowned but Kord
came closer so only they would hear his next words.

“She eats and drinks nothing
without testing.”

Lea paled, his meaning
sinking in.

Tarik growled low.
“Are you serious? You think her wine poisoned? No one had the time.”

Kord raised a brow.
“You thought her safe before. Are you willing to risk her life again?”

The question
infuriated Tarik. His lavender eyes lashed at Kord and his teeth clenched when
he bit out, “What do you suggest?”

“May I?”

Her friend placed a
hand over the rim of Lea’s glass without waiting for her answer. His palm
brightened with that odd gold light from when she’d witnessed his true form in
the gardens. Black swirls tinted the clear liquid of the wine in her glass.

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