A Kiss of Ashen Twilight (Ashen Twilight Series #1) (22 page)

BOOK: A Kiss of Ashen Twilight (Ashen Twilight Series #1)
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Daoine stepped out, raising his hands as he closed his eyes. In moments, he changed within a flash of blue light and a swarm of bat remained in its place. Right away they flew around the elemental, consuming it with their swarm, urging it toward the Patriarchs who stood before the group.

With a final screech, it jutted forward engulfing the two patriarchs within its energy force, as it was covered by the swarm of bats. Three bright lights broke out from the area to brighten up the open desert landscape before it disappeared as if being sucked in the air.

Finally the open city landscape returned to its still and quiet atmosphere.

Ariya scrambled over to Jace’s covered body. She removed the blanket and immediately was taken aback by the charred remains of his skin.

“Jace—” Ariya’s voice was tiny, broken by the tears forming in her eyes as she caressed his damaged skin. His face was now an unrecognized form and her heart ached to see him so hurt. “Jace, please look at me.”

Slowly he moved as if each breath was more painful than the last.

“Feed.” The deep slurred word fell from his lips in a jagged exhale. “I need to feed.”

Ariya looked up, sensing a figure out of the corner of her eye. She turned to see Julian standing and watching with a stoic expression on his handsome face.

“We need to help him,” Ariya pleaded through oncoming tears. “Is there anything we can do?”

“It would take too long to get a mortal here in time to replenish his energy,” Rich, now back in his human form, said quickly.

“Quite possibly true.” Julian stood by with his gaze on Jace.

“Then what?” Ariya would do anything to help Jace now. After he had laid his life down for her, she would do anything to save his. Although he didn’t budge despite lifting his chin with a mistrustful eye, Julian had to know this feeling within her.

“Ariya.” She turned at the sound of Jace’s weak voice. The look in his eyes and the subtle tremor of his hungry voice alerted her of what he really needed.

Right away she moved her curly hair away from her neck and leaned down to whisper in his ear.

“Take me,” she whispered. Her warm breath caressing his hot, broken skin.

“No, Ariya,” he said weakly. “I can’t take your life. I’ve never—”

I’ve never fed before without killing in the process.

She silenced him with a gentle kiss upon his lips. “I trust you,” she whispered into his mouth.

I can’t chance it, Ariya.

Ariya felt his words floating around her mind. Deep down in her heart she knew the possibilities, and she felt the fear within him of that risk. Despite it all she couldn’t let him die here. She
to stand by and wait. In her mind this offering was the only option, even if she had to force her blood in his mouth to help him stay alive.

His understanding was confirmed as she felt his cold, yet gentle, touch. His hand caressed her skin in reluctant movement as he made his way to cradle her head. He entangled his fingers within her tight curly locks and sharply sucked in the air before speaking his next words.

“Ariya, please forgive me.” He gripped a handful of locks in a tight fist and opened his mouth to reveal his white, shiny fangs. He pulled her down toward him.

With a soft growl from deep within his throat, he dug his teeth into her neck. Ariya’s body stiffened as pain shot throughout her body, mixing in with the waves of pleasure that shot down to the sensitive area between her legs. Jace held onto her, holding her close as he fed on her, taking in her blood and absorbing her lifeforce within his own. Slowly he drained her essence into him, wanting and desiring her more.

Ariya’s blood was on fire with a passion she never felt before. She felt the rise of pleasure forming deep within her. She wanted more. She
to have more of him and give in return to him.

Just when she thought she couldn’t take it, he released her and she fell back upon the sandy ground in her own exhaustion now. Jace stretched his body out with a loud thunderous roar. His body regenerated itself right before her eyes from a scalded, damaged figure back to his smooth, pale handsome form. Jace breathed evenly in the stillness of the night. He immediately leaned over Ariya’s still figure lying next to him.

“Ariya—” Gently, he moved her head to face him.

She didn’t move until he gently brushed the mass of dark curls away from her face. He caressed the two puncture wounds he had made in her and watched as they disappeared under his touch.

Ariya finally moved and it was then Jace took a relieved breath.


“Yes, baby. It’s me.” He caressed her hair, smiling as he gave a gentle laugh.

Sirens loomed in the distance.

“Looks like that’s our cue,” Rich said gruffly to Gael.

Cars started up like a musical symphony followed by doors opening and closing. Jace scooped Ariya up into his arms and rushed over to where Rich held the back door of one of the limos open.

“Your bike?” Jace asked.

Rich waved his hand. “Uncle’s got it taken care of. Go on!”

Jace climbed in across from Gael and was joined by Rich who tapped the top of the limo roof to alert the driver they were ready.

Jace held Ariya in his arms as she lay over his lap with her arms wrapped around his torso. The ride home was quiet as Rich and Gael watched them across the way with smiles on their faces.

“She lived,” Rich said proudly.

“That she did,” Jace said softly.

“You know what this could mean?” Gael leaned forward, folding his hands and resting his elbows on his knees.

Jace didn’t verbalize his understanding and confusion over Ariya’s connection to him. As he looked down into the darkened eyes looking up at him, he knew there could be no other for him. From then on, he knew his immortal days were changed forever.

Chapter 7

hat evening, the Ashen Twilight house was abuzz with music and guests enjoying the night. Jace waited for the front doors to open before stepping inside. Right away he recognized the familiar faces greeting him with pats on his back and words of welcome. Another familiar face caught his eye behind the crowd. Vex’s smile disappeared the moment he saw Jace.

Perhaps one day you’ll forgive me big guy,
Jace thought. Either way, he was thankful for Vex showing up to help bring down the elemental. Even though he didn’t remember his face in the crowd, he felt his presence clearly.

Jace then felt a hand tap his shoulder. He turned as he felt the figure circling over to his other side.

“Don’t mind him, Jace,” Rich’s smooth voice was clear. “He’ll come around eventually.”

“Perhaps it’ll take another century or so?”

Rich chuckled. “Not quite, I’m sure. Shelly just meant a lot to him.”

“You know, for the first time in my life that I can actually recall—I know exactly how that feels.”

Rich patted Jace’s shoulder assuredly. “Where is Ariya anyway? I figured you’d bring her tonight to celebrate with us.”

“Actually I didn’t come for a celebration. I needed to talk to Julian.”

Rich’s pleasant demeanor changed as he realized the seriousness of the matter. “Ah well, he’s still upstairs if you need him. I think he may be in the conference room.”

Jace smiled and nodded. “Thanks.” He gave his friend a wink and a pat before heading to the staircase. He ascended the wide stairs lined with an elegant oriental rug and gold and brown trimmings. Turning his head, he caught sight of the elegant Daoine with his arms around a similarly graceful, timid and quiet woman with long raven hair, soft yet prominent features and a warm tan complexion. Michael was nearby with a shorter fiery woman by his side who spoke adamantly with her hands. Jace could tell her confidence, strength and toughness matched Michael’s perfectly. Gael was leaning toward a young woman who giggled as he whispered gently into her ear. Jace couldn’t help chuckling at the display. He would be down there with them under any other circumstances, but he had more important matters to attend to at the moment.

Upstairs Julian stood with his back to the wall and a glass he held out under the outstretched arm of a beautiful shapely woman. Gently he broke into her skin with a small rapier. With a soft moan, her blood flowed freely like thick, dark syrup down into his glass. Jace shifted uncomfortably. He knew his Uncle was aware of his presence and was probably just putting on for his account.

“Thank you. I’ll meet you in a few,” Julian said to her. He helped her wrap her arm with a white cloth and brought her in for a kiss.

The woman walked by Jace as she headed for the door. She flashed him a thin smile and he remembered her right away. One of the many nights the Ashen Twilight house threw parties, Jace remembered how he and Julian had shared her. She offered herself to them and they both fed simultaneously upon her body. It was one of the few times Jace felt close to his Uncle in recent memory. Though, it’d be half past never before they ever do anything like that again since Ariya came into his life. He was pretty sure of it.

Jace returned back to the present as he watched Julian staring into the crackling fireplace deep in thought. Jace knew better than to try to figure out what his Uncle was thinking. He tried it once and ended up with a few weeks worth of a headache that nearly split his skull.

“I thought it was you driving up a few moments ago,” Julian said.

“I needed to see you before the night was over.”

Julian finally turned to face him. “Oh?”

“How are your powers? You looked like you took quite a hit back there.”

“Strengthened,” Julian sighed softly. “Once we absorbed the elemental we all felt strangely energized. Though to fully understand our newfound capabilities we must wait and see from now on.”

Jace nodded slowly.

“I have a feeling that is not why you came to see me this evening.”

“You are correct.”

Julian raised the clear brandy glass goblet to his lips. He took a small sip as his curious gaze remained on Jace.

“The elemental killed Shelly,” Jace finally said.

“I realize that now.”

“Why didn’t you trust her?”

“Because I had to find out just exactly how she was connected. Obviously it was after her and until I figured everything out she was still suspect. Plus, she is Fey, is she not?”

“She is.”

“Ah. Purveyors of the elements themselves.”

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