Read A Kiss With Scandal (Scandals & Secrets 4) Online

Authors: Janelle Daniels

Tags: #Historical, #Romance, #Fiction, #Regency, #Victorian, #London Society, #England, #Britain, #19th Century, #Forever Love, #Bachelor, #Single Woman, #Scandals, #Secrets, #Undercover Agent, #Hunted Witness, #Vicious Smuggler, #Dangerous, #Suspense, #Romantic Suspense, #Overhears Evidence, #Smuggling Ring, #Mission, #Viscount Haverston, #War Office Leak, #Besotted Suitor, #Trains Self-Defense, #Illicit Embrace, #Gossip, #The Black Dahlia, #Abduction

A Kiss With Scandal (Scandals & Secrets 4) (10 page)

BOOK: A Kiss With Scandal (Scandals & Secrets 4)
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Derek swore softly. This was all his doing. If he hadn’t kissed her, or if he’d been more careful, this never would have happened. He’d never been caught unaware in his career. “Tell them we’ll be there shortly.”

Charlotte’s face lost all color. “Not an animal?”


She spun away. “No, no. This
be happening.”

“It is. It has,” he whispered. Uncertain eyes met his. “We’ll fix this.”

He believed that with every fiber of his being. He would fix this. He would make this right. It was his brashness, his complete lack of control where Charlotte was concerned that had gotten them in this mess. There was only one thing to do—one course of action they could take to save her from ruin.

As he followed Charlotte toward his study, his heart was lighter. She would be his. Only his. Forever.

That thought pulled something primal from him. Satisfaction filled him. He wanted Charlotte. Hadn’t he needed to move on from this life anyway? She already knew his secrets. He’d never have to hide his past from her. He desired her. More importantly, he liked her. How many ladies of the
could he say that about?

Compromising her wasn’t the way he wanted to get a wife, but he wouldn’t argue the semantics.

He was getting Charlotte.

Chapter 14

harlotte dreaded
each step she took toward the study. The one thing every young woman was warned against was a scandal of this magnitude. Perhaps if they’d realized they’d been seen…

No, she couldn’t think like that. There would be no what-ifs in this situation. Just the grim facts. And the plain truth was, she was compromised.

“Oh, Mother,” Charlotte gushed when she saw her mother’s tears. “Please don’t cry, Mama.”

“I’m sorry, darling. I’ll try to refrain.”

Derek nodded to her rumpled father, a state she’d hardly ever seen him in. “My lord.”

“Viscount Lawrence,” her father greeted grimly. “I’m afraid there’s no way to pussyfoot around the issue. You and Charlotte were seen in a compromising situation. If this is false, I will see that the person responsible for spreading such lies pays.”

Derek’s chin notched up. “It’s true.”

“I see.” Her father’s shaky legs lowered him to a chair. “I’m sorry for this. I really am. I know that you’ve done your best to protect her, that you’ve taken much upon yourself for her sake. I never wanted this to happen.”

Charlotte’s heart clenched. She’d never disappointed her parents in her life. She couldn’t bear this, couldn’t stand their disappointment in her, her circumstances, or Derek. “It’s all right, Papa. We’ll work through this. I don’t know how we will fix this, but we will.”

“We will marry.”

Charlotte’s eyes jerked to Derek’s, her heart stuttering. “We’ll what?”

Her father nodded in relief. “It’s best that way.”

Derek didn’t glance in her direction. “I’ll make all the arrangements.”

Panic set in. She jumped from her chair. “Now, wait just a moment. I never agreed to marry anyone.”

“Dearest...” Her mother reached for her hand, but Charlotte jerked away from the gentle touch.

“No. I will not be given away because of a scandal. I won’t be forced into a marriage that I don’t want and certainly not with a man who doesn’t want to marry me. Derek has done so much already. He’s protected me and taught me skills that might save my life one day. I will not repay him by forcing him to tie his life to mine.”

Charlotte’s harsh breathing echoed in her ears as silence descended on the group. But she didn’t care what they had to say. Her mind was made up. She hadn’t wanted to marry for fortune, a better connection, or even for children. There was only one reason she wanted to marry, and that was for love.

Loving him wasn’t enough.

A yawning emptiness expanded within her, and she feared she’d be sick. A life with Derek but without his love…

Her stomach clenched, her eyes meeting Derek. What she felt for him was more than she’d ever felt for another. But now all that was ruined.

“Would you two allow me a moment of privacy with Charlotte, please?” Derek’s eyes never left hers even though he addressed her parents.

Her father nodded. “We’ll be outside.”

Neither spoke after her parents shut the door, just eyed each other warily.

“I won’t do it, Derek. I can’t.”


“Because I don’t want to get married,” she lashed out. Couldn’t he tell how much this hurt her? How much she grieved over what might have been?

“Ever?” His head cocked. “You don’t ever want to get married?”

“Perhaps someday. When it’s right.”

“And this isn’t right?”

“No! Not in any way is this right. I won’t have you forced to marry me. I won’t allow it.”

He took a hesitant step toward her, then another. “Do I look forced?”

She snorted. “It sure felt forced in here a minute ago.”

“Look at me.” He stood in front of her now, but she refused. “Look at me,” he said again, pulling her chin up with his finger. “I want you, Charlotte. If that wasn’t apparent outside on the grounds, I don’t know what else could convince you of that. I want you so much it hurts.”

She gulped, feeling a tug of desire at his words, at the heated look in his eyes. “Wanting me isn’t enough. You can’t tell me you haven’t wanted other women before. Have you married them all?”

Physical desire faded. Marrying for lust wasn’t enough. Oh, but for a moment she wished it were. Her body craved his. She wanted his lips on hers again. She wanted the feel of his body against her, but it wasn’t enough. It could never be. As he’d said, lust fades.

“Yes, I’ve wanted other women. Before.” He placed a finger over her lips when she started talking. “But never like this. Never with a burning hunger I thought would consume me. I want you the second I wake up until the moment I fall asleep, and even then my dreams are haunted by you. I want you in my bed.”

She closed her eyes at the visceral sensations his words caused, relishing each and every jolt for as long as she could. “It isn’t enough. That doesn’t last.”

“Why not?”

“Because you’ll tire of me. You’ll want others once the novelty fades.”

“Would you, Charlotte? Would you move onto another?”

She gasped. “No. I’d never do that.”

“And neither would I. Charlotte, I care about you. I admire you. You’re strong, brave. Your mind is a sponge, greedy for any and all information. You’re determined. I’ve never respected another as I do you. I don’t know what our future holds, but we will be starting off with a lot more than others have.”

His words affected her more than she’d like, weakening her resolve. He didn’t speak of love, but what he had said was more than she’d ever had with a man. “I feel the same about you,” she finally whispered.

He took her hand, bringing her fingers slowly to his lips. “Then say yes. Say you’ll marry me. We’ll get through this and build a good life together.”

His eyes pleaded with hers, and she ached. She wanted him so much. Maybe it was enough. Maybe his affection for her, while not yet love, could turn into more. Besides, what other option did she have? If she didn’t marry him, she was ruined. She’d never get another chance at love, at a family.

Was it enough that she loved him?

Derek was offering her more than she’d ever had, but would it be enough?

Trying to read his eyes, she decided it had to be enough. She had to jump with faith, and hope she found what she needed in the end. Because she couldn’t let him go.

She wanted him too much.

Heaven help her, for she already loved him with a desperation, a depth he may never feel for her.

Rising to her toes, she brushed her lips across his. “I will marry you.”

“Yes!” He swept her into his arms and kissed her, sealing their promise.

He didn’t let her change her mind. Sweeping her into his arms, he kissed her with all the passion she’d glimpsed in his eyes, and she fully surrendered to the feeling. Hoping, praying it would be enough.

erek relished
his good fortune when his eyes lit on Charlotte’s glittering form. The gypsy entertainers who had amused his guests so many times in the past had settled back on his land for a brief time, giving him the perfect opportunity.

His domino mask in place, he joined the crowd gathered in the gardens. The party to celebrate their engagement had been thrown together quickly, but no expense had been spared. Not only had extra guests come in from London, but several local families had been invited as well. Situating the party on the terrace had been a stroke of genius by Lady Langston. They would have been forced outside by the heat of too many bodies, regardless.

As their last night in the country, Derek had every intention of taking this moment to win over Charlotte. He could not allow her to retain her false conclusion that she’d been forced upon him.

That couldn’t be further from the truth. He wanted her. Desperately. The fact that she’d been compromised had only enlightened him sooner about how much he needed her in his life.

With their masks in place and the level of anonymity that came with them, he intended to show her how pleased he was with their circumstances.

“May I have this dance?” he asked from behind her.

She twirled toward him with a surprised laugh. “I would have never guessed that was you.”

“I’ve learned to blend in.”

Her arched brow was barely visible above her teal mask. “What an understatement,” she whispered.

“Come.” He grinned, offering his hand.

The gypsies played a lively tune, and while not everyone danced, there were enough doing so that it wouldn’t draw too much attention to them, which agreed with him very much.

He twirled her into his arms, much too close, but no one seemed to mind.



“You’ll cause a scandal.”

“More than we’ve already done?” His mind filled with the delicious memory of Charlotte beneath him, her legs wrapped around his waist.

A giggle escaped as she looked around. No one glanced their way. “I guess it’d be hard to top that.”

“Quite so.” He twirled them again, relishing every brush of her seafoam skirt against his body. Ten minutes. That was all he knew he’d last before whisking her away to a darkened corner.

She sighed, tilting her head up toward the torchlit sky. “This is beautiful.”

“Yes,” he said as he watched her eyes close in delight. She was so beautiful it hurt.

“My mother was skeptical about the gypsies, but they’re perfect. Outside, the lighting, the buffet, music, all of it. It’s perfect.” Her sparkling eyes met his. “Thank you. I’m very lucky to have you.”

At her words, he knew he’d been optimistic about the ten minutes part. As everyone basked in the mystical ambiance the night created, he maneuvered away from the crowd, pushing them deeper into the garden.

“Where are we going?” she asked breathlessly.

“To be alone.”

She didn’t ask again, only quickened her footsteps.

The minute he had her behind a tree, its trunk hidden by towering shrubs, he jerked her against him. Adrenaline shot through his veins as he relished the feel of her. He choked back a moan.

No one had ever made him feel this way. As if he’d catch fire just being close to her, by touching her. He needed, craved.

But before he could capture her lips, she was on her toes, devouring his.

He deepened the kiss, groaning when her tongue met his.

He fisted her skirt, pulling her close, wanting to be ever closer. Sensations fought through him, ripping at his control. His hands dove in her hair, and the pins holding her curls in place scattered. Golden tendrils cascaded to her waist, and he groaned in pleasure as silky tresses caressed his fingers.

This was too much. Too much sensation, too much want.

Too much love.

He broke the kiss in surprise, his wide eyes locking with hers. Is that what this was? Love?

His heart thumped strong in his chest as assurance filled him. He
her. With his whole heart. He’d cared about her from the start, had certainly wanted her, but he’d never guessed his feelings had progressed that far.

But why not? Hadn’t he always planned to love the lady he’d one day take to wife?

Joy filled him as he pulled her to him slowly now, his eyes still holding hers. His lips hovered above hers for a moment, torturing them both, letting sensation build.

When his lips brushed against hers, desire flared, fueled by something richer, deeper. It overwhelmed him.


She jerked still as if she knew what his heart wanted to say.

“Charlotte, I—”

“Wait.” Her shoulders bunched with tension, and he realized she wasn’t listening to him, but to footsteps on the path.

Derek wanted to kill whoever was out there. He wasn’t proud of that fact. He’d always been able to temper his anger, but he didn’t want anyone intruding on this moment. But short of walking out from the bushes and exposing them, there wasn’t anything he could do but wait until they left.

A woman giggled as a man whispered something to her.

Derek rolled his eyes. Thwarted by another couple’s rendezvous.

“Possibly,” the woman agreed coyly. “We’ll have to see.”

The man laughed. “You wouldn’t make me wait, would you, love?”

“Only all night,” she teased. “How long would you wait for me?”

“As long as it took,” the man growled, but Derek heard the edge in it and latched onto the voice. The man was truly annoyed.

The woman gasped as the man continued, “But I wouldn’t enjoy it any more than walking into the Thames with stones sewn into my clothes.”

Charlotte gasped, all blood draining from her face.

Derek gripped her arms, worried she’d faint. “What’s wrong?” he whispered.

“It’s—it’s him.”


She nodded, her eyes round. “It’s the man. From the Leatherbys’ sitting room. It’s him. It’s—” Her words choked off.

Cold rage flowed through him. He didn’t try to fight it, but allowed it to coat his resolve. This was the villain he’d searched for. The man who’d hunted Charlotte. Who’d terrorized her for weeks. “Will you be all right?” he asked, needing her to be. If the man left before he was able to intercept him, he’d be lost again.

She nodded with a shaky breath. “I’ll be fine.”

“Return to the party immediately after I’m gone.” Taking note of her loose hair, he dismissed the faux pas. It couldn’t be helped. Most at this celebration already knew he hadn’t the strength to resist his bride. Let them talk.

“All right.”

He squeezed her once, but his focus riveted on the man and the desire to pummel him.

He stepped onto the path, watching as the man and woman embraced in a passionate kiss. The sight only further hardened his resolve. “Forgive me,” he said, watching the masked duo jump apart. The woman shrieked, twirling away from his gaze.

The man only glared through the black fabric secured over his eyes, effectively concealing his identity.

“I realize this isn’t the best moment, but I require a word with you.”

“With me?” the man asked with a snort. “I highly doubt there is anything you need from me at this moment, sir.” He sneered.

“Oh, you couldn’t begin to imagine. However, I insist.”

“And just who are you to insist?” Derek removed his mask, and the man’s eyes widened. “Forgive me, my lord. I didn’t recognize you.”

BOOK: A Kiss With Scandal (Scandals & Secrets 4)
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