A Lady's Charade (Medieval Romance Novel) (33 page)

BOOK: A Lady's Charade (Medieval Romance Novel)
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“Thank you, Edward. I don’t know what I would do without you. There shouldn’t be any other concerns for her safety beyond her family possibly seeking some sort of revenge, however you never know. Obviously there was ill will toward her from the beggar in the streets when she first arrived, and then with Maude and James. I suppose it won’t hurt to be overly cautious.”

“I agree, my lord. Every precaution will be taken to see to her safety.”
“Edward, one day you will be heavily rewarded for your loyalty and duty to me.”
“The only reward needed, is to continue to serve you, my lord.”
Alexander felt a lot better after speaking to Edward. Now if only he could shake the gnawing feeling of dread.


A shiver of awareness cascaded over Chloe. She was being watched. Slowly turning, she saw Alexander not twenty feet from her, a dazed look in his eye.

She smiled at him and then walked to where he stood.
“I must go now my darling,” he said, gripping her hand in his.
“Yes, you must hurry away, so that you can hurry back.” Tears glistened in her eyes.
“What’s this? Tears?” Alexander asked, his thumb swiping gently at one tear that snuck to the corner of her eye.
“It is only because I will miss you, that is all.”

“Oh, my love. I will return shortly I swear it, and then we shall be married. Plan on a great wedding banquet in just a fortnight. We shall celebrate with all and dance the night away, and then when the sun has gone, we shall dance to the tune of our beating hearts,” he said seductively and placed a lingering kiss on her hand, his tongue slipping out to tease her sensitive skin.

“You are truly deplorable, my dragon!” she teased picking up her skirts and running from him.

Alexander easily caught up to her and threw her in the air, catching her about the waist. Their soft giggles and words of love did not go unnoticed. Several servants had stopped what they were doing to watch their lord and his lady frolic. It was a sight to see, and one they cherished, for it seemed as if their mighty dragon, their fierce warrior, did have a heart. The rebellious Scot had tamed the dragon.

One servant in particular, however, was not pleased at the playful love making Alexander and Chloe showed one another.
Rebecca fumed, her nails digging painfully into her palms.
Chloe had taken what was hers. Her man. Her place by his side.
The harlot would pay for this. And her revenge should be arriving any day now.


What if he doesn’t come with the news we hoped for? What if the king refuses, and he concedes that he has made the wrong choice?

Not three hours had passed since Alexander left, and Chloe picked at her meal as uneasy thoughts ran through her mind. The icy hand of fear gripped her heart and was not letting go anytime soon.

I cannot bear to live without him. He is all I have.

Lady Anne must have seen the play of emotions as they crossed her face. She reached across the table and gripped Chloe’s hand in hers.

“Perhaps a walk after the mid-day meal has completed?” Lady Anne suggested, and Chloe could only nod.

She reminisced about how Alexander had pulled her into his arms for a searing kiss, meant to show her all of the love he had for her, just before he left. When he ended the kiss he gazed deep into her eyes. She saw many things there, each filling her heart with warmth. How had she been so lucky to meet such an amazing man?

“I will be back soon. Have no doubt in your heart. I love you,” he’d said, kissing her tenderly on each of her eyelids, and then gently sweeping his soft lips against hers.

“I will have no doubt,” she’d said wholeheartedly. Squeezing his body into hers for a hug, burning the feel of him against her into her mind. Memorizing the masculine scent of leather, the outdoors and a touch of mint, that clung to him. His scent. Alexander. She hoped the memories lasted until he returned.

He’d mounted his horse, the strong essence of him shown in every move he made. He turned back to her a wicked grin curving his lips and her heart leapt.

She waved until he and his ten men were out of sight, and then returned to the castle where she issued orders to the servants, her mind not really there. Twice she had ordered the wrong servants for the wrong things, asking the baker for some candles to be placed in the great hall, and the second time she called a scullery maid away from the kitchens to freshen Alexander’s bedchamber.

No one had corrected her, just given her odd looks until she comprehended what she had done.

Yes, a walk in the fresh air with Lady Anne would help. She was so worried about the outcome of Alexander’s visit with the king, it was literally taking over her every thought and action. She needed to get her mind off of it, at least for the time being.

Chapter Nineteen


Maude’s journey was treacherous. Not many people would want to have anything to do with an old peasant such as herself, but there was still the occasional vagabond to fear who may wish to steal anything of value she had.

For Maude, this was what caused her the most anxiety. She still carried the pouch of jewels that she’d stolen from Chloe’s satchel. Minus one, however. She’d had to give up a precious ring to the little slutty chambermaid who’d been spying for her. She kept it well hidden tied against the thickness of her thighs under her skirts that no man would dare venture toward. For extra measure she carried a small dagger at her hip. She’d kill, she would, if she needed to. Her journey was important. The most important journey of her life. This journey would save her life and the life of her son.

Maude traveled to Prudhoe Castle to see the earl, stupid Lord Hardwyck’s father. She’d been around for a long time, longer than Lord Hardwyck himself and she knew how the Earl of Northumberland worked. He would not be pleased his son was to marry that Scottish whore. He would reward Maude by seeing that the whore was punished and she and her son were reinstated to their positions within the village.

Maude nodded to herself, so sure this was the right course of action. The earl would be thankful, aye he would, and she could grow old working in Hardwyck Castle, her son by her side.

It had been nearly two weeks since she left the cottage she’d ridden the remainder of the winter out in, and her feet were feeling the arduous walking that they had been employed to. Whenever she had the chance to sit, she tried to find a pond or stream that she could rinse her bloody festered feet. They were a sight, so hideous and deformed from walking so far and so long. She blamed her condition on Chloe all the more. That little witch was the cause of more pain for Maude than anyone she knew.

But she would get even. She would have her way. Soon she’d see the earl, and he would solve all of her problems.

The fleeting thought in the back of her mind that the earl never did anything for anyone else, and the memories of his cruelty, were always quickly brushed aside. He would help her. He had to. She was bringing him news of his son. His son was about to ruin himself, perhaps in the process ruin his own father. Northumberland would pay for such information. But she didn’t want payment. No. She wanted her old life back and that little slut punished.

By the time Maude finally arrived at the holding of the earl, night had fallen. No one paid the old woman any mind as she ambled through the gate, up the rutted dirt road, and to the second gate of his castle.

“I’ve a message for the earl from his son, Lord Hardwyck.”

The guard sneered at her. “Now, that I doubt, old woman. Be gone with you.”

Maude smiled, knowing exactly how to play to the fears of the man. “Suit yerself. But if I was ye, I’d let me in. His lordship will be mighty displeased when he finds out ye turned me away, and with the message I have too.”

The guard mulled this over, his emotions nearly audible as he worried his chin with his fingers.

“Give me the message then, and I’ll see to it, that it’s delivered.” He held out his hand.

Maude shook her head and pointed to her temple. “The message is up here, my boy. And I’ve been sworn to deliver it to none but the earl.”

The guard narrowed his eyes, but he didn’t balk. Instead he turned and motioned another guard over. “Take her to the earl. She’s got a message for him.”

The other guard looked at her oddly, but complied.

Once inside the castle, she waited for what seemed like hours, denied both food and drink, until the earl summoned her to his solar.

She was left alone with the man, and would have lost her bladder had she any liquids left in her body. He was a menacing man. Old, sharp, and evil looking. His shoulders stooped, but there was a violence in his small black eyes. He’d always been cruel, but when he was younger at least his handsome looks would have made a woman consider him. Now he looked like the devil himself.

“Out with it, woman!” he shouted.

Her knees quaked, and she stammered before gaining control of her voice. “Yer son is harboring a traitor. He intends to marry her.”

“Explain,” he demanded in a quiet, chilling tone.

Maude told him the whole of what she knew, a few embellishments thrown in. The earl walked and gazed out his window as he listened to her. When she was finished her turned back to her, walking close.

“Who else have you told?”
“No one, my lord.”
“Good.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a gold coin. “For your troubles.”
“Begging yer pardon, my lord, but I was hoping for a position within the castle here or at Hardwyck.”
The old earl sneered at her, and something vicious and dangerous came into his eyes.
“Were you?” He laughed and tossed the gold coin toward her.

She scrambled to pick it up, when a searing pain, sharp and strong split through her temple. She fell to the ground, the coin forgotten. Touching her head, she pulled back her fingers and saw blood. The earl stood over her, a club in his hands.

“The only position we have available is grave warmer.”

Maude opened her mouth the scream, her hands coming up to stave off his blow, but it was no use. He hit her, again and again…until finally she succumbed to the blackness closing in around her.


“Guard!” Henrys, Earl of Northumberland shouted for what felt like the tenth time, between fits of racking coughs. “Doesn’t anyone work here? Not for long, all of you will go to the devil!”

Spittle sprayed from his mouth and landed on the still form of the nasty old peasant woman who had decided to pay him a visit. He had listened patiently while she spoke, making sure he knew all that she knew, and then he had struck her down. Enjoyed every minute of it too. He even climaxed as the last breath left her body. He felt as if he himself absorbed her spirit. It had to be done. He sorted through the Fergusson jewel she’d laid out on his table. A smile curved his lips. It was too risky for someone as traitorous and willing to give away information about her lord as she was to be left alive. Who knew what she would do for a few coins.

A man rushed in just as he finished shouting.
“Yes, my lord? How may I be of service?”
The earl glared at the guard before giving him a hard slap on the face.

“How dare you keep me waiting like this? You had better explain yourself.” His voice was menacing, and the knight’s knees shook together with fear.

“Yes, my lord. There was a commotion below, one of the peasants was stealing from the granary again. He had a band with him, and the guards needed assistance in catching the thieves.” Throughout his explanation, his eyes kept moving to the crumpled form on the floor.

“Hmm. We’ll deal with that later. Dispose of this vile creature. I care not how.” The earl dismissed the knight with a wave of his hand. He watched as the knight stooped to pick up the bludgeoned body, tossing her over his shoulders. “Send Lawrence to me immediately.”

“Aye, my lord.”

Lawrence was desperately needed. An immediate departure was imperative. He must go to Hardwyck straightaway. If what the vile old woman who called herself Maude said was true, his son was in desperate need of his help. He needed to help him get rid of this Chloe creature and move on with his life. He couldn’t let his son become attached to the traitor and her family. It could cause him to lose everything he had worked so hard for. He’d also have to get rid of the whoring chambermaid who probably fucked her way to all the information she gave Maude. Dirty little sluts. Couldn’t anyone be trusted?

Lawrence appeared, silent as usual, in the doorway, and Henrys beckoned him in.

“My lord,” he said with an eloquent bow. Lawrence always knew how to please him. He was always polite and kind, and did exactly what was asked of him.

“Lawrence, we must leave right away to Hardwyck. Prepare for the journey, I would leave within the hour. Only thirty men.”

“Yes, my lord, as you wish. Also this has arrived for you,” he said, handing a sealed parchment to Henrys before bowing as he left the room.

“If only all my servants were as agreeable as that one,” Henrys muttered to himself, thoroughly disgusted. He glanced at the rolled parchment, saw the seal of his son and then tossed it the fire. Whatever the message said, his son could tell him when he arrived. He was too irate at the incompetent services of his household.

When he returned from his journey he would rid the lands of these horrible unruly people, and arrange for all new ones. That is if he made it back. He didn’t have much time, judging from the increase of his coughing.

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