A Lady's Charade (Medieval Romance Novel) (41 page)

BOOK: A Lady's Charade (Medieval Romance Novel)
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“I thought the day would never end.” He reached for her and she backed away shaking her head, her eyes teasing him.

Slowly, seductively she undid the crested belt and dropped it to the floor. Alexander’s eyes widened at her boldness, egging her on further. She pulled her dress from her body, which already tingled knowing what was to come. She stood before him in the sheer, shortened chemise she’d ordered just for tonight. His eyes bulged. She crooked her finger in his direction, every hair on her body raised in anticipation. The only sound in the room the crackling of the fire and their deep breaths.

It was his turn to tease. He shook his head in her direction and then just as seductively he removed his clothes. She stared at him hungrily taking in every inch of skin, every muscle that twitched beneath his skin, especially the one in the middle that stood out, ready for her. Even though she’d seen his cock before, Chloe was still enthralled by the sheer mass of him, the beauty of his strong and hard body. He crooked his finger in her direction and she didn’t hesitate coming to him.

“You are gorgeous, and this—” he fingered her chemise, “is a man’s dream.” He bent to his knees and slid his hands up her thighs, wrenching the fabric to her hips. He kissed the curls at the apex of her thighs, and then her belly. He moved upward, to her breasts, pulling the chemise from her body as he suckled each sensitive aching bud. Then he hauled her against him.

She gasped at the feel of his skin on hers, her nipples erect against the crisp hair of his chest. His taut member pressed against the triangle heat of her. Her arms came about his neck, and he gently held her face in his hands, kissing her lightly on the mouth. She kissed him back tenderly and then more fervently, parting her lips and licking his lower lip.

Her mind whirled. This man was her husband. How in the world had it happened? Months ago she’d stumbled in the dark, hungry and alone. Now here she stood, in the warm caress of the man who she loved.

Alexander growled low in his throat, his tongue sliding into her mouth, rubbing against hers, exploring. Their lips slanted over one another’s over and over, their tongues caressing until they were both panting. He pulled away from her mouth and began to trail kisses from her cheek down the side of her neck. Chloe sucked in her breath and let out a little moan. The feelings just got better and better, her whole body felt on fire. She pressed her hips closer to his and marveled at how his body molded with hers. A frisson of need spread itself through her belly. She felt flushed and dizzy with desire. Alexander grasped her buttocks and hauled her even closer than she was before, his shaft swollen against her abdomen.

Chloe was finding it hard to catch her breath. She ached something fierce for Alexander to thrust inside her.
“Take me to bed, husband,” she moaned.
“Anything for you, wife.” He lifted her into the air and she wrapped her legs around his hips as he carried her to the bed.

They fell to the bed together, her legs around his hips, and he entered her in one swift motion. She bowed her back at the exquisite sensation. His mouth moving from hers to trail kisses along her neck and throat, sucking, licking and then further down. His arm slid behind her back and she arched into him, her nipples ready for him to take them in his mouth. He moved from one to the other, teasing, tickling, and devouring her as he slid ever so slowly in and out of her sheath. Her craving for release was acute and she became frantic with desire.

“Faster…” she moaned, writhing against him, hoping that he would follow her demands. The tension coiling within her was to the breaking point. She had lost control.

“Nay, my lady. Tonight we go slow. Let’s make it last forever.” He held her hips in place as his body tortured hers with heightened senses of pleasure.

He moved fast, then slow, then not at all, laughing at her when she pounded his back and begged for more. Then she too began to tease him, her hands kneading his chest and back as her mouth assaulted his skin, his neck, shoulders, arms, and finally she reached his nipple. When her tongue, hesitant at first, circled the darkened skin and then took it into her mouth, he bucked, his body convulsing, a loud growl escaping his lips. He did move faster, then. The feelings that had been building between them, with the slow magnificent agony of their lovemaking, came to a crescendo. They both came undone, as the stars shattered into a million tiny little pieces of white hot fire.

They lay tangled in each other’s arms, whispering words of love.
Chloe felt the heat of Alexander’s erection as it grew and pressed against her hip. Curiosity got the better of her.
“Alexander, you mentioned something before…” She was glad for the dark, her face was most likely crimson with embarrassment.
“You said you would take me from behind?”
Alexander groaned against her ear. “Oh, yes, I will.”

His mouth caught hers in a possessive kiss and then he rolled her from her back to her belly. He knelt behind her and lifted her hips, so her bottom was in the air. Chloe’s eyes widened. His shaft pressed against the heat of her. The tip dipped into her slick center and she gasped.

“Oh, Alexander, I didn’t know…” she murmured.

He thrust home, and she shrieked her pleasure. His sex touched a part of her deep inside sending shooting sparks through her limbs. Slowly, he pulled out, and then thrust home again.

“Oh, Chloe,” he growled.

“Yes! Take me!”

His thrust deeper and deeper, faster, harder. Strong, deft fingers reached around the front of her, slipping between her folds until he found her pleasure nub. He stroked furiously, in tune with the thrusts of his hips.

Chloe bucked wildly, her behind pushing back with each plunge of his thick shaft. Wild abandon took over as he rode her hard. Her head thrown back, she moaned her pleasure. Amazement filled her mind at how much she loved and trusted this man. The things he did to her mind, her body. But soon the pleasure he wrought on her took over, and she could no longer think of anything but the sensations whipping through her body.

Tiny lights sparked before her eyes as her body shuddered and contracted around his length, sucking him deeper against her womb. They shouted out in unison as the strength of both their climaxes took hold.

Chapter Twenty-Five


The next few days were as blissful and pleasant as they could be. Chloe and Alexander filled their time with the regular hum drum of keeping the village alive and well, and their nights were consumed with passion. Not a single incident happened to dampen their feelings of wedded bliss.

At the evening meal, Alexander clasped Chloe’s hand in his.

“What do you think of honeymooning at South Hearth?” he asked, his voice and smile sincere.

Chloe’s heart leapt at the idea. She hadn’t been home in so long that she had nearly forgotten its existence. Nearly. A frown crossed her lips.

“It used to be a place of happiness to me. But…”

“But what, my love?” His grip on her hand tightened showing his concern, and she couldn’t help but look up and smile at him. He truly was such a dear and gentle man.

“My last memories of the place are not so happy. And from what I have learned here of happiness, I am not so sure that I really hold any fondness for it.”

“Ah, but it is the place you first saw me. A gallant and handsome knight upon his noble steed, come to steal away the prized bride,” he teased. His words, so very close to the truth, did not hit a hard spot in her heart.

“Ah yes, and the place where I ran from the horrendous knight who scared the living daylights out of me,” she countered with a wink.

“Come now, it can’t be all that bad. You can show me around your village, and we can make a merry time of it. We can show your people that you are alive and well. They would surely be glad to see you.”

“My people?”
“Aye.” He nodded slowly, his eyes narrowing a bit. “Did you think we had them all executed?”
“I only assumed that you had.”

Alexander shook his head slightly, and smile of regret touching his lips. “I won’t take offense to that, although I should. I may be a ruthless warrior, but I would never harm a person, peasant or nobleman that swore allegiance to me.”

Chloe shook her head. “Of course not. I did not mean to offend you, my love. We shall go, we will make it a happy place for the both of us.” Chloe paused. “But won’t it be dangerous?”

“Dangerous?” Alexander looked at her oddly.

“My family…” She trailed off, suddenly feeling awkward that she should fear her own family’s retribution. It seemed she should have no fear at all, now that she was married to the lord of South Hearth, couldn’t that be enough.

“There is no need to worry, my darling. I’ve sent a messenger to inform your family of our marriage. A peace treaty will be drawn up when they respond.”

Peace. Peace with the English and the Fergussons. It would be a dream come true.

When she smiled, Alexander responded. “It is settled then. We shall leave in the morning and honeymoon there for two months before returning to Hardwyck.”

“Well, we best take care to make all of the arrangements then. There is much to be done should we leave so soon.”

“Aye, there is.” He grabbed her about the arm twisting her from her chair and carried her, nearly running up the stairs to their bedchamber. “There is much to be done, and I have been waiting all day to do it.”

He silenced her protests with a searing kiss.


Before dawn, Chloe left their chamber to go to her herb garden. She wanted to gather some of the herbs and flowers she had grown, to take with them on their journey to South Hearth. The sun had not even touched the horizon. Stars still sprinkled the sky. She walked into the heady scents of her growing miracles, and breathed in the aroma.

From behind her a branch cracked. Spinning around, she couldn’t help but think it would be her luck to be abducted again by some marauder who wished her harm. From where she was no one would be able to see her, the foliage and stone walls blocking her. The last few days had been all too pleasant. Her luck had to be running out sometime. Her mouth went dry when she couldn’t locate the culprit.

But then, Alexander stepped from behind a stone wall, his body outlined by the slowly disappearing moon and a tantalizing curve on his lips. His smile could tempt an angel. He looked so wicked, with whatever he had on his mind. And she had a pretty good idea what that might be. Her knees went weak, nipples hardened, and the core of her femininity moistened just looking at him. He was the epitome of masculinity. His broad shoulders spanned wide, down to his trim waist, his long lean legs holding up his tall frame. His hair had fallen a little onto his forehead, giving him a devilish look, which didn’t help the glint in his eyes.

“A pretty angel like you shouldn’t be out alone in the dark.” His voice was husky, and his hooded gaze raked up and down her body.

“I was just thinking, it would be my luck if some handsome devil would come to ravish me,” she rasped.

He needed no other enticement than that as he walked toward her, every step filled with confidence and raw male sensuality. With a low growl in his throat, he kissed the sensitive spot on her neck, letting her know what his thoughts were, and then crushed his mouth to hers. It was a rough possessive kiss, and she returned it, yanking on the back of his hair with one hand and the other snaking around his waist, pulling him against her. Placing his hands on her buttocks, he lifted her up and she simultaneously wrapped her legs around him, wanting to be closer to him, wanting to be one with him.

He walked with her until they reached the wall where he could brace her against it. Roughly and urgently he shoved her gown up over her thighs. She reached down to move them further out of the way. The desire ignited inside her and spread throughout her body. The fact that they were outside completely slipped her mind.

He fumbled with his own clothes, freeing his swollen member. Chloe’s head fell back on a moan as he thrust inside of her. Alexander buried his head in the crook between her neck and shoulder, licking her skin there and gently suckling on the sensitive spot below her ear. Every moment with her husband was an adventure and each encounter filled her with pure pleasure. He carried her to new heights. Her insides sizzled with the feel of him inside her as he pounded her against the wall. Her gown around her hips served as a barrier from the stone hitting her skin. She moaned with him, egging him on further with her hands as she ran her nails up and down his back. Their bodies undulated wildly, quivering together as they both came apart with one final thrust.

They collapsed against the wall, their breathing rough and raged.

“Yet another way you have amazed me,” Chloe breathed.

Chapter Twenty-Six


The trip to South Hearth took less time than Chloe expected. It was also a much fancier affair than her last bit of travel, with tents, furniture, servants, and good food.

Along the way Chloe and Alexander made love countless times, growing to know more about each other and their bodies. All were happy and peaceful that traveled with them, basking in the glow of their lord and lady’s love.

As they sat astride their mounts upon the same hill that Alexander had first seen Chloe and gazed down at the castle walls, it looked as though nothing had changed. People scurried here and there. Wagons carried their wares, and all around people were working, going about their daily routines.

Chloe turned to Alexander and smiled nervously.

“So we return.” Her voice was strong belying the nerves that twisted her stomach into knots. Despite Alexander’s reassurance that a peace treaty would soon be signed, he’d never received a response from her family about their marriage. She was worried. The more she thought about it, the more positive she became that her father would be furious at her nuptials. Her mother would be pleased as long as Chloe was happy, but she would also side with her father as she’d done on so many other occasions.

BOOK: A Lady's Charade (Medieval Romance Novel)
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