A Lady's Charade (Medieval Romance Novel) (42 page)

BOOK: A Lady's Charade (Medieval Romance Novel)
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Then again, her parents’ lives were all speculation. No one had actually corresponded with them since their flight from South Hearth. Only rumors and brief sightings were testament to their survival.

“Aye, we do. Come let’s greet our people.” He urged his mount forward with Chloe by his side.

People stopped what they were doing to stare at the flags that contained the dragon crest. Their brows furrowed at first, but when they recognized Chloe, cheers went up, children tossed flowers at her and the people called their greetings.

“Lady Chloe has returned,” they shouted.
Chloe smiled and waved, clasping hands of a few, until they reached the tall stone steps of the keep.
Alexander assisted her in dismounting from her mare and she turned to the crowd.
“My people, I have returned with your new lord, my husband, Lord Hardwyck.” She held his hand and raised it in the air.

The people bowed low in unison to their new lord. Her heart leapt at their easy acceptance of her husband. Hand in hand, they turned and walked through the wide oak double doors.

“They have much respect for you,” Alexander stated as they entered.

Chloe smiled, but her joy fell when they walked into the great hall. She tried to hide her crestfallen face as she viewed her surroundings, but she could never seem to hide much from Alexander.

“What is it, my love?” He took her hands in his, his face registering concern.
“Much has changed here. There are no tapestries, no brocade chairs, no games of chess set up. ‘Tis much different.”
Alexander scanned the room, but she knew he would not be able to notice like she did. This was not his childhood home.

“Looters. You shall make it right again. We will be here for quite some time. You were able to turn my dull keep into a lovely home in a week.” He chucked her chin, and winked at her, reminding her how much she truly loved him.

“Aye, and ‘twas more work to fix yours than this will be,” she teased.

The servants gathered in the great hall and Chloe wasted no time giving out directions for the changes that were to be made and the meals that were to be prepared. The people scurried about their actions making it obvious they had indeed missed having a mistress and the order that such a position could bring.

While Alexander went with his men to see about reinforcing the keep’s defenses, Chloe walked the grounds speaking to the different merchants and tradesmen. She gave them advice on improvements that needed to be made and new items to prepare. Although South Hearth had looked busy before, the way the people moved and worked now made it seem as though they had all been napping when their lord and lady arrived.

By the evening meal, Chloe and Alexander were both exhausted. Cook prepared a decadent welcome home feast of meat pasties, roasted turkey, pork with cinnamon raisin sauce, roasted vegetables, pies, stewed fruit and freshly baked bread. A jongleur entertained them, but was discouraged with the amount of yawning and sighing from both Alexander and Chloe.

“Jongleur,” Alexander called. “Please come back tomorrow. I’m afraid we are so exhausted from our trip and the day’s duties, that we are not able to enjoy your entertainments. We shall be well rested on the morrow.”

The man nodded to them, and cartwheeled away. Alexander grasped Chloe’s hand in his and together they walked slowly to their chamber, which was freshly cleaned and smelled of the dozens of flowers that lined the room. Both collapsed onto the bed, and for the first night since they’d been married, fell asleep before thoughts of removing their clothing even crossed their minds.


The morning light was bright as it streamed through the open window in their bedroom, when Alexander awoke. He gazed at his sleeping wife, who seemed so peaceful in her slumber that he didn’t dare to wake her.

He quietly slipped from the bed and went to the great hall to check and see if there had been any messengers to see him. He was surprised to see there were not one but three. He kept his expression hidden, not wanting to show his alarm. He had left Edward in charge of locating the Fergusson family and the band that had been rumored to follow them. The king’s order had been for him to locate Baron Fergusson and his followers and bring justice to them. He was grateful that Chloe slept, she would have questions about the messengers and he was not prepared to tell her about the king’s order for her family and friends yet.

“Who arrived first?”

The first one stepped forward and handed him the missive he carried. Alexander opened it and read silently. It was from Edward. He’d sent out men, who acted as disloyal ex-servants of Alexander’s to spread the word of his and Chloe’s return to South Hearth, to hopefully glean information. The men returned with news that they had been questioned intensely by an individual. They believed they’d spoken with a loyal servant of the Fergussons. Edward was sure that the Fergussons now knew about Alexander and Chloe’s arrival, and Alexander should prepare for their safety, since it was yet to be determined the size of their band and if they would attack.

“Damn,” Alexander said throwing the paper into the fire. He was glad the day before he’d worked his knights hard in preparing better reinforcements for the keep and surrounding wall. It wasn’t as safe as he’d like, but it was better than when they’d arrived. “Get me Brendan,” he ordered taking the missive from the next messenger.

This one was from the king, passing along his condolences at his fathers’ death and also congratulating him on now being the new Earl of Northumberland. A formal ceremony would be held when he completed his latest mission. Alexander was stunned. He had completely forgotten about his inheriting his father’s title. This changed so much at once for him. He had many more duties that he had been ignoring.

“You will each wait for me, so that I may give you messages to send out. You will be compensated.”

He had to write to the holdings he now controlled. He would visit the estates and appoint new overseers to them all, after he and Chloe left South Hearth. He wanted to wipe any memory of his father from the holdings and the lands. The people would be introduced to a kinder more loving lord. They would learn that he respected them for their roles, and in return he would gain their loyalty. Chloe’s way of doing things. He smiled thinking about her. She was so intelligent when it came to people.

The third messenger cleared his throat reminding Alexander of his presence.

Alexander held out his hand and opened the next letter. Edward had been informed the Fergusson band gained knowledge of Alexander and Chloe’s return to South Hearth, and they were now preparing a siege. Edward had taken his men and was in pursuit of the baron and his wife. They would either take them over before they reached South Hearth, or they would meet them here. Either way, it was imperative that Alexander prepare fortifications and expect the impending battle.

Alexander’s face went white. It had been at least several days since Edward’s message had been sent. His heart beat a rapid pace in his chest. He had to move. At any moment the rebels could reach South Hearth. Obviously, there would be no peace treaty.

Brendan arrived just in time for Alexander to start barking orders regarding fortifications, weapons, armor and positions. He also made it clear to Brendan that he was not to say a word to anyone except the knights regarding why they were preparing for battle. Should word get to any of the servants the Fergussons could be warned, and he didn’t want that to happen. Most important was that the knights were not to tell Chloe about the preparations at all. For anyone observing, it was only for precaution.

When Brendan left and he felt confident that his orders were being carried out, he wrote a message to the king with an update regarding his mission with Chloe’s family. The letters to his new holdings would have to wait.

By the time he was done, his stomach growled for food, and he went in search of his wife so they could break their fast. He didn’t know whether it would be the last meal they ate together for awhile. If they were attacked, he would be on the battlefield. He needed to spend every precious moment of peace he had left with her. As he ascended the stairs, the sounds of shouting and metal clanging sang through the air.


Chloe’s eyes popped open, the worst of her nightmares seeming to come true. She had awakened to the sounds of screams from all around her, and memories of the last time she was in South Hearth came flooding back.

She took a deep breath willing the sounds of clanging metal and the yells of pain to disappear. It had to be all in her head. There was no way they were true sounds. She was with Alexander. She was safe. But the longer she listened the more she realized the sounds she heard from below were real.

What has Alexander done? He has tricked me into marrying him and came here to take his revenge!

Her heart ripped at the thought of his betrayal. How could he do this to her? Another small faint voice within told her not to jump to conclusions, that perhaps they had been attacked and he had nothing to do with it. But the part of her that had not been able to trust him fully and had thought their love was too good to be true, screamed of his evil plans.

She whipped the covers away from her body and bolted to the window. Her breathing was fast, sweat formed in little beads above her lip. Her hands shook and her palms were clammy. Her stomach twisted in knots and threatened to lose the contents that weren’t there. She stopped short of the window, her hand on her heart trying to calm its erratic beating. She took a deep breath and then reached for the covering that blocked her view.

Below in the courtyard knights fought. She quickly spotted Alexander as he wielded his sword ferociously with one attacker after another. Her knees buckled a bit and she grabbed the wall to steady herself. She strained her eyes to see the people he was fighting against. Were they her people? Was he fighting the servants? No, they were not servants. It looked like a group of outlaws. Trained outlaws. She shuddered as she watched an axe narrowly miss the back of Alexander’s head before he turned around and gave the assailant a fatal blow. She caught sight of the assailant’s face—Angus.

Chloe frantically searched the bailey with her eyes to locate anyone she may recognize. She had to know—were they all Fergussons? They were all so dirty and covered in blood she couldn’t make out a single person.

And then she heard the voice.

The loud booming voice of her father resounded through the courtyard, as he bellowed at the top of his lungs for Alexander. He threatened him, called him the worst of all names.

She watched helplessly as her husband charged her father. They fought hard. Her father was still full of strength despite his age, making him a fearsome opponent. Alexander and he swung their swords at each other, although Alexander was holding back so they appeared to be evenly matched.

Chloe’s knees buckled, and she could no longer stand. Her body shook uncontrollably, and her arms had no strength left in them to hold her up. She crumpled to the floor, her eyes wide, too stunned to think or cry.

She had finally found her match, a man she loved and saw herself growing old with. Now he fought with her father, a man who had no qualms about stabbing another man in the back, but all the same, the man who sired her. Would Alexander be able to win the fight?

It was clear that Alexander had not tricked her. Her father had attacked South Hearth, with no care that she was inside. Peace was not an idea her father would have ever entertained. She knew that, she’d always known that, and she should have told Alexander. That alone should make her indifferent to her father, but she couldn’t find it in her heart to simply forget about him. Alexander was supposed to be her enemy, but her father had proven that he was the one to watch for.

However much she loved Alexander, a part of her couldn’t let go of blood ties. Even though her father had treated her despicably, left her to die, she still held some connection to him.

Her insides felt like they were being ripped apart. Her heart pounded against her chest and her ears began to ring. She couldn’t bring herself to look out the window.

In her heart, she knew who she wanted to triumph. The man who had liberated her, had made her feel whole inside.

Please God, let Alexander win the battle.

Chapter Twenty-


Edward and his men arrived moments after the band of Fergusson outlaws attacked the castle. They fought ferociously, Edward at Alexander’s back. Although they hadn’t been able to complete the preparations Alexander had set in place, his men had been ready, and knew they were in for a fight. Edward and Alexander’s forces greatly outnumbered the outlawed warriors and soon took control of the attack.

Baron Fergusson barreled toward Alexander, sword drawn, ready to run him through. Alexander stepped to the side narrowly escaping the attack. Dear God, what was he to do? He’d only planned to take her father into custody, not fight him to the death.

“Baron, please, let us talk,” Alexander pleaded as he parried another attack. The old man was strong. Stronger than Alexander expected, and much quicker as well.

“Talk? Nonsense,

“I am married to your daughter!” Alexander bellowed, tripping the old man up, and then knocking him harmlessly to the ground.

“All the better to make her a widow, maggot’s breath,” he hissed, as he climbed to his feet and head first, tried to tackle Alexander.

Alexander jumped to the left, but the old Baron was still able to grab onto his calf and pull him to the ground. Alexander’s sword clattered a few feet away. They struggled a bit on the ground, and then Alexander gained the upper hand.

Around them, the fight continued on. No one seeming the wiser that the two leaders fought ferociously.

BOOK: A Lady's Charade (Medieval Romance Novel)
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