A Leap of Faith (8 page)

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Authors: T Gephart

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Contemporary Fiction

BOOK: A Leap of Faith
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“Lexi, this way.”

“Lexi, are you and Alex moving in together?”

The two bottom feeders took turns in trying to garner my attention. I ignored them as I always did when I was not actively working. It was kind of ironic the relationship I had with them. I needed them and yet still needed to maintain control. I knew my relationship with Alex made me newsworthy however I had no desire to have my picture plastered all over People magazine. I was glad I’d taken my time this morning, at least I’d look half decent in these photos.

I handed over my tickets to the Airline representative who even at this time of the morning was immaculately presented and was wearing the largest smile I’d ever seen. Seriously, do they teach that “look” in some kind of class? It seemed like every Airline customer service representative had the same over enthusiastic smile. Either that or their hair had been pulled too tight which was always a possibility gauging by woman in front of me.

“Hello Ms Reed, early check in?”

“Yes, we have a group booking but I’d like to check my bags in now if I can.” I handed over my trav
el documents as I read her nametag - Mandy.

“Of course Ms Reed, I can check your bags through now. Your seating allocation has already been completed. You can go relax in our lounge with our other first class guests if you like until it’s time to board your flight.” Mandy quipped a little too cheery for my liking.

I guessed she’d probably seen the name attached to the booking and knew it was only a matter of time before James, Alex, Troy, Jason and Dan appeared. Either that or the fact I had my own troupe of traveling happy snappers following me had alerted her to the fact that I was more than mere “staff”.

I smiled politely before heading into the private lounge, content in the knowledge that the photographers only had a few more moments to capture their money shot before I disappeared from view.

A tall, athletic man stood by the entrance of the lounge. His well-cut suit only helped accentuate his spectacular physique. His hair had been buzzed to a zero so he had the mere suggestion of hair; his brown eyes constantly surveyed the surroundings. He may have been dressed well, but there was no denying he was the security, designed to keep the non-desirables away from the privileged beautiful and wealthy people.

“Ms Reed
.” he greeted me, his relaxed smile lighting up his dark brown eyes.

Another time and place I would have definitely been attracted to him. I strained my memory bank to recall if I knew if him. He seemed to know me. Let’s face it, my post Alex break up days had seen me in bed with quite a few men of a similar description… all of which I never saw more than once. Was this one of my one-night stands?

He held open the door as I walked through, his smile widening as I stepped closer. Really? Who the fuck was he? I really needed a better mental filing system. My curiosity got the better of me as I stopped just inside of the doorway.

“Sorry, have we met?”

He closed the door behind me. “No, I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting you.”

The look of familiarity did not leave his face, nor did his sexy smile. Was he flirting? I had been in relationship with Alex for months now and was a little rusty at reading the signs. I probably should have walked away and chalked it up to harmless flirting but there was something in his eyes that left me lingering, curious.

“Tyler.” He held out his hand taking my pause as an opportunity to introduce himself.

“Lexi.” I took his hand and shook it.

“I know who you are.” He bit his lip subtly as his eyes flashed up and down my body.

“Oh you do, do you?” I questioned. I was never really good with waiting and I wanted to know what exactly Tyler was fishing for.

“You’re on my list.” Tyler leaned closer, the unmistakable scent of Hugo Boss cologne wafted through the air.

“The passenger manifest?” I asked.

“No, you are my free pass.” His tone was low, yet excited.

His free pass? I’m his fucking free pass? Isn’t the whole idea of the free pass for it to be a celebrity? A model, an actress, a singer?

“My girlfriend has a thing for Alex, I picked you. I think I’m getting the better deal.”  The door was no longer getting any of Tyler’s attention.

“Ahem…” a throat clearing pulled our attention back to the entryway. “Well, Lexi. What a pleasant surprise!” slithered Marcy, a smug smile plastered across her face.

I struggled to suppress the urge to slap her fake, over inflated collagen lips. “Marcy, I wish I could say the same. However I have heard that Airports are teeming with parasites and germs so really not so shocking to see you here in your natural habitat.”

Tyler bit his lip as he tried not to laugh. I could tell he was hoping that we might get into an all in
catfight, hopefully rip our clothes off in the process.

“What’s so funny?” Marcy boomed, clearly not amused.

“Sorry Ms Bryant.” Tyler coughed, walking back to his post at the door.

“As for you,” Marcy turned to me, her fake welcoming
demeanour long forgotten. “He’ll tire of you like he does all other women. You are nothing special. Alex needs a woman who’s going to fit into his lifestyle, he will come to his senses and when he does I’ll be waiting for him.”

Marcy had shown her hand. I had suspected all along she would want Alex back. She had no idea what Alex and I had, what we were. She, like other people, had speculated that the fact I wasn’t from the same social circle would ultimately be our undoing. How little she knew him. It wasn’t about who I was but what I was that made him as attracted to me as I was to him.

I had heard the whispers, the jokes about Alex “slumming” with the help. It meant little to me. I didn’t need them to think I was good enough for him. I refused to let the outside world judge my net worth based on a resume and rumours. Alex had had many opportunities to walk away, yet he was still with me. That had to count for more than the fact I didn’t have my own page on IMDb. What we had was real and I certainly wasn’t going to let some B grade starlet trivialize it. 

Conscious that the Paparazzi were waiting a few feet away behind the door and that there were other people in the lounge, I deliberately kept my voice low and level.

“You still don’t get it, do you? That while he was fucking you, he was thinking of me. That you were nothing but a distraction and in the end, you couldn’t even fulfil that role. He didn’t leave you for me, he just left you. So go ahead, make your play. You couldn’t keep him when I was gone, you don’t stand a chance now that I’m back.”

Her eyes narrowed as she regarded me. I could see she wanted to say more but had no come back. What could she say? My delivery might have been harsh but everything I had said was true. He had never loved her, and she knew it. 

Marcy turned and walked over to the other side of the room where her posse were curiously watching me. I was sure they knew our history, all be it with her slanted view of the events that transpired.

“You are a hundred times hotter than her,” Tyler interjected as he made his way back to my side.

Not really in the mood to flirt with “Free Pass” Tyler, I nodded and walked over to the opposite side of the room and sat down in one of the comfortable, plush chairs.

My phone buzzed from my pocket.

- I’ll be there in 5. I hated waking up alone. Miss you beautiful xx

I couldn’t help but roll my eyes as I read Alex’s text. It was almost as if he had some innate sixth sense.

- I missed you too. There are photographers here so check in and come straight to the private lounge. I’ll contact the Airline rep now and have someone come and meet you guys at curb side.

My phone buzzed almost immediately.

- Are you ok Baby? You sound off. I’m guessing you would have been less cranky if you had let me sleep over :-P I love you xx

- I wasn’t aware that txt had tone. In any case, it’s been an interesting morning... Will explain later. Love you too.  x

I strolled over to the Airline representative who was sitting toward the back of the room and advised her of the band’s arrival. She promptly organized assistance, her face lighting up with the mention of the Band’s name.

My phone buzzed but ignored it. I didn’t need to look to know it was Alex. My response had been unjustified and unnecessarily bitchy. I hadn’t been able to stop myself. Damn it Lexi. That’s what Marcy wants. Do not give her the satisfaction.

I picked up my phone.

- I’m sorry. I miss you and I love you. Lexi xx

Marcy glared at me as I looked up from my phone, almost as if she was trying to formulate a come back to my earlier words. Go ahead, bring it! Talking is one thing I excel in and I can go toe to toe with the best of them. I really disliked her. It wasn’t just because of her past relationship with Alex, it was more than that. There was something about her, something underlying that I knew was bad news.  As I met her icy stare, a sly smile played at the corners of my mouth. I was too stubborn to allow her the knowledge she’d gotten under my skin.

The Lounge doors opened to the flashes of cameras and noise filtered into the room. Tyler herded the boys into the room with the assistance of DarNell and Bear. Photographers and reporters kept trying to get their pound of flesh before the doors closed.

They all seemed relaxed, all except Dan who hated flying. He was looking around anxiously, counting down the minutes until he could pop some Xanax.  Alex sauntered over and even though he was casually dressed in jeans and a t-shirt, he looked every bit the Rock Star. His mirrored Ray Ban aviators hid his eyes but his strong muscular jaw was tense. His usual silver dog tags around his neck caught the light as he walked.

As I watched him walk toward me, I couldn’t help but notice Marcy’s mouth drop open as he strode past the entrance and directly to me where he swept me into his arms, kissing me passionately.

“You know I have a hard time resisting you when you are mad.” Alex breathed into my ear.

“I’m not mad,” I lied as I looked over the rest of the band making themselves comfortable on the provided couches.

“You’re lying.” Alex brushed the hair away from my ear.

“You’re ex-girlfriend wants you back.” I motioned to the other side of the room where Marcy was standing.

Alex’s face betrayed nothing as he turned to Marcy who was now walking toward us. He didn’t react when she stopped directly in front of him, her earlier scowl gone and a fake, camera-ready smile plastered across her face.

“Alex, so nice to see you. How have you been?” Marcy reached out to Alex, her arms wrapping around his torso to hug him.

“Marcy. What are you doing here?” Alex’s voice had no warmth as he politely returned her hug.

“Well, it’s such a coincidence! I’m flying to Rome as well. How strange is that? We are shooting some scenes there.” Marcy flirted as she flicked her long blonde locks off her shoulders.

“Yes, a coincidence indeed.” Alex responded drily.

James wandered over to us, his eyes looking from Marcy to Alex and then to me.

“Alex, Lexi. I think we should go over a few things before getting on the plane. Sorry Marcy, I need to borrow these two for a bit.” James shot Marcy his megawatt smile, charming her instantly.

“Of course James.” Marcy drooled before turning back to Alex, brushing his arm. “I’ll speak to you later Babe.”

I seethed as she walked off. Babe? I’d like to slap that stupid grin right off her face.

“Do we have a problem here? What’s going on?” James asked. He was careful to keep his voice low and level.

“No problem.” I lied

“It’s fine, James.” Alex waved him off as he turned back to me.

“Ok, I’m going to make sure Dan isn’t drinking whiskey on top of the pills.”  James walked off toward the bar where Dan, Jason and Troy had made themselves comfortable.

“I didn’t know she was going to be he
re,” Alex whispered, his fingertips grazing my arm.

“It’s ok. Babe” I smarted sarcastically, becoming increasingly annoyed that she had gotten under my skin.

“Lexi, why does she bother you so much? She means nothing to me. I’m not going to be intentionally rude to her but you have nothing to worry about.” Alex pulled me closer, his hands tracing the length of my spine.

“I know it’s unreasonable but I really dislike her and I sure as hell don’t trust her. She wants you back Alex, she just told me.” I left out the part where Marcy had told me that I was nothing and Alex would tire of me.

“She can want all she wants, don’t you think I have a say in it?” Alex removed his Aviators and hung them off his dog tags.

“Ughhhhh just don’t trust her ok. I know her type.” I tried to keep the irritation from my voice.

“There is only one woman I am interested in and it’s not Marcy. Though I think it’s adorable that you’re jealous. It’s kind of a turn on,” Alex smirked.

“You are
turned on. It’s going to be a long ass flight!” I groaned.

“I’m sure we can find a way to make the time pass quicker or at the very least make it more
.” Alex’s eyes gleamed with mischief.

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