A Lesson in Passion (26 page)

Read A Lesson in Passion Online

Authors: Jennifer Connors

Tags: #scottish romance, #historcal romance

BOOK: A Lesson in Passion
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His finger entered and withdrew, mimicking
what his cock would do soon. Ginny felt the building storm, knew
her orgasm was reaching its zenith. All at once, Ginny was rocked
with pleasure, forcing her hips to grind against Ian's hand as she
involuntarily shouted his name. The waves of pleasure continued for
what seemed like hours.

Enjoying the lingering effects of
her orgasm, Ginny continued to rock against his hand. Ian smiled
briefly at her, just to let her know that he was pleased with
himself, and continued to kiss her breasts and stomach. Suddenly,
his hand was gone, and Ginny realized he was kissing the inside of
her thighs.
Oh God,
Ginny thought as he began to kiss her inner folds, lapping at
her nub.

Ginny so rarely orgasmed that when she it came
on again, she was utterly shocked. It was one of the best parts of
being female, multiple orgasms. Ginny grabbed the blanket beneath
her, twisting it in her fists. The fire was building inside of her,
the heaviness, the pleasure. Closing her eyes, she allowed the
waves of pleasure to wash over her again. Ian lifted his head and
in his low, raspy voice, exclaimed, "Och, Ginny, ya taste like the
best wine. It makes me heady for more."

Ginny opened her eyes to see that Ian was
between her legs, his erection pressed against her stomach. His
face was only inches from hers, his stare intent. He waited until
she was able to fully focus on his eyes and said, “I told ya,
Ginny, that ya would be mine forever. Ya belong to me, wife. Do ya

What, huh?
Ginny thought she nodded her agreement, but couldn't be sure.
She was still panting heavily from her orgasm, her limbs heavy.
Suddenly, he entered her. Ian did it swiftly, breaking her
maidenhead in one quick motion. Fully embedded inside her, Ian
breathed slowly, trying to gain some control. He knew he hurt her
and needed to allow her to get used to the intrusion.

Pain, like nothing else, can
startle you back into consciousness. Ginny felt the tearing pain
when Ian entered her.
This was precisely
why no woman should have to give up her virginity more than
, she thought grimly. Still, it was
hard to dismiss the pleasure, so it was worth a few moments of
pain. Having read all those novels, Ginny knew the pain would
disappear quickly, replaced by another earth shattering orgasm.
Unlike her real “first time,” when her boyfriend John didn't know
what he was doing and only followed his own instinct to pleasure

Soon, the pain was gone and Ginny was moving
underneath him. “Nay, Ginny,” Ian sounded like he was in pain,
“Dinna move yet. Ya need time to get used to me.” Ian's eyes were
squeezed shut and there was a fine sheen of sweat on his

Ginny took his face in her hands and turned
him toward her. When he opened his eyes, she gave him a look that
said that not only was she okay, she was ready for more. Ian kissed
her hard and began to move his hips. Slowly, he would withdraw and
thrust into her again. Kissing her neck, Ian could hear the
pleasure moans coming from deep in Ginny's throat. It fueled his
need and he began to thrust more heartily.

Ginny couldn't believe it, but she was about
to climax again. She opened her eyes and stared at her husband with
an imploring look to hold out for just a moment longer. The warmth
was spreading, building in her middle and with a sudden spasm, it
released to her body, making her limbs weak and warm. Ian shuttered
with his own release, expelling his seed deep inside

Ian laid motionless on top of her. Ginny could
feel him breathing, but otherwise, he was dead weight. After a
moment, Ginny tapped his shoulder and said, “Ian, I can't

He chuckled softly as he finally moved off her
and lay next to her on the small mattress. He grabbed Ginny, pulled
her up next to him, cradling her in his arms. Ian then reached down
and grabbed the blanket and covered her up, knowing his wife's
propensity toward being cold. Ginny snuggled up against him and
purred like a kitten. She was finally satisfied, warm and laying in
her own Greek god's arms. She couldn't think of anything better
than that. Which was the last thought she had before falling




The dream was both vivid and horrifying. Two
sides battled against each other to the bloody death. Protecting
his clan and seeking revenge, Ian was in front, fighting his way
through the throngs of men to get to one in particular. Horrible
screams, from both those fighting and those injured, filled the air
and the ground turned dark with blood.

Ginny woke with a start, covered in sweat. She
lay shivering as Ian took her back into his arms, panting slightly.
“What is it, love?” Ian sounded concerned. The single candle was
still lit, casting huge shadows on the stone walls.

“Bad dream. Why did the Sinclairs
take Aileana?” she asked finally, having wondered since their
battle before the wedding.

“I dinna know for certain. The
McKennas and the Sinclairs have never been on good terms, but we
havenae done anything to cause this. We enjoy raiding them, but
they give as good as they get. It makes no sense.”

“What will Alec do when he finds

“He will want blood. And I will
help him get it.”

“Could you be killed?” Ginny
shuddered at the thought. She still didn't think she was in love
with Ian, but she did care about his well being, and wanted to be
able to have more nights like this.

“Och, Ginny, dinna worry about
that. I can take care of myself.” Ian sounded almost perturbed by
her question. No wife should lack confidence in her husband,
especially after only a few hours of marriage.

“I'm sorry. I know you're quite a
gruesome fighter,” Ginny said to placate him. “As your wife, I'm
allowed to worry about you, though.”

“Aye. Ya need to make sure my
hunger is satisfied,” he said as he began to nibble on her

“Did you want something to eat,”
Ginny smiled, playing with him once again.

“Nay, not food. How are ya
feeling?” Although the question was asked in general, Ginny knew
what he specifically meant.

“I'm a little sore,” she said,
feeling his increasing erection against her. “But I can still take
care of you.”

“What do ya mean by that?” he
asked, sounding genuinely curious.

Ginny got up and walked to the basin. She
threw old water into the chamberpot and refilled it, walking back
to Ian. She hurried her steps, since the floor was cold beneath her
bare feet. She took the washcloth and began to wash the blood from
their lovemaking off his erection. She gently washed him, up and
down, while he sat with his hands behind his head, enjoying the

She cleaned him thoroughly and began to play
with his sack. She ran her hand up and down his penis causing a
huge grin on her new husband's face. Continuing to gently massage
his testicles, she lowered her mouth to take him in. Ian gasped,
with pleasure rather than shock since this was not the first time
Ginny had used her mouth on him.

Ginny continued her gentle assault, using her
hands and mouth. She used her tongue to trace a line around the
head and licked softly into the cleft at the top. Ginny could taste
him, salty and male, which only bolstered her resolve. She bobbed
her head slowly, taking as much as she could into her mouth, then
used her tongue to tease him even more.

Ian suddenly grabbed her and threw her to the
side of him. Kissing her deeply, Ian came on her leg. When replete,
he looked down on her face, deep into her eyes and said, “Dear God,
Ginny. Ya make me forget all my discipline.” He gently brushed her
hair with his fingers, showing Ginny that he did indeed have a
softer, more gentle side. She smiled up at him, quite satisfied at
what she had accomplished.

Ian reached over to the bowl and grabbed the
same washcloth she used on him. First he cleaned up after his
orgasm, then went about gently cleaning up the proof of her
virginity. Ian smiled while he worked, knowing that he was her only
lover and God help him, hopefully the only lover she would ever
know. When complete, he moved the bowl back to the table, stirred
the embers of the fire and added more wood and came to lie back
down next to her.

Ginny immediately moved into his arms,
resting her head on his chest. Listening to his heartbeat, she
played with his nipples and chest hair. After a few minutes, his
hand stilled hers. “I could easily be ready again, Ginny, but I
canna do that to ya.” She chuckled softly and fell back to


  • * Chapter 24 *




Loud banging, then silence. Ginny
continued to sleep. Then, someone was shaking her. Slowly, she was
coming awake. First, she was annoyed. Then, seeing Ian and Alec
above her, she was really annoyed. Pulling the blanket higher up
her, she stared at the two men. “What?” she asked, wondering why
Ian would allow his brother to see her naked in bed.

“Ginny, ya must get up. We have to
leave.” Wow, such a useful explanation. Ginny remained where she
was. “What are ya waiting for?”

“For your brother to leave so I can
get dressed,” she said calmly, but her eyes betrayed her real
feelings. “Unless you'd like him to see me naked.” Ginny began to
stand up as Ian physically forced his brother from the room. The
door closed and all Ginny could hear was Alec's

The room was so dim, with only one candle to
light the darkness. There were no windows in the small cell, so she
had no way to tell what time of day it was. They were married in
the early evening, but Ginny had no idea how long she was asleep.
It couldn't have been long, since she was still very

After dressing in her already filthy clothes
and using the chamberpot, Ginny left the room. The corridor was
empty, with only a few torches to light the way down the hallway.
The door to Broderick and Elspeth's chamber was open, obviously
empty. Ginny wondered how their evening went. No doubt she'll hear
all about it from the frantically and appallingly in love

Down the dark hall, there were voices in the
distance. The last torch didn't reach into the entryway of the
Abbey, so Ginny wasn't sure which way to go. As she entered the
dark space, she saw light to her left, coming from under a door.
Walking slowly, so as not to trip, she reached the door and opened
it to the great room of the keep. There was Ian, and a few of the
McKennas, another large, older man, and a few of his clan standing
by the hearth. Ian spotted her and called her over.

“Ginny, this is Laird MacDonald.
MacDonald, this is my wife.”

“Aaahh, ya the lass who stole the
Laird from my daughter,” MacDonald said looking quite put

“The decision not to marry Ian was
hers, not mine,” Ginny stated, keeping her voice even, but not
giving an inch.

The MacDonald laird laughed a hearty, warm
laugh. “Aye, she did.” Turning to Ian, he said, “Ya werenae joking
about her boldness. Tis a rare find, especially for an

“Aye,” Ian agreed. “Ginny, go and
get some food. We will be leaving soon.”

Ginny was never known to miss a meal and she
had missed several over the last few days. This reminder nearly
doubled her over with hunger. Walking to the table, she began to
eat the bread and cheese left out. Helping herself to a tankard of
ale, she sat and began her repast. The men were discussing strategy
and some such. Obviously all the players were present, it was only
a matter of time before the battle began.

The men began to walk out of the room, leaving
just Ginny and Ian. He sat beside her and stared at her profile.
Not interested in hearing about what the next few days would be
like, Ginny continued to eat, but without much gusto. Finally, not
being able to take the silence any longer, Ginny turned and stared
back. Her frown was a testament to her feelings.

“The Sinclairs are gathering with
their allies, the MacBains. We have the advantage, since we are now
aligned with the MacDonalds. I have also called on our allies to
the North, the MacGregors.”

“Do you even know why you are

“Och, Ginny. They killed my men and
they all but killed Alec's wife,” his frustration was evident, but
Ginny wanted to make her point.

“I know that, Ian, but why? Why
would they put an innocent woman through that. What do they
perceive you did to deserve that kind of revenge? Are you the least
bit interested? Maybe it could prevent bloodshed.”

With that Ian jumped to his feet and began
pacing back and forth. Ginny knew she was in trouble, she had come
to know the signs. He was fairly shaking, obviously trying to
regain some control. When he did finally speak, his voice was low,
but very menacing. “Ya willnae question me, wife,” he spit out the
last word sounding regretful of marrying her. “They dinna deserve
yar compassion. They only deserve yar contempt.”

Putting her head down, speaking barely above a
whisper, she said, “I don't believe everyone should be punished for
the bad decisions of their leaders. I've seen it too many times,
where the innocent, following blindly or forced to follow, end up
paying for the sins of those in charge.” Looking into his eyes, she
continued, “You don't think it was everyone's decision to take
Aileana. Yet they will die for it, at your hands. Is that

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