A Little Bit of Déjà Vu (31 page)

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Authors: Laurie Kellogg

BOOK: A Little Bit of Déjà Vu
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Margie glared at the kids. Jake’s son wasn’t just throwing his father’s words back at him. He was rubbing his dad’s face right in them.

“You’re not funny.” Jake curled his lip. “Why are you here?”

“We just finished at the doctor, and Emma had a craving for some pistachio ice cream. We stopped by to see if Em’s mom wants to go to Friendly’s with us.”

“Why, yes. I’d love to.” Margie pushed past Jake. “In fact, I think I’ll have a burger first. I’m starving.”

Climbing into the back seat of the Explorer, she glared at Jake. “I don’t need any more pain in my life. If you don’t leave me alone, I’ll be forced to get a restraining order. I think a complaint for stalking will pale in comparison to anything Dr. Carmichael might have on you.”


On the way to the ice cream parlor Emma’s silent scowl made it clear she expected some sort of explanation about Margie’s public display of affection—or in the kids’ vernacular, PDA. Unfortunately, Margie would need the combined talents of Clarence Darrow, F. Lee Bailey, and Perry Mason to talk her way out of this one.

“How do you think Daddy would feel about you letting his rival paw you like that?” Emma finally asked several minutes later.

If she had to guess, she imagined Dan was probably petitioning St. Peter to raise him from the dead so he could beat the crap out of Jake.

“You’re not a child, Emma, so stop behaving like one.”

“I’m not. One minute you tell me you don’t want anything to do with Alex’s dad, and—”

“And the next, I’m kicking myself for letting him get under my skin. I’m a thirty-seven year old woman in her sexual prime. And I’m all alone.”

. Way too much information.” Emma stuck her fingers in her ears as Alex’s reflection in the rearview mirror bit back a smile.

“Oh, grow up!” Margie braced herself on the seat as the Explorer turned into Friendly’s parking lot a bit faster than she expected. “I miss your father, and I miss being held. If you understood anything about passion, you’d know a person isn’t always attracted to someone who’s suitable or good for them.”

“Well, that’s certainly the case here, isn’t it?”

Her daughter had no idea. Emma would really go off the deep end if she found out Jake had gotten Margie pregnant.

“Look, I know you’re in hormone hell right now, and it’s been a tough year for you. But it’s time for you to come to terms with the fact your dad is gone. I’m not planning to live like a nun for the rest of my life. I hope to one day fall in love and get married again. So deal with it.”

Emma stared out the window, her soft sniffle indicating she was crying. “I’m sorry. I know how lonely you must be since I moved out. That’s why we came to invite you for ice cream tonight.”

“And I appreciate it. Thank you.” Margie pulled a tissue from her purse and held it out to Emma. “But if you and Alex plan to accept his dad’s hospitality and support in the future, he’s entitled to a lot more respect from both of you. As am I.”

Alex turned off the ignition. “You’re right. We’re really sorry. We shouldn’t have busted you that way.”

“You’re both forgiven. Now—let’s talk about something more pleasant. How was your check-up, Em?”

Alex got out and opened the rear door for Margie and then trotted around the SUV to help Emma out. “I’m not sure that’s a better subject, Mom. Dr. Brennan was a little concerned by Em’s blood pressure and how much water she’s retaining.”

“Exactly how worried is he?”

“He just told me to stay off my feet,” Emma explained as they strolled into the ice cream parlor, “and to cut as much salt out of my diet as possible. He wants to check my blood pressure again on Friday.” She smiled and shrugged. “I figured since ice cream is low in sodium, it’s a great time to splurge.”

“Sounds good to me.”

Once they were seated in the restaurant, Alex excused himself to use the restroom. Margie studied her daughter’s tense face across the booth and squeezed her hand. “Sweetie, what’s wrong?” She found it find it hard to believe her daughter was this upset over what happened with Jake. “As Daddy used to say, you look like you just flunked out on life.”

“I’m worried about you. Why won’t you tell me what the deal is with Alex’s dad?”

“Because there is no
with Alex’s dad,” she lied. “Stop worrying about me. I’m okay.”

Pregnant but quite sane

Emma still looked anxious.

“There’s something else eating at you. Are you worried because the doctor said he wants to see you again?”

“No.” Her daughter sighed.

“Then what?”

“Mommy, ever since I started wearing maternity clothes, I feel like Alex doesn’t want me anymore.”

Margie bit her lip to suppress a smile. “Honey, Alex has a lot on his plate right now. I promise you it’s got nothing to do with your waist getting thicker. After a couple of weeks of marriage, things start to settle in between a couple.”

“But it was such a sudden change. From the moment he saw me in the maternity top on Monday, he’s been really quiet. The past two nights he’s gone right to sleep. I feel like maybe he’s sorry he married me.”

When Alex returned to the table, he was as loving and indulgent as ever toward her daughter, but Margie could also see the silent distraction Emma referred to.

Something was definitely troubling him.



Chapter 17


Alex listened with half an ear to his mother-in-law and Emma chatter about the baby all the way back to Maggie’s condo after their trip to the ice cream parlor.

“So? What do you think?” Emma shook his arm to get his attention.

“Huh? About what?”

“What we’ve been talking about, Silly.”

If he knew what the hell that was, he’d tell her what he thought. He spun the SUV into an empty parking space in front of Maggie’s door. “Whatever you think is right, Angel.”

“It’s not a question of right. It’s a question of which name you like.”

Name? She wanted him to worry about a damn name, now, when he had so much else on his mind? “I can’t think about that right now, Em.”

Maggie opened the rear door of the Explorer. “Alex, would you mind coming in for a moment and helping me turn my mattress?”

“Sure, no sweat.”

As Emma followed them inside and down the hall, Margie pushed her back toward the living room. “Em, go sit down and relax. You’re supposed to stay off your feet.”

A moment later in the bedroom, Margie grabbed Alex’s arm as he started to remove the bedding. “The mattress really isn’t why I called you in here. I wanted to talk to you privately.”


“I thought you should know Emma’s feeling a little insecure. Something’s clearly bothering you. She’s thinks you’ve lost interest in her because her belly is growing.”

“No.” He closed his eyes and sighed. “I’ve just been thinking about football and starting school.”

“You seem more than just preoccupied. Are you worried about something?”

He plopped down on the bed and rested his face in his hands. “I’m not sure I want to play ball anymore. I don’t know how to tell my dad. I don’t want to disappoint him.”

“What happened to change your mind?”

“It’s just not fun anymore.” How could it be when there was so much pressure on him to live up to his father’s reputation?

She laid her hand on his shoulder. “Then talk to your dad and tell him. He’ll understand.”

“I’ve tried, but he’s been pretty distracted lately. Maybe you could discuss it with him. When you speak, he listens.”

“That would be a little tough considering I’m trying to avoid your father.” She chuckled. “Besides, it’s a conversation the two of you need to have. I suggest you do it soon. You’re supposed to leave to start training in three weeks.”

He held up one hand and headed for the hall. “Don’t remind me.”

“Please, Alex, talk to Emma and reassure her. When a woman is pregnant she feels about as desirable as a manatee.”

He stopped in his tracks, reminded of the other thing that had been bothering him. He should’ve asked the doctor that afternoon, but he’d gotten distracted by the man’s concern over Em’s blood pressure. “Uhh—Mom, I can’t hurt the baby, can I? You know—when I’m lovin’ Emma?”

“No.” She smiled. “Not if you’re gentle.”

“Thanks.” That was one worry off his mind.

“You know, Alex, there’re lots of great websites on the Internet about pregnancy. You should check some of them out.”

“Good idea. I will.” He strode into the living room, hoisted Emma off the sofa, and nuzzled her neck. “Let’s go, Angel.”

When they got outside to the Explorer he pressed her against the door and cupped one of her breasts. How could she think he didn’t want her? If she would just stop hiding under the blankets from him, she might find out how much her body turned him on. “I can’t wait to get you home, so I can touch you without all these clothes.”

She wound her arms around his neck and sighed. “I love you so much.”

His cell phone rang inside the car. Emma reached into the Explorer and answered it. “Hello?” Her face flushed in fury. “No, you can’t talk to him. He’s
husband. You got that?”

“Who is it?”

As he reached for the phone, Emma flung it to the ground and stomped on it. “That was your girlfriend,

He stared at Emma in shock. He’d never seen her so infuriated before. It wasn’t fair for her to look so damn enticing. Especially when she was so pissed at him and the last thing she wanted was for him to touch her. “Angel, calm down.” He picked the phone up. “There’s nothing going on between Brandy and me.”

If he told her how gorgeous she was when her cheeks flamed and her eyes sparked, she’d probably smack him.

“Oh? Then why’s she calling you? Tell me that.”

“How the hell should I know? I haven’t talked to her since before graduation.” His stomach sunk as he recalled Greg’s note. Had Brandy been calling to tell him something about Phil? “I don’t even know how she got my cell phone number.” He punched the power button on the phone and nothing happened. “Damn it, you broke it.”

“Good. Now she can’t call you anymore.”

He counted to ten silently under his breath.
She’s pregnant, insecure—a little irrational

“Emma, I swear on our baby’s life, I don’t want that slut. You’re the only one I ever think about. Now get in the damn Explorer, so I can take you home and spank your sexy bottom for breaking my phone.”


The following evening, Jake squeezed his way into the high school’s packed library for the closed hearing prior to the public board meeting. The place had standing room only.

What was everyone doing there already? Had he misunderstood what time Petrillo had said the board wanted to meet with him?

Mrs. Newberry elbowed her way through the crowd to greet him. “Thank you so much for what you’ve done for Simon, Coach Manion. I can’t believe the change in him in the last month.”

“Simon’s the one who’s done it. All I did was help Mrs. Bradford convince him of how bright he is.”

“I’m very grateful to both of you. It’s a lot more than anyone else ever did for him. The board is going to get an earful from me tonight if they even suggest replacing you.”

“You heard about that?”

“Mr. Petrillo’s secretary is my neighbor. We made sure all the parents knew about this.”

So that was why so many people were there. Even his son’s doctor had shown up.

“I appreciate the support.” He hoped. A lot of attendees could simply be curiosity seekers looking for some excitement to spice up an otherwise boring summer evening.

Alex waved to him and pointed to the seat he’d saved for him in the front row with Emma and Maggie. The crowd fell silent as he wandered down the aisle between the rows of chairs, feeling like a condemned man.

At the front of the room, he paused next to Maggie. She had ignored the twelve messages he’d left on her answering machine since the night before.

She shrugged one shoulder. “Don’t read anything into me coming early. This afternoon, I received an anonymous note saying I’d be getting mine tonight, too. I assume Mrs. Carmichael told her pervert husband what she heard, and now he’s planning to malign my character as well. So I guess I can forget about my book club. I’ll be lucky to keep my job.”

“I’m sorry.” Jake continued past Emma and Alex and sat in the empty chair his son had saved for him.

When the board assembled in front of them, Howard Carmichael banged the gavel on the table. “Ladies and gentlemen, this is a closed executive session. The public portion of the meeting doesn’t begin until seven-thirty.”

Bill Sutton called out from the back. “We’ve heard you’re deciding whether to retain Mr. Manion as a teacher. I’d like to be heard before you do, just as I suspect these other parents would.”

The mob applauded.

Howard held his hands up. “There’s time in the agenda for the public to comment after the superintendent’s report. You’ll have to wait until then.” He turned to the other eight board members. “It’ll take all night to get these people out of here. I suggest we move the executive session to the audio-visual room.”

Jake leaned forward and looked past his son and Emma to watch Maggie while she continued to stare straight ahead.

A man shoved his way in the door and shouted over the racket in the room, “Mr. Manion, I’m Vance Lincoln, reporter for the

Everyone’s mouth closed and all heads snapped toward the door.

“My editor received a tip that the board is considering dismissing you because you purportedly lied on your job application. The allegation is you committed a felony act in California nineteen years ago. Would you like to comment?”

The crowd gasped and every eye in the room turned to Jake. His stomach cramped at the smug expression on Howard Carmichael’s face.

A felony? He looked at Maggie. The reporter must be referring to Jake sleeping with her in college. But how could the board president know about that? He glanced across the aisle at Pam Garner and raised his eyebrows.

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