A Little Bit of Truth (Little Bits) (16 page)

BOOK: A Little Bit of Truth (Little Bits)
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It all began when I arrived this morning after taking Beth for breakfast and then dropping her off at the hotel. When I entered Marie’s apartment I was immediately greeted by caveman Mason. I say this because he doesn’t wake up good in the morning, he grunts and drags his feet as he walks. I followed him into the kitchen where Marie was resting against the counter in a pair of my boxers and one of my tees that I thought I lost but clearly didn’t, it was obviously just stolen. This made my dick twitch, and then harden and then I almost lost it, suddenly needing to be in her while she wore my tee. Don’t know why I had this sudden urge, don’t care either, I want this urge again because I didn’t get to act on it.

And I didn’t get to act on it because Marie’s eyes snapped to her brother who had the fridge open and his lips around the rim of a milk bottle. He glugged away for a moment before his eyes flickered to his sister who was now, by this point, seething with anger. So he slowly and cautiously lowered the bottle from his lips, his cheeks still full of the stuff.

“Put the milk back right now Mason,” Marie said, her voice deceptively soft with a tone of warning to it. My dick went ‘twang’ in my pants, I ignored it.

Then he did something that shocked the fuck out of me. He brought the bottle back up to his lips, his eyes still on his sister, and he spat the milk back into the carton. Gross, but fucking funny. Especially when he screwed the lid on slowly and placed the carton in the fridge with extra care, shut the door languidly and then ran like hell.

Marie stood in the center of the kitchen, her eyes shut, her fists clenched and her lips pressed so tightly together, nothing but a thin line sat between her chin and nose.

“Morning,” I called softly but she didn’t hear me, she was too busy scrambling around to find a weapon before settling on a wooden spoon. I stepped out of her way as she stormed past me after her brother, I was far too eager to see how this was going to play out.

oy, stop it! You crazy fucking bitch!” And this is how the morning began for Marie and Mason.


It escalated rather quickly, and ended even quicker with no ill feelings between them. This has left me a little bit confused. Twenty minutes ago Marie picked up scissors and threatened to cut Mason not long after this conversation began. Marie went first with a rather loud, “Go to hell.”

And he responded, “I’d slap you but I’m not into cruelty to animal

Her mouth dropped open, “You’re such a jerk.”


“I swear to God I’m going to hurt you.”

He shifted a little and tapped his chin in thought, “If I throw a stick will you go away?”

“That’s it!” And th
e closest thing to her was a pair of scissors. She brandished them like a warrior would a sword.

“Put the pointy thing down Marie,” he chuckled
nervously while backing away slowly.

Her glare only got deeper and then she
bit out, “You know, the quickest way to a man’s heart is… with something sharp!” I yanked the scissors away before she could cut him but my laughter was really fucking loud by this point.

I just came to the sudden realization. Women are just like volcanoes, they’re calm for a long time and then they explode, killing and destroying everything in their way.

Then they’re calm again.

“You okay?” I slide my hands up to her boobs and squeeze. “Mm, missed these.” Her tits are perfect. Really perfect. More than a handful but not too much. They’re nice and perky too, for her size they shouldn’t be as perky as they are. This is brilliant for when I suck her nipples until they stiffen and stick my dick between them. Not sure why it’s brilliant, it just is.


Great, now I’m hard… again.


“Fine,” she says around a yawn and
turns on my lap to face me, making her thigh press against my cock. “Wanna fuck?”

“Need to ask?” I grin and in a second
I have her pinned to the floor and two seconds after that I have her in just my tee with her legs around my hips and my length buried in her to the hilt.


And this is how Marie and I started our brunch.



My brother is so fucking annoying, he’s also the best person in the world. Our first argument in years, not including our casual insults via letters
and emails to each other. It was great, reminded me he’s alive and he’s here.

At present I’m lying in Jacob’s arms on my bed, listening to his heart beating against my ear and feeling his breath on my hair as he calms down from our fuck session. What an amazing fuck session it was too. I wonder if I will ever recover and then I remember I’m already horny again. So I slide my hand down his chest and to his stomach, then I tease the line of hair from his belly button to his… phone’s ringing.

I turn and grab it out of my pants pocket before holding it above my head. I smile and click answer, “Hey you.”

“So, there’s this new restaurant just opened near mine. Indian I think, maybe Thai, I wasn’t paying attention but I really want to go and
I need an eating buddy.” Kev explains. This makes me laugh, “You really want to go to a restaurant that you don’t even remember the name of?”

“Okay, okay,” he sighs dramatically. “I relent, you got me. I really want… no I need to see you again. It’s been way too long since I actually had a decent conversation with someone and you reminded me the other day just how much I’ve been missing

“Who is it?” Jacob hisses, I didn’t notice his body go tense beneath me but I’m noticing it now. I sit up and rest my head and shoulders against the headboard. Jacob repeats, “Who is it?”

“Kev,” I mime and turn away from him to give myself the illusion of privacy. “Yeah, I’d love to. I’m fully booked tomorrow though. My studio opens properly and I have people to photograph.”

“Okay, what about tonight?”

“Tonight?” I glance at Jacob over my shoulder, frowning at the scowl aimed at me. What’s his problem? “Sure, I can do tonight. Mason’s home though…”

“No shit? Fuck, that’s great Marie! Tell him to give me a call.”

Yeah right. “Umm sure. So, what time?”

“I’ll pick you up at six thirty.”

“You’re busy,” Jacob states and moves from the bed. I eye his perfect body with longing as he begins to cover it with his clothes. “You’re busy.”

“Who’s that?” Kev asks, his tone deep.

“Jacob, I apparently have plans I’m not aware of. Give me a second while I cancel,” I ignore Kev’s chuckle and stare expectantly at Jacob. “Wanna tell me what we’re doing tonight?”

“I’m taking you out,”
he grabs his phone and starts tapping at the screen. “We’re busy.”


He blinks, seemingly astonished before his face becomes a blank mask. “Because I fucking said so.”

Seriously? He’s going to talk to me like that? I don’t fucking think so! “I’ll see you at six thirty Kev.”

I hang up before he responds and tuck my phone under the pillow on my side of the bed. My side? Since when did I get a side? The entire bed is my side!

“I said we have plans!”

“Yeah? And I just said that we didn’t!”

“Well unsay it because I’m taking you out!”

I laugh once, and it’s not because I think something’s funny. “No you’re not.”

“I am.” He steps closer, his eyes narrowed and daring me to argue. So argue I do, “No you’re not. You’re taking Beth out!”

“Well I just cancelled, you could do the same.” His anger is high, I really have no idea what it is I’ve done to elicit such a response from him. And then like a switch, it clicks.

Now I’m laughing because I find something funny, “You’re jealous!”

He blanches, “Why the fuck would I be jealous?”

“That was my next question,” I pull his tee on to hide my nudity, I watch his eyes flare and his teeth sink into his lip as he peruses me. It’s sexy
but it’s also bad timing.

He stops when he realizes he’s distracting himself and glares at me some more, “We’re going out Marie.”

“I’ve made plans with my friend, I’m not cancelling.”

“You fucking are,” he bites out and charges toward me. Only stopping
when he’s an inch from me, his hand goes to the back of my neck and his other lands on my ass. He pulls my hips into his, he’s hard. Shit. That feels really good at a really wrong time. Stupid body doesn’t understand that I need to be angry, not lusty right now.

“You’re complicating things!” I shout and
prod him in the chest. “What the hell is wrong with you?”

“How the fuck am I complicating things? Just because I think I should be put first over some guy you’ve seen a few times in a few years?

Wow, talk a
bout an ego trip. I’d go on one too but his massive head has taken all of the space on the ship that gets you there. “As opposed to a guy I fuck for fun when the mood hits me?” Now I really wish I hadn’t said that. I didn’t mean it, I was angry, I’m still angry but I don’t mean it at all. Shit.

He releases me like I’ve burned him and his face softens as he assesses me, “And here’s me thinking we were friends. My mistake.”


“Give me a call when you need to fuck again.” His voice remains calm and normal, but I can hear the undercurrent of disbelief and it nails me right in the chest. Speak Marie! Say something… something meaningful or funny or… he’s leaving you fucking idiot.

“Jacob,” I try again and catch him in the hall. “You know I didn’t mean it like that. You just got me riled up is all. Don’t leave.”

He sneers at me, it’s a look I’ve never had from him before and even though he still looks handsome, I don’t like it at all. “Stop complicating things Marie.
” Ouch, way to throw my words back at me. Score one to the celeb. “Like I said, call me when you need to fuck.” I need to fuck right now. This argument we’re having isn’t a good one and it’s making me uneasy. Make up sex is in order.

He tugs his arm free of my grip and exits my apartment
before I can act on that thought, making sure to slam the door on his way out. Fuck.



Chapter Fourteen




“Okay, like this,” I say and move my own body into the correct pose. Helen follows suit, Wesley guides his twin girls to the right spot and places his hands on their shoulders. Such an attractive family and a wealthy one too. They’re friends of Lucas’, he met them through Amelia
, his daughter. Tegan and Bailey, the twin girls, are her best friends, or so she’s said. They’re the first family shoot I’ve done in this studio so far and their pictures will be perfect for our growing portfolio.

I have to admit, I still think I’m a genius. This entire studio and salon idea was mine, mine,
mine. It took a while to talk Loryn into it, but she could see the benefits after I showed her my plans of what I’d be doing to her old clothing warehouse. Then Lucas got her a van with the name of our new studio/salon and we were good to go.

Ever since Jacob’s pictures hit the magazine only two days ago, along with a classy advertisement for our new place of work, our phones have been ringing off the hook and the salon is full. So much so that Loryn wants to hire someone to help her, we begin interviewing this afternoon. I can’t wait.

Nothing like secretly laughing at weird people to make you feel better.


“Perfect,” I say after clicking my camera for the umpteenth time. “These are going to be brilliant.”

“Thank you so much Marie,” Helen smiles softly at me as
the girls start running in circles. I have to admit they have been really good considering we’ve been taking pictures for about an hour now. “When can we expect the prints to be ready?”

“I’ll start on them tonight, if you come back on Thursday at two you can go through them, pick which package you want and then I’ll get them to you by the following week,” I explain and quickly scribble their appointment time on one of my business cards.

“Brilliant,” Helen grins and grabs Tegan’s hand. At least I think that’s Tegan. “We’ll see you then.”

I lead them back through to the salon after excha
nging more pleasantries and close the door behind them. Then I sag against it and rub my tired eyes.

What can I say? I fucked up big time, I hurt my best friend’s feelings for no reason. Sure he was being unreasonable by trying to stop me from hanging with Kev but at the same time he had every right to do so. We are friends, I should have put him first, it’s not like Kev ever put me first when he was married to Cindy cunt face. He tossed me away as soon as she said the words
(don’t see that whore… in those exact words too) and barely glanced back. The man needs to grow some balls.

Jacob however wasn’t afraid to tell me he wanted to hang out with me. Yet at the same time he was doing what Cindy did to Kev by demanding I not
see a guy who he doesn’t even know. Which puts me in an extremely difficult situation. The lioness inside me, who’s all about equal rights is roaring angrily at his demands. But the female inside of me who’s all about making her friends happy is cowering at his demands, not wanting to upset him. Unfortunately my female lion roared very loudly and I upset him. I could have been less mean about it, I didn’t mean to say what I said. Christ this is one huge cluster fuck of a situation.

BOOK: A Little Bit of Truth (Little Bits)
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