A Little White Lie (2 page)

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Authors: Mackenzie McKade

Tags: #romance

BOOK: A Little White Lie
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“Bathroom?” was all she managed to say.

He nodded to the left, directing her attention to the neon sign that glimmered her salvation. Restrooms. But first she had to finagle her way through an ocean of cowboys, across the largest dance floor she had ever seen, and negotiate with four women all waiting to get inside what appeared to be the only available bathroom.

Her feet were already in motion when she wheezed out a taut “Thank you.” Narrowing her eyes on her goal, she made a beeline for it. She wasn’t prepared when her foot struck a small patch of sawdust. Her arms flailed and both feet went forward.

She was going down.


Right place. Right time.

The classic beauty released the cutest cry on her way down. JD Foster caught her around the waist, pulling her safely against his chest. The scent of expensive perfume surrounded him. Damn. She felt good against him.

Setting her on her feet, he took a moment to slide his gaze down her exquisite body. Her heels had given her a statuesque appearance as she walked through the crowd. But now as he stared down upon her, he realized that she couldn’t be more than five-five barefoot, compared to his six-two frame. The light-haired brunette quickly pulled farther away from him, but not before a tendril came tumbling out of the coil atop her head. The silky strand begged him to reach out and touch it. His hand stopped midway when a panicked expression made her round eyes grow even wider.

“Oh God. Bathroom. Now.”

He would have chuckled, but the urgency in her voice made him grab ahold of her hand. As they weaved in and out of the crowd, the number of cowboys’ eyes pinned on her grew with each step.

Not tonight, boys. This one is mine.

When they reached the restroom the line had thinned out. He winked. Releasing her hand, he tipped his black Stetson.

Her cheeks were pink over porcelain skin. A tiny smile crept across her full lips. “How embarrassing.” Without another word she disappeared behind the bathroom door.

Her scent still lay sweet in his memory when Taylor Johnson sidled up beside him. The cattle rancher had a shit-eating grin from ear to ear. He slid the brim of his cowboy hat between his fingers. “Yours?” He watched the entrance as if he would snatch her up the minute she reappeared.

JD didn’t think twice. “Yep. All mine.”

As Johnson turned to look at him, JD saw the envy in his friend’s eyes. “Quite a looker. Visiting or staying?”

Half the bar had their hungry stares on the ladies’ restroom door. For some odd reason, their attention raised the small hairs on the back of his neck.

“Depends.” The single word came out defensively. He didn’t offer anything more. Perhaps that was because he didn’t know the answer. Hell. He didn’t know the woman. Yet he planned to discover everything about her tonight. Especially what those full lips would feel like against his. All he had to do was keep the other rowdy stallions away from her while he wooed her into his arms. “Later,” he said more curtly than he should have.

Johnson took the hint and ambled away, but not far enough to suit JD. The man leaned against the bar, his eyes still focused on the ladies’ room. Like the rest of the cowboys in the bar, JD wanted her, instantly and unequivocally.

How ironic that he would be attracted to this woman. The city girls he had gone to college with had been shallow and self-indulgent, which had disgusted him. He liked a woman who didn’t mind getting her hands dirty or putting in an honest day’s work.

Country was in his heart.

His jaw tightened, while his belly churned with the memory of the argument he’d had with his grandfather that morning. Why the old man couldn’t understand that his only grandson wasn’t a suit-and-tie kind of guy was beyond him. JD tugged the brim of his hat down to hide the emotion he felt.

Since his father’s passing a year ago, his grandfather had pestered JD to take over the reins—manage the company. But he wasn’t meant for the corporate setting. He was content making their Montana summer ranch a year-round home, overseeing their cattle and horses, instead of their Los Angeles estate where he had been raised. Someday he would marry and start a family. A big city was no place for rearing children. Nor did he want to spend his days and nights at a cold office. No. He wanted a warm woman waiting eagerly for him after a long day.

When the city woman reappeared, thoughts of his grandfather and family duty dissipated. Her tongue swept languidly over plump lips as she lowered long, dark eyelashes around decadent honey eyes. The coy smile she gifted him set his heart aflutter. But it was her soft, sexy voice that tightened his groin. “Thank you. Can I buy you a drink for your heroics?”

That would do for a starter, but he had something different in mind. “How ’bout you repay me with a name and a dance?”

“Stella Sinclair.” She extended her hand and for a moment he hesitated.

Wasn’t that the name of the high-falutin’ advertising agent his grandfather had wanted him to meet tonight? The wily S.O.B. had forgotten to mention the agent was female and a damn good-looking one too.

JD swallowed nervously, staring at her hand like it was a sidewinder ready to strike. What a quandary.

If she knew he was a member of the esteemed Toliver family, would she hightail it out of here or would the prospect of cinching the deal through him seal their night together? The last thought stuck in his craw. He wanted Stella Sinclair sighing in pleasure and wanting only him tonight, but not because of some deal.

Her brows dipped as her smile faded. “Something wrong?”

His pride kept him quiet as he reached out and accepted her hand. Instead of shaking it he pulled her closer. Warmth spread through him like a wildfire heating every part of his body, including his cock which flickered again with interest. “No, darlin’. You just look familiar.” It was only a little white lie.

Light laughter greeted him. “I was thinking the same thing about you, but I can’t place where we’ve met.” Her expression fell serious as if she were attempting to recall their meeting.

Remembering that family pictures hung on almost every wall at the ranch, he quickly offered, “JD Foster.”

She leaned nearer before she locked gazes with him. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, JD.” His name was sultry on her lips. She didn’t even try to escape the hold he had on her hand. His heart skipped a beat when she placed her palm over his. Slowly she slid her tongue between her lips, making his pulse leap.

Nice mouth. Decadent. Sexy. Just right for lovin’.

Liquid fire surged through his veins. He pulled her even closer so that their bodies almost touched. “Dance with me.”

Her body melted against him, unashamed and willing. Through thick, feathered lashes she peered up at him. “Love to.” Her sensual voice was fuel to the flame raging inside him.

So, the city girl wanted a cowboy tonight. Lucky for him, he was just the man to make all her fantasies come true. In fact, if he knew his grandfather, JD had the entire weekend to satisfy all her dreams. His grandsire’s philosophy was to never make a snap decision. The man preferred to take a couple days to scrutinize every aspect of a deal. For once JD was glad for his grandfather’s diligence.

JD couldn’t wait to feel Stella in his arms.

As they made their way through the throng, the gentle sway of her hips turned every male’s head. On the other hand, the local ladies were frowning big time. Damned if the attention she received didn’t turn him on.

When their feet struck the dance floor, he possessively placed one hand to the small of her back and grasped her other hand in his. Their gazes locked, and then the music began, a slow rousing beat. He couldn’t have asked for a better choice of song as he moved his feet and she followed. Self-assured and elegant, she floated lightly across the floor. Amazingly, each step was executed in unison as though they had been dancing together for years.

On a turn their bodies came together. With his cheek next to hers, he inhaled her soft feminine scent. He increased the pressure at the small of her back, holding her tight against him. A grin found its way to his mouth when she didn’t pull away. His palm slid lower, riding the gentle swell of her ass. They were so close now he felt the rapid beat of her heart, her elevated breathing. The lady was aroused. On another turn he wedged his thigh between her legs and ground his hips in time to the music.

She gasped. Her tongue darted out, wetting her lips and drawing his attention. He leaned into her, capturing her mouth.

Soft and pliant, her lips parted and invited him to taste. His tongue slipped between her lips and in the next minute he found himself tumbling into heaven. There was no innocence in her caress as she sucked on his tongue, pulling him farther inside her heat. He tilted his head and deepened the kiss. She released his hand and wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing him back with fervor.

The sultry glance she gave him as the caress ended made his heart flutter. For a moment they just stood there, and then they began to dance again. Damned if she wasn’t fucking him with her eyes, mirroring the unquenched desire he knew reflected in his own eyes. When she rubbed against his thigh, his cock hardened even more with anticipation.

“Darlin’, you’re playing with fire.” The growl came from his diaphragm.

Long eyelashes brushed her cheeks. “Who’s playing?” she whispered seductively.

His pulse sped. “Your place or mine?” He almost choked on the last word. She had already been to his place once tonight. Shit. Every muscle inside him clenched. JD could see their night of ecstasy screeching to a halt.

“Mine,” she said without hesitation.

A breath of relief eased from his lungs. Taking her hand in his, he began to lead her through the crowd.

When he pushed open the door a fresh breeze swept over the pine trees, washing away the scents of the bar. People were hanging around outside. Several of his friends nodded, giving him a grin of approval. They stopped in front of a black Lexus, and a warning sign flickered in his mind.

Materialistic and superficial. City girl.

Everything he was against, but his body didn’t seem to be cooperating. Instead of releasing her, he trapped her against the vehicle, one arm on each side of her. Lowering his head so that their lips almost touched, he asked, “Where are you staying?”

“Marriott.” Her warm breath brushed over his face.


“Yes.” She closed the distance between them, pressing her lips and body to his.

He tasted the sweetness of her kiss again. As her hips moved seductively across his, a twinge erupted in his groin. He moaned into her mouth. He couldn’t wait to strip her naked and feel the warmth of her surrounding him. Breathlessly he broke the caress and stepped aside.

“We’ll take your car and come back for my truck in the morning.” It might have been presumptuous of him to think he’d be spending the night, but instinctively he knew that one taste of her would not be enough. He reached for the door and allowed her to crawl inside before he moved around the vehicle and started to enter. Several boxes strewn over the seat stopped him. “Shopping?” Each package contained his family’s crest, a large T in Roman script.

“No. Gifts from a potential client.” She grew quiet. Then she twisted the key and the engine started. When she looked at him again her expression grew serious. “I’m only passing through.”

He read her unspoken words clearly. Tonight was for pleasure, nothing more.

One night—no commitments. Exactly what he wanted too.

Chapter Two


Seconds after the hotel door opened to Stella’s suite she found herself locked in the dark-haired cowboy’s warm embrace. JD’s large frame folded around her, consuming her thoughts as his lips caressed her bare shoulder. She traced her palms along bulging biceps wrapped in a cotton T-shirt. Curling her fingers, she pulled his shirttail from his jeans. The growl that came from deep in his throat thrilled her. There was something untamed and rugged about this man as he stared down at her with a predatory glint in his eyes. Without a doubt she knew this night would be one for the memory books. She skimmed her hand up the best six-pack she had ever felt.

Mmmm… Solid. Defined. And oh so sexy. She inhaled JD’s musky scent along with the disinfectant used to cleanse the room.

A gentle tug at her back caught her attention as the zipper of her dress fell in a whisper. The silky material teased and tantalized her skin on a path to pool at her feet until she wore nothing but stilettos, a strapless red bra and matching lacy panties that rode high on her hips. Delicious chills raced up her spine. When he stepped back to assess her, a tremor of anticipation shook her. Standing in the middle of the room with a complete stranger staring at her, she felt exposed and wanton.

He jerked his hat off and tossed it upon the coffee table. “Damn, darlin’. You’re beautiful.” There was no hesitation as he removed his shirt to display a muscled chest and dusting of dark hair that swirled around his bellybutton before dipping low to disappear into his jeans.

Her pulse leaped. “You’re not so bad yourself, cowboy.” He was even better looking in full light. Rich black hair cut short on the sides, but long on top to reveal natural waves that framed an almost square face with an obstinate jaw and eyes bluer than this morning’s Montana sky. Yet it was the sex appeal he exuded that made her heart race as if she’d run a hundred-yard dash. It had been way too long since she’d had a man. The thought of taking him to bed made her nipples grow taut and heat release between her thighs.

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