Read A Love of Her Own Online

Authors: Bettye Griffin

A Love of Her Own (29 page)

BOOK: A Love of Her Own
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Of course. Maybe Hilton can—” she broke off. She had been about to suggest that Hilton might drive him over, but then she remembered that he wasn’t supposed to know where Marcus lived. Marcus would be disappointed if he knew she’d told his secret. “You won’t be able to stay too long, though. It’ll be dark by six.”

I’ll be back by then, I promise.”

All right. Tell them I said hello.”

And tell them they’re all invited to our barbecue here Sunday,” Hilton added.


Marcus kept his word, returning at ten minutes to six. He came to Ava’s room to let her know he was back, followed by Hilton, who had let him in the house.

Ava immediately noticed something was wrong.
Hilton looked way too serious, and something seemed off with Marcus as well. “Granny and Grandaddy said to tell you hi and that they hope you feel better,” he said in an uncharacteristically quiet manner.

Did they say if they would come Sunday?”

Yes. They said thank you.”

She studied his form
. He was standing with his arms stiffly at his sides and had none of his usual exuberance. “Marcus…is something wrong?”

It’s my Aunt Sandra.”

Is she all right?”

She’s gone.”

Gone?” Ava and Hilton exchanged glances.

Nobody’s seen her in a couple of weeks. Granny and Grandaddy just got a letter from her saying she’s not coming back and that if they can’t take care of Gabby and Shane, they should find them a new mommy.”

Again Ava
’s and Hilton’s eyes met.

Marcus,” Hilton began, using his given name instead of his usual “Sport.” He held out his hand, but it was Ava Marcus ran to, and before he buried his head in the crook where her neck met her shoulder she saw his small face puddle up with tears. Hilton quietly left the room, and just before he closed the door Ava heard him telling Max, who had apparently come to see what was going on, that Marcus was speaking with her privately.

Ava stroked the back of his head as he cried
. She felt his tears fall in wet drops through the thin nylon of her robe. “It’s all right to let it out, honey,” she said softly.

Marcus sniffled, then pulled away, wiping his eyes with his sleeve.

“Now, isn’t that better than keeping it all inside?” she asked him gently.

He nodded.

“You can stay here with me for a little while if you want to. But I do think Max was looking for you.”

I told him we’d take Khufu for a walk when I got back. I want to go.”

All right, but ask Mr. Hilton to go with you. It’s getting dark.”

Hilton came back a few minutes after Marcus left
. “I’m going to take the fellows out with Khufu, and while we’re out we’ll pick up something to eat.”

You don’t have to do that, Hilton. I’m not an invalid. I can cook for us.”

You can cook tomorrow. This is your first day out of the hospital, and I want you to rest. How about some seafood?”

That sounds great.” She noticed he didn’t bring up the subject of the crisis in Marcus’s family. “Hilton, you didn’t have to leave the room before.”

“I know, but I knew Max was coming. I didn’t want him to feel shut out
if everyone was in here except him.”

She nodded in understanding. “D
o you think Marcus will be all right?”

Eventually, but he’s devastated by his aunt’s deserting the family. No doubt his grandparents are plenty worried about the future. They won’t be able to get into senior citizen housing if they have custody of their grandchildren. They might have no recourse but to put them in foster care. That’s probably what their mother meant by ‘getting them a new mommy.’”

I feel just awful,” Ava said. “He’s too little to deal with all this. As street smart as he may be, he’s only a kid about to turn nine.”

He considers you family, too,” Hilton replied. “He got very upset when I told him you were in the hospital. Hospitals are scary for a lot of children.” He didn’t like them himself. His mother had gone into a hospital when he was a boy, and when she came out it was in a casket. “Maybe he thought something was going to happen to you. Naturally, I told him you’d be fine, but he didn’t truly relax until he saw that for himself.”

Oh, Hilton. I feel so helpless. I wish to God there was something I could do.”

He sat on the edge of the bed and took her hand.
“Try not to get upset. I promise you that Marcus will feel a lot better after his party tomorrow.”

It’ll do him good to see his cousins. But how awful for them, and for the Hudsons as well. They’re such nice people.” She sighed. “You know, to be very honest, at first I wished you weren’t giving this barbecue Sunday. It’s going to be a big weekend, and I feel like I’m not doing anything but taking up space when I should be helping.”

Don’t be ridiculous. We’re celebrating your being on the mend.”

Anyway, now I’m glad you’re doing it. The Hudsons need a lift after all this. I’m just glad I’ve got you and Linda helping me with Marcus. Without the two of you I’d be lost. I just hope Neil isn’t too upset about having to help supervise a children’s party.”

Linda’s husband?”

Yes. He’s coming up this weekend.”

She’s going home, huh?”

Ava he
sitated before answering, since she really didn’t know the answer herself. “Possibly. It depends on how her father’s doing.”

Ava, I’m going to ask you a question.”

She shrugged.
“I can’t stop you from asking.”

Are Linda and Neil the couple you told me about?”

She opened her mouth to say no, but the lie stuck in her throat
. “I know I should have told you,” she said cautiously, mindful of his anger about her not telling him about Cliff. “But it felt disloyal.”

It’s all right. I understand how your predicament. But it looks like a reconciliation might be in the works if he’s coming to see her.”

I hope so, Hilton. I know Linda didn’t mean to hurt him. She was just looking for an out. Even Neil realizes he had her backed into a corner in his enthusiasm to have a child.”

Someone once made the observation that good things can come out of bad,” he said thoughtfully. “This might be one of those times.”

What do you mean?”

Oh, don’t mind me. I’m just thinking out loud.” He leaned in and kissed her lips briefly. “We’ll go now, but we won’t be long.”


From her seat at a table in Chuck E. Cheese, Ava watched as Neil and Linda gave little Gabrielle Hudson some pointers on how to toss a ball to get it into a high-scoring bin on the uphill bowling game she was playing. Gabrielle gave it a try and got her usual ten-pointer, and all three of them laughed.

Linda and Neil looked happy surrounded by all these children
. Ava knew they’d barely had time to talk since his arrival just hours before, but they were clearly having a good time.

You all right, Aunt Ava?” Marcus was breathless as he slid into the booth beside her.

Yes, I’m just sitting here, all by my lonesome.” She made a sniffling sound in jest.

This is the bestest birthday I’ve ever had. I had presents, I had a party…are we gonna have cake?”

She put an arm around him
. “Of course we’re having cake. And I can’t tell you how happy I am that you’re happy, Marcus. Hey, how are your grandparents?” She was almost afraid to ask, but she didn’t have much of an opportunity to talk to the Hudsons. Mrs. Hudson escorted the children inside, then told Ava she had a cab waiting and that she and her husband would be back.

They’re okay. They went out with Mr. Hilton.”

They did?” Hilton had told her he would be by before the party ended, but he didn’t say anything about taking the Hudsons anywhere. She wondered what was going on.

Why don’t you go and play some more?” she suggested to Marcus. “We’ll be having lunch soon.”

Okay.” Marcus ambled off and joined Ava’s oldest niece and nephew, who were aiming their water pistols toward targets. When a container was full the cowboy or Indian target would fall over, and whoever felled the first man was the winner, but it called for prolonged straight aiming.

Max was busy with Larry
’s son Eric over in the hoop-shooting area, while Maria’s daughter Colleen and Marcus’s cousin Monet played in a pit filled with multicolored plastic balls. The youngest Hudson child, Shane, was trying his hand at bowling with Gabrielle, taking pointers from Neil.

As Ava watched the children interact with the
Carsons she recalled Marcus saying his aunt’s letter instructed the Hudsons to find homes for Gabrielle and Shane, but not Monet. Before she could give that curious matter further thought she saw Gabrielle turn to Linda and say something that made Linda’s body tremble, like she’d caught a chill, and she lost her pigmentation and became pale. Linda made a reply, then hurried over to where Ava was sitting. The color was returning to her face, Ava noticed.

Linda, what’s wrong?”

Gabrielle just asked if I would be her mommy.”

Oh, no!”

What’s going on with those kids, anyway? Someone has to be taking care of them.”

Their grandparents. Their mother was around until recently, but not a whole lot, apparently. She just sent the grandparents a letter telling them she wasn’t ever coming back.”

How cruel!”

I guess she decided she had more important things to do than take care of her children. It’s the kind of thing that makes you and me sick to our stomachs, when we’d give anything…”

Number 91,” came the announcement from the counter, augmented by a microphone.

Oh, that’s us. Help me carry the trays, will you, Linda? Neil can watch the kids for a few minutes.” Ava felt the announcement of their order couldn’t have come at a better time. She could hardly bear to look at that stricken look on Linda’s face.

It was a happy group who stuffed themselves with soda pop and pepperoni pizza, all bragging about the number of tickets they
’d gotten from playing various games, which they would redeem for prizes at the end of the afternoon.

Hilton arrived while they were still eating and took a seat next to Ava
. “Did you get everything done?” she asked.

Yes, but I didn’t have time to eat. I’m glad you got plenty of pizza.” He helped himself to a slice, and Ava tried to hide her disappointment. He obviously didn’t want her to know anything about his outing with the Hudsons.

She decided not to ask. If Hilton wanted her to know, he’d tell her.


Chapter 24

inda called the next morning. “I wanted you to be the first to know, Ava. Neil and I are getting back together.”

Oh, I’m so happy for you both! I’m not surprised, though. Yesterday both of you were blooming like spring roses when you were together. When are you going home?”

Tonight. Neil has a full schedule tomorrow.”

Tonight! But you’re coming to our barbecue, aren’t you?”

Of course. We’ll see you this afternoon.”

Ava didn
’t realize she had been holding her breath until she let it out. She had been concerned that perhaps Linda might not want to be around the children after Gabrielle Hudson’s innocent but painful remark. She’d seemed so distant the rest of the afternoon, almost like she was sleepwalking, and Ava noticed she avoided one-on-one contact with the little girl until it was time to leave, even though Neil had clearly taken to Shane. “Linda…I’m really sorry about what happened at the party. What Gabrielle said to you, actually. I know it shook you up. I actually saw the blood drain from your face.”

Oh, that’s all right. It just took me off guard. She’s a cute little thing, isn’t she? That’s too bad about her mom, but I’m sure her grandparents will take good care of her.”

Did you tell Neil what she said?”

No. But we’ve decided to pursue adoption.”

That’s wonderful!”

It isn’t going to be easy, Ava. Neil had so wanted a child of his own.”

I’m sure he’s not as adamant about it as Cliff was.”

No, he didn’t go through the hell Cliff did. It’s just something he wanted very badly…just like you and me, except I wouldn’t hesitate to love a child I didn’t give birth to, and I know you wouldn’t, either.”

immediately thought of Marcus. “No, I wouldn’t. I’m sure you’ll work it out.”

I hope so, because if there’s any doubt that he can accept an adopted child as his own we can’t do it.”

Ava was suddenly weary of Neil
Carson and his feelings about children. It was like Cliff all over again. She found herself afraid for Linda, who in spite of her realistic outlook regarding Neil’s emotional limitations would be devastated if it didn’t work out. “What are you two up to now, anyway?” she asked.

Nothing. Neil’s not even here. He said he was going to get some air.”

Hilton’s not here either. For him, going out for some air means stopping in at Robinson’s Bar. He and Spencer have gotten pretty chummy, and by now he knows all the regulars. It can take him three hours to have two beers.”

Linda laughed
. “We women are content to chat over lunch or dinner for an hour or so, but put a man on a bar stool and he can sit there and chew the fat all night. But I suppose everybody’s got to have an outlet.”


“You were right, your grill is pretty large,” Ava remarked, looking at the shiny red-and-black Weber gas grill with a generous cooking surface on Hilton’s patio. “And it looks brand new.”

I don’t use it much, and since the patio’s covered it’s protected pretty well.”

I like the way you did your patio.” An area of perhaps sixteen by twenty feet had been screened in and covered overhead, comfortably furnished with outdoor furniture, chairs and sofas with thick plastic cushions in earth tones. Corresponding tables and a multitude of plants completed the setting. “Actually, if you don’t mind my saying so, it looks like you’ve done more work out here than you have inside.”

You’re right. When I bought the house last summer it was warm, and I spent most of my time out here.”

You know, your house has the potential to be one of the nicest in the district. It’s definitely one of the largest. There aren’t too many five-bedroom houses around here.”

I agree. It’s a time-consuming process, though. I try to spend an hour or two on it every day.”

Was it in very bad condition when you bought it?”

Actually, no. I bought it from a couple who had started the work and then decided the house was too large and there was too much work to be done. I didn’t start with a condemned structure, like some of the people did.”

Neither did I. My place was livable when I bought it.”

After turning on the gas, Hilton pressed the grill
’s igniter button. “Can you picture yourself living in your house the rest of your life?” he asked casually.

Well, it does seem to be the perfect ‘old lady’ house, although the stairs might get to be a problem in another twenty-five years or so.” She smiled, but he didn’t seem to appreciate her attempt at humor. When he spoke he sounded almost abrupt.

I’m going to get the meat. We’ll start with the chicken; it takes the longest. Would you mind keeping an eye on it? I’m going to pick up the Hudsons. The boys will probably want to go with me.”

“But there’s no room for them

The bigger kids
can sit in the cargo area. It’ll be all right for a short ride. In case anyone gets here before I return I’ll leave a sign on the door telling them to go around back.”

Sure, no problem. Wait a minute, Hilton. Does Marcus know you plan on picking up his family? He’s so secretive, and remember, you’re not supposed to know where the Hudsons live.”

It won’t be a problem. He told me yesterday where they live.”

He did?”


From her seat in a chair about two feet away from the grill, occasionally rising to make sure the chicken quarters weren’t cooking too fast, Ava again wondered what Hilton could possibly have done with Mr. and Mrs. Hudson yesterday afternoon.

When it was time to turn the chicken over and they weren
’t back yet she began to get concerned. It didn’t take forty-five minutes to drive a few blocks and back again. Hilton must have stopped somewhere, but where could he have possibly gone with a truck full of children, two senior citizens, and a dog?

Kendall and Spencer arrived while she was waiting, Spencer carrying a twelve-pack of Icehouse beer and Kendall two large containers from the deli, one containing macaroni salad
and the other potato salad.

Hey girl, what are you doing cooking?” Kendall said in greeting.

Hilton and the kids went to get Marcus’s grandparents and cousins. And cooking falls under light activity, so I’m good.”

Where can I put this, Ava?” Spencer asked, holding up the beer.

Hilton’s got two Igloos on the kitchen counter, one for soda and the other for beer. Would you mind bringing them out?”

Of course not. Be right back.”

Kendall took the long-handled tongs and shifted the pos
itions of the chicken pieces. “Hilton did a nice job out here. And you really look like the lady of the house.”

It’s working pretty well,” she admitted.

Are you two sleeping together while you’re here?”

Of course not. I just had surgery, remember?”

I know that, Ava. I didn’t mean were you
together. I wanted to know if you were sleeping
Like in the same bed.”

No. The kids are here, remember?”

Kids are smarter than a lot of people give them credit for. I’m sure Marcus wouldn’t be surprised; he looks like he’s been around the block a few times. How long will you be staying here?”

I see the doctor next week. I should be able to go home then.”

They heard voices coming from
inside the house, and Spencer appeared carrying a large blue cooler, followed by Hilton with a red one. The children rushed out behind Hilton, and Mr. and Mrs. Hudson brought up the rear. Mrs. Hudson stood by anxiously as her husband carefully made his way down the three stairs, gripping the banister with one hand and holding his cane in the other.

Hilton approached the older man after setting the cooler on the ground
. “Can I help you, Mr. Hudson?”

No thank you, Hilton. I’m doing just fine.”

After exchanging hello hugs with
Monet, Gabrielle and Shane, Ava rose to greet the Hudsons. “Ava dear, I’m so glad you’re recovering,” Mrs. Hudson said as they embraced.

Thank you. I’m coming along.”

Yes. I’m sorry we weren’t able to visit you…it’s been awfully busy for us lately,” Mr. Hudson said.

Ava felt awkward
. She knew she needed to acknowledge their daughter’s desertion, but she wasn’t sure what to say. “Marcus told me about what happened,” she said in a low voice. “I’m so sorry.”

Some people just don’t like takin’ the high road,” Mr. Hudson replied. “Sandra let herself be spoiled by the easy money her boyfriend was making selling drugs. She’s going to end up either in jail like Glenda or dead. Lord knows we didn’t raise her that way.”

It’s a tragedy,” his wife agreed, “but thanks to Hilton things are looking a lot better.”

Hilton?” Ava glanced at him, but he was busy spraying water on the chicken to keep it moist.

He got us an apartment. We can move in right away.”

Oh! I didn’t know.” The Hudsons took seats, and she followed suit.

Not only that, but he talked to a friend of his about adopting Gabby and Shane.”

Ava was stunned
. “He did what?”

Yes. A nice couple, he said, who aren’t able to have kids. You must know them, too. He said they were at Marcus’s party yesterday and that they’ll be here today.”

’s mouth dropped open.

At that moment Neil
’s voice rang out. “Hi, everybody!” His hand was intertwined with Linda’s, and the moment Gabrielle and Shane saw them they ran to them.


Ava excused herself and went over to Hilton. “I need to talk to you. I’m sure Spencer won’t mind taking over for a few minutes.” Without waiting for a reply she turned and went around the side of the house.

Hilton joined her in less than a minute
. “I guess Mr. and Mrs. Hudson told you my surprise.”

I’m astounded, Hilton. You found them an apartment? And Linda and Neil are adopting the kids?”

Well, the apartment is definite. I don’t know what’s going on with Neil and Linda. I talked to Neil last night, and he said he wasn’t going to say anything to Linda until they were on their way over here. But if the look on her face as she hugged those kids was any indication, I’d say she loves the idea.”

Wait a minute. Isn’t everybody forgetting about Monet?”

No. But Monet isn’t part of the package.”

Of course she is, Hilton. She’s their sister, isn’t she?”

No. She’s their cousin.”

How can she be Marcus’s cousin if the Hudsons only had two daughters?”

She’s Gabrielle and Shane’s cousin, but she’s Marcus’s

BOOK: A Love of Her Own
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