Authors: Suzetta Perkins
“You ought to be singing in a church choir,” Reverend Fields exhorted. “We could use another beautiful voice like yours.”
Rita didn’t answer Reverend Fields, but nodded her head to let him know she heard what he said. Rita bent down and kissed Martha on the cheek. “Happy birthday, Martha.”
“Thank you, baby, for that beautiful song.” Martha lowered her voice. “Follow me into my room.”
“Grandma pulled Rita into her room,” Deborah said to Liz. “I wonder what that’s all about?”
“Pull up that trunk and sit on the chaise next to me, Rita,” Martha said.
Martha opened the trunk that Rita placed before her and took out two beautiful embroidered hankies and a set of monogrammed sheets and pillow-cases. The handkerchiefs were made of soft cotton surrounded by a lacy border with Martha’s initials, “MC, “embroidered in fuchsia and lavender in one corner. A large, cross-stitched “C” was at the top of the flat sheet with the letters “E” and “M” cross-stitched to either side of the letter “C.”
“My Amanda made these for me with her own hands. Every now and then, I open up this trunk and take these things out and hold them to my face thinking about my beloved Amanda. She was a beautiful woman. Never gave me or her daddy any trouble when she was a child. Met Graham during a church meeting. It’s funny now, but that was his first time going to church and his first night in California.”
“They’re beautiful, Martha. Amanda was very talented.”
Martha reached into the trunk and pulled out some jewelry Amanda had given her that she no longer wore and then some old photographs of her granddaughters that were taken at school.
“Now look at this, Rita. This is Deborah…,” Martha turned the picture over, “when she was eight years old. And this is Liz when she was six. Little darlings. I would keep them when Amanda and Graham needed a night out.”
Rita took the pictures and looked at each one. “You know, Martha, it’s as if I can see into their souls. I understand their feelings, although it has not been a pleasant experience being the target of their animosity.” Rita sighed. “But it is not hard to understand the love Deborah and Liz shared with their mother, you and Elroy, and Graham. I’ll admit it has made me realize the one thing I’ve missed—not having my own child, something I’ve desperately wanted at one time in my life.
“Martha, can I confide in you about something?”
Martha’s brows furrowed. “What, child?”
“I’m not sure where to start, but I remember your words about not disappointing you, and I want to share something I’ve not even shared with Graham.”
“What is it, baby? Go on and spit it out.”
“I was married to a basketball player years ago whose playing days came to an abrupt end because of injuries. Even before he was no longer able to play, my husband was abusive, a womanizer, and a gambler. It was in small doses at first, but when he no longer shared the spotlight and life was over as he knew it and thought it should be, his exploits became unbearable. I asked for a divorce and went my way.
“We’ve been divorced for over twenty years. During that time, I may have seen him once, maybe twice. Now, after all these years have passed, I recently received a call from him asking for ten-thousand dollars and to sign off on some old insurance papers he held on me. He claimed it was a life and death situation, so I obliged—against my parents’ protests. I thought it odd, but I thought I’d honor him this request.
“I come to find out he is living in Oakland and has been here for some time. He came here following a woman after a failed relationship. He spotted me singing at the club, and I believe formulated a plan to get money from me. A couple of months ago, I met him in Oakland and gave him the money. But I think he is stalking me. This girlfriend of his is also a singer, and while she doesn’t know that William, that’s his name, and I are divorced, he used her to get me to come to her house to help her with her singing career. I was shocked when William showed up at her house while we were practicing. He wants to get back with me, but that’s only because he knows Graham and I are very good friends. I’m at my wit’s end and don’t know what to do.”
“You have to tell Graham, Rita. You have to tell him before things get out of hand. If you are going to have a relationship built on trust, you have to do the right thing. I’m sorry about what you’re going through, but you need to put your trust in God. Let Him guide and direct you as to what you should do.”
Rita moved closer to Martha and gave her a big hug. She clung to Martha like an unripe peach fastened to a tree in a California orchard, then broke down sobbing. “Thank you.”
Martha rubbed Rita’s head. “Let me pray for you, daughter. God, I ask You to be with this, Your child right now. She is in need of Your help, Lord. She is being pursued by someone who does not mean her well and desires to threaten her happiness. We bring this petition before You and ask that You see that no harm befall this child and that her adversary fall by the wayside. You said You’d make our enemies our footstools. We believe in the name of Jesus, that You are a God that has power and dominion over all the earth and that nothing is too hard for You to do. Bless this child, be with her. Let her know that You have authority of all, and if she has faith like that of a mustard seed and believes that You will do what she asks, everything will be all right. We pray this prayer in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Rita brushed away a tear. “I love you, Martha. And thank you for being you.”
“Just trust in God, baby. He’ll see you through.”
“Are you spying on Grandma, Deborah?”
“No, I’m just trying to figure out what’s going on. I could hear Grandma praying, but not what about. I think Rita is crying.”
“Well, get away from that door before somebody smacks you in the head with it.”
“Liz, the pessimist.” Graham watched as his daughters stood outside of Martha’s door. He walked up behind them, putting his arms around their shoulders and startling them for a moment.
“Rita still with Grandma?” Graham asked.
“Ask Deborah. She’s been spying on them.” Deborah made a face.
wind outside picked up, howling and hurling loose objects against the house. Elroy turned the heat to seventy degrees to knock off the chill that had entered the house. Lively conversation was still taking place throughout the house. Pastor Fields and his wife said their goodbyes.
“Baby, get Deborah.” Martha leaned slightly forward toward Rita. “I have a terrible pain in my chest.”
“Martha, oh my God. Sit still, Martha. I’ll run and get Deborah.”
Rita jumped off the bed and ran to the door, tripping over the trunk. She looked back and saw Martha holding her chest.
“Deborah!” Rita yelled at the top of her lungs when she snatched the door open and almost bumped into Deborah. Now was not the time to figure out what Deborah was doing. Martha needed her.
“What’s wrong, what’s wrong with Grandma? Grandma.”
“She says she has a terrible pain in her chest.”
“Grandma!” Deborah shouted running toward her. “Call 9-1-1, Rita.”
“My chest hurts, baby,” Martha said to Deborah. “Hand me my nitro tablets off the nightstand.”
The phone shook uncontrollably in Rita’s hand as she tried to dial 9-1-1. She closed her eyes and opened them when she heard the dispatcher’s voice.
“Nine-one-one, may I help you?”
“Yes, the lady of the house may be having a heart attack. She says she’s having severe chest pains.”
“We will send someone out right away.”
“What’s wrong?” Elroy shouted as he ran into the room followed closely by Graham, Liz, Grant, Riley, and children. “Baby, what’s wrong?” Elroy picked up Martha’s frail hand and held it, afraid to let go.
“Think she might have had a heart attack, Granddad. I just gave her a nitroglycerin tablet.”
“She’s going to be all right, Elroy,” Graham said, putting his arm around him. “She’s in good hands. Nurse Deborah knows what to do.”
Deborah scooped Martha’s hand in hers. “She’s got a pulse and she’s still breathing. I think the nitro tab is helping. Help me hold her up, Liz.”
Desperate and worried faces appeared in the doorway. Martha’s eyes were closed as she sat on the bed flanked by Deborah and Liz who held her around the waist. Mother Hattie Mae Johnson barged through the crowd so she could lay hands on Sis. Carter.
“Grandma needs some air,” Deborah said. “Some of you will have to leave.”
“Riley, take the kids into the living room,” Liz said.
“She was praying for me, and all of a sudden…” Rita let her tears flow. “I feel so helpless.”
“It’s all right, daughter,” Mother Hattie Mae Johnson said. “Jesus is on the throne. He’s a healer and a doctor in the sick room. I command that demon to loose Sister Carter right now.”
The room was silent except for Mother Johnson, whose voice boomed like thunder in the distant sky. Martha opened her eyes and everyone, especially Elroy, was grateful for this miracle. The sirens wailed outside. Grant rushed to the door to let the paramedics in and pointed the way to Martha’s room.
“Coming through,” a paramedic shouted.
The paramedic put the cold stethoscope on Martha’s chest and listened for a heartbeat. Then he took two fingers and placed it on her wrist. “She’s got a weak pulse. Let’s move.”
Sweat covered Deborah’s face. She watched the paramedics strap Martha to the gurney. Liz’s eye twitched at fever pitch as anxiety and nerves began to rule her body. It hadn’t been a year since their mother had died.
“We’re going to Mercy,” the paramedic said.
“I’ll drive,” Graham shouted. “Dad, you come with me. Deborah, Liz…”
The girls stood in the middle of the room and looked from one to the other, finally resting their eyes on Rita. She still held Martha’s hand, giving it a quick rub before the gurney was pushed out.
“All right, Daddy,” Deborah said. “Grant and Riley can take the kids home.”
“The kids want to go to the hospital, too,” Grant said. “You and Liz ride with your dad. Riley and I will follow you.”
Cramped in the backseat of Graham’s car were Rita, Liz, and Deborah with Elroy in the front. It was deathly quiet and everyone wore somber faces; Graham looked in the rearview mirror, glancing first at Rita, then at Liz and Deborah. With no words exchanged, the cast of four continued to lay their heads back while Graham raced toward Mercy.
Rita sat up when she heard her name called. “Thanks for being there for Grandma,” Deborah said. Liz moved slightly forward in her seat with a smile on her face.
“She’s a beautiful woman.” Rita sniffed. “I’m glad I was there.” The car was silent again.