Read A Masterpiece Unraveled (The Masterpiece Trilogy Book 2) Online
Authors: Nikki Lynn Barrett
Chapter Two
For the past few weeks, nothing happened. There were no signs, no warnings, nothing indicating Carrie was still alive. Hell, this may not even have to do with her, but the timing sure seemed strange. Hunter rushed home after Rissi's call to get to Becca. She wasn't going to be happy about this at all. Maybe the best solution was to get out there ASAP and get everything taken care of.
Hunter rushed inside, calling Becca's name. He hoped he didn't sound too panicked. The last thing he wanted was to make her upset prematurely, especially with how she felt lately.
"Bec?" He checked Sienna's room first when he didn't find Becca downstairs. She wasn't there, but noticed she'd made good progress on the mural. His heart skipped a beat at how beautiful this was turning out. He checked their room next, then Becca's art room. Empty. He pulled open the balcony door and stepped out, hoping he'd see her on the glider or maybe out in the yard on the swing.
There she was, resting on the glider. Her eyes were closed and she had a pen and notebook by her side. Hunter quickly made his way over to her. He tried not to look at what she had written, but caught a glimpse anyway.
I can't concentrate. I see her everywhere. I've never been this scared in my life. I've always found myself feeling safe with Hunter, but now I don't. I hate this! I DON'T want to feel like this! I think I'm going crazy. Maybe that was her plan- to make me crazy like her. Hunter still has nightmares, and I have my own. For the first time ever, I'm not sure what will happen with us. Just when I found love with him, our world has changed once again. I'm trying to be strong, but I think everyone will see through the facade soon enough.
At least she'd found a way to get out her feelings.
Hunter forced himself to look away, but the words were like a stab to his heart. He had to remember what Todd and Beverly said. This wasn't his fault.
But Becca didn't even feel safe with him anymore.
He closed his eyes, wishing he could unsee what he'd just read. When he opened them again, he focused on Becca. Gently touching her arm, he caressed it gently. "Angel, I'm home."
She snapped her eyelids open, blinking rapidly. Then she sat up.
"I need to talk to you," he said, moving to sit next to her.
Becca snatched the notebook away. As she closed it, then tucked it beside her, she stared at him.
"You read what I wrote, didn't you?"
Sadness and regret flashed in her eyes.
Hunter killed the temptation to lie and say no. He went with the truth. "I caught a glimpse of a few lines, but what I need to say has nothing to do with that. I got a call from Rissi. Someone's been asking about you and lurking around your apartment."
Becca gasped and her hand flew to her mouth.
"She called me because she didn't want to tell you that over a text message. I'm thinking maybe we should head down there tomorrow, first thing." Who knows what they'd be able to get done, but they could easily take a few days and do what they could.
She nodded. Her entire body trembled.
"Do you think it's her?"
Just what he worried about. Back to Carrie. Then again, the thought had crossed his mind on the way home, too. "I don't know. Would she be stupid enough to go somewhere that obvious? We don't know if she even made it after that jump. It could be someone saw your name all over the news, knowing you're still here and that your apartment isn't being lived in right now. It could be completely random and because of what we're dealing with, we're jumping to conclusions. All I know is the faster we get your apartment taken care of, the better. One less thing to worry about."
Becca's lips formed a thin, straight line. Hunter had a feeling she had so much to express, but she just shook her head. Tears pooled in her eyes, but she didn't break down.
"You didn't change your mind, did you?" Worry slipped in his tone.
"No! I still want this."
She grabbed his hands and peered up at him. He saw truth in her eyes, and felt bad for asking. He hated to second guess her.
"Okay, then we'll leave in the morning and see what we can get done. Maybe stay a few days there before coming back before the weekend." Not like he was working right now anyway, since he'd taken an extended leave.
She nodded and turned away, staring out into the yard blankly. Hunter guessed this wasn't easy for her. Another move, having to deal with her apartment and most likely facing her grandparents and Vince. He knew they were hounding her, sending text messages in hopes of convincing her to go back to Vermont. Why? It's not like they cared about what she wanted anyway. Hunter had to learn to stay out of it. They were going to say and do whatever. They always did.
He stared off for a moment himself until he got tired of the silence. He reached for Becca's hand, curling his fingers through hers. Then he positioned his body to face her. "You don't always have to be so strong, you know. If you need to cry, throw something or get angry then you should. Don't seclude yourself."
She removed her hand from his.
"Like you did?"
Her hands flew to her mouth, eyes wide.
It stung. Damn, that hurt. She was right of course, but it felt like she threw that back in his face. He wasn't used to this version of Becca.
"I'm sorry."
Hunter lowered his gaze. "I'm sorry too. I know I'm telling you to do the opposite of what I did, but it's because I've learned. I regret every year I didn't go back. Every chance I thought about calling you and didn't. So yes, don't be like I was!" His voice grew louder. He needed to calm down. "Don't make my screwed up mistakes," he whispered.
The past few weeks were a repeat of times like this. They snapped at each other, something they never did before and then they'd sit in strained silence as they tried to figure out what to do next.
"I don't want us to argue." Hunter kept his voice calm. "Both of us have been avoiding the inevitable. I think we need to go see someone about all of this."
"I thought you already did."
Becca's eyes narrowed.
"Once." Again, the lie slipped easily off his tongue. "I've been worried about you and I guess purposefully neglected to go back. Beverly and Todd pointed that fact out to me today and they're right. I think it's going to get worse for both of us. I want to get past it and move forward. This constant tension between us is rough. I feel the distance. Don't you?"
Becca's eyelashes lowered and she nodded. A sad frown stretched across her face.
"I know. I keep pushing away and snapping."
"We both do." Hunter bent to kiss her forehead. "How about we go out for dinner tonight? I think we could both use some time out. I promise it's nothing fancy and we'll still be able to get to sleep early for the drive in the morning. Please?" He hoped she wouldn't decline as she had been time after time again. Ever since the night of the fund raiser, Becca didn't venture out as much. Maybe she was afraid of doing what she did that night, even though she tried hard not to speak of it. She didn't hurt anyone, but it showed just how spooked Becca was of Carrie's unknown whereabouts. He was too, but it had to be worse for her.
Becca hesitated, just as he thought she would, but her answer surprised him.
Almost an hour later, after both of them showered and cleaned up, they were in the car en route to dinner. Hunter stole a glance over at Becca, noticing how tight she held her purse with both hands as she stared out the window. Her skin had turned almost a pure white.
The realization of how bad off Becca was hit him in the face. Everything seemed to scare her, but she tried to keep it all in. This wasn't good. Maybe he'd ask Rissi if she'd be able to come back with them for a few days so Becca had a friend here as well.
Someone she isn't afraid of.
Hunter focused back on the road, making every attempt to keep that thought out of his mind. He didn't have the right to be so upset about Becca's fear of everyone, especially him, because he'd caused some of that fear. Whether accidental, he'd been a part of it.
How could he help her? Some days, he couldn't even help himself! If something didn't change soon, their relationship would go down the path of disaster with no chance of getting back. It would take plenty of work on both of their parts to get past their fears and anxieties.
He didn't want to lose her.
Why did she agree to this? Becca tried to ignore the fact that Hunter kept watching her. Getting out of the house seemed like a good idea at first, but in actuality, the whole thing made her want to run back in.
I'm being a baby. This is ridiculous.
She was afraid of her own shadow and didn't want the world to know it. One meltdown was enough. No matter how hard she tried, the night she grabbed that poor unsuspecting woman thinking it was Carrie scared the heck out of her. She definitely didn't want any of this getting back to Vermont. If her grandmother heard about it...
No. She wasn't going to think about those things again. It didn't matter what they thought. It shouldn't! Her grandparents always looked at her in a negative light, no matter how she tried. They couldn't threaten her any more, and if they did try, it wouldn't matter. They couldn't do a thing but badger her. If that was the least of her concerns from them, so be it.
Sucking in a sharp breath, Becca unclenched her tight fists around her purse strap and put on her brave face once again, or at least tried to. This facade was already crumbling. Hunter knew it, too.
She was so lost in her own world, Becca had no idea Hunter had stopped the car. She blinked, taking in her surroundings. They were in the parking lot of a restaurant. The first thing she thought when looking at the burgundy building was how the color stood out so much. Interesting. Maybe because it was right off the highway, the owners wanted it to be seen right off the bat. It needed a new paint job. Not because of the color though, because it really had a great scheme. If it had just a touch up and maybe another color to bring out the burgundy, it would work. It reminded her of the fall season, when leaves turned that shade.
"Bec?" Hunter's voice was low and full of concern.
She'd been so caught up in the stupid color of the building, for a moment she forgot Hunter was in the car with her.
"We can go back home if you want. I never realized how hard it was for you to go out anywhere right now." Pain flashed in his eyes.
"I don't want anyone to know."
He touched her shoulder, watching her carefully. "You can't hide from me, angel. I see everything you're dealing with. I just didn't know how bad off it is."
His eyes were full of love, but she detected a hint of hurt in his tone. Hunter was the kind of man who wanted to fix everything for everyone. She'd known it forever, but had really seen the affects of him taking it all on. It had taken it's toll the past few weeks, ever since he re-entered her life. It physically and mentally tore him up when he couldn't do anything to help someone he loved.
This time, that person was her.
They watched each other fall apart while trying to be brave for the other.
"I'm ready to go in,"
she insisted, wishing her nerves were calm as she tried to ignore her sweaty palms, fast beating heart, and the lump that formed in her throat. She could do this. She would do this. That woman wasn't going to waltz in there and do anything. Becca was safe.
Just not safe from herself.
Hunter climbed out of the car and met her on the other side with his hand held out. Becca closed her fingers over his, her skin tingling at his touch. She still needed and loved him even if she kept pushing him away. He gave her a quick peck on the cheek and they walked hand in hand up to the door. So far, so good. Becca's stomach clenched a few times, but she remained calm. A good sign. If she could keep this up, maybe she wouldn't isolate herself so bad any more.
Just take it a day at a time.
This was the first time since coming to stay in Virginia that she and Hunter actually went out to eat at a sit down diner. They really hadn't had 'normal' since arriving. Would they ever?
Hunter squeezed her hand as they seated themselves. Menus were already on the table. The atmosphere was nice. The color on the inside was much different than than the building color. Peach colored walls with awards and paintings. Dim lights, soft music, the clinking of silverware against plates filled the room. People were talking and laughing. Becca bet they all felt normal.
She was about to ask him how often he came here, but Hunter's face was hidden behind the menu. Ugh! If only she could talk. She could reach out and tap his hand to get his attention, but it frustrated her. There was another reason she didn't enjoy going out. Her lack of a voice. When would she be herself again? Everyone looked at her strangely when they asked her a question and she answered the only way she could. She was tired of it.
"Can I get you folks started with something to drink?" An elderly woman with silver curly hair and warm eyes stood before them, her lips turned up in a gentle smile.
Hunter peered over the top of the menu. "Coke for me please."
The waitress turned to Becca. "And you, ma'am?"
Becca froze. With shaky fingers, she did the only thing she knew. She signed, asking for a lemonade. The woman's eyes widened and then came the look Becca dreaded. Pity. Sadness. As if there was something wrong with her because she couldn't talk.
"I'm sorry. I didn't realize she's deaf." The woman frowned, diverting her gaze to Hunter. "I don't..."
Hunter dropped the menu on the table. "Lemonade." His voice had an edge to it.
"Oh, of course. Right away." Cheeks reddening, the woman turned away and went to grab the drinks.
"Another reason you've been avoiding going out, right?" Hunter asked softly, reaching across the table to cover her hands with his own.
Fighting back tears of frustration, Becca nodded. Everyone assumed she was deaf, which in itself wasn't horrible. The looks she got afterwards though, as if there was something wrong with her because of it, that's what drove her nuts. She'd been through this so many times. Memories of childhood years came flooding back. The teasing. The misunderstanding. The looks. The pity. The things she'd overcome, but were back because her stupid voice wouldn't work!