A Mate for Lance (The Program Book 5)

BOOK: A Mate for Lance (The Program Book 5)
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The Program


Book 5

A Mate for Lance


Charlene Hartnady

Copyright and Disclaimer


Copyright © March 2016, Charlene Hartnady

Cover Art by Melody Simmons

Copy Edited by Kimberly Reichmann

Proofread by Underline This Editing

Produced in South Africa


Published by Charlene Hartnady

PO BOX 456, Melrose Arch,

Johannesburg, South Africa, 2176

[email protected]


A Mate for Lance is a work of fiction and characters, events and dialogue found within are of the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, either living or deceased, is purely coincidental.

With the exception of quotes used in reviews no part of this book may be reproduced or shared in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including but not limited to digital copying, file sharing, audio recording, email and printing without prior consent in writing from the author

Chapter 1


Amber groped around in her purse for a few seconds before finally pulling out the envelope that she had placed in there earlier. She removed the A4 document, unfolded it and handed it to her friend. “Take a look at this.” Her heart was beating out of her chest and her hands felt clammy. She had to work to keep herself from wiping them on her jeans.

Isabel’s eyes widened as she read the document. A smile slowly spread across her face. Then she fell back on the couch clutching the paper to her chest.

“No, don’t…” Amber watched in horror as the paper made a crinkling noise as it was crushed against Issy’s body. “I might need that.” She pointed at the document in question.

Issy giggled. “I’m sure they’ll have your name down in their database or something.” She pulled the page from her chest and smoothed down its edges.

“Well?” Amber was seriously losing it at this point. “Is that what I think it is or am I imagining things?”
It couldn’t be.
There had to be some mistake.
Had to be.

“Stop that.” Issy leaned forward toward Amber on the couch. Her eyes stern. Her whole demeanor serious. “I can’t believe you. Why is it that you can’t just accept how awesome and amazing you are?” She waved the paper around a few times. “Even when it’s in black and white.”

Amber leaned back into the couch and staring at TV, its black screen reflecting the whole living room. She took the document and reread it again. “I don’t know…” she said, after a few more minutes and shooting her friend a look. “It’s almost unreal.” She turned it over as though the ink would disappear. “Maybe this is all a big joke and I just don’t know it?”

Issy broke out into another radiant smile. “Don’t you dare do that. This is exactly what it looks like. You’ve been accepted into
The Program.
You are one lucky girl.” She threw her arms around Amber and hugged her tight. “It couldn’t have happened to a better, more deserving person. Those vampires must have excellent taste in women.”

Yeah right. It was a mistake.
Any minute now, her phone would ring and someone would explain to her that it was all a misunderstanding

Amber hugged Issy back. How could she not? The nagging in the back of her mind did not let up though. “It could be a mistake. Maybe they sent this to the wrong Amber.” Her voice came out sounding timid, only because she knew how her best friend would react.

“You did not just say that.” Issy pushed her away but kept her hands on Amber’s shoulders. Issy looked deep into her eyes. “You need to stop with the bullshit. Do you hear me?”


“No buts…you need to start listening to me. No buts. You are beautiful, intelligent…you are amazing.” Issy’s eyes shone with sincerity. “I, for one, am jealous as hell of your boobs. They make me wish I was into women. You have everything going for you.
.” Issy pushed a brown strand of hair behind Amber’s ear and she chuckled. “Besides, how many Amber Jane Merle Raithwhites can there be in Sweetwater?”

Amber couldn’t help it, even though her gut still churned and her heart still raced, she laughed despite herself. “Yeah, I guess so.” Maybe they did want her.

“Well, I know so. They chose you. Those vampires looked at your resume, met you what…half a dozen times…along with half the female population of Sweetwater and decided that they wanted you in their dating program. You’re hot. It’s about time you realized that.”

“It was three times. And hardly half of Sweetwater.” There had been a whole lot of women at the first interview. Ridiculous amounts.

“What?” Issy raised her brows.

“I had three interviews, not half a dozen.”

Issy gave a dismissive wave of her hand. “Three, six…twenty, it doesn’t matter. They want you Amber,” she reiterated. “Maybe now you’ll realize your worth.”

Issy had gone behind her back and submitted her resume by filling out an online form. Amber could still remember how horrified she had been when her friend had informed her that she had been accepted into the first round of interviews. Amber still couldn’t believe it.

She was so nervous on that first day. It was so bad that her knees knocked together and her tongue had stuck to the roof of her mouth. She’d almost walked out a half a dozen times. Issy had gone through so much trouble to set the whole thing up that it would have been rude to not actually go through with the interview. At least that was how she rationalized staying at the time.

Thankfully, the lady she met with was super friendly. Amber had relaxed for the first time since hearing about the interview two days prior. Even so, it was still a major surprise that they’d called her back for the second interview and then the medical exam.

The third interview was with a panel. There was definitely a vampire woman and a vampire man in attendance, along with several run of the mill humans. The interview had lasted all of five minutes.

Five, measly minutes.

They’d asked her things like, how many guys she had dated and if she believed in soul mates. They appeared indifferent to her answers. The letter she now clutched in her hand was a shock. It couldn’t be real. It couldn’t be. It had to be a mistake. She was tempted to check her phone. Again.

“What did your dad say?” Issy picked up her mug from the coffee table and took a sip. They were in Issy’s flat. It was small but well furnished, with quaint touches.

The churning in her gut became worse. She licked her lips and squirmed in her seat. Amber clasped her hands together tightly in her lap.

“Oh my word! You haven’t told them?” Issy shrieked.

Amber winced at the very thought. “I can’t tell them. I won’t. I know I’ve been accepted but I shouldn’t go.” She still lived at home and worked at her father’s hardware store. They relied on her. Who was going to do the books while she was away? Who would complete inventory and order new supplies? Two weeks may not seem like a long time, but she’d never been out of her parent’s sight for any longer than two hours. At least, it felt that way sometimes.

Issy raised her brows. “You’ve worked for your dad for years, Amber, without so much as taking a long weekend off.”

“We close over Christmas and Easter.”

“Big deal. You need to do this. If you don’t, you’ll regret it for the rest of your life. Speak to them.”

The interview process had been lengthy and she could have pulled out at any time. After the initial interview, Amber had gone through with it to the end. But it wasn’t the end. It was the beginning. If she just took the chance. Amber sighed. “You’re right,” she said, still feeling afraid. “It’s just…”

“No!” Issy cocked her head. “
It’s just
nothing…you’re doing this, even if I have to kidnap you and deliver you to those gorgeous hunks myself.”

Amber felt a wave of excitement course through her. Vampires were total hunks. Tall, built, so darned yummy. Issy was right, she would live to regret it if she didn’t at least try. She nodded her head. “I would love to date one of them,” she gushed, feeling her cheeks heat.

Amber’d seen the advertisements and had wondered what that’d be like to be with an honest to god vampire. She longed for someone who wanted the same things she did, something long-term with someone who wanted a more meaningful relationship. She’d heard that the vampires in
The Program
were seeking women with the same goals in mind. None of the other guys in Sweetwater were like that, not that she’d dated every guy in town but it wasn’t easy for her to date, not with her current situation. Being
The Program
had dual benefits—she’d get to find someone she could have a future with, and be away from doting but smothering parents.  

“It’s about time you dated. Heck, it’s about time you got seriously laid,” Issy snorted.

Amber gasped. “Stop that! It’s a dating program.”

Issy laughed. “You do realize that it’s ultimately a breeding program, right? That means sex and lots of it.”

Oh shit!
She’d forgotten that part. Maybe this wasn’t a good idea. The thought of getting naked terrified her. Maybe she could still bow out. Surely they would understand.

“Hey!” Issy wagged a finger at her. “Stop that! I can see you back pedaling. Don’t overthink this. Just go and enjoy yourself. See it as a vacation.”

Only three weeks away.

Three weeks for Amber to prepare. She also had to think of something to tell her folks as well. She would need to take a day or two’s leave so that she could attend the required training. She’d have to think of something.

One thing was for sure, she was on a strict diet from here on out. No carbs for her. She needed some new clothes and to have her hair done and…there was loads to do.

It looked like she was going through with this. Her heart raced even more and her hands still felt clammy, only this time, there was a smile on her face. A vampire of her very own. Maybe, just maybe…

Chapter 2


Not a fuck!

Lance crushed the newspaper between his fingers as he strode down the hallway. He knocked twice before entering the room.

Lazarus’ female looked up from her computer. Her eyes were wide.

Lance walked in and leaned down over her desk before throwing the paper across the keyboard of her computer.

“Why don’t you come on in?” She raised her brows. “Make yourself at home.”

Humans could be really strange. He was already inside her office. Why was she inviting him in? He ignored the comments. “What is the meaning of this?” His chest vibrated as he growled the words.

Alex raised her brows even further before leaning back in her chair. She folded her arms across her chest. Her belly was ever so slightly rounded. Lance felt some of the irritation leave him. Alex was with child. Chances were good that she was carrying twins. He reminded himself that she was also Lazarus’ female. He sucked in a deep breath and took a seat.

She cleared her throat. “I am in charge of Public Relations. It’s my job to get everyone out there to love us. It’s my job to get women interested in joining
The Program
. Did you know that we had the biggest response ever for the third heat of the program?” She didn’t wait for an answer from him and smoothed out the rumbled paper. “Most of that interest was generated by that article.” She held it up and pointed at the picture . The one with a shirtless picture of himself. The picture took up half the front page of Sweetwater’s main newspaper. With the words, “
Last Chance to Nab the Most Eligible
sprawled across the top of the page.

“I don’t give a f…rat’s ass how many females applied. That article suggests that I am available… I’m not,” he reiterated. “It’s bullshit.”

Alex laughed, shaking her head. “You are one of the males taking part in
The Program,
or am I mistaken?”

He narrowed his eyes and gave a jerk of the head in affirmation. “I’m taking part but I’m not available. I don’t want those females to get the wrong idea. It irritates me to have to keep telling them that I’m not interested.”

Alex laughed again, this time even harder. “Full of it much? You guys crack me up and in a big way.”

“It’s not about being full of it or about being arrogant. It’s irritating. They try and get my attention in the strangest of ways. They get upset when I turn down offers of sex. One of the females in the last heat showed up at my suite and removed her jacket when I opened the door. She was naked. Completely naked. She screamed and kicked my door when I closed it in her face. This,” he said, jabbing angrily at the article “is going to cause more shit for me.”

“Stop whining,” Alex suggested, not at all sympathetic. “You’ll have to deal as best as you can.”

He frowned. “
The Program
is a waste of my time. I don’t know if I want to even take part any more.”.

“This is the last heat that you can take part in. It’s your last chance to find a human mate. You—like it or not—are news. You’re by far the favorite; and, by your own admission, unavailable. That makes you the most eligible vampire bachelor. If you read the article, you will see that I mention that you are not interested in taking a mate and that you plan to see this through to the end because vampires are not quitters by nature. You leaving The Program,
at this stage, would be bad publicity for us and I have to ask that you think carefully before doing something so drastic.”

Alex was right.

“Fuck!” Lance ran a hand through his hair. “How the hell did this get so complicated?” They were clearly using him for ratings and as a draw card to get more females into The Program. No wonder his request to withdraw after the first heat had been declined. Fuckers! Maybe he should remove himself from
The Program
entirely. He was sorely tempted. He didn’t need this kind of shit.

“It’s only two weeks, Lance.” The female smiled at him. “Maybe one of them is your mate.”

He shook his head. “Not a fuck!”

“You never know.” She threw him another sweet as honey smile. There was nothing sweet about this female. Lazarus had his hands more than full. He felt sorry for the male.

“Yes, I do.” He smiled back but only because snarling would be seen as impolite. The female was pregnant after all. “Two weeks of hell.” He would interact and spend as little time as possible with them. He didn’t want a mate. He certainly didn’t need a mate. It had been stupid to ever join
The Program.
The plan had been to enjoy himself a little. That little idea had very quickly come to an end. Human females were just too fragile, too emotional, wanting more than he was willing to give. They placed too much on the physical act. Each and every female he bedded had believed that they could change him. They became upset when he’d sent them on their way. Upset when he refused to kiss them on the mouth.

Pathetic humans.

In short, although enticing and utterly captivating, they were not for him. No female ever would be again. Fucking, hell yes. Love? Not a chance. He’d rather lose an eye, hell, both eyes, than lose his heart.


Three weeks later


Her suitcase was heavy but a girl needed to be prepared. Two weeks was a long time to be gone. It might even end up being much longer.

They had mentioned in the training that they needed to bring both formal and informal attire. Since it was fall, she needed to pack for chilly weather as well as for hot. It was an unpredictable time of year.

“I can’t believe this can’t wait until Christmas. Who takes a holiday at this time of year? No one, that’s who.” Her father frowned.

“We’ve been over this dad.” Amber sighed. “Flights and accommodation are almost double during the holiday season.”

“Why do you need to go to France anyway?” her mother asked, looking concerned.

Amber cringed. She had lied about where she was going. “I want to experience new things. Meet new people,” she hedged, avoiding the real reason. Her parents wouldn’t understand her decision.

“It’s on the other side of the world. On a different continent. This isn’t like you at all. It’s risky and a little crazy.” Her father looked just as upset as her mother. “We offered to pay the extra. We can all go together…we’ll go this Christmas. You’re being silly.”

She hated it when he treated her like she was still a little girl. Amber sucked it up and plastered a smile on her face. “Thank you, dad. I appreciate the offer but this is something I have to do on my own. I know it’s a little out of character.” Amber didn’t take risks. “It’s something I just feel I have to do.”

“But right now?” Her mother shook her head. “Maybe next year would…”

“I have to do this.” She was twenty-seven and still lived at home. As terrified as she was, she needed to at least try.

“I’m dropping you at the airport.” Her dad picked up his keys.

“No.” She practically shouted it. “I mean, thanks for the offer but I’m a grown woman and can take care of myself. Besides, I called a cab. It’ll be here any second.”

“Do you have your medication?” her mom asked in a sing-song voice.


“Are there bees in Paris?” Her mom’s brows were raised.

Amber had to laugh. “Yes, mom. I’m sure they have bees.”

Her mom stiffened and she sucked in a breath. “You’ve got your EpiPens and will take your antihistamine? Don’t eat at any of those fancy restaurants. You know what could happen.”

“Yes, mom. I won’t eat any shellfish or peanuts and I’ll be sure to stay away from bees.” She took her mom’s hand. “I’ll be fine.”

“I’ve almost lost you four times.” Her mom’s eyes filled with tears. “You’re our only child.”

Oh boy! Here we go again.
“Mom, it’s only two weeks. I’ll be back before you know I’m even gone.”

“You were a preemie and a sickly baby.” She’d only heard this a million, make that a billion, times. “You were only three years old. A tiny, little girl. I should never have given you peanut butter on your toast.” She shook her head, her eyes had that glazed over look as she thought back.

“Mom…it wasn’t your fault. You didn’t know I was allergic. Just like it wasn’t your fault when I was stung by a bee at seven and again at twelve.”

Bees loved her. They gravitated towards her and it was like they could smell her fear because they would sting her with zero provocation. She’d been stung numerous times over the years. Thankfully she always had an EpiPen at the ready. Never left home without one. So far, so good. They’d tested her for allergies after that first incident at three. She’d never tasted prawns, crabs or oysters but that couldn’t be helped. On the up side, she was still alive. The only downer was that she had never outgrown her allergies like some people normally did when they reach adulthood. She could still remember being forced to endure months of allergy shots in the hopes of building an immunity. A fruitless endeavor.

She looked her mom deep in the eye. “Please, don’t worry,” she said, squeezing her mom’s hand reassuringly.

Her mom nodded, the older woman’s lip wobbled. “Okay, dear. Be sure to phone and to write.”

“I’ll try...” She was not allowed to have contact with the outside world during the duration of her stay. Several planned abductions of some of the female participants had occurred and the organizers of
The Program
didn’t want a repeat. After hearing the full explanation, Amber could understand the precautions. “It might not be possible with the time difference.” It was a weak excuse but what the hell could she tell them?

“Call anytime, sweetheart. Day or night,” her dad chimed in.

“I’ll do my best,” she said, looking at the floor. Amber hated lying to her folks like this. They were smothering but they meant well.

“Just promise us that you’ll look after yourself and that you won’t leave your hotel without your meds.” Her dad frowned so hard that his face shrunk.

“I’ll be careful. You’ve got my list of instructions for the store?”

Her father nodded. “Yeah and the temp you organized arrives tomorrow. We’ll be fine…just take care of yourself. We love you.”

“I know, dad. I love you both very much. Please try and understand that I need to live my life. I need to do this.”

Her dad huffed. “We’ll try even though we are still struggling to understand it all.”

“We’ll miss you, honey.” Her mother pulled her into a hug.

Amber hugged both her parents one more time and then walked away. Pulling the suitcase behind her, she went out the front door of the house she grew up in and although her hands shook, she’d never felt more alive in her life.


Even though all of the vampire women they had seen so far were really beautiful with swimsuit model bodies, it seemed that vampire guys were more into curves. Thank god! This assumption was based on the women that had been selected.

“Hi, Amber. Good to see you again.” Bethany’s smile spanned from ear to ear as she walked up to where Amber was standing.

“Hi.” She waved a hand, her eyes still tracking the other women as they milled around the hotel reception. “What happened to the sweatpants and jeans from last week?” Amber mumbled almost to herself. She felt distinctly underdressed as her gaze roved around the room. They hadn’t looked like this at training. She was wearing a pair of black slacks and a turquoise blouse, too conservative and casual by comparison.

Bethany gave a giggle. She fiddled with the cups of her bra, readjusting them so that her breasts were even more out there in a low cut top. “It’s on. This is it, we have a week to make an impression. It’s twenty-five of us to ten of them. More than half will be going home.” Then she smoothed out her tight fitting capri pants. “You were at the training; vampires are sexual creatures, and you’ve seen how the vampire women dress. I plan on getting noticed early on.”

Amber didn’t own revealing clothing. One of the women walked past. Her dress was so short that it could pass as a top. It would be acceptable with a pair of leggings or tights…maybe…but not like that. There was another woman across from them who clearly wasn’t wearing a bra. There were nipples all over the place. Amber sighed. If that was the case, then she was out of the running before the games even began. Disappointment welled up in her but she pushed it down. To hell with it! Issy was right. She was worth it and awesome and special. She was a catch, and if the vampires weren’t willing to spend some time getting to know her, without her having to parade around like a piece of meat, then tough luck. It would be their loss.

However, not every woman in the room was dressed provocatively. To her relief, she finally noted that there were quite a number of ladies who were dressed sexy but reserved and even one or two in jeans and a t-shirt.

Her mother had always told her to be herself:
If he doesn’t love you for you, then he’s not worth your time anyway.

Amber wanted to groan out loud. When she’d first wanted to shave her legs…her mom had said that to her. When she’d wanted to wear that short bubble skirt that was all the rage…same thing. When she’d gotten her heart broken by Brad ‘Freckles’ Fletcher, she’d heard it yet again.

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