A Mate for Lance (The Program Book 5) (17 page)

BOOK: A Mate for Lance (The Program Book 5)
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“Mmmmm. Interesting.” He sat back in his chair and folded his arms.

“What is that supposed to mean?” Her jaw tensed and she took another gulp of wine. “I work for my dad and still live at home.”

“I find that a turn on.”

She laughed. He loved the sound. “Of course you do.”

“When you go back home…to your parents…” He had to smile. “Can I sneak into your room and…”

“No way.” She was smiling too. “Don’t you even think about doing something like that.”

“You would love it.”

More of her arousal. Her eyes were bright. She pulled her lower lip between her teeth and shook her head, not saying a word.

The waiter returned. Lance put a napkin over his crotch. It didn’t help. Not one fucking bit. It was like he had a miniature flying carpet over his dick area. The waiter placed a shiny steel covered dish in front of each of them. To the male’s credit he didn’t look down.

The male then removed the cover off of Amber’s plate first.

“I’m sorry.” Amber shook her head. “I can’t eat this. I’m allergic to shellfish.” She looked upset. She moved her chair back. “I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be.”

“It’s just… I’m seriously allergic, as in, I can die from the tiniest amount of shellfish.”

He could smell her fear. “Take them away.” Lance pointed at each plate in turn.

“Please, can you inform the chef.” Amber looked worried. “I can’t have any shellfish or tree nuts.”

“Shit! They probably didn’t know you were out on a date with me.”

The waiter nodded. “I will inform the kitchen. Apologies for the inconvenience.” The male picked up both plates and left.

“I’m sorry,” Lance finally growled. Their first date and he fucked it up.

Amber smiled. “It’s not your fault. You didn’t know. It’s not like we’ve talked very much since we met.”

“Tell me about this allergy. Vampires do not suffer from such afflictions. So I don’t know anything about it,” he said, brows furrowing. “It is strange to me that something simple like a cooked meal can evoke such fear.” He paused. “Can you really die from it?”

She nodded. “I’m allergic to a types of shellfish. I haven’t had a reaction in many years…thank god.” She played with the napkin. “Shellfish, like prawns, lobster and shrimp, cause a life threatening reaction. Ultimately, it gets really hard for me to breathe. I’m also allergic to bees. A bee sting can kill me, too. I swell up, get hives, my throat closes. The scary part is that a reaction isn’t always immediate, especially with shellfish. I’ve had nightmares about dying in my sleep.”

The thought of anything happening to her… Lance pulled out his phone. “Let me call the kitchen just to make sure that you don’t—”

“I did put my allergy down on my forms and I have told the chef. Like you said…” She raised her brows. “They must not have known this dinner was for me and I never told you any of this before so, it’s not your fault.”

“I made a point of mentioning your name. We have many different chefs that work for us. They are all vampires so they will not be familiar with your allergy. I doubt anyone realizes how serious this is. I will call them just to be sure.”

Amber nodded, the relief evident on her face.

“I’ll discuss it with Allison tomorrow as well,” he said, as he dialed. He asked to be put in contact with the main kitchen and after speaking with three different people, he finally discussed the whole thing with the male preparing the food.

“I’m also allergic to tree nuts like peanuts,” Amber chimed in.

He relayed this to the male, explaining that the fragile human could die if she ate them. He ended the call and put his phone back in his pocket.

“I have my medication in my bag for in the case of emergency.” She shrugged. “Thanks for that. Having a reaction is not fun. It usually ends with a trip to the emergency room and since my folks don’t know I’m here—” She stopped abruptly, her eyes widening.

He had to smile. “Your parents, the ones you live with, don’t know that you’re a part of
The Program

She shook her head. “They wouldn’t approve.”

“How did you get away with leaving for weeks on end? What did you tell them?”

She chewed on her lip. “I told them that I was going to Paris on holiday in the hopes of meeting a really nice foreign guy.”

He had to laugh. Nice? No. “Foreign…that’s funny.” He folded his arms. “Try total different species.”

She sighed. “They didn’t like Freddie at all. My mom said that he was a loser.”

“I like your mother. I totally agree with her.” He noticed the edge in his voice and cleared his throat.

“Let’s not start on that one again,” she said, frowning.

Lance nodded. He meant every word. The male was clearly a loser. He had only been interested in his own gratification instead of trying to make her happy.

The same waiter appeared with fresh plates. “Salmon three ways. The chef sends his apologies.”

Amber smiled and nodded. “Thank you. I appreciate the effort.” The male nodded. After refilling their glasses, he left.

“Is there anything else I need to know?” Lance picked up his fork.

“Like what?” She cut off a small piece of fish.

“Anything life threatening…fucking is so much simpler than dating.”

“So sorry to put you out.” She rolled her eyes and ate the food. He watched her mouth move and her throat work as she swallowed. It was going to be a long few days.

“You should be,” he grumbled.

Her mouth fell open. “I’m not.”

Lance laughed. This female was something.

The rest of the evening was uneventful. They talked. They laughed. It wasn’t half as bad as he thought it would be. In fact, he would go so far as to say that he enjoyed himself. Amber looked like she had enjoyed herself as well. They didn’t fight…much.

“I’m coming in.” He put a hand on the wall next to her as she slipped her key card across the slot on her door.

“Maybe you shouldn’t…”

He ushered her inside and closed the door behind them.

“This isn’t a good idea…we…”

“It’s a fantastic idea.” He pushed her against the wall and captured her mouth. That mouth. That sexy as fuck mouth of hers. He could kiss it all day and all fucking night. Their tongues slid together in a languid fashion and the hands that were flat on his chest gripped the fabric of his shirt and dragged him closer. The female moaned as he broke the kiss.

“You need to go.” Her irises were dilated and her breath came in short little pants. “This will look bad.”

“They’ll know that nothing happened. Where is it?” His eyes scanned the room. “Where’s the vibrator?” he added.

She shook her head and started to talk but he put an index finger over her mouth. Her hot as hell mouth. Lance couldn’t resist. He kissed her again, this time sucking in her lower lip and giving it a soft nip.

“You shouldn’t be doing that.”

“First, no fucking; now, no kissing? Soon you’ll ban touching and I’m going to touch you, Amber. One of us is going to have release tonight.”

Her eyes widened and her irises dilated even more.

“Where is it?”

“I’ve never…used one before.”

“Neither have I.” He smiled. “Looks like it’s going to be a first for both of us.”

She stepped out of her heels and walked to the bedside table where she pulled open the drawer. With a shaking hand, she removed the still sealed box and put it on the bed. Then she took out a pack of batteries.

“Take off the dress.” No mistaking the low growl. “And your underwear.”

A shock of pink crept up her neck, spilling over onto her cheeks, like she’d never had sex before. It was as sexy as fuck.

She looked up at him from under her lashes. “I think it would be better if the dress stayed on.”

He shrugged. “Your thong needs to go. That’s not negotiable.”

She swallowed hard but nodded, shimmying out of the black lace. She put the panties on her bedside table.

Lance picked up the scrap of fabric and put it to his nose. Yum. He sniffed again.

“Stop that.” She shook her head. “You’re being a pig.”

“Oink fucking oink. I love the scent of your pussy.” He shrugged. “So sue me.” He put the thong back on the table. Then, on second thoughts, he picked up the thong and stuck it in his pocket.

“Hey.” Amber scowled at him, looking more adorable than angry.

Lance shrugged. “For later. When I’m all alone and tugging myself around the room like a class-A loser.” He choked out a laugh. Oh how the fucking mighty fall. “Lie down on the bed. Pull your dress up over your hips and open your legs.”

“I can go without…this…for a few days…you know?” She swallowed hard. Looking so unsure of herself.

He shook his head. “I’m going to make you come hard, Amber. I’m going to watch you become wild with need and I’m going to watch you closely when your orgasm obliterates you. Know that I will play the moment over and over in my mind later.” And again in the morning.

She nodded. The scent of her arousal filled the room. It made his head spin. Amber lay down on the bed while he put batteries into the device. It was a fucking crying shame that this battery operated piece of rubber got to touch her instead of him. He would make do and deliver as promised. Despite the raging need that coursed through him, he would enjoy every second.

She arched her back as she slid her dress over her hips.

“Open.” His voice was so gravelly. His dick lurched in his pants as he caught sight of her glistening pussy and that wild tangle of fur between her legs. So fucking beautiful.

Her heart was beating out of her chest. Her eyes were wide. She was nervous and turned on. So damned turned on.

“Grab ahold of the headboard and don’t let go or I’ll stop.”

“Maybe I want you to stop.” Her knuckles turned white as she grabbed the wrought iron rail.

“No fucking way.”

“So damned arrogant.”

He smiled. “It’s a fact.” Her hips jerked as the vibrator fired to life with a soft buzzing noise. “Don’t make a sound. Not one little noise. Do you hear me?”

Instead of nodding, she shook her head. Her chest heaved and her eyes widened. He scented fear. “What’s wrong?”

She clutched her chest. “I don’t feel right.”

“What’s wrong?” He could hear the panic in his voice. The scent of her fear deepened.

“You spoke to the chef. Shit!” She sat upright. Her breathing ragged. “I feel ill.” She absently scratched her arm. “Itchy. My lips are tingling. Shit! You spoke to the chef so this can’t be happening.” Her eyes were wide and wild looking.

“Are you having one of your…reactions?” Fuck. Her skin had turned pale and yet blotchy in places.

Her eyes were so fucking wide it was scary. Her heart raced. She covered her mouth with her hand, making a pained noise. “I’m going to throw up.”

“Good. Do it. It might help.” He closed the distance between them.

“Toilet.” She moaned between her fingers. Amber made a pained noise through her fingers.

“Of course.” He picked her up off the bed and quickly carried her to the bathroom. As soon as he put her down, she practically threw herself over the porcelain bowl and heaved.

“Fuck,” Lance snarled. He didn’t know what to do. In the end, he held back her hair. Her body heaved a few times before she finally threw up. This went on for a while. She gripped the toilet seat, breathing heavily between retches.

When she was finally done. He helped her up so that she could wash her face. Lance pulled her dress back down. Her heart raced even faster and her breathing was still erratic. “I need my purse. Call an ambulance.” Her eyes were wild and her lips looked…swollen. They were definitely fucking swollen.

He held onto her so that she couldn’t fall. The blotches on her neck were worse. “I’ve got you,” he growled. Feeling more useless than ever before.

“I’m going into shock. Help me.” Her eyes rolled back. “My pen. My…” She wobbled on her feet and he picked her up.

Even her hands looked swollen. She was wheezing, like it was hard to breathe. Lance carried her to the room and put her on the bed. “My pen. Need my pen.”

Why the hell would she need a pen at a time like this? She must be delusional.

Lance dialed reception. “We need an ambulance…no, make that a chopper. Fuck!” he snarled. “The human, Amber, is in trouble. She ate food that does not agree with her.”

“I can send up some antacids…” the idiot at reception said. “I doubt that a—”

“She is dying. Humans can have allergies that can kill them. She suffers from one of these allergies. She can’t breathe and is swelling. If you don’t call someone, she will die. I don’t have time to explain. Call the healers. I will try and see what I can do.” He said it all in a rush and didn’t wait for the female to respond.

He would feed her his blood.

“My purse.” She was trying to get up. “Medicine.” Her eyes rolled in her head. She was so damned pale. The swelling was worse. Her breathing was worse. Fuck! His heart raced as he grabbed her purse and threw the contents out on the bed.

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