A McKenzie Christmas (3 page)

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Authors: Lexi Buchanan

BOOK: A McKenzie Christmas
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“Oh, babe.” Michael pulled her into his arms and held her close. He’d planned on taking her out to dinner, but if they carried on, dinner would be room service much later in the evening. “I’ve always been right in front of you, just like you have with me.”

Michael picked Lily up into his arms and stepped back to drop onto the sofa in their hotel suite. “Lily, I love you. I know things have been difficult with having three kids under three, but I’m not going anywhere. You’ll always have me even when I’m a frustrated dick.”

Lily started to chuckle, which eventually turned into a fit of laughter. “Frustrated dick. Do you get it?”

Michael grinned, and admitted, “Well, I guess that was an accurate description.”

“Let’s not go out and eat. I want to stay here with no one else around. I want to make love all night.”

Michael was certainly up for that.

“I have something for you,” he admitted. His dick ached with just the thought of seeing Lily in the lace he’d bought.

“An early Christmas present?” Lily sat up, her eyes sparkled as they widened when she felt the rock beneath her bottom.

Lily wiggled as he gripped her hips and held her still. “I want you so badly that a few more wiggles and I’ll come in my pants.”


“Lily,” he growled and put her on her feet. Michael followed and retrieved his gift from where he’d hidden it in his overnight bag.

He held it, with one finger, out to Lily, who had a secret smile on her lips as she took it from him.

“I’ll change in the bathroom.”

Michael sighed in relief once his wife was out of view. He hadn’t lied about coming in his pants. He was so hard that Lily was lucky he hadn’t tackled her to the floor.

While she was in the bathroom, he made quick work of his clothes and sprawled out on top of the bed to wait for her in his naked glory.

His cock throbbed for relief, and his arousal dripped from the plump crown to his stomach. He was half tempted to rub one off before she appeared so that he had some control. He knew it would only take a few strokes before he came.

Too late, though.

The door opened slowly before Lily stood unsure in the doorway to the bathroom, her arms across her chest.

Michael smiled, and tried to hold himself in check at the sight of his beautiful wife. She made his
heart beat
wildly in his chest and his dick jerked as though an electric shock had struck it. Very soon, Lily was going to find out just how desperate he was for her when he came all over himself without a touch.

He closed his eyes, but that didn’t calm him. If anything, it made him worse. So when he snapped his eyes open and saw Lily still in the doorway, he said, “Let your arms drop. I want to see all of you.”

She hesitated, biting her lip before she dropped her arms.

He couldn’t catch his breath as Lily bared her breasts to him and walked forward. They swayed as she walked, her nipples large, dark cherries, hard and prominent. He couldn’t move his eyes as his dick bounced with excitement.

He was about to come.

He scooted to the end of the bed, reached for Lily, and impaled her. The head of his dick hit her cervix—he was that deep. He still couldn’t catch his breath, and, as Lily pressed her breasts against his chest, he started to come. His hands flexed on Lily’s hips as he ground up into her. His jizz wouldn’t stop, and then he felt Lily’s walls as they rippled along his length. She gasped and started moaning into his neck as her orgasm claimed her. She milked him and didn’t let up until one last burst of jizz shot out. They collapsed against each other as she kissed his jaw.

“Wow. We were both starved, huh?” Lily giggled.

“Fuck me,” Michael murmured as he held his wife tightly in his arms.

He was still hard inside her, and, with some
he managed to get them further up the bed with his dick still buried in his wife’s hot sheath.


As he loomed over her, he gently rocked back and forth, creating a delicious friction inside her. Lily had no idea that Michael had been so turned on that he would come the minute he was buried deep. For that matter, she’d had no idea that she was that ready to come with him.

She’d been surprised at the outfit Michael had bought her, but she shouldn’t have been really because he loved her teasing him. The outfit certainly did that with the split cups over her breasts. She was lucky because her breasts had stayed firm even though they’d grown drastically since she’d been pregnant with Sirena. Of course, they held milk for their daughter, but Michael was a breast man so, no doubt, they did things to him that he’d never admit to her, or would he?

“I take it you like the outfit.” She grinned up at him.

“Yes,” he croaked, his eyes fixed on her breasts that still burst free of the outfit.

She laughed and her eyes sparkled with mischief as she teased him. She licked her finger before she traced a path down to her nipple and flicked it over the sensitive flesh. Lifting both arms, she stared into his eyes as she cupped the large globes with her hands. Her thumbs rubbed back and forth over her engorged nipples, drawing a moan from her as she did. They felt wet, which told her some milk leaked, but it felt too good to stop. Her channel fluttered around Michael’s thick shaft while she continued to tease him, but it wasn’t long before he lost control and dipped his head to sample her nipples for himself.

“I have months of built up lust for you, dear wife. I hope you’re ready for me.” He swirled a tongue around one of her nipples as he slid a hand under her ass; he held her against him as he thrust.

She groaned and tried to control her breathing, but with Michael setting her senses on fire, she had no chance, but she wouldn’t go over alone. Her hands reached out, her fingers tangled in his hair while he continued to lap at her breasts.

Lily wrapped her legs around his waist and thrust her hips up into him. Michael growled and met her gaze.

“I love you.” He reared up and wrapped her in his arms as he slowed his pace. “No matter what. No matter how much time goes between us making love, I love you. Always.”

Lily felt tears fill her eyes at her husbands beautiful words. That’s what she needed to hear, and he didn’t let her down.

He bent and kissed the tears away, but never stopped moving slowly inside her.

Lily reached up and cupped his face in her hands. “You’re always in my thoughts even when I’m so tired from spending all day with the children. You’re my heart, Michael.”

“Damn straight.” He sealed their lips together in a kiss that said more than his words would ever say.

Then he made love to his wife for the rest of the night.

Chapter 2

Sebastian & Carla


Carla sighed as she glanced around the room, a feeling of pride washing over her. Their cabin looked festive now that they’d spent a couple of days putting up the tree and decorations. She felt happy. Like really happy. For the first time in a few years, her brother, Noah, would be around to celebrate the holiday with her. So not only would she have her husband, Sebastian, and his family on Christmas Day,
she’d have what was left of her own family.

Nothing was going to prevent them from having the perfect Christmas. Last Christmas had been perfect with Sebastian, but this year, she wouldn’t have to worry about whether her brother was still breathing.

Sebastian made her feel like she could do anything that she set her mind to, and he encouraged her like no other. Most of the time he acted like a big kid, but he was her big kid and she loved him.

Her husband was currently messing about up in the attic space of their cabin. She loved the sprawling ranch-style house, but because of the wooden exterior, she couldn’t bring herself to call it a house. She preferred to call it a cabin.

He was up to something though. All her presents had been placed under the tree before she even had one decoration on the green spruce. But he was acting weird for want of a better word. It was as though he had a secret or a surprise that was killing him to keep to himself. She knew he was a pain in the ass when he knew something that no one else did. But this time, she felt as though it was more.

He’d actually used the excuse of finding more Christmas decorations as his reasoning to go into the attic this time. She just didn’t believe him and knew that, before long, she’d have him pinned down, naked and wild with lust for her. And when she did, she’d withhold until he admitted what was going on with him. She wasn’t really a tease because Sebastian didn’t usually hold on too long for her to tease him. But she could do it. She hoped. She’d have fun doing it as well.

“Hey, babe. Look what I found?” Sebastian walked into their living room and Carla laughed as she looked at her husband. He looked like a ghost with all the dust that coated his clothes.

Carla couldn’t make out what he showed her so she crossed the room and peered into her husband’s arms. With a closer look, she saw that he held a

“Please tell me you didn’t find that little thing in the attic.” Carla took the kitten from Sebastian and cuddled it close. The little meows it gave tugged at her heartstrings.

“No. I didn’t find anything up there but rubbish.” He wouldn’t meet her gaze. “I went to put some of it outside and found this one in a tree.”

“Oh, no. I bet you’re hungry,” Carla muttered away to the kitten as she went to hunt for some milk. She didn’t have any cat food, but she could get some later. They ate meat though, so she was sure Sebastian wouldn’t mind sharing his beef fillet with the little thing.


While he watched Carla tend to the kitten he found, he sighed in relief that he had something to distract her with. She was on to him and knew that he was up to something. He hated that he kept something from her, but the woman was clueless sometimes. All she had to do was open her eyes.

He grinned as Carla stood in front of him with the kitten curled up in her hand and he wiggled his brows at her. “So what name have you given it?”

She narrowed her eyes. “Are you sure you found this in a tree?”

“Of course I did.”


“Carla.” He chuckled. “I promise that I found it in a tree. If I’d bought you that for Christmas I would say so. I mean
I’d want the credit for your smile.”

“Okay, I believe you.”

Sebastian lived to make her smile and he hated it when she was under the weather. Carla would tease him sometimes, saying that he fussed more than his mother did.

“So, you still haven’t told me if you’ve named her?” He grinned.

She shook her head and laughed. “Buttons.”

“Buttons? What kind of name is that?” He grumbled as he followed her back into the living room.

“It’s a good name. The little thing is white apart from the black dot on her nose. I’d rather call her Buttons than Dot.”

Sebastian rolled his eyes. “Now you’re just being ridiculous.”

Carla sniggered. “I learned from the best, and the most handsome.”

“Hmm, buttering me up will get you everything.”

“I don’t need to butter you up,” she stepped into his space and curved her free hand around his neck, “because I know you love me as much as I love you.”

“I love you more.” He grinned, and stole a quick kiss, knowing that argument would go on forever if he let it.

Carla’s eyes filled with heat before she gave him a heart-stopping smirk that made him think of naughty things. “I’m not getting into that right now. We can argue about that when we’re both naked and you’re begging me to put your dick inside me,” she purred.

Sebastian hardened at her words, wondering if they could get away with a quickie before his dad appeared to help him get the huge tree from his truck to the hole out front. The ground had been frozen so he’d borrowed some heavy equipment from one of the McKenzie construction sites to get it dug. His nearest and dearest admitted she’d always wanted a Christmas tree outside with lights covering it. So of course he bought the biggest one he’d found on the tree lot. He still wondered whether he’d have to call Ramon and Noah over to help as well because the thing was heavy as hell.

“That will be your dad,” Carla grinned.

“He has bad timing,” he grumbled.

“No, he doesn’t. I’m impatient to get the tree decorated and lit.” Carla was so damned excited over the tree that she had Sebastian forgetting about his horny dick and he grinned with her.

“I’ll go and find out the plan to getting the thing off my truck while you find a secure place to keep

Carla reached up and whispered against his lips, “I love you.” Her lips sealed his response in his mouth, which turned to a groan when she gave him her tongue.

His hand grabbed hold of her ass and brought her hard against him, but a ‘meow’ broke them apart. They’d nearly crushed the kitten between them.

Sebastian groaned, rearranged his dick and after a quick kiss to his wife, headed outside.

“It’s good that I picked your brother and Noah up,” his dad commented as he stared at the tree. His hands were firmly planted on his hips and his mouth was twisted into a sour frown.

Sebastian stood beside his dad and looked at the tree as well. Really, it wouldn’t be too bad except the trunk was really thick and it was large enough to be cumbersome to move.

Ramon nudged him, and Sebastian had to laugh as he noticed the same expression on his brother’s face.

“Can’t we split it in half?” Ramon asked, not helpful at all.

“Did you come to help get the tree planted or to drink coffee with my wife?” Sebastian grouched.

Ramon grinned and glanced toward the house. Sebastian sighed as his brother and Noah raced away from the tree and up the steps to the cabin. His dad laughed as the door slammed shut behind them. Sebastian grinned back at his dad; his brother and his partner wouldn’t be inside long because Carla wanted this tree up, and soon, so there’d be no coffee or cookies until the tree was planted.

“We’ll wait for the kids to come back out here and then we’ll get it out, son.” His dad rubbed his shoulder in a gesture that was all too familiar. A man of little words, his father, but the hand gesture was something he’d done since Sebastian had been small, and he grew up to realize that it was his father’s way of showing his love. They all relished it.

“I’m surprised you had time to come down here. Doesn’t Mom have you running around like usual?” His mom was really the glue that held the family together. She’d given a welcome to Carla and to each of his brothers’ girls without a second thought.

He shook his head. “She’s baking up a storm in the kitchen with Rosie and I was apparently in the way.” He chuckled. “I think what she meant when she said I needed to find something to do was that I needed to stop eating the Snickerdoodles.”

Sebastian straightened from where he was slouched against his truck. “Snickerdoodles? Mom made Snickerdoodles and you didn’t bring any?”

“Son, you know your mother when she has her mind set. They’re for Christmas Day. So it’s hands off or get an apron to help replace the ones in your stomach.”

Sebastian laughed. “I can’t believe Mom would even suggest that you help bake.”

“Me either, son. I think it was a ruse to get me out of there. Girl talk and all that.”

“Rosie’s okay, right?”

“I think so. She had a beautiful smile on her face, and I saw Ruben drop her off. I actually thought they’d be getting it on, in his car, outside the front door.” His dad chuckled. “If there is something going on, it isn’t between them two.”

“Okay, here they come.” He referred to Ramon and Noah, but he laughed when he caught his wife in the background shaking her head at something Noah said.

“You annoying my wife?”

“Nope.” Noah grinned. “I was annoying my sister.” He smirked.


“Okay, boys. I’ve got better things to do today than stand around listening to you arguing.” At least their father managed to shut them up.

After about ten minutes of debating the best way to get the tree planted, they tied rope around the end and, using their combined strength, dragged the thing from the bed of the truck. It was no easy task because it weighed a ton, but, at least, it was out. Now just to get the thing planted so his wife could get it decorated. Not that she was going up any ladders; he’d be doing that bit.

“We’ve got this,” his dad stated as they struggled to keep the thing upright while they dropped it into the hole he’d dug.

By the time they were done, they had all worked up a sweat, but Sebastian had to admit that the tree looked good. Hopefully, it would continue to grow and stay healthy because the majority of its roots had still been attached. He sure as hell didn’t plan on doing that every December.

“I think we all deserve coffee and cake. Carla baked earlier as a treat for putting in the tree.” Sebastian chuckled though when he realized he spoke to their backs. They were already on their way inside.

You’d think that they hadn’t eaten. He didn’t know a McKenzie who’d refuse homemade cake.

“Where did you put Buttons again?” Sebastian asked, as he walked into his bedroom, not seeing his wife.

Carla chuckled from the en suite. “Sebastian McKenzie, you are one soft guy.”

He followed her voice and went instantly hard when he found her naked, having just gotten out of the shower. When she turned to hang the towel back on the rack, he pressed up against her ass, his arm around her stomach held her close. “There’s nothing soft about me, baby.” His face nuzzled into the curve of her neck and he was in heaven. The woman in his arms meant the world to him. She was his everything.

“She’s in the bathroom down the hall with her litter tray, food, and water. She’ll be fine.” She pressed her ass against his groin and rubbed. “Mmm, Sebastian,” she sighed.

His breath caught at the back of his throat as arousal shot through him and his hands reached up to cup her breasts. They were firm and filled his hands. Her nipples hardened under his touch as his dick throbbed behind his zipper.

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