Up in Smoke

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Authors: T. K. Chapin

BOOK: Up in Smoke
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Up in Smoke




















T.K. Chapin



© 2015 T.K. Chapin
All rights reserved.


This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictionally. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or to actual events or locales is entirely coincidental.

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Version: 11.12.2015



Available Books

By T.K. Chapin

(Inspirational Christian Romances)


Love’s Enduring Promise Series


The Perfect Cast
(Book 1) FREE


Finding Love
(Book 2)


Claire’s Hope
(Book 3)


Dylan’s Faith
(Book 4)



Embers & Ashes Series


Amongst The Flames


Out of the Ashes


Up in Smoke


After the Fire (
Coming Early 2016)



Stand Alones


Love Again


Love Interrupted



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Dedicated to my loving wife.

For all the years she has put up with me

And many more to come.


ith a trembling hand, I set the ink pen down on the desk in my study. My eyes lifted to the ceiling as I said a quiet but sincere prayer to the Lord. I prayed for peace I couldn’t find, and comfort I couldn’t hold. My prayers, while sincere, were lacking a certain depth. My once deep and meaningful conversations with my Creator had transformed into a ‘To Do’ list for God. I was writing a will, which terrified me, so I went to the one resource I knew that was able to help—God. My walk with the Lord had been strong in my younger years while I raised a family, but it had dwindled after my daughter had started her own life. It was a slow fade, with no exact date or time for when it all began sliding downhill, but I sensed that something wasn’t right along the way.

Picking up the pen again, I sighed as I continued to string together the words that I knew would be read aloud when I was gone from this world. It was an unsettling thought, and it troubled me greatly to imagine a day when I wasn’t alive.

“Rick,” my wife, Susan, said as she opened the door to my study. She was a welcomed and pleasant interruption from the task at hand. I looked over at her.

“Yes, dear?” I asked, hoping it was time to leave.

“I’ve packed our bags and loaded them into the car. We can go whenever you’re ready.” Watching her, I saw her eyes fall to my desk and to the pen in my hand. “What are you doing?” she inquired as she stepped closer to me.

I swept a hand over the will and said, “Just some paperwork.”

She nodded, and her eyes saw my finished slice of watermelon sitting on the plate on my desk. She beamed as she reminisced. “Do you remember that delightful afternoon we had down by the lake? We’d found the perfect watermelon at the store to go along with our picnic.”

I let myself join her in the reflection back to our youth. It was a time before we had our daughter, Bethany, back before we had any responsibilities in life. So many years ago, yet so easy to recall in my mind. I smiled as I looked over at her, and said, “I could almost taste that watermelon now.”

Her smile softened as she looked out the window behind me at the falling rain outside. She let out a long breath and said, “I’ll be downstairs waiting for you to finish up.”

She headed for the door.

“I’m just going to wrap up here and then we can head out. Did you pack my blood pressure medicine?”

Stopping at the door, she looked back at me. Those eyes. They were beautiful. Even after thirty years of marriage, they were still able to touch the depths of my soul with such ease and precision. “I always do.”

A smile crept at the corner of my lips as I returned to writing. Susan knew me better than anyone else on the planet. She even knew me better than I knew myself. I still wondered how I was able to keep a secret from her, though. Maybe it was because the thought of her finding out that our savings had all but vanished terrified me more than even the worst of the fires I had seen in all my years as a firefighter. She was my other half, my soul mate, and my best friend. If she were to find out the truth, I was certain she would leave me. I couldn’t take that. I loved her, I needed her, and life without Susan wasn’t a life worth having.

As I wrote down into words that my cousin Jeffery back in Arkansas would be getting the cigar boxes and baseball cards after I pass onto glory, I could feel my anxiety rising.
I can’t do this right now
, I thought to myself, closing my eyes for a moment.

Opening up the desk drawer, I set the will inside and shut it.
There’s plenty of time to write a will
, I thought to myself as I stood up. I don’t care if Captain Taylor feels that all of us at the station need to have one. I’m only fifty-three. Turning off the light as I left the room, I headed downstairs.

We got into the car outside and I turned the key over. Glancing over at Susan, I could tell something was off about her.

“What’s wrong?” I asked, looking at her with raised eyebrows. Seeing her gag and cover her mouth, I said, “Go inside to the bathroom, dear.”

She nodded and kept her mouth covered as she flung open the car door and booked it back up the driveway toward the house. Worried, I kept my eyes on her as I watched her open the door and rush inside.

While waiting for her to return, I thought about cancelling the trip altogether. Her lying in a hotel bed while feeling sick didn’t sound like a good time for her. When Susan got back into the car, I asked, “Want to just cancel the trip and stay home?”

She shook her head as she dug into her purse for something. Pulling out a pack of gum, she took a stick out and popped it into her mouth. “I’ll be okay, Rick. Let’s go.”

“You sure?” I asked, concerned.

She nodded and set her purse on the floor of the car, just beneath her seat. “Just get driving so we can get there before it gets too late. I want to eat at that restaurant inside the hotel, and they only have the discounted prime rib meal until six.”

“What are you? Pregnant? You just yakked!” I shook my head, smiling. “How on earth could you think of food right now?”

She laughed. “I haven’t been able to get pregnant in at least twenty years . . . you know that, Rick. I just love my prime rib!” She looked out the window. “Besides, I feel better now.”

“All right. If you say so!”

I put the car into reverse and backed out of the driveway. She always had an appetite when it came to prime rib. I was pretty confident that even on her deathbed she’d be willing to get up if it meant she would get to eat prime rib.

“How much are you thinking?” she asked as we came up on our exit on the freeway.

“The usual,” I replied.

“Two hundred?” she asked.

“Yeah,” I replied.


We always agreed on a set amount to spend at the casino before we got there. There wasn’t any pride in my gambling. I knew it wasn’t exactly the right thing to be doing as a born-again Christian, but I enjoyed it. I wrote the time off as entertainment. It was a date night for us, I’d tell myself. It builds our relationship, I’d insist to myself. Some people went to movies, some had expensive cars, and we had the casino.



Arriving at our hotel room on the fourth floor of the North Bend Casino and Resort, I set our bags down on the floor, near the corner of the room. The heater suddenly kicked on, and I looked over to see Susan tinkering with the thermostat.

“It’s fine in here, don’t turn it on,” I said, going over toward her.

“It’s freezing!” she insisted.

“Compared to what?” I asked. “We don’t keep the thermostat higher than 70 degrees at home.”

“It’s a vacation, Rick. You don’t have to worry about the bill here.” She smiled as she headed into the bathroom. “You ready to go eat?” she shouted from behind the door.

I lay down on the bed and kicked my shoes off, expecting her to take a while getting ready. I grabbed the remote and called back to her, “Yeah, we can go whenever.” Turning on the TV, I began to endlessly flip through the channels.

Not even five minutes later, she came out of the bathroom and was ready to go. “Aren’t we leaving?” she asked.

“Yeah. I didn’t know how long it was going to take you, dear.” Turning my eyes back to the TV, I shut it off and got up from the bed.

Out in the hallway, Susan’s eyes filled with excitement as we headed toward the elevators. I grabbed her hand and pulled her close to me. As we walked, I sang softly into her ear, “Have I told you lately that I love you?” Susan began to hum along with me.

Susan was my only true love, the mother of our child, and my best friend. Everything in the world could fall apart without affecting me, but if I didn’t have her, I’d have nothing.



After dinner, as we were going back into our room, Susan grabbed her stomach with one hand and hit a wall with the other to hold herself up. “Ahhh . . .” She moaned as she bent over.

“Your stomach? I thought you felt better. Maybe eating wasn’t such a good idea.”

“Quit talking about it and help me, please . . .” she whimpered as she leaned into the wall. My steps shuffled over to her, and I grabbed her arm to help her to the bed. Suddenly, she breathed a few quick breaths and then ran into the bathroom. Cringing at the sounds on the other side of the bathroom door, I leaned against the door and waited a few moments for her to come out. Then, I lay down on the bed and turned on the TV.

Sometime later—it’s hard to say exactly when—Susan came out of the bathroom. She looked like death as she wobbled over to the bed and crash landed face-first into a pillow. Her hair was frazzled and her eyes drooped. She looked exhausted.

“You need anything?” I asked.

She stayed silent, which was rare. I knew whatever she had going on was bad.

I got up from the bed and went over to our bags on the floor. Opening up the duffle bag, I grabbed her favorite blanket she’d had for nearly a decade and covered her up. Lying back down on my side of the bed, I continued to watch the 1984 World Series on the classic sports channel.

Susan raised her face up from the pillow and pushed back a few strands of hair from her eyes. “Just go, dear,” she said, before collapsing her head back into the pillow.


“Just go play,” she said in a muffled voice from the pillow. “I’m not going to be playing tonight, honey. I’m sorry.”

I turned off the TV and sat up, turning toward her. “I’m sorry you’re not feeling well, dear. I want to stay here with you in case you need anything. I don’t need to play.”

“Go play. I want to lie in silence and rest,” she replied.

“Okay.” Getting off the bed, I grabbed a room key from the desk below the TV and came around to her side of the bed. Bending my knees slightly, I pulled her mess of hair back behind her ear and kissed her cheek.

“Win big,” she said in a sickly tone, trying to sound enthused.

I smiled. Brushing my fingers through her hair, I asked, “Do you want a soda or anything before I leave?”

She looked at me with one eye closed. “That’d be great, dear.”

I nodded. “Okay. I’ll be right back.”

Returning a few minutes later, I poured her a cup of the lemon-lime soda I got from the vending machine down the hall and put a straw in it. I set it next to her on the night stand.

“Dear . . .” I said in a soft whisper to see if she was awake.

No response. She was already out cold.

I bent over the bed and kissed her forehead once more. “I love you,” I said. Tip-toeing as quietly as possible, I headed out of the room and down the hallway to the elevators.

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