A Million Kisses or More (19 page)

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Authors: A.C. Warneke

BOOK: A Million Kisses or More
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“Ana?” he said softly, gently stroking her arms, hesitant to ask what he wanted to ask.

Her blood started to pound through her veins, making her pulse pound in her head because she knew what was coming. She could feel the warmth in her cheeks as she squeaked, “Yeah?”

“Was I your first?”

“Technically, yes,” she admitted. At his confused look, she blushed so hot, she feared her face was going to burst into flame. “In college, being surrounded by a ton of horny kids, I was curious but there wasn’t anyone that I wanted and then I spent time with Asher and I still didn’t want anyone, especially some drunk frat boy, so I bought myself a… toy. I took my own virginity.”

She felt his cock twitch against her stomach and she jerked her head back. His lips were parted and he was almost panting as his grip on her arms tightened briefly. “How often did you pleasure yourself?”

Her breath hitched in her throat because she was as turned on as she was embarrassed, “More than I care to admit and even more after I discovered your books.”

“You fucked yourself to my words?” he asked in a low growl.

“Yes?” she managed, unable to get enough oxygen to her brain. Licking her lower lip, she added, “But the reality is a thousand times… no, a million times better.”

“Jesus, I want you so much right now,” he breathed. “I want to use that toy on you and bring you to heights of such exquisite ple….”

“Jolie’s home,” she whispered, staring at his lips, wanting them on her skin. He closed his eyes and it was fascinating to see him bring himself down. If it were just the two of them, she would have run across the street and grabbed her devirginator and handed it over with a smile on her face.

He took a deep breath and when he looked at her, he was almost back to normal. Bringing her hand up to his lips, he placed a kiss on it as he asked, “So, you dated Asher?”

“A long time ago,” she said, trying to adjust to the new conversation. “And if it’s any consolation, you’re a far superior kisser.”

Brushing his thumb over her lower lip, he said in a rough whisper, “I don’t like the idea of your lips touching anyone else’s.”

“And I don’t like the idea of your dick in anyone else’s vagina,” she countered.

“That’s not something you really have to worry about.”

“Likewise,” she told him, going up on her toes and leaning against his chest as she pressed a kiss against the corner of his mouth. Drawing her fingers up his chest, she added, “My lips belong to you and only you.” She kissed the other corner of his mouth as she draped her arms around his neck. Lowering her voice, she murmured, “Do you want breakfast?”

His hands smoothed over her bottom, her bare bottom, and he let out a low growl, “I could go for seconds.”

“Jolie is upstairs,” she reminded him once again in a soft voice. He grabbed the tail of the shirt and jerked it down, making her laugh. “In fact, I should probably go get dressed.”

“And I should get my daughter,” he said, sighing in resignation that he wasn’t going to be getting seconds right then and there. “I wonder what the hell Asher had been thinking, bringing Jolie home when I have to work tonight.”

Ana gave him a look that it was pretty obvious what was going through his cousin’s mind and Harrison heaved another sigh, “Right. Well, go get dressed and Jolie and I will make you breakfast.”

Her eyes lit up and she grinned, “Really?”

“Just don’t expect anything more impressive than a bowl of cereal and maybe some eggs,” he warned her. He gave her a quick kiss before he smacked her on the ass and left the kitchen.

With a stupid grin on her face, she touched her stinging butt cheek before she raced after him since she had to go to his bedroom for clothes. Passing him at the top of the stairs, she said, “I’ll be out in a minute.”

He chuckled as he disappeared into Jolie’s room. She heard the muffled sound of his voice followed by the higher pitch of Jolie’s before she closed the door and tried to find something to wear. But first, she took a quick, five minute shower. Pulling on a pair of his sweatpants and probably the same flannel shirt she had borrowed before, she wondered what, if anything, Asher was planning. She wondered why he was chasing after her since he was young, handsome, and disturbingly wealthy, and he could have any girl he wanted. Well, except for her, which was probably reason enough for someone who had never before been refused.

Shrugging it off, realizing that she’d probably never know for sure, nor did she want to, she headed back downstairs wearing Harrison’s clothes. Her hair was damp but she felt so much better now that she had washed off Asher’s touch.

A few minutes later, the three of them were in the kitchen, Jolie and Ana at the table while Harrison tried to fry up some eggs. With his back towards her, he asked, “So, what are your plans for Thanksgiving?”

“I haven’t really made any,” she admitted. She usually spent the holiday with her grandparents but they were taking a cruise this year so she hadn’t really thought about Thanksgiving at all. “Why?”

“Well, I was wondering if you’d like to spend it with us,” he said and she swore she could see color creep up the nape of his neck.

“With you and Jolie?” she asked, her stomach fluttering madly in nervousness and delight.

“Yes,” he said and she almost let out the breath she had been holding. But then he quickly added, “And my parents and brothers and sister-in-law. My little sister if she makes it home from college. My aunt and uncle and my cousins. And maybe a few friends and co-workers.”

“Do you think that would be a good idea?” she asked, glancing at Jolie even though the little girl had no idea about what had happened just a few minutes before.

“I think it’s a wonderful idea,” Jolie beamed. “You can make pie.”

“Only if you help,” she said, the tension of the unanswered question tightening her spine. Focusing on baking involved, she said, “We can make pumpkin pie, apple pie, mincemeat pie – whatever the heck that is, the works.”

“Oh, now you have to come,” Harrison said from the stove, scraping some burnt eggs onto a plate. Looking at the plate with a grimace, he picked it up and dumped the contents into the trash can before he went back and started on a second batch. “Mom usually just orders the food so having homemade pies is going to be a treat for everyone. Are you sure it isn’t too much work?”

“As long as Jolie helps, I’m sure we’ll manage….” Her words trailed off as she thought about his confession. “Wait, do you mean your mom orders all of the food or just the pies?”

Looking at her over his shoulder, he admitted, “All of the food. She’s an awful cook.”

Catching her lower lip between her teeth, she considered the wisdom of her next words before she spoke them anyway, “We could make dinner. Well,
can make dinner.”

He spun around at that, his lips parted in amazement, “You can do that?”

Honestly, she had no idea. Her forte was desserts but she was willing to try, especially if it meant impressing Harrison’s family. Of course, if she failed, she might alienate them to the point of no return and they’d ban her from dating their son.

Jesus, he was nearly thirty; he could date whomever he chose.

“Absolutely,” she said with such conviction, she almost believed it herself. How hard could it be? Throw a turkey into the oven, make various side dishes, which she’d have to look up online, and hope everything came out at the same time. “How many people are we cooking for?”

“Well….” He paused, mentally adding everyone up. “All together, maybe… fifteen? Twenty?”

Her stomach dropped to the floor and if she hadn’t already been sitting, she was fairly certain she’d be on the floor with it. Keeping her smile locked in place, she squeaked, “No problem.”

It was going to have to be a huge turkey and she was going to need to make lots of side dishes.

Turning back to his second attempt at making eggs, Harrison let out a massive yawn, reminding Ana that he should be sleeping. Standing up, she went over to the stove and grimaced when she saw the mess in the pan. “How on earth did you manage to burn
undercook the eggs?”

“I have no idea,” he said with another yawn.

“Well, I’ll get you something edible and then I’ll tuck you into bed,” she crooned, pushing his hair out of his eyes and seeing the dark circles beneath. “Jolie and I can figure out the Thanksgiving menu.”

“Ana, you’ve gotten just as much sleep as me,” he protested even as he let her lead him over to the table and set him down next to Jolie.

“I’ll have a cup of coffee or something,” she said, waving away his concerns. While she’d be tired, she didn’t wield a gun for her job. Plus, she’d be able to go to bed early since she didn’t work that night. Turning back to the counter, she sighed as she grabbed a few boxes of cereal and set them on the table. Since there were already bowls and milk on the table, she sat down and poured some sugary cereal into her bowl.

Poor Harrison was practically falling asleep where he sat, even though he tried valiantly to stay awake. Even Jolie noticed, saying, “Daddy, you need to go to bed.”

“Yeah,” he murmured, his eyes heavy as he gave a sleepy smile. It was amazing to Ana that he had had so much energy just a half hour before when he was screwing her on the table but now he was the walking dead. He managed to stand up but then he seemed to forget what he was doing as he stood there and blinked.

Without a second thought, Ana stood up as well and wrapped an arm around his waist. His arm came down heavily around her shoulders as she smiled at Jolie, “I’ll be right back, sweetie.”

“Good night, Jolie,” Harrison managed, bending down and placing a sweet kiss on the top of his daughter’s head. If it weren’t for Ana, he probably would have stayed there and slept the day away. “When you’re done, you can watch some cartoons, okay sweetie?”

Jolie gave him the sweetest smile as she nodded and went back to her breakfast.

“Come on, handsome,” Ana grunted, taking more and more of his weight as she ushered him out of the kitchen and up the stairs to his room. As soon as the door closed, he suddenly spun them around until her back was against the door and his body was against hers. She was too lost in his kiss to question his astonishing burst of energy. His fingers slid into her hair until he was cradling her skull and then his lips were on hers. When he kissed along her jaw, she gasped, “Harrison.”

Instead of answering, he devoured her neck before unbuttoning her shirt and slowly kissed his way down her body. Her legs turned to gelatin and if it weren’t for the door behind her, she would have fallen to the floor. Harrison’s lips were hot against her skin as he kissed her ribs, her stomach. She felt him tug at her pants and when they were at her feet, he growled, “Step.”

Somehow she found the strength to lift her legs, first one and then the other, letting him strip her bare. His strong hand wrapped around her ankle, scorching her with its heat. Slowly, oh so slowly, he dragged his hand up her leg, trailing wet, heated kisses behind. When he reached the juncture of her thighs, he buried his nose against her sex and inhaled deeply. Putting her leg over his shoulder, he clasped her ass and pulled her body towards him as he buried his tongue in her pussy.

The things he did with his tongue… the things she felt…. She was pretty sure what he was doing was illegal but, god, it felt fucking amazing. Burying her fingers in his thick hair, she tilted her head back and closed her eyes, absorbing every sensation of his tongue on her sensitive sex. His unshaven jaw rasped against her tender flesh, burning her skin raw with pleasure the likes of which she had never experienced before. She knew she’d be sore afterwards but at the moment she wanted more. He pushed a finger into her, a second, a third, until she was stretched out before him and nearly mad with passion. Her hips jerked against his face, looking for that tiny little something that would push her over the edge.

He was marking her, claiming her as his, and she didn’t care because she
his, had always been his. When she came, she had to press her knuckles between her teeth to keep from screaming and waking the dead.

As he stood up, his body moved against hers until his face was right in front of her. With his mouth glistening, he kissed her hard, almost punishingly, before he pulled back and growled, “You’re mine, Ana.”

“Yes,” she gasped, unable to catch her breath, tasting herself on her lips after Harrison’s bruising kiss.

He studied her face and after a moment, he turned his head away and said in a soft voice, “He talked about you, you know.”

“Lies and exaggerations,” she blurted, her heart fluttering madly in her chest. Trying to ignore it, she concentrated on his pulse, the strong, steady rhythm pounding along his throat.

“I thought he had made you up,” he continued. Facing her, he added, “The way he talked about you… I thought you couldn’t possibly exist.”

Tilting her head back, she arched an eyebrow in a silent question. Cupping her cheek, he smiled at her, a smile tinged with sadness and regret. “Whenever anyone asked him when he was going to get married, he always said,
‘I’m waiting for Annie.’
It became a family joke only it’s not funny anymore because
Annie and I’m not willing to let you go.”

“I’m yours, Harrison,” she whispered, turning her head slightly to kiss his palm while still holding his eyes. “I think I have been since before we met. I just hadn’t known it because, well, we hadn’t met yet.”

He smiled at her but the sorrow was still in his eyes and she didn’t understand. But then he yawned and shook his head, dispelling the moment. “I should get some sleep. If you want, I can drive Jolie over to my parents so you don’t have to watch her.”

“Harrison,” she scolded. “I love watching her. It’s really not a problem.”

“I do appreciate it,” he murmured, pushing himself away from her and stumbling over to the bed. Like a shadow, she followed after him, unable to stay away. She was completely naked and spent while he still had his clothes on and yet it felt right. He made her feel like a goddess, worshiping all of her body with all of his and one day she would banish the shadows and doubt that lingered in the back of his eyes.

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