A Passion Most Pure

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Authors: Julie Lessman

Tags: #Fiction, #Religious, #Romance, #Historical, #General, #Christian

BOOK: A Passion Most Pure
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To the man who pleases him, God gives wisdom, knowledge and happiness, but to the sinner he gives the task of gathering and storing up wealth to hand it over to the one who pleases God. This too is meaningless, a chasing after the wind.
Ecclesiastes 2:26 NIV


Sisters are overrated, she decided. Not all of them, of course, only the beautiful ones who never let you forget it. Faith O'Connor stood on tiptoe behind the side porch, squinting through her mother's prized lilac bush. The sound of summer locusts vibrated in her ears as she gasped, inches from where her sister, Charity, stood in the arms of-

"Collin, someone might hear us," Charity whispered.

"Not if we don't talk," Collin said. His index finger stroked the cleft of her sister's chin.

Faith's body went numb. The locusts crescendoed to a frenzy in her brain. She wanted to sink into the freshmown lawn, but her feet rooted to the ground as firmly as the bush that hid her from view.

Three years had done nothing to diminish his effect on her. He was grinning, studying her sister through heavy lids, obviously relaxed as he leaned against the wall of their wraparound porch. His serge morning coat was draped casually over the railing. The rolled sleeves of his starched white shirt displayed muscled arms snug around Charity's waist. Faith knew all too well that his clear, gray eyes held a maddening twinkle, and she heard the low rumble of his laughter when he pulled her sister close.

"Collin, nooooo ..." Charity's voice seemed to ripple with pleasure as her finger traced a suspender cinched to his pinstriped trousers.

"Charity, yes," he whispered, closing his eyes as he bent to kiss her.

Faith stopped breathing while his lips wandered the nape of her sister's neck.

Charity attempted a token struggle before appearing to melt against his broad chest. She closed her eyes and lifted her mouth to his, her head dropping back with the ease of oiled hinges.

Without warning, Collin straightened. A strand from his slicked-back hair tumbled across his forehead while he held her sister at arm's length. His expression was stern, but there was mischief in his eyes. "You know, Charity, your ploy doesn't work." His brows lifted in reprimand, making him appear far older than his twenty-one years. He adjusted the wide, pleated collar of her pink gabardine blouse. "You're a beautiful girl, Charity O'Connor. And I'm quite sure your doe-eyed teasing is most effective with the schoolboys that buzz around." His fingers gently tugged at a strand of her honey-colored hair before tucking it behind her ear. "But not with me." He lifted her chin to look up at him. The corners of his lips twitched. "I suggest you save your protest for them and this for me ..."

His dimples deepened when his lips eased into that dangerous smile that always made Faith go weak in the knees. In one fluid turn, he backed her sister against the wall, hands firm on her shoulders as his mouth took hers. Then, in a flutter of Faith's heart, he released her.

On cue, Charity produced a perfect pout, stamping her foot so hard it caused her black hobble skirt to flair at her ankles. Collin laughed out loud. He kissed her on the nose, grabbed his coat, and started down the steps.

"Collin McGuire, you are so arrogant!" Charity hissed through clenched teeth.

"And you, Charity O'Connor, are so vain-a perfect match, wouldn't you say?" He headed for the gate, whistling. Charity stormed inside and slammed the door. Collin chuckled and strolled toward the sidewalk.

Faith crept to the lilac hedge at the front of the house and peeked through its foliage. A stray ball from a rowdy game of kick ball rolled into the street. Collin darted after it just as a black Model T puttered by, blaring its horn. He jumped from its path, palming the ball with one hand. In a blink of an eye, he was swarmed by little boys, their laughter pealing through the air as Collin wrestled with one after another.

All at once he turned and loped to a massive oak where tiny, towheaded Theodore Schmidt sat propped against the gnarled tree, crutches by his side. Raucous cheers pierced the air when Collin tossed his coat on the ground and bent to carefully hoist Theo astride his broad shoulders. The little boy squealed with delight. A grin split Collin's handsome face. He gripped Theo's frail legs against his chest and sauntered toward home plate. Scrubbing his palms on Theo's faded, brown knickers, Collin dug his heels in the dirt and positioned himself. The pitcher grinned and rolled the ball. The air was thick with silence. Even the locusts seemed to hush as the ball wheeled in slow motion. Faith held her breath.

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